» Juvenile Fiction » Forever SoulMates, Selena F. [best books to read for students .TXT] 📗

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right in the eyes.

“Lea, answer the question. Please.”

‘Yes. He visited me again.”


“At my surprise party. While I was dead, he visited me.”

“About what?” Tears filled my eyes.

“He told me that I was born premature and didn’t have much time to live, so my Mom and Dad went to him. They had to sign a contract in order for him to cure me. They signed it but they didn’t read the small print on the bottom.”

“What was it?” I look away from Drake and use the clean napkin to wipe my tears. “Lea…” I look back at Drake. “What did it say?”

“It said, when I become older enough, they would have to give me to him to be with forever. If they don’t, they will suffer a serious consequence. Well… you know what happened.”

“Why is he still messing with you?”

“Dad is still alive, that mean the deal is still on.” Drake eyes darken as he stood up quickly.

“I’m going to kill him.” I stood up and went to Drake.

“Calm down Drake. You don’t know what you are saying.”

“I do.”

“Well don’t. He will kill you. You don’t know who you coming up against.”

“Lea, I’m not going to sit here and let him do this to you.”

“See… that’s why I didn’t want to tell you in the first place. I knew you was going to act this way.”

“Like what?”

“Over protective. I know what I’m doing.”

“Oh really.”


“If you know what you doing, then why are you so scared?”

“I’m not scared. I’m going through a lot right now. So, instead of worrying about me, you should worry about Tiffany.”

“Why in every argument, you always bring her up?”

“Because she is your girlfriend, that’s why?”

“There’s more to this. Is there anything going on between you two?”

“No Drake. I just want you to stop worrying about me.”

“Lea, you are a human. You can easily be killed by him. So, what is his name?”

“I can’t tell you that.”

“Why not?”

“Because he is dangerous. Please Drake. Just forget about it. I don’t want to lose you too.” Drake face soften.

“Lea. You not going to lose me.”

“You don’t know that. My Mom told me the same thing and look at her now. She is dead.” Drake pulled me in for a hug.

“Lea, you not going to lose me. I just want to know his name. That’s all.”

“I can’t… Sorry.” I move away from Drake and went to Ginger. She smile.

“Did you’ll pick a cake?” Ginger asks

“Yes. The red velvet cake.” I said

“Good choice.” Drake came in.

“Lea…” he said. I groan.

“I said no.”  I said

“Lea, duck!!”


Before I could ask why, someone crash through the window. Ginger left and I went under the table while Drake fought them. They were vampires. Every time Drake would kill, more guys would come through the windows. Even though I was still scared, I watch with interest as he fought. With one of the vampires, Drake twisted their necks off. Another vampire came in and tried to get Drake from behind, but Drake quickly turned around and grab the man head. He squeezed until I heard a wet crack. The man fell to the ground. I moved back, but a vamp pop up in front of me. I scream as he quickly grab me and ran. He carried me over his shoulder and ran to this black van. He put me down and tried to tie me up, but I bit his hand. He let go and I tried to crawl away, but he grabbed my foot and drag me back. He tied a cloth over my mouth to keep me from screaming.

“You are so lucky that he wants you alive because I would kill you after doing that to me.” He said as he tied my hands and feet in order to put me in the van. As soon as the van door shut, the van start moving. Tears fill my eyes as I look around. I tried to get my hand free, but the rope was too tight. As soon as the car stop, the guy who was driving climb to the back and went to me. He kept his mask on, but I can still see his eyes and mouth and he was smiling.


“I really couldn’t help myself. Boss can wait a few minutes.” He said. Tears starts running down my cheek as he start touching me. “Don’t cry.” He tore off my shirt and stared at me with desire. “Now I know why Drake is so into you.” He was about to unbutton my pants, but the door was pulled out.

“Don’t you even dare touch her!!” Drake said. His shirt was bloodied. His eyes were pure black. In his eyes, all I can see is anger. Drake pulled the man out the van. Drake grab him by the shirt and repeatedly punched him until he went limp. Now all the man was doing is coughing up blood and groaning in pain. Drake took off the man’s mask and lift the man up. “Who sent you guys?”

“I’m not telling you nothing.”  He said weakly. Drake punched the man in the face again, then picked him up.

“I said, who sent you?” The man spit in Drake’s face. Drake start to smile, but it wasn’t a nice one. “Very clever.” He punched his fist through the guy’s chest. He screamed on the top of his lungs. I never seen this side of Drake before. I was a little scared right now. “Now it is your choice. Would you rather tell me who you are working for or I can just rip your heart out? You choose."

“I don’t know... I swear… I never seen his face…”

“What you mean that you don’t see his face?”

“All we hear is his voice when he give us orders. They call him ‘the demon’. He has the power to give or take away a life.” I froze when he said that. Drake lets go of the man and steps back. The man starts panting and holding on to his chest. Drake looks back at me, then back at the man.

“What he want with her?”

“I don’t know. All he told us is where she was and to bring her with us alive. He didn’t tell us anything else.”

“Are you lying to me?”

“No. I swear I’m not.” Drake lean toward the man.

“If I find out that you are lying to me and see you or your men around here again, then I will kill every last one of you. You understand?”


“Fine. Go.”

“I can’t go back there. They will kill me.”

“Not my problem.” Drake said as he got up and went to me. His eyes was back to normal. As soon as he was able to untie me, I see the man running toward Drake. Before I get to tell Drake, he turned around quickly and twisted the man’s neck. He fell to the ground. Drake turned back to me.


“Are you okay?” he asked me

“Yes. Just a couple of bruises. That’s all.” I said breathlessly. Drake nodded and helped me out the van.

“Let me get you out of here.” He said as he picked me up and ran. In a few minutes, we were in front of the house. When he put me down, he open up the door. It was quiet in the house. Drake went to the phone and start calling someone. I went upstairs and took a hot shower. I was still shaken up about what happened earlier. As soon as I was done, I put on my night gown and sat in front of the fireplace in my room. Drake came in with two mugs. He gave me one. He wince in pain as he sat down.

“Where is everyone?” I ask

“They are doing errands. Also, I called Ginger. She said don’t worry about the shop. She knows a spell that will clean it up. She will have the wedding cake delivered to the house by the time of the wedding.”

“That’s good.” I took a sip of the drink in the mug, which was herbal tea. I look at Drake and it looks like he is in pain. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Just a little wound, that’s all.” I put the mug down.

“Let me see.”

“Lea, I’m fine.”

“Drake. Let me see.” He sigh and put the cup down. He took off his jacket, then shirt. I was caught off guard that I start to blush. I can see Drake smiling with satisfaction. After calming down, I finally was able to see what’s wrong. He had this wound on his side. It was bruised, bleeding, and swollen.

“Drake, what happened?!”

“Lea, calm down it will heal.”

“That is still not answering the questions.” Drake sigh

“I was staked.”

“Drake… I thought you heal faster than normal vampires?”

“I do, but he used broken chair leg, so there might be pieces of it in me.”

“I’m going to clean it up.” I got up and went to the bathroom.

“Lea, this is not necessary.” I came back with the first aid kit, lighter, and tweezers. Drake raised an eyebrow as I sat down. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to mend your wound.” I turn on the lighter and let it heat up the tweezers.

“Who taught you this?”

“My grandmother. Now hold still.” I said as I use the tweezers to pull out the wood. While I was working, Drake did not mover or make a sound. I look up to see if Drake was still awake. He was, but he was looking right at me. I look down and blushed as I kept working. “What?”

“When were you going to tell me about the deal you made with Addanc?”

“I don’t know what you talking about.”

“Lea, I’m serious. All this time, I thought you were trying to rush me into this relationship with Tiffany, but you really doing is completing a deal with the devil.” I ignored him and cleaned off his wound. After I was done, I put gauze on it. “Lea… say something.”

“Now your wound will heal fast.” I said as I stood up and threw away the trash. When I put the stuff away, I turn around and see Drake in front of me.

“Don’t change the subject.”

“What you expect me to say? You shouldn’t be reading my thoughts in the first place.”

“Why did you agree to the deal? Lea, you can’t change the way I feel about you.”

“You don’t think I know that!” I closed my eyes to calm myself. As soon as I was calm, I open my eyes and look up at Drake. “I didn’t agree to the deal because of the way you feel about me.” I smooth my hair out my face as I sat down on the bed. Drake look down at me.

“Then why you do it?” Tears filled my eyes

“He didn’t give me no other choice. If I didn’t do the deal, I would be dead by now. I wouldn’t be here trying to explain myself to you.”

“Yes you did. You could have come to me. That guy killed my aunt. You don’t know how dangerous he is. He could have killed you.”

“And what would you do? You would have gotten angry and tried to find him. Then what?! You would be dead! My Mom tried to protect me and look what happened. She is dead! I just wish that everyone would stop protecting me. If that happen, Mom would still be alive.” That’s when I start to notice that I was crying. Drake sat next to me. I lean in as he gave me a hug. “It’s all my fault.”

“No.” Drake gave me a tissue to wipe my eyes.

“Yes it is. If Mom and Dad would have let me die, everything would be normal.”

“What is normal? My life wasn’t really that great until I met you.” I look up at Drake.

“Really?” I sniffled

“Yea Lea. Since you been here, you have been amazing. I’m so lucky to meet you.” Drake smooth my hair out my face.

“Thank you Drake.”

“No problem.” He kissed me on my forehead. Drake lean down keeping his eyes on me. “Don’t you ever feel that way again.

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