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Book online «All About Coffee, William H. Ukers [short story to read .txt] 📗». Author William H. Ukers

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Coffee scuffle; occasioned by a contest between a learned knight and a pitifull pedagogue, with the character of a coffee house. Printed and are to be sold at the Salmon coffee house, neer the stocks market, (London), 1662. Verses by Woolnoth or Sir J. Langham and Evans, a school-master.

de Gourcuff, O. Le café, épître attribué a Senecé. Nantes, 1888. 19 pp.

de Mery, C. Le café, poême: accompagné de documents historiques sur le café, sur son origine, sur son commerce et sur les peuples d'Orient qui font specialement usage du café. Rennes, 1837. 204 pp.

D'Israeli, Isaac. Curiosities of literature. London, 1824. Contains article on, Introduction of tea, coffee and chocolate, in which the following items are mentioned: (1) An Arabic and English pamphlet on The nature of the drink, kouhi or coffee, pub. at Oxford, 1569; (2) A cup of coffee, or coffee in its colours, a satirical poem (quoted), 1663; (3) A broadside against coffee or the marriage of the Turk (quoted), 1672; (4) The women's petition against coffee, 1674.

Drumont, E. Les cafés et les restaurants d'autrefois. Magasin Littéraire, X: 264.

Excellent virtue of that sober drink coffee, The. Popular ballad of the 17th century. Broadsheet.

Geyer, E.E. An potus café dicti vestigia in Hebræos sacræ scripturæ codice reperiantur? Dissertation. Wittebergiæ, 1740.

Goldoni, Carlo. La bottega di caffè. Venice, 1750.

Laguerre, J.N. Essai sur le café. Paris, 1818.

Le Page, Aug. Les cafés politiques et littéraires de Paris. 1874.

Massieu, G. Carmen caffaeum. Paris, 1740.

Melaye, S. Éloge du café. (A song.) Paris, 1852. 4 pp.

Miller, James. The coffee-house. A dramatick piece. London, 1737. 38 pp.

Poem in Latin, A, on coffee; is found in the Abbé Olivier's, Collection of modern Latin poets; and in, Étrennes à tous les amateurs du café, Paris, 1790, in which a French translation is printed facing the Latin text; also Il caffè, in Poemetti Italiana, vol. 3, 1797.

Rebellious antidote: or a dialogue between coffee and tea: verse, 1685.

Rosseau, J.B. Le caffé, comédie. 1695. 56 pp.

Schotel, G.D.J. Letterkundige bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van den tabak, de koffij en de thee. 's Gravenhage, 1848. 215 pp.

St. Serfe, Thomas. Taruga's wiles, or the coffee house; a comedy. London, 1668.

Smyth, Philip. The coffee house; a characteristic poem. London, 1795.

Steele, Sir Richard. On characters in coffee houses. Spectator, No. 49.

Voltaire, F.M.A. de. The coffee-house; or, Fair fugitive. A comedy. London, 1760.

Ward, Edward. The humours of a coffee house. London, 1714.



Aborn, Edward. Better coffee making. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, Supplement to No. 6, XXIII: 49–52; 1913, XXV: 568–574; 1919, XXIX: 553–556.

—— Better coffee for the army. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 622–624.

—— On boiling coffee. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1919, XXXVI: 48–49.

—— Coffee-making developments. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1914, XXVII: 550–556.

—— On coffee grinding and brewing. Yesterday, today and tomorrow in better coffee making. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 570–576.

Bacon, Raymond F. Efficiency of coffee-making devices. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1915, XXIX: 427–429.

Best method of making coffee. Journal of Home Economics, 1914, VI: 480–481.

Bonnette. Préparation du café en campagne, filtré "en rognon" adapté à une marmite de campement. Revue d'Hygiène, 1911, XXXIII: 459–462. Also, in Spanish, Revista de Sanidad militar, 1911, ser. 3, I: 427–429.

Boyes, E. How to obtain an ideal cup of coffee; its cost and value. London, 1898. 16 pp.

Broadbent, Humphrey. The domestick coffee man, shewing the true way of preparing and making chocolate, coffee and tea. London, 1722.

Coffee making questionnaire. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXII: 31–34.

Dufour, Philippe Sylvestre. Translation by John Chamberlayne. The manner of making coffee, tea, and chocolate. As it is used in most parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and Spanish America. Newly done out of French and Spanish. London, 1685. 116 pp.

Ellis, H.D. Notes on the earliest form of coffee-pot. Preceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 1899, ser. 2, XVII: 390–394.

Forest, L. L'art de faire le café du cuit a l'ancienne. Paris.

Frankel, E.M. Coffee making comparisons. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXII: 336–337.

Frankel, F. Hulton. Value of coffee brews. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 238.

Gentil, A.A.P. Dissertation sur le café et sur les moyens propres à prevenir les effets qui resultant de sa préparation, communément vicieuse, et en rendre la boisson plus agréable et plus salubre. Paris, 1797.

Giraud, A. Cafés de Paris, procédés uniques pour la préparation du café, glorias, grogs a l'americaine. Paris, 1853. 75 pp.

Harris, William B. Coffee making comparisons. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXII: 336–337.

How to make a cup of coffee. Godey's Lady's Book, LXIII: 107. Also, Sharpe's London Magazine, XLIV: 259.

Masson, Abbé. Le café, ses propriétés, manière nouvelles de la préparer. Epernay, 1885. 24 pp.

Masson, P. Le parfait limonadier, ou la manière de préparer le thé, lecaffé, le chocolat. Paris, 1705.

Meitzky, J.H. De vario coffeæ potum parandi modo. Wittebergiæ, 1782.

T., C. de. Café français: recette économique. Paris, 1824.

Wilhelm, R.C. "Drip" method the best. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 338–339.

Willcox, O.W. About coffee-making methods. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXV: 618–620.

Woodruff, Sybil. Standard strength in coffee brews. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 133–137.

World's largest coffee brewery. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1919, XXXVI: 230–233.


Dannemiller, A.J. Coffee coating upheld. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1914, XXVII: 556–557.

Harris, William B. Green and roast coffees, the adulteration and misbranding thereof. American Grocer, Nov. 19, 1913: 19–20.

Krzizan, R. Ueber Eiweiss-Kaffeeglasur. Zeitschrift für Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1906, XII: 213–216.

Schaer, E. Notizen über die Firnisierung von Kaffeebohnen. Zeitschrift für Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1906, XII: 60.

Willcox, O.W. Concerning glazed coffees. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1914, XXVI: 340–341.


Cultured coffee activities. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1921, XLI: 456–458.

Giraud, A. Le café perfectionné. Paris, 1846.

Harris, William B. Making coffee for the consumer. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1914, XXVI: 335–338.

How soluble coffee is made. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1921, XLI: 162–166.

Preparation of coffee for use. Penny Magazine, III: 228.

Walker, J. Handbook of coffee pulpers and pulping. Kandy, Ceylon, 1894: 36 pp.

Modifications, Caffein-Free, etc.

Daniels, Clinton K. Daniels' golden coffee. 1882, 3 pp.

Detoxication of coffee. Scientific American, Mar. 27, 1915, CXII: 292.

Non-Toxic coffee and tea. Scientific American, Nov. 13, 1909, CI: 346.

Wimmer, K. Caffeinless coffee. Scientific American, Apr. 11, 1908, XCVIII: 258.

Polishing and Coloring

Halleux, Edmond. Le commerce des cafés avariés colorés ou enrobés. Annales des Falsifications, 1909, II, No. 7: 201–206.

Morpurgo, G. Notizie sulla colorazione artificiale del caffè e sui mezzi scoprirla. Orosi, 1897, XX: 397–403.

Raumer, E. von. Ueber den Nachweis künstlicher Färbungen bei Rohkaffee. Forschungs-Berichte über Lebensmittel, 1896, III: 333–338.

Sauvage, Édouard. Note sur les cafés verts lustrés-colorés. Leur rôle commercial. Annales des Falsifications, 1910, III: 113–117.

Roasting and Grinding

Ach, F.J. Roasting costs and accounting. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 133.

Brand, Carl W. Increased packing costs. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 567–570.

Burns, A. Lincoln. Factory efficiency. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 30–33.

Dausse. Manuel de l'amateur du café, ou l'art de torréfier les cafés convenablement, basé sur l'analyse chèmique. Paris, 1846.

Electric coffee roasting in Germany. Electrical World, 1906, XLVIII: 117–178.

Evolution of the coffee roaster. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1910, XVIII: 390–392.

Gillies, Edwin J. Getting a roasting profit. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 65–68.

Holstad, S.H. Keeping tab on costs. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 68–70.

King, John E. Grinding and packing coffee. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 552–555.

Knowlton, H.S. Power installation of a coffee-roasting and spice-grinding plant. Electrical World, 1905, XLV: 678–681.

McGarty, M.J. Scientific coffee roasting. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 336–337.

Turcq Des Rosiers, Le. Le café: une révolution dans ses procédés de torréfaction. Paris, 1890.

Wilhelm, R.C. The color of the roast. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 428–429.

Wright, George S. Automatic weighing tests. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1915, XXIX: 568–570.

Zinsmeister, Lee G. Roasting economies. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1914, XXVII: 558–561; 1915, XXIX: 545–550.


As Antiseptic and Disinfectant

Barbier. Le café comme désinfectant. Journal de Médecine et Pharmacie de l'Algérie, 1881, VI: 315–318.

Crane, W.H. and Friedlander, A. The antiseptic qualities of coffee. American Medicine, 1903, VI: 403–407.

Heim, L. Ueber den antiseptischen Werth des gerösteten Kaffees. Münchener medicinische Wochenschrift, 1886, XXXIV: 293–312.

Oppler. Der Kaffee als Antisepticum. Deutsche militärärztliche Zeitschrift, 1885, XIV: 567–577.


Aignant ou Aignan. Le preste médecin, avec un traité du thé, du café, en France. Paris, 1606.

B., W. Coffee, its origin, properties and virtues. London, 1908.

Blegny, N. de. Le bon usage du thé, café et du chocolat pour la prevention et la guerison des maladies. Paris, 1687.

Boutekoë, Corneille. Le thé, le café, et le chocolat. 1699.

Bradley, Richard. The virtue and use of coffee, with regard to the plague, and other infectious distempers. London, 1721. 34 pp.

Brillié, L., and Dupré, E. Étude sur les cafés. Communication a la Société française d'hygiène. Paris, 1889.

Chicou, T. Du café en hygiène et en thérapeutique. Paris, 1859.

Daupley, C.E. Étude sur le café; ses applications à la médecine. Paris, 1867.

Eloy, Nicholas F.J. Question médico-politique, si l'usage de café est avantageux à la santé, et s'il peut se conciler avec le bien de l'état dans les provinces belgique. 1781.

Fontaine. Hernie traité par l'infusion de café. Paris, 1865.

Landarrhilco, Osmin. Nouvelles propriétès thérapeutiques du café vert dans les affections du foie, les coliques hépatiques et le diabètè. Montpellier, 1888.

Leconte, A.H. Emploi du café thérapeutique. Strasbourg, 1859.

Magri, D. Virtu del Kafe, bevanda introdotta nuovamente nell' Italia. 2 ed. Roma, 1671, 16 pp.

Marvaud, Angel. Les boissons aromatiques. Le café. In his, Les aliments d'épargne, Paris, 1874. 2 pt., pp. 292–320.

Munday (Mundy), Henry. Opera omnia—Physica de aere vitali, esculentis, et potutentis, cum appendice de pasergris in victu et chocolatu, thea, coffea, tobaco. Leyden, 1685.

Petit, H. De la prolongation de la vie humaine par le café. 2 éd. Paris, 1862.

Richet, Ch. Les poisons de l'intelligence, l'alcool, le chloroforme, le haschich, l'opium, le café. Paris, 1877.

Trifet, A. Du café, de ses effets sur l'homme. Paris, 1847.

Villemus, A. Du café et de ses principales applications thérapeutiques. Paris, 1875.

Virey, J.J. Nouvelles considérations sur l'histoire et les effets hygiéniques du cafés et sur le genre coffea. Paris, 1816.

Weiss, C.C. Coffee arabica nach seiner zerstörenden Wirkung auf animalische Dünste als Schutzmittel gegen Contagion vorschlagen. Friberg, 1832.


Alleged medicinal properties of the husk of the coffee bean, The Lancet, 1902, II: 944.

Balzac. Traité des excitants modernes. Alcool, sucre, thé, café, tabac. Extrait fact. de la Revue de Paris. 1852.

Beneficial effects of coffee as a drink. Review of Reviews, 1906, XXXIII: 245–246.

Boltenstern, von. Zur Bewerkung des Kaffees als Volksgenussmittel. Deutsche Arzte-Zeitung, 1905, 457–461.

Caron, D.A. Coffee and milk as a diet. Journal of Franklin Institute, LXIV: 349.

Dalson, A.T.,

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