» Language & Literature » Nothing Thoughts, Nothing Stories, Gab Follin [e manga reader TXT] 📗

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nothing nothing nothing

that's basically it

in this nothing book you will begin to read nothing stories or nothing thoughts

you can be the literal judge for yourself on whether these things are nothing or not

but for me



there's not really a point

sometimes i sit here and i write these stories

or maybe a thought or two

and i just leave them somewhere


and i figured maybe

you would like to read these nothings from me

maybe you'll like them

maybe you'll think they're nothing like i do


you decide i suppose

sit back and relax

read my nothing book






She touched his hands, and it felt like ice. Not because he was cold, but because she froze when his skin met her’s. He made her freeze in place, when he called her name, when he touched her, when she saw him, she froze every single time. She didn’t know whether this was a good or bad thing, she’d like to classify it as both because she didn’t want to feel that way and yet no one has ever made her feel that.  

Yet these feelings fade away, and soon enough he will not make her freeze in her place anymore.

He will not make her freeze when he calls her, not when he touches her, nor when he enters a room.

He will be sad because he lost her frozen hands. She will be happy because another he will make her freeze like the he before.

But maybe one day he can find another her who freezes in her place like the she before.

Hopefully it ends that way, we all need someone that make us freeze in our tracks when they say our name, when they touch us or when they enter a room. We all need someone who freezes in their tracks too.

It’s just a needed thing for human life. Social interaction. Affection. A life. A family.

I don’t blame you, and no one else should.

Let’s just all hope we find that person who makes us freeze.


 Sparkles are painting the sky tonight. The moon is the center point, and your eyes will then trail on, focusing on individual dots of light. Those shiny dots will twinkle at you like they are filled with absolute gratitude because you noticed them in specific when there are millions surrounding that are exactly the same. You’re there alone, no comfort of anyone in special to you, there is just the navy blue sky keeping you company with it’s little light friends. But it is all okay, you realize that maybe the sky really is there for you. You’d like to think so, to allow yourself some assurance. And that is really okay. We all need someone there for all this reassurance, love, affection, stability… The list goes on and on for the things that we need from others. Most of us do wish that we could provide these simple sounding things for ourselves. For most of us, unfortunately, we are unable to. Sometimes, I envy those who can provide these things for themselves. It’s very confusing, not understanding how they make it out on their own. It’s possible to learn the ways of lonely ones. But I, certainly do not want to. I love the visual of waking up to my lovely every morning. I admire the fact that he’ll love me unconditionally and our kids included. I am not a lonely person, I do not wish to carry on cherishing my life only. It could just be me. Maybe, it really is just me. I hope it isn’t so…



Isn’t it crazy how feelings work? One second you’re the happiest being in the world, and the next you could get so low. It’s like you’re on a rollercoaster. You’re on top of the world, and out of nowhere, you’re in hell. You could be in absolute infatuation, and after a minute you could despise their existence completely. It’s crazy! I just wish there wasn’t these mental illnesses that can change these feelings we have abruptly so often… In time, we go insane over it. We can never feel one thing for too long, regardless of what it is. It just keeps changing and changing, and for those who do not like change… Oof.

It’s really just a crazy idea we barely know anything about. The brain is such an advanced thing and it works in so many different ways. I think it’s safe to say that some brains are underdeveloped and overdeveloped. I will not share my theory on why these behaviors and things happen, because I would possibly bore you to death.

Maybe I’ll do that another day.

For now.

Just think.

Isn’t it just crazy how we feel all these different things? So strongly, or poorly? So often, and not? So quickly and stranded? We aren’t the only ones who feel these things. Other animals do too, that’s pretty obvious. Which is why I think vegetarians are a thing.

And I don’t blame them, I’m not exactly proud of being a meat eater, but I don’t want to have to change my diet completely because of nature. The food chain is a thing.

I won’t get into that either, I don’t need people to get triggered.

But oh boy, oh boy.

I have much to say and not much time to say it.

Which is okay, because as long as a couple of my thoughts are out there somewhere floating in someone’s head, that’s aye okay with me.



Do you ever have the fear that you won’t live your life the way you want to? I sure do, and it scares the absolute hell out of me. It is confirmed nothing ever goes to plan, but.. It’s the fear of it going completely off-plan. We have these visions we are dreaming of right now, if you’re me, you are dreaming of a career that you love that pays well, I’m living comfortably with my three kids and my husband who loves me unconditionally. That’s the vague vision on my part anyway. Nothing specific is yet official, mostly because I haven’t crossed any of these roads. But I’ll sit here, day by day, looking at myself in the mirror wondering, what if you can’t have kids? What if your husband leaves you after you have your kids? What if you can’t get your dream job? What if.

What if.

All these what if’s. They scare the fuck out of me.

I just wish, I wouldn’t have to feel these things or think them. You know?

Everything would be so simple and easy for you if you were just hippity hop on everything that goes. But nothing works like that. We’re human and our brains are functioned to react a certain way to situations. It’s just how it is.

Even though so many of us just sit here and wonder how great it would be if we couldn’t feel a damn thing.


say it again,        she asks nicely.

She's looking up at him    with the word please

written all          over her                  innocent face.

In this moment,             she's not so innocent. 




this should never end,      he says, looking at her below. 

her eyes roll into                     the back of her head

and of course       he's going to start             going harder

because he knows             this innocent girl         likes it like that. 





this is a special moment         between two beings.

she's begging him for more,            but do we know why? 





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