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Book online «All About Coffee, William H. Ukers [short story to read .txt] 📗». Author William H. Ukers

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koffie. Batavia, 1899–1904. 4v.

Laerne, C.F. Van Delden. Brazil and Java. Report on coffee culture in America, Asia and Africa, to H.E. the minister of the colonies. London, 1885. 637 pp. Also in Dutch and French.

Lascelles, Arthur Rowley William. A treatise on the nature and cultivation of coffee; with some remarks on the management and purchase of coffee estates. London, 1865. 71 pp.

Le Comte, C.E.A. Culture et production du café dans les colonies. Paris, 1865.

Lecomte, Henri. Le café: culture, manipulation, production. Paris, 1899. 342 pp.

Lievano, Indalecio. Instruccion popular sobre meteorolojia agricola, i especialmente sobre el añil i el café. Bogota, 1868. 18 pp.

McClelland, T.B. Effect of different methods of transplanting coffee. Washington, 1917. 11 pp.

—— Some profitable and unprofitable coffee lands. Washington, 1917. 13 pp.

McCulloch, R. William. Coffee-growing and its preparation for market. Brisbane, Australia, 1893.

Madriz, F.J. Cultivo del café seu manual theoricopratico sobre beneficio de este frute con mayores ventajas para al agricultor. Paris, 1869.

Meitzky, Jo.-Henry. De vario coffeæ potum parandi modo. Wittebergiæ, 1788.

Middleton, W.H. Manual of coffee planting. Durban, 1866.

Milhon. Dissertation sur le caffeyer. Montpellier, 1746.

Monnereau, Élie. Le parfait indigotier; ou Description de l'indigo ... ensemble un traité sur la culture de café. Amsterdam and Marseilles, 1765. 238 pp.

Morren, F.W. Die arbeiter auf einer Kaffee-plantage. 1900.

—— Werkzaamheden op eene koffieonderneming. Handleiding voor opzichters bij de koffie-cultuur. Amsterdam, 1896. 266 pp.

Nicol, R. A treatise on coffee, its properties and the best mode of keeping and preparing it. 4th ed. London, 1832.

Owen, T.C. First year's work on a coffee plantation. Colombo, 1877. 55 pp.

Pierrot, Édouard. Culture pratique et rationelle du caféier et préparation du grain pour la vente. Paris, 1906. 95 pp.

Rossignen, Julio. Manual del cultivo del café, etc., in la America Española. Paris, 1859.

Simmonds, P.L. Coffee and chicory, their culture, chemical composition, preparation, etc. London, 1864. 102 pp.

—— Tropical agriculture. London, 1887. (p. 27–79 deal with coffee.)

Tytler, R.B. Prospects of coffee production. Aberdeen, 1878.

Ugarte, José P. The cultivation and preparation of coffee for the market. London, 1916. 124 pp.

Wildeman, Em. de. Les caféiers. Bruxelles, 1901.

—— Les plantes tropicales de grande culture—café, cacao, coca, vanilla, etc. Bruxelles, 1902. 304 pp.

Zimmermann, Albrecht. Over het enten van koffie volgens de methode van den Heer D. Butin Schaap. Batavia, 1904. 54 pp.


Aubry-le-Comte. Culture et production du café dans les colonies. Revue Mar. et Col., Oct., 1865.

Beugless, J.D. Coffee in its home. Overland Monthly, II: 319.

Caswell, G.W. Coffee in our new islands. Overland Monthly, n. s. XXXII: 459.

Coffee cultivation in the New World. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1893: 321–325.

Cultivation and preparation of coffee. Great Britain. Imperial Institute, Bulletin, 1915, XIII: 260–296.

de Vere, M.S. Culture and use of coffee. Harper's Magazine, XLIV: 237.

Fesca, Max. Über Kaffeekultur. Jour. Landw. 1897, XLV:13–41.

Hagen, J. De Koffiecultuur. Onze Kol. Landbouw No. 7. 1914.

Hayward, C.B. Coffee and coffee culture. Scientific American, 1904, XCI: 189, 194–195.

Linnean Society. Proceedings, 1875–1880, contain articles on coffee culture.

Loew, Oscar. Fermation of cacao and of coffee. Porto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station. Report, 1907. pp. 41–55.

Marcano, V. Essais d'agronomie tropicale. Ann. sci. agron. 1891, II: 119–152.

Peatfield, J.J. Culture of coffee. Overland Monthly, XIII: 323.

Rost, Eugen C. Coffee growing. Scientific American Supplement, 1902, LIV: 22189–22190.

Torrens, J.H. Hydro-electric installation on a coffee plantation. General Electric Review, 1915. XVIII: 219–222.

—— Electricity on a coffee finca. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 418–421.



Southard, Addison E. The story of Abyssinia's coffees. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXIV: 212–215: 324–329.


Rivière, Charles. Le caféier dans l'Afrique du nord. Paris, 1903.


Coffee cultivation in Angola. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1894: 161–163.


Argentine Republic. Departamento nacional de tierras, colonias y agricultura. El café. (Coffea arabica) Buenos Aires, 1896. 22 pp.


Jackson, Henry Vaughan. The cultivation of coffee. Sydney, 1908. 8 pp. Reprinted from Agricultural Gazette, June, 1908.

Newport, H. Coffee cultivation in Queensland. Philippine Agricultural Review, 1910, III: 514–524. Also, Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1910, XXIV, pt. 6; XXV, pt. 1.


Berthoule. La culture di caféier au Brésil, communication faite a la Société nationale d'acclimation de France. March 28, 1890.

Brazil and coffee. Souvenir of the Louisiana purchase exposition. 1904. 28 pp.

Caffè, Il: la coltivazione, la produzione, le imitazione, le falsificazioni, il valore economico, il fisiologico, appendice. Rio Janeiro, 1910. 98 pp.

Cruwell, G.A. and others. Brazil as a coffee-growing country. Colombo, 1878. 150 pp.

da Costa Santos, H. Consideracoes sobre o nosso café. Rio Janeiro, 1881. 19 pp.

Dafert, F.W. De bemesting en het drogen van kaffie in Brazilia. Amsterdam, 1898. 250 pp.

—— Über die gegenwärtige Lage des Kaffeebaus in Brazilien. Amsterdam, 1898. Also in English, 1900; French, Paris, 1900.

Dahne, Eugenio. The story of São Paulo coffee from plantation to cup. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1915, XXVIII: 127.

de Oltveira, Luiz Torquato, Marques. Novo methodo da plantação fecundidade, durabilidade estrumação e conservação do café e extincção das formigas, exposto em beneficio da agricultura do Brasil e lugares cafeeiros, offerecido aos agricultores. Rio de Janeiro, 1863. 30 pp.

Empire of Brazil at the World's industrial and cotton centennial exposition of New Orleans, The. New York, 1885. 71 pp.

Koebel, Rothery and Tweney, editors. Enciclopedia de la America del sur. Agriculture, Brazil, v. I; São Paulo, v. IV. London and Buenos Aires, 1913.

Lalière, Amour. Le café dans l'état de Saint Paul (Brésil). Paris, 1909. 417 pp.

Misson, Luis, and Téllez O. Cultivo y beneficio del café en el Brazil: cómo se hacen en el estado de São Paulo. México, 1907. 30 pp.

O Fazendeiro; revista mensal de agricultura, industria e commercio, dedicada, especialmente, aos interesses da lavoura caféeiro. Anno 1, São Paulo, 1908.

Pacheco e Silva, Persio. Do café no o éste de S. Paulo. São Paulo, 1910. 64 pp.

Peckholt, Theodoro. Monographia do café. In his, Historia das plantas alimentares e de gozo do Brazil, v. 5. 1871–84.

São Paulo, Brazil. Secretaria da agricultura, commercio e obras publicas. Il caffè. Brevi notizie per Eugenio Lefévre. 1904. 68 pp.

Schuurman, G.A.E. De koffie-cultuur in Brazilië. Amsterdam, 1901. 67 pp.

Smith, H.H. Brazil: Amazona and the coast. (Special chapters on coffee) London, 1880.

—— Culture of coffee in Brazil. Scribner's Magazine, XIX: 225. Penny Magazine, IX: 484.

Story of São Paulo coffee from plantation to cup. Pan American Union. Bulletin, 1915, XLI: 370–378.

Teixeira, C. O café do Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, 1883. 24 pp.

Ward. R.D. Visit to the Brazilian coffee country. National Geographic Magazine, 1911, XXII: 908–931.


Cater, R.W. Coffee in Central America. Chambers' Journal, LXXVI: 570.

Choussy, Felix. Cultivo racional del café en centro América. San Salvador, 1917. 92 pp.

Fox, Alvin. Coffee growing in Central America. Simmons' Spice Mill, 1918, XLI: 420–421.


Abbay, R. Culture of coffee in Ceylon. Households Words, III: 109. Also, Nature, XIV: 375.

Cruwell, G.A. Liberian coffee in Ceylon. Colombo, 1878.

Hull, E.C.P. Coffee planting in southern India and Ceylon. London, 1877. 324 pp.

Keen, W. Coffee cultivation in Ceylon. London, 1871.

Lewis, G.C. Coffee planting in Ceylon. Colombo, 1855.

Sabonadière, William. The coffee-planter of Ceylon. London, 1870. 216 pp.

—— O fazendeiro de café em Ceylão. Rio de Janerio, 1875, 196 pp.

Van Spall, P.W.A. Verslag over de koffij en kaneelkultuur op het eiland Ceijlon. Batavia, 1863.


Saenz, Nicolas. Memoria sobre el cultivo del cafeto. Bogota, 1892. 65 pp. Also in French, Bruxelles, 1894. 121 pp.


Calvo, J.B. Coffee, its origin and propagation, its introduction and cultivation in Costa Rica. American Republics Bureau. Monthly Bulletin. 1904, XVIII: 1–6; 111–115.

—— Report on coffee with special reference to the Costa Rican product. Bureau of American Republics. Publications. Washington, 1901, 15 pp.

Costa Rica. Government. Estudio é informe sobre el café de Costa Rica. San José, 1900. 48 pp.

Field, Walter J. Coffee culture and preparation in Costa Rica. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1908, XV: 13.

Schroeder, John. Coffee culture in Costa Rica. San José, 1890. 4 pp.


Borrero y Echevebría, Estéban. El Café. Apuntes para una monografia. Habana, 1890. 46 pp.

Coffee grounds of Cuba. All-the-Year, XXIV: 61.

Fernández y Jiménez, José María. Agricultura cubana. 3 ed. Habana, 1868. 69 pp.

Fox, Alvin. Coffee culture in Cuba and Porto Rico. Simmons' Spice Mill, 1918, XLI: 1356–1359.

Hillman, Joseph. Coffee planting. New York, 1902. 16 pp.

Old Cuban coffee plantations. Harper's Weekly, 1908, LII: 31.


Arntzenius, G. Cultuur en volk. Beschouwingen over de gouvernementskoffie-cultuur op Java. 's Gravenhage, 1891. 158 pp.

Campbell, Donald Maclaine. The industries of Java: Coffee. In his, Java: past and present. London, 1915. pp. 931–944.

Chalot, C. and Thillard, R. Le café à Java. 1914.

Coffee enterprise in the East Indies. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1893: 123–124.

Cramer, P.J.S. Gegevens over de variabiliteit van de in Nederlandsch-Indië verbouwde koffie-soorten. Batavia, 1913. 696 pp.

Dumont, A. Consideraciones sobre el cultivo del café en esta isla. Havana, 1823.

Koffiecultuur. Tijdsch. voor Nederlandsch-Indië, 1901, ser. 2, V: 168–175.

Nederlandsch-Indische maatschappij van nijwerheid en landbouw. Handleiding voor de gouvernements-koffiekultuur. Batavia, 1873. 56 pp.

Parkhurst, E.T.Y. Coffees of the Dutch East Indies. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 316–322; 416–420; 1919, XXXVI: 22–27; 118–122.

Raedt Van Oldenbarnevelt, A.C. De koffie-cultuur op Java. 's Gravenhage, 1898. 48 pp.

Smid, J.H. Handbook voor de kultuur der koffie in Oost en West Indië. Middleburg, 1884. 112 pp.

Van Ermel, W.K.L.K. Some facts about coffee in Palembang. Singapore, 1879. 16 pp.

Van Gorkom, K.W. Groote cultuur in Nederlandsch Oostindie koffie. Haarlem, 1882.


Gallagher, William John. Coffee robusta. Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States, 1910. 7 pp.

Liberian coffee at the Straits Settlements (C. Liberica bull.) Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. information, 1888: 261–263; 1890: 107–108, 245–253.

Liberian coffee in the Malay native states. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1892: 277–282.


Briggs, Lawrence P. The coffee of French Indo-China. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 118–123.

Cramer, P.J.S. Coffee plantations of Tonkin, Philippine Agricultural Review, 1910, III: 94–100.

Paris. Président du syndicat des productions et explorateurs de Tourane. Le café d'Annam; étude pratique sur sa culture. Tourane, Annam, 1895. 95 pp.


Coffee cultivation at the Gold Coast. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1895: 21–23; 1897: 325–328.


Coffee in Guadeloupe. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 445.


Dieseldorff, E.P. Der Kaffeebaum. Praktische Erfahrungen über seine Behandlung im nördlichen Guatemala. Berlin, 1908. 36 pp.

Morren, F.W. Koffiecultuur in Guatemale, met aanteekeningen betreffende de overige cultures de mijnen en den economischen toestand van deze republiek. Amsterdam, 1899. 142 pp.

Parkhurst, E.T.Y. Coffee in Guatemala. Californian Magazine, II: 742.


Aublet, Fusée. Histoire des plantes de la Guyane française. Observations sur la culture du café. Paris, 1775.

Guiana (British) Permanent exhibitions committee. Cacao and coffee industries. Leaflet 6. 1911. 12 pp.


Great Britain. Foreign Office. Report on coffee culture in the Hawaiian Islands. London, 1897. 18 pp. (Diplomatic and Consular Reports.

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