» Juvenile Fiction » Heaven and Hell, Emily F. Walton [romance novel chinese novels .TXT] 📗

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mini Van, but here I was, doing Just that. I was going to use it so that her parents could put all their luggage in it, and still fit anough people.

" why is it so important to you? any other girl you would have said tough shit and walked out." I growled.

" because, I'm trying to rack up rally points, ok?" she tilted her head to the side.

" why? tell me and I'll give you the Van, no matter what." I groaned.

" fine. there's this pool, so far it's a thousand some-odd dollars, who can get in her pants first. I wanna win. now, give me the damn keys." I said, snatching them from her now slack hand. I couldn't look at her face, I knew it was a mask of disgust.

" go. just go." she hissed, storming off.

" Just you?" I asked Heaven, suprised. she shook her head angrliy.

" yes. she won't get her ass out of bed." I gave her a look as we pulled out.

" you cuss alot for a shy kid." I commented. she shrugged. it was silent till she suddenly reached for the radio. she flipped a few knobs, then grimaced.

" hold on." she plugged a Jack into the radio, then that into a huge Ipod. soon the Eagles was blaring through the speakers. she sighed, relaxing into the seat.

" thank you, for the ride." she siad, turning the music down so I could hear her. I nodded, Grinning.

" you know, your nice, kinda." she threw me an annoyed look.

" you know, your a Jackass, Kinda. Just a little lot, but anough to notice." I shook my head.

" a sarcastic shy girl. What happened to you?" I sighed.

" my brother. Jeremiah? well, he shot himself. Grace was home at the time, and I was the the store, buying supper. she said they'd argued before he did it, like, suverely. all she said was it was about me. he died." she siad it in a flat tone, not like her neutural one, but close anough to scare me.

" I'm sorry." I said, suprised I actually sounded like i meant the words. she shook her head.

" no, your not, but It's nice of you to act like it." she said, shaking her head again. before i said anything she turned her Ipod up again, and It was blaring The Steve Miller Band.

" hello, Heaven. or are you Grace? of course your Heaven. Grace never comes to pick us up." a blonde said, shrugging her bags to heaven, who held them plus the almsot bald mans that was with the blonde with ease. I picked up the ones they didn't, and the father gave me a funny look.

" oh, right. Mom, Dad, this is Diablo. he's new to the school. he offered me a ride when my car decided to run out of gas." they polietly said hello, but i could tell that neither of them liked me. we got to the mini-van and piled their stuff in the back. then Heaven and the blonde mother got in the back, while the father sat up front with me.



I laughed quite a few times on the way home. Diablo constantly had a scared/annoyed/ strangely polite look on his face that made me laugh. dad had the radio turned up so that we couldn't hear their conversation.

" so,How's Grace?" I shrugged. it was the first question she always asked, after the initual, you are the twin I think you are, right?

" she's ok. she started today, so she stayed home." I lied. any talk about stuff like that, she shivered delicately, then changed the subject. like now.

" do you think she'd like Italy?" I felt my eyes widen, then I sank into the seat. I knew what was coming next.

" yes, I think she would." I said softly. she beamed.

" great. then Grace can come with us when we leave tommorrow. I do expect you to keep up her tradiution and throw at least one party while we're gone." I sighed. It was said, but, sarcastically true. mom allowed us to throw parties while they were gone. she even left the key to her stash of booze on the counter for whoever wanted it.

" Ok. what do you want for lunch?" she shook her head.

" us and grace are going out all day. don't expect us back till late, ok?" I nodded mutely. Grace, as always, was the pet, and I the maid.

when we got to the house, they unloaded their stuff, with Graces help, while I walked ot the driver side window, which was already rolled down.

" thank you, really." Diablo shook his head, smiling.

" your dad is one nosy son-of-a-bitch, ain't he?" I smiled slightly.

" he can be. what did he want?" he shook his head.

" everything. who's your parents? no parents? sorry. who's your Guardian? do they know your skipping school with my girl? why did you voluenteer to drive my daughter? where you over last night? I hope not." he shrugged.

" an over protective dad." he finished as Grace pranced up.

" we're going to the French resturant downtown. wanna come?" HSe asked, fluttering her eyes stupidly. Diablo shrugged.

"sure. let me go home, change, and get some gas for Heaven." he said, throwing me a look.

" am I driving?" he asked, me instead of her. I smiled brightly.

" nope. my car sits four." he frowned.

" four?" I nodded, backing up, towards the house.

" I'm not going." I said, turning around and going inside. I heard him swear under his breath, and I laughed again. it was fun tormenting the devil.


" so, Diablo, are you, uh, Dating Grace?" Her dad asked from across the table. I smiled polietly, but Grace, who was next to me and running her hand up and down my leg again and again, nodded.

" yes, dad." I put my arm around the back of the both we were sitting at, smiling slightly.

" yes sir, I am." I was breathing through my mouth, mainly because Grace had so much hair spray in I could sufficate if I breathed through my nose. as it was, I could almost taste it in my mouth. for an odd reason, the memory of kissing Heaven and her sweet taste flooded my mind. I pushed it away as our food was given to us.

" so, do you have a Job yet?" the blonde mother asked. I shook my head.

" nope, not yet. I got here monday, and just started school yesterday." they both nodded.

" so, why'd you move here?" I sighed.

" when my parents died, they left the place that me and my sister are living at in the will to my grandmother. she died last month, and her will said that we had to live there, bcause she was givingthe house we were staying in to her friend." I shrugged nonchalantly.

" I'm sorry to hear that,Diablo." I like how parents did that. they never called me 'young man' it was always my name, becasue it was so odd, and so easy to remember. the mom turned to Grace, beaming.

" how much do you like Italian food?" she shrugged.

" as much as I like hawiian food." her mom nodded.

" so you'd like to go to Italy with me and your father?" Grace squealed, a very annoying sound.

" YES! when are we leaving?" the dad smiled at Graces reaction.

" tomorrow." SHe squealed again, right in my ear, making me flinch.

" I'll text Heaven and have her pack my bags. she isn't coming, is she?" I gave Grace a disbelieving look. don't they all go on vacations together?

" does Heaven ever go with us anywhere? Honsetly, we never take her anywhere." Grace nodded, and I shook my head.

" something wrong, Diablo?" I realized Heaven would be home, alone, for an immesurable amount of time. I chould smooze all I want. I grinned, just thinking about it.

" No, no problem at all."


saturday, after my parents and my sister left, I planned on laying down, perferably on my couch, which was softer than my bed. so I did.

I didn't think I'd wake up to this.

I was half asleep when a warm breeze washed over my legs, traveling from my ankles to my thighs, then back down to my knees, and back up. I shifted, slightly uncomftorable, and a ghostly laugh filled my room. I bolted up straight, only to be nose to nose with Diablo.

" what the Hell, Diablo?" he grinned, leaning foreward and letting his hands slide to my waist.

" What's the Matter?" he asked, leaning down even farther. apperently that wasn't close anough, because turned, and then was stradling my middle on the couch. I struggled to get him off, but he didn't move an inch.

" get the hell away from me, Devil!" I hissed, knowing it would tick him off. he growled, leaning foreward so i could smell the beer on his breath. He'd been drinking.

" What's wrong with you? IF any other girl woke up in the state you did, the'd already be out of there pants. and you don't react like them. you should've swooned a bizillion different times, and all you do is act ticked."

I growled, trying to swing at him. he sighed, then, in one fluid motion, swept my hands above my head, making it impossible to move them.

" I don't like you,, Back. off." I hissed.he shook his head angrliy.

" I don't get you! what is it about me you don't like?" I growled once again.

" your an overly self confiadent Jock, who's a jerk, and a dick. and, at the moment, a drunk." he grinned, shifing his weight so he could let go of my hands with one of his hands. to my suprise, I still wasn't able to get him to let go.he trailed his hand up my side, making my shirt ride up. his gaze froze where my skin showed a moment, then, to my suprise, he groaned and released me.

" I'm sorry. Your right. I'm a drunk. do you have somewhere I can lay down?" he asked softly in a pleading voice. I sat there suprised, till he rolled of my middle and onto the floor. I jumped up and helped him up, then let him lay down on the couch. I pulled the douvet on my bed off and gave it and my pillow to him ,then left to bet him a drink of water. when I got back upstairs, he was asleep.


when I woke up, a wonderful sent exploded in my nostrils, and it took me a minute to realize it was Heavens pillow. I sat up, disoriented and intoxicated, but in a good way, not like her sister.I sighed, running a hand over my eyes. I shouldn't have came here, but ym sister had kicked me out. said I was an over eager man-whore, or something like that. I'd already been drunk, so I just came here, got the key Grace had shown me, and came up here to find
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