» Juvenile Fiction » Heaven and Hell, Emily F. Walton [romance novel chinese novels .TXT] 📗

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up with me. I slowed down slightly, and he sighed.

" thanks. " I shot him a glance, but otherwise ignored him.

" so, what was it you wanted to talk about?" I finally asked, folding onto the ground in front of Jeremiahs grave, making him freeze, finally he sat next to me.


We sat in silence as I thought about how to say what I wanted to say.

while we were driving down here, I watched her. she had a messy bun in today, and she kept fiddling with it unconsiously. she also had on a pair of denim cut off kahki's, and a tye-dye tee shirt that was just a size too big. I couldn't figure out why I kept looking at her, when I should be thinking about why I came along. then, out of the blue, a thought accured to me.

I had that money in my car. why? why don't I give it away? I got it for doing something I wanted to do, something I would love to do again. But why?

my thoughts were really messing with me to day.

"Earth to Diablo, you going to talk, or did you come out here just to annoy me?" she asked suddenly. actually, I think she'd been saying it for a long time, and I was just too deep in thought.

" uh, yeah. I.. uh...Jeez, this is hard to explain...." I said, then groaned and sat my head on my folded arms, which were leaning on my knees. suddenly I had an Idea. I turned to face her, head still down. she was giving me a funny look.

" will you go to the new resturant in town with me, tomorrow night?" her eyes widened a split second with suprise, then narrowed in suspicion.

" which one? the one you went to with Grace and my parents?" i noticed how she avoided calling them her family.

" yes, but just me and you. and then, after that, maybe, a movie?" I asked impulsively. my bright Idea that I got was, instead of giving the money away, I'd spend it all on her.

" I don't think so." she siad flatly, turning away from me. I felt my mouth open slightly in shock. no one had ever told me no when I asked them out before.

"Why?" i asked, sitting up and moving closer to her. she stifened slightly, but stayed where she was .

" why what? why wont I go with you? Not every girl is going to do as you want them to. some of them are going to see your high and mighty attitude and refuse." she said in the neutral tone I hadn't heard in a while. I stared at her a second, then sighed, reaching over and pulling her against me. she stiffened even further, but again, didn't try to pull away.

" why do you think that?" I whispered in her ear.

" think what?" she asked, confused now. I sighed again, pulling back so I could rest our foreheads together. I realized I was making her really uncomftorable, so I pulled back a little, to where we weren't quite touching.

" why do you think I have an high and mighty attitude?" she was quiet for a long moment, and so was I. actually, I was trying not to hypervenalaite. she was so close, I could smell her skin, and with it brought back the taste of her lips from the night before. finally she groaned.

" because, Diablo, you do. you think you can do anything and get away with anything." she sounded like she wanted to say something more, but she bit her lip softly, and for some reason, that made me want to kiss her, bad.

so I did.

she made a suprised sound in the back of her throat as I pressed my lips gently against hers, but then she was kissing me back, perhaps even more entused then I had been. now that she was, though, al thoughts kind of flew out of my mind. suddenly she pulled back.

" why-"

" i'll go to the resturant with you, but I wont go to the movies." she said, smiling slightly. i grinned, nodding.

" great."


" So when am I allowed to kiss you in puplic?" diablo asked from the couch. we'd been together about two months now, but I'd told him we weren't allowd to act like we're 'together' in public. not because of me, though. he may not act like it, but he's in the 'in' crowd. so if he would officially date me, then he'd have a problem.

" I told you, you'd have a major problem with your friends if you-" he lurched up and tackled me to the floor, cutting me off.

" screw my friends. I want to be able to kiss you any time I want, not just here." he said, kissing me lightly. I sighed.

" but what if-"

" we wont know the what if's till we start them, will we?" I groaned, clsoing my eyes.

" but wont-"

' stop arguing with me, Heaven!" he hissed. I slammeed my mouth shut, and he groaned as well.

" Heaven, I just want to show you, and, hopefully the world, that your mine. got it?" i sighed, then nodded.

" alright, got it. but I-'' the front door slammed, and we scrambled up. Grace, tearstained cheeks and all, threw herslef at me and started sobbing as she hugged me tightly.

" Grace! aren't you supposed to be in italy?" she took a few deep breaths.

" not any more, mom and dad sent me back here! because of you!" she said, turning to diablo. I frowned as he backed up defensevely.

" what did i do?" he asked, glancing at me. she started crying again.

"you got me PREGNANT!" she screeched. his face went blank, as did mine.

" whoa, ok, hold on. Grace, why don't you go get a shower, and then we'll talk about this, ok?" I said softly. she nodded, still crying, and rushed upstairs. I turned to a still blank face diablo. a fact hit me so hard in the face that I should have fell over.

" we didn't use protection either, did we?"


crap. crap, crap, crap, CRAP!

I have no doubt Grace was pregnant, not after she showed us the pergnancy test she took. and she's positive it's mine, because I'm the only one she's slept with in a while.

no, what I'm worried about is if i'd gotten Heaven pregnant the one the one time I'd slpet with her. she went to the drug store to find out.

" why were you here when I showed up?" grace asked. iglanced at the window, wondering when Heaven would be coming back.

" I was checking on your sister. I promised your dad i would from time to time, and this was the first time i'd stop by. " I lied. she nodded, as Heaven pulled up. I took one look at her and knew- she was pregnant, too.

"G race, what exactly did mom and dad say?" Heaven asked as she came in. I tried to meet her gaze, but she avoided mine.

" mom said that since I was so irrisponsible, then I could come back here and live with the kids child. she said she'd call you soon to see if I'm still in the house, and to tell you to call the police if i am. your not going to make me leave, are you?" Grace pleaded. heaven was quiet for a long time. her look said she wanted to, but finally she sighed.

'" no, I'm not going to kick you out. but you need to settle a few things with mom first. like your allowance. we basically live off of it. and pay the bills and stuff." Grace rolled her eyes and curled up next to me. I glanced at heaven, but she was staring intently out the window. I sighed, putting an arm around grace relunctantly.

" mom said that you'd start getting my allowance.'' Heaven nodded, glancing at her watch.

'' I need to get ready for work. grace, would you get the clothes out of the dryer, and put the wash in there? if your staying around here your going to start to helping." grace nodded, standing up and giving me a quick kiss. in an instant I knew why Heavens kisses were so sweet.

she was inicent. she didn't have a few boys under her belt, she had me. and that was it. she was pure, she was honest, she was sincere. she was Heaven. as soon as Grace left, she tunred to me.

" I'm pregnant. and I'm sorry, but grace was first. your going have to be with her. you two can have the house, I'll send money every month, andI'll come get my stuff eventually. bye." she turned and ran outside, to her car. I bolted after her, but by the time I got to the door, she was pulling out into the street, tears pouring down her face.

sequel: My Angel Imprint

Publication Date: 12-19-2010

All Rights Reserved

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