The Esperanto Teacher, Helen Fryer [top 10 books to read TXT] 📗

- Author: Helen Fryer
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Now he teils me the truth. Yesterday he told me the truth. He always told me the truth. When you saw us in the drawing-room he had already (previously) told me the truth. He will tell me the truth. When you (shall) come to me, he will previously tell me the truth (or, he will have told me the truth; or, before you (will) come to me, he will tell me the truth). If I were to ask him, he would tell me the truth. I should not have made the mistake if he had previously told me the truth. When I (shall) come, tell me the truth. When my father (shall) come, tell me beforehand the truth. I wish to tell you the truth. I wish that that which I said should be true (or, I wish to have told the truth).
17.Walking in the street, I fell. Having found an apple, I ate it. He came to me quite unexpected. He went meditating (deeply) and very slowly. We were ashamed, having received instruction from the boy. The imperial servant went out, taking with him the bracelet. Profoundly saluting, he related that the thief had been caught. Without saying a word, the duchess opened her jewel-case. Having worked a year, and having saved a few dollars, I married (with) my Mary. Having crossed the river, he found the thief. Looking (having looked) by chance on the floor, she saw some book, forgotten probably by a departed traveller.
18.The bootmaker makes boots and shoes. Nobody lets thieves into his house. The brave sailor was drowned in the sea. An author writes books, and a writer simply copies papers. We have various servants - a cook, a housemaid, a nurse, and a coachman. (He) who occupies himself with mechanics is a mechanic, and (he) who occupies himself with chemistry is a chemist. A diplomatist we can also call a diplomat, but a physicist we cannot call a “physic,” for “physics” is the name of the science itself. One day there came two cheats, who said that they were (are) weavers.
19.They so hindered me that I spoiled the whole of my work. Send away your brother, for he hinders us. Fetch the doctor, for I am ill. He procured for himself many books from Berlin.
He grew pale with fear, and afterwards he blushed from shame. In the spring the ice and the snow melt. In the muddy weather my coat became very dirty; therefore I took a brush and cleaned the coat. My uncle did not die (by) a natural death, but nevertheless he did not kill himself, and also was killed by nobody; one day, walking near the railway lines, he fell under the wheels of a moving train, and was killed. I did not hang my cap on this little tree; but the wind blew away the cap from my head, and it, flying, became hung (got caught) on the branches of the little tree. Seat yourself (or, sit down), sir.
His gloomy face made his friend laugh. The whole night they passed awake, and lighted more than sixteen candles. I divested the child of his night clothes, and stood him in the tub; afterwards I dried him. He made friends with evil companions. A poor Hebrew wished to become a Christian. The bottle fell and broke. She became his wife. Little by little she became quite calm.
20.The sea is deeper there than any anchor can reach. In some (any) way. Without any reproach of conscience. I know in what sort of place I shall certainly find him. What kind of weather is it? What harm have I done to you? In that way he did everything. He invited him to come into such and such a place. Not every sort of bird sings. Beyond all doubt. No (kind of) man deserves such a punishment. Such books are harmful. At times he visits us.
For some reason he could not sleep. Why do you not answer me? I did not understand your question, therefore I did not answer. People do not understand one another, and therefore they hold themselves aloof. For every reason that is the best.
I once loved you. What lives must of necessity some time die. When shall you go away? In the moonlight night, when all were asleep, then she sat on the edge or the ship. Be for ever blessed! She had never seen a dog before.
Where are the boys? Where did you go? I am staying here. He lost his purse somewhere in the town, but where he lost it he does not know. I willingly came from there here. He begged her to tell him whence she came (whence she comes). For youth there are snares everywhere. Everywhere are flowers, and nowhere can one find more beautiful (ones).
How beautiful! Am I fit for a king? So finished the happy day. They shone like diamonds. How are you? Somehow he misunderstood me. My wife thought the same as I. I cannot understand at all what you say. Very strange and quite incomprehensible! I, as president, elected him. I chose him as president.
Whose glove is this? I never take that one’s opinion. Suddenly she heard somebody’s loud disagreeable voice. Everybody’s idea is different. A good friend, without whose help he would never have seen this land. Somebody’s loss is not always somebody’s gain. Someone’s loss is often no one’s gain.
I feel that something is happening. Never did I give you anything. I wish to do something good for (to) you. What is this? What kind of ornament is this? What do I see? This is all I spoke of. I will give up nothing to you. Do nothing against your mother. Before all, be faithful to yourself. She began to feel something such as (which) she herself in the beginning could (can) not understand.
She spoke a little angrily. The pupils of the eyes little by little contracted. Who is so unreasonable (senseless) that he can believe it? How much money have you? I have none. Give me as much water as wine.
Somebody comes; who is it? Would anybody have the courage to do that? Everybody tried to save himself as he could. A language in which nobody will understand us. None of them could save the drowning person. He helped nobody ever (never helped anybody) even with one centime. We shall go all together. I know nobody in that town. This is beyond all human strength.
Where I am travelling from, whither and why, I can only answer: I know not. They begged him to delay a little (with) his departure. These nests are often larger than the huts of the people of that place. He departed with the firm resolve to leave for ever this ungrateful land. If anyone were to see that, he would curse Fortune. I would give a hundred pounds sterling if ox tongue could have for me such a good taste as for you. What time is it? Nearly (soon) twelve o’clock.
21.On a hot day I like to walk in a wood. They opened the gate noisily, and the carriage drove into the courtyard. This is no longer simple rain, but a downpour. A huge dog put its forepaw on me, and from terror I did not know what to do. Before our army stood a great series of cannon. (In) that night a terrible gale blew. With delight. He longed to go away again.
Immediately after heating the stove was hot, in an hour it was only warm, in two hours it was only just warm, and after three hours it was already quite cold. I bought for the children a little table and some little seats. In our country there are no mountains, but only hills. In summer we find coolness in thick woods. He sits near the table and dozes. A narrow path leads through this field to our house. On his face I saw a joyful smile. Before the woman appeared a pretty little dog. Pardon, he whispered.
22.With (by means of) an axe we chop, with a saw we saw, with a spade we dig, with a needle we sew, with scissors we clip. The knife was so blunt that I could not cut the meat with it, and I had to use my pocket knife. Have you a corkscrew to uncork the bottle? I wished to lock the door, but I had lost the key. She combs her hair with a silver comb. In summer we travel by various vehicles, and in winter by a sledge. To-day it is beautiful frosty weather; therefore I shall take my skates and go skating. The steersman of the “Pinta” injured the rudder. The magnetic needle. The first indicator in most illnesses is the tongue. He put it on the plate of a pair of scales.
23.The sailors must obey the captain. All the inhabitants of a state are citizens (subjects) of the state. Townsfolk are usually sharper than villagers. The Parisians are gay folk. Our town has good policemen, but not a sufficiently energetic chief constable. Lutherans and Calvinists are Christians. Germans and Frenchmen who live in Russia are Russian subjects, although they are not Russians. He is an awkward and simple provincial. The inhabitants of one state are fellow-countrymen, the inhabitants of one town are fellow-citizens, the professors of one religion are co-religionists. Those who have the same ideas are fellow-thinkers.
The ruler of our country is a good and wise king. The governor of our province is strict but just. Our regimental chief (colonel) is like a good father to (for) his soldiers. They are as (equally) proud as a housewife of her house. On the engine the engine-driver sat alone. The emperor, accompanied by the empress, had just entered (into) his box.
24.Our country will conquer, for our army is large and brave. On a steep ladder he raised himself to the roof of the house. I do not know the Spanish language, but by help of a Spanish-German dictionary, I nevertheless understood your letter a little. On these vast and grassy fields feed great herds of beasts, especially flocks of fine-woolled sheep. The train consisted almost entirely (only) of passenger coaches. They put before me a cover (table requisites), which consisted of a plate, spoon, knife, fork, a small glass for brandy, a glass for wine, and a serviette. On the sea was a great ship, and among the rigging everywhere sat sailors. His escort stood at the back of the box. Dark ranges of mountains bar the way.
A florin, a shilling, and a penny are coins. A grain of sand fell into my eye. One spark is enough to explode gunpowder.
25.A poor wise man dined with a miserly rich man. A fool everyone beats. He is a liar and a despicable man. A coward fears even his own shadow. This old man has become quite silly and childish. A learned man undertook an important scientific work. Only saints have the right to enter here. He only is the great, the powerful (One). It is not the legend about the beauty Zobeida. After an
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