» Juvenile Fiction » Tempore, J.D. Marin, Faithettie, A. Rivero [best books to read for self improvement .txt] 📗

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of the small group of students. She hastily announced, "Hello, I'm Oscar Martinez from Ear Bleed Records and we would like to introduce Carla as a gospel singer to the teen demographic." the teacher introduced themselves (whatever gender they were) and shook hands with 'Oscar'.

Soon enough, everyone was running out of the school, linked together by arms toward the bus. The disguises flew off. "Oh, it's you guys!" Carla said in a newfound bliss with a smile. Arlene blatantly stated "We R Who We R!" and everyone broke out into a quite awful rendition of the hit single as they continued running toward the bus. All except for Faith, who wasn't big on commercially-ranked artists. Justin Bieber ran up to them, "Hey, the bus is gone." was all he could state in a completely indifferent tone. Carla ran up to the celebrity and hugged him while screaming "Biebeee

!" Nugget was doing some sort of "Stayin' Alive" dance, Karen was updating her status, and the rest of the group was wondering how they could transport themselves to John Not A. Ferguson High School.

Earlier that day, Carla was sitting in her sound engineering class. I swear, if I ever see Justin Bieber in person, I'll call him 'Biebeee' she said in her random ponderings. "Alright class, today we'll begin our solo recordings for our upcoming Auto-Tune project." said none other than the teacher. Carla giggled in excitement, knowing that she'd been waiting to begin this project for weeks. As the other students performed, everyone in the class heard exactly what was going on in the recording booth. Carla's heart began to pound, her adrenaline attempting to quench her calm-thirsty raw nerves. "Carla?" asked the teacher. It was her turn. She walked into the booth and accidentally tripped on a dust particle sending her flying headfirst into the stool. She stood up, composed herself, sat down in the now upright again stool, and suddenly belted out "Don't Stop Believing" beautifully. I now have an inner voice. Who needs "Glee" when they've got me?

Suddenly, a group of mustachioed people burst through the door. One of them, who was the only one in the group with sunglasses walked over to her teacher. Carla continued singing as the person spoke to her teacher. "Carla, it looks like you just got your big break." the teacher said into the microphone. Carla ran out into the class and joined the bizarre people.

Miraculously, another tour bus sped over to them and squealed to end up literally stopped on a dime. Carla ran up to the dime, "Ooh, a 1964 dime!". The bus door flew open to reveal a very hungover looking Ke$ha. "Hey, I heard you guys singing 'We R Who We R'." Come join my bus partay!". Seeing nothing wrong with running into a drunk woman's bus, the teenagers shoved their way in. "What an awesome partay!" exclaimed Nugget. The bus was empty, but after all, it was a party now. The bus began moving towards the next school without anyone behind the wheel and everyone danced. "Oh look, you brought Biebeee!" sang Ke$ha. 'Biebeee' started swinging his body around with her. Scott offered pancakes in which everyone tried a slice of. No one bothered to notice Faith painting on Paula, who was clipping Steffy's toenails, because Arlene set them on fire. Karen decided to sleep next to the exotic scene. Carla started singing "Tik Tok". In all of this commotion, Ke$ha began crying. The closet door of this bus flew open, revealing Lady GaGa hung on a clothes hanger, bleeding to death. A small Asian girl wearing a little skirt with two buns in her hair walked out after shoving Mama Monster aside. "Hey, it looks like Ke$ha is upset. Do you think she looks upset?" No one said a word; the only noises were Ke$ha's sobs. "I think so, too." said Kai-Lan. Kai-Lan walked over to the crying drunk lady, "Ke$ha, what's wrong?" she asked. "I killed somebody." responded the woman. "I'm really sad!". "Well, you need to calm, calm, down." sang Kai-Lan. Together they sang, "Calm, calm, down." "I feel better now." said Ke$ha with a sniffle. "We did it! We did it! It's really really true!" chanted the small girl. "So, who did you kill?" she asked. Ke$ha opened one of the bus' large panoramic windows. "You

!" she screeched and threw the little girl out the window. Everyone watched in horror as Kai-Lan's head popped off on impact and rolled under a Smart ForTwo.

"YEEE!" howled Faith. Everyone else responded with a 'YEEE' themselves. That was when they pulled up to the school. Everyone stepped out donning the facial hair, Arlene wore the glasses, and Ke$ha wore fake eyebrows. This time, Justin Bieber joined in and put on Lady GaGa's blood-stained wig with a mustache. It was lunch time, and students were roaming the halls, not even noticing the two celebrities and the bizarre group of teenagers wearing fake mustaches and whatnot. Together, the group walked in the direction of the cafeteria after Steffy mumbled in a fantastic man impression, "That way." They stepped lightly into the cafeteria and suddenly the security guard stepped in their way, ripping off everyone's fake hair and glasses. No one even seemed to notice that Justin had escaped. "Truancy, huh?" his voice echoed through the now silent eating space. The children looked up in fear. Arnold, the middle school friend they came to pick up, was looking on with his friends George and Bree (of whom Scott introduced him to over the Summer). Only then did Scott notice that he, Nugget, and Karen were in their Coral uniforms, Paula was in her Lefix Valera uniform, Steffy was in her TERRible Environmental Exploration Institute uniform, Faith was in her GHB uniform, Carla was in her Rorgan Mobert uniform, Ke$ha was in a bikini, and Arlene was in a white jacket over her 'I'm A Vampire' T-Shirt with skinny jeans. "We're screwed." mumbled Paula. All of the school's security guards cornered them and the main one called the police as Arnold, George, and Bree looked on helplessly.

The fat original security guard loomed over the group, and even International Baccalaureate-graduated twenty-something-year-old Ke$ha cowered in fear. Justin GaGa walked in behind the oblivious guards as sirens could be heard from down the street. With him was a small eight-year-old girl with a large pistol, and a smaller six-year-old girl with a flaming cheese grater launcher larger than her head. Justin pulled something from underneath his wig, and tossed it at Scott. Faith pulled something out of her book bag. Scott caught the Beacon of Souls, with all of its gems and Madame Leota sitting with nine-hundred-and ninety-nine souls at its core. Faith held in her hand a small Pokéball. The entire group, now including Arnold, George, and Bree began floating about ten feet into the air, appearing as a swarm with Faith and Scott at its front, Ke$ha on Scott's side and Justin Bieber on Faith's side, Ellie and Jessie in the back, and everyone else in the middle.

Every student fled the establishment, and every teacher, police officer, and security guard gathered at the floor. A gust of wind swirled around the group, the fluorescent tube lights all exploded and sparked. Every door slammed shut and locked. Lady GaGa walked in, with eye-catching white hair, and a colorful gown made of it. She glowed with an iridescence - an aura of golden light. All color except for her hair-dress faded to black and white. She gestured toward Justin Bieber and Ke$ha and suddenly, Justin was had white hair and his own colorful gown, as did Ke$ha. They floated over to Ms. GaGa, and together they all looked colorful, and fascinating. Everything was silent. The remainder of the group counted backwards in unison. "three.…Two.…" Faith and Scott shouted simultaneously, "One


As this happened, Ke$ha, Justin Bieber, and Lady GaGa began singing "Bad Romance" harmoniously. The black and white room exploded in fantastic colors, with strobe lights, rainbow-esque lasers, and glitter raining unto the floor. Faith lunged the now glowing colorful Pokéball at the principal, whilst bellowing, "Edward Cullen, I choose you

!" he flew out of the ball incredibly, and pounced onto the principal, sinking his venom-coated razor sharp teeth into the administrator's neck. There was a sharp scream, and the police force began shooting. All of their bullets exploded into colorful clouds. Scott shot the most powerful soul gem in conjunction with Madame Leota's psychic energy and the agony of the trapped souls. Red lightning engulfed in a whitish-green smoke drowned the main security guard in insanity. Ellie shot her magical bullets at each officer, and Jessie shot each teacher. Nugget let his fangs slip out and began biting custodians. Paula and Steffy ran with George, Arnold, and Bree to the bus station. Carla joined into the song, and she began glowing in a colorful hair dress which caused an earthquake in the room. Some dead teachers fell into the apertures while Faith looked on wickedly. Paula, Steffy, George, Arnold, and Bree suddenly slammed into the cafeteria in a school bus, running over dead custodians. They stepped out of the bus and walked up to the principal, who was gasping and fighting for her life with Edward latched onto her neck. The small bus group began beating her, chanting "Bother, bother, bother. . .". Their arms soon became as lifeless as rag dolls. The principal began foaming cotton candy and Twinkies, which the teens began consuming. Amongst all of this, Karen was updating her status. The song ended, and the group fell to the floor. All weapons and gowns and auras disappeared. The cracks in the floor repaired, as did the hole in the wall. The corpses vanished and the bus had evanesced as well. The lights came back on, and the doors reopened. It was over.

Karen pulled out a camera and set it on a timer. The group huddled close. From left to right in the picture was Faith, Scott, Steffy, Paula, Carla, Arnold, Bree, George, Karen, Nugget, Arlene, Justin Bieber, Ke$ha, Lady GaGa, Ellie, Jessie, Edward Cullen, and a crystal ball with Madame Leota inside. The group was back.


Later that night, after cramming the entire group into the bus and having a chat about the last two years, Scott was dropped off by driver Steffy. They all bade each other good-bye and good night, and Scott happily walked up the stairs to his room. He slipped and fell, breaking his nose, but after cleaning up the puddle of blood, he logged into Facebook. Karen had tagged him in about seven pictures. Faith tagged him in four. He went onto Karen's profile.

"just left Coral with Scott Phlish. gonna go on an adventure! - 9:41am via Mobile Web"

"am about to vomit on Justin Bieber's tour bus! - 9:52am via Mobile Web"

"just saw Dora the Explorer die - 10:01am via Mobile Web"

"wore a fake mustache and saw the Biebs eat mac & cheese w/ soy bacon. Left GHB headed to Rorgan Mobert. Knockin out - 10:34am via Mobile Web"

" Rorgan Mobert. Just had our bus pushed here by a fire girl from Scott Phlish's middle school days… - 10:45am via Mobile Web"

"Our bus got stolen D8 - 10:53am via Mobile Web"

"Wi-Fi on Ke$ha's bus (; - 10:56am"

"Lady GaGa killed herself in Ke$ha's closet and just saw Ke$ha throw Kai-Lan off the bus. DECAPITATION ! - 11:04am"

"Just got lunch gonna sneak into Not A. Ferguson - 11:36am"

"Oh crap just got caught by security - 11:42am via Mobile Web"

"WTH you guys gotta see this, uploading a video later… 0.0 - 11:55am via Mobile Web"

"had the best day of my life. Wanna do it again soon. Home (: -

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