» Juvenile Fiction » Forever SoulMates, Selena F. [best books to read for students .TXT] 📗

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“No. I won’t do it. There have to be another way.” Addanc looks at me with intensity in his eyes as he crushed the glass cup. In a second, Addanc grab me by my throat and put me against the wall. I couldn’t breathe as he lift me from the ground.

“If you don’t, your father dies and you stay with me forever. You want that?!” He let go of me and start brushing himself off. I fell to the ground gasping for air. “You have until you leave that house. Don’t fail.” He snap his finger.



 I sat up gasping for air. Drake held me to him as I start to cough. Ana held my hand as she was crying.

“Lea, don’t scare us like that again.” Ana said. I couldn’t really say anything because of my throat was in pain.

Caleb lean toward me. “What happen to your neck? It looks like someone was choking you.” I could barely speak. Instead, I start crying.

“No more surprise party for you, Lea. Drake, get Lea to her room.” Mrs. Knight said. Drake nodded and was about to pick me up, but Tiffany stop him.

“What about the movies? We were supposed to go.” She said.

“We can go next time.” He said

“But Drake…”

“Stop Tiffany. Lea was just woken up from being dead. I’m going to worry about her.”

“Of course you make her the victim.”

“That’s because she is the victim.”

“What about me? Are you going to always put her first?”


“Don’t ‘Tiffany’ me. Let your family take care of her. Come on Drake.”

“Tiffany, I said no.”

“Why are you so worried about her so much?! She is just a human!” Everyone went quiet and look at Tiffany.

“What the hell your problem? Lea just died and all you doing is worrying about yourself! So, don’t talk about Lea like that!!” Caroline said as she took a step toward Tiffany.

“Stay out of this.” Tiffany said.

“Lea is part of this family. So like Caroline said before, don’t you dare talk about Lea like that.” Gabriella said.

Tiffany start laughing. “The last time I check, she was so much more. Isn’t that right Lea?” Tiffany said as she look at me. Crystal tried to attack Tiffany, but Nicholas stop her.

“I want you to leave now!” Mr. Knight said. Tiffany look at Drake.

“Drake, you going to let him kick me out like that?!” Tiffany said as she gotten angry. I just had enough.


“Stop!!” I yelled. My voice was hoarse, but I was loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone start looking at me. “Stop fighting! You’ll shouldn’t be arguing like this! I can defend myself!” I tried to get up, but I end up falling again. Drake tried to help me but I move away from him. “Don’t touch me. I got this. Go with Tiffany. You promise her to go to the movies, then go to the movies. Have fun.”

“Lea…” Drake said.

“Stop! Please just stop.” I look at Tiffany and she smile. Everyone watches as I gotten up and uses all my strength to get upstairs. As soon as I was in my room, I slam the door shut, lock it, and slid to the floor as I broke down crying. All I can remember is what Addanc said.

‘You have until you leave that house. Don’t fail.’

Chapter 17


After crying for a while, I was finally able to calm down. Mrs. Knight came into my room and sat beside me on the bed.


“Hey sweetheart, how you doing?” She ask as she sat on the bed beside me.

“I’m fine. In a little pain, but that’s all.” I said

“We were so worried about you. I can’t believe you drop dead like that. I don’t get you humans.”

“I wasn’t dead for that long.”

“Not to you, but you were dead for half an hour.”

“What?!” I sat up quickly. “What you mean I was dead for half an hour? It didn’t seem that long.”

“Well…it was. We were almost about to call that Sarah girl, but you woke up just in time. What happened to you?” I was about to tell her about Addanc, but I changed my mind. I don’t want to put them in danger.

“I really don’t know. All I remember is blacking out.” I lied

“How you get that mark on your neck? I don’t remember that mark being there.”

“I’m just breaking out. That’s all.”

“It looks like a bruise to me.”

“How things going with Tiffany and Drake?” I said as I change the subject.

“Tiffany is pissed. She left out here speaking in some type of language that I don’t understand.”

“I thought Tiffany and Drake went to the movies.”

“They didn’t. Drake wanted to stay here and make sure you’re okay. I never seen him care about girl like that before. The way he looks at you…I can’t describe it. He act different around you. You really got to him.”

“Maybe he just want to protect me because he think of me as a little sister.”

“Maybe…maybe not. He probably have a secret crush on you.” Mrs. Knight said as she start laughing.

“Maybe.” I said as I laugh nervously.

“Anyways… do you want anything to eat?”

“No thanks.”

“Okay. I’ll let you rest. Crystal and Sabrina would be checking on you time to time to make sure you’re not… well… you know what I mean.”

“Yea.” Mrs. Knight gave me a hug.

“I am so happy I was able to meet you. I know your mother must be very proud of you… speaking of your mother.” Mrs. Knight leans back and took out my locket out of her pocket. Tears fill my eyes.

“You found it?”

“Not really. It was sent to the house by anonymous person. I don’t know how they gotten my address to my house, but I recognize the locket. I knew it was yours instantly as I look at the picture inside.” I turn around as she put the locket on. “Now it is where it belong.” I smile and turn around as I gave her a hug.

“Thank you so much.”

“You welcome.” She said as she hug me back. She stood up and walk to the door.

“Good night sweetheart.”

“Good night.” Mrs. Knight left out the bedroom. I lean back in bed and close my eyes. Today was crazy for me. I really do need some sleep. Maybe sleeping would help me get my mind off of Addanc. After a few minutes, I eventually start falling asleep, but every time I’m half asleep, Crystal and Sabrina would take turn waking me up to make sure I was alive. So I decided to watch some TV to keep myself occupied. But it didn’t. All I could think about is the deal with Addanc. I wipe the tears away as I remembered what he said.


‘I want you to break his heart. Make him hurt.’

My heart hurt as I was thinking about it. I tried thinking about something else, but I couldn’t, so I turn off the TV and left the room. It sound like everyone was asleep, so I went downstairs to the kitchen. I cut me a piece of apple pie and microwave it. As soon as it was done, I took it out, poor me a glass of milk, and grabbed me a fork as I sat down at the table. Peter came down the stairs.


“Lea… what are you doing awake?” Peter asked

“I couldn’t sleep.”

“Me neither. Oh… that looks good. You eating that?” I was about to say something, but he took my fork and ate a piece of my pie. “Mm… this is so delicious.”

“I bet it is. You can have it.”

“Are you sure?”

‘Sigh’ “Yes.” I slid the plate to him as he sat down across from me.

“Thanks. You’re so nice.” He took another bite of the pie.

“No problem.” I was about to grab for my milk, but Peter took that too.

“Now, why couldn’t you sleep?” I smooth my hair back.

“I had a lot on my mind.”

“Me too.” He sighs and took another bite of the pie. When I didn’t say anything, he looks at me. “Are you going to ask why?”

I groan. “Why you have a lot on your mind?”

“I don’t know. I’m so confused,”


“Well… I broke up with Alexandra while you was dead.” I start blushing.


“Do you want to know why?”

‘Sigh’ “Why?”

“I know you probably surprised… I’m surprised too.”


“I’m gay. I know. I know. Such a shock. I hid it for too long.”

“Oh really.” I tried really hard not to laugh.

“Yes.  I know. I paid Alexandra to be my girlfriend to prove to my family that I’m not gay, but I couldn’t hide it anymore.”

“That’s good Peter. How did your family react when you told them?” He frown as he took a sip of milk. When he put the cup down, he finally looks at me.

“They said ‘finally’ and laughed.” This time, I couldn’t stop myself. I laughing and lean back in my seat.

“I’m sorry. That was funny.”

“It’s okay.” Peter finishes the pie and drank the rest of the milk. “It is nice to talk to you Lea. I feel much better.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Peter came to me and gave me a hug.

“I’m sorry about your pie, but it was good.” I smile.

“It’s okay.”

“Now excuse me. I have a date tomorrow.”

“Oh… Who’s the lucky guy?”

“His name is Derek. He’s a vampire. I met him at Gabriella’s fashion show.”

“Do you like him?” Peter’s face start to turn a little pink. “Are you blushing?” Peter sat beside me.

“To be honest, yes. He is cute and funny… but I’m also nervous.”


“I think I might mess up this date.”

“No you won’t.”

“How do you know?”

“Peter, you are a great guy. Just be yourself. If he don’t like it, then it’s his loss.”

“Thanks Lea. You made me feel so much better.”


“Good night.” Peter gave me a hug, then left.


‘Sigh’ I got up and cut me out another piece of pie. After I microwaved it, I pour me a cup of milk, then sat down. I heard a slam of a door from upstairs. Sabrina came downstairs angrily, but stop when she saw me. She sat down beside me.


“Hey Lea. What you doing up?” she said.

“I couldn’t sleep. What happened upstairs?”

“That pie looks good. You going to eat that?”

I groan and gave her the pie and a cup of milk. “Now tell me what happened upstairs?” Sabrina took a bite of the pie, then she start to cry.

“Nicholas and I got into a fight.”

“About what?”

“Everything. I tried talking to him, but it only get worse. I think I ended our relationship.”

“No. What was the argument about?”

“Our relationship. We have been dating for 3 years now and our relationship is not going anywhere.” I gave Sabrina a napkin to wipe her eyes. “Thank you.” She ate the rest of the pie and drank the rest of her milk.

“Do you feel better?”

“A little bit.” Sabrina sighs and lean her head on my shoulder. “Am I doing anything wrong?”


“Well it seems like I’m doing something wrong. I have been a perfect girlfriend. I loved him and put up with all his crap for this long and this what I have to deal with. I thought he loved me.”

“Don’t say that.” I look over Sabrina and see Nicholas coming down the stairs.

“Well, it’s true. If he loved me, he would have proposed. I want to be married and have kids of my own. Why can’t he just say

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