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Book online «All About Coffee, William H. Ukers [short story to read .txt] 📗». Author William H. Ukers

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Miscellaneous Series, no. 425.)

Hawaii. Board of Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry. Culture of coffee. Hawaiian Forester and Agriculturist, 1911, VIII, no. 10.

—— Blight-resistant coffees. Hawaiian Forester and Agriculturist, 1912, IX, no. 3.

Haywood, Wm. Coffee culture in the Hawaiian Islands. Washington, 1898. 164 pp.

McChesney, J.M. The great coffee corner. Hawaiian Forester and Agriculturist, 1911, VIII: 206–211.

McClelland, J.L. Coffee culture in Hawaii. Overland Monthly, 1903, n.s. XLI: 170–178.

United States Department of Agriculture. Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology. Circular No. 16. Danger of introducing a Central American coffee in Hawaii. Washington, 1898.

Whitney, Henry Martyn. The Hawaiian coffee planter's manual. Honolulu, 1894. 48 pp.


Inginac, G.B. Industrie agricole. Culture du caféier et préparation de la fève pour être livrée au commerce. Port-au-Prince, 1840. 22 pp.

Laborie, P.J. The coffee planter of Saint Domingo. Colombo, 1845. 204 pp.

—— An abridgment of the coffee planter of Saint Domingo. Madras, 1863. 83 pp.

Prestoe, H. Report on coffee cultivation in Dominica. Trinidad, 1875.


Coffee cultivation in British Honduras. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1892: 253–259.


Anstead, R.D. Coffee, its cultivation and manuring in South India. Bangalore, 1915. 3 pp.

Anderson, G. Coffee culture in Mysore. Bangalore, 1879.

Arnold, E.L. On the Indian hills, or coffee planting in Southern India. London, 1895. 350 pp.

Cultivation of coffee in India. Scientific American Supplement, 1900, L: 20620.

Culture of coffee in South Travancore. Fraser's Magazine, XC: 64.

Elliott, R.H. Planter in Mysore. London, 1871.

Elliot, Robert H. Gold, sport, and coffee planting in Mysore. Westminster, 1894. 480 pp.

Experiences of a coffee planter in Southern India. Frasers' Magazine, XVIX: 703.

Coffee planting in Southern India. Spectator, LV: 664.

Hybrid coffee in Mysore. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1898: 30 and 207.

India. Statistical Department. The coffee crop in Coorg. Simla, 1885.

—— The cultivation of coffee in India. Simla, 1898, 6 pp.

Shortt, John. A hand-book to coffee planting in southern India. Madras, 1864. 182 pp.

Watson, J.D. Liberian coffee cultivation in Tavoy. Tavoy, Burma, 1893. 5 pp.



Bieber, Frederick J. Die Kaffee- und Baumwolle-Kultur in Kaffa. Zeitschrift für Kolonialpolitik, Kolonialrecht und Kolonial-wirtschaft, 1908, X: 774–781.


Manuel pratique de la culture du caféier et du cacaoyer au Congo Belge. Ministère des colonies, Bruxelles, 1908. 96 pp.


Coffee planting in Lagos. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull, of Misc. Information, 1896: 77–79.


Boutilly, V. Le caféier de Libéria, sa culture et sa manipulation. Paris, 1900. 137 pp.

Felle, W. Veeljarige waarnemingen en ondervindingen van een Liberia-koffieplanter. 1894.

Morren, F.W. Cultuur bereiding en handel van Liberia koffie. Amsterdam, 1894. 36 pp.

Morris, Sir Daniel. Notes on Liberian coffee, its history and cultivation. Jamaica, 1881. 14 pp.


Buis, J. L'Hémileia et L'avenir du caféier à Madagascar, et à la Réunion. 1907.

Rigaud, A. Traité pratique de la culture du café dans la région centrale de Madagascar. Paris, 1896. 102 pp.


Cook, J.D. American coffee culture in Mexico. World Today, 1907, XII: 413–418.

Fox, Alvin. Coffee culture in southern Mexico. Simmons' Spice Mill, 1918, XLI: 1080–1081.

Gómez, Gabriel. Cultivo y beneficio del café. México, 1894. 136 pp. Also in English.

Ludewig, H. Jaun. Veinte años trabajos de colonización y el cultivo del cafeto en Soconusco. México, 1909. 53 pp.

Moncàda, M. Notas sobre el cultivo y beneficio del café. Memorias y revista de la Sociedad científica "Antonio Alzate," 1905–6, XXIII: 281–287.

Romero, Matías. Cultivo del café en la costa meridional de Chiapas. 3 ed. México, 1875. 240 pp.

—— El cultivo del café en la república mexicana. 2 ed. México, 1893. 127 pp. Also in English, New York, 1901. 74 pp.

—— El estado de Oaxaca. Barcelona, 1886. 212 pp.

Terry, E.G.C. Near view of coffee in Mexico. Pan American Union. Bulletin. 1914, XXXIX: 903–906.

Terry, L.M. Coffee culture in Mexico. Overland Monthly, 1901, n. s. XXXVII: 702–709.

Torres, J.T. Ensayo experimental sobre el café México, 1876.

Yorba, J. Mexican coffee culture. 2 ed. México, 1895. 64 pp.


Natal. Commission appointed to inquire into and report upon matters relating to coffee cultivation in the colony. Report. Maritzburg, 1881. 6 pp.

Stainbank, H.E. Coffee in Natal; its culture and preparation. London, 1874. 78 pp.


Shedd, W.J. The story of Matagalpa coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXIV: 118–122.


Coffee growing in Paraguay. Scientific American Supplement, 1914, LXXVIII: 340.


Linck, J.H. Arbor caffé Lipsiae florens. Extrait factice des Ephem. Acad. naturae curiosorum. 1725. 7 pp.

McClelland, Thomas B. Suggestions on coffee planting for Porto Rico. Porto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station. Circular, no. 15. Also in Spanish.

McClelland, T.B. Restoring Porto Rico coffee. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 420–421.

National Coffee Growers' Association. Some facts about Porto Rico coffee. 1913.

Van Leenhoff, Johannes W. Coffee planting in Porto Rico. Mayaguez, 1904. 14 pp.


Sociedade de Geooraphiade Lisboa. Exposição colonial de algodão, borracha, cacau e café. 1906. 104 pp.


Highland coffee of Sierra Leone (Coffea stenophylla, C. Don). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1896: 189–191.


Fox, Alvin. Liberian coffee in South America. Simmons' Spice Mill, 1918, XLI: 549–550.


Trinidad coffee. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1888: 129–133.


Brown, E. and Hunter, H.H. Planting in Uganda; coffee, Pará rubber, cocoa. London, 1913. 176 pp.

Coffee and tea from Uganda. Imperial Institute. Bulletin. London, 1918, XVI.

Small, W. Coffee cultivation in Uganda. Imperial Institute. Bulletin. 1914, XII: 242–250.


Jones, A.C. Thea viridis, or Chinese tea plant, and the practicability of its culture and manufacture in the United States. Also some remarks on the cultivation of the coffee plant. Washington, 1877. 26 pp.

Kains, M.G. Chicory growing as an addition to the resources of the American farmer. U.S. Depart. of Agriculture. Div. of Botany. Bulletin, no. 19. Washington, 1898.


Ernst, A. El café de Liberia én Vénézuela. Caracas, 1878.

Huntington, L.M. The story of Tachira coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 318–325.

Junta de aclimatacion cuestionario sobre el cultivo del café. Caracas, 1895. 42 pp.

Pelacios, G. Delgado. Contribución al estudio del café en Venezuela. Caracas, 1895. 93 pp.


Lowndes, John. The coffee-planter; or, An essay on the cultivation and manufacturing of that article of West-India produce. London, 1807. 76 pp.

Nicholls, H.A.A. Liberian coffee in the West Indies. London, 1881. 31 pp.


Clarke, T. On the management of soils under coffee in Madras. Madras Agricultural Exhibit. Report. 1883.

Fauchère, A. Du choix du terrain dans la culture du caféier. Colonie de Madagascar and Dependances. Bulletin économique, 1907, VII: 349–353.

Hughes, J. Ceylon coffee soils and manures. London, 1879.

Kenny, J. Tea, coffee, tobacco (manuring, etc.) 1910.

Kramers, J.G. Verslag omtrent grondanalyses van koffietuinen. Batavia, 1902. 86 pp.


Aulmann, G. and La Baumé, M. Die Faune der deutcher Kolonien. Pt. 2. Die Schädlinge des Kaffees. Berlin, 1911.

Burck, W. Over de oorzaken van den achteruitgang von de gouvernementskoffie-cultuur op Java. 1896.

—— Over de koffiebladziekte en de middelen om haar te bestrijden. Batavia, 1887:61.

Bidie, G. Report on the ravages of the bore in coffee estates. Madras, 1869. 93 pp.

Bosse. J. von. Eenige beschouwingen omtrent de oorzaken van den achterintgang von de koffie-cultuur der Sumatra's Westkust, etc. 's Gravenhage, 1895.

Cameron, John. Prevention of leaf disease in coffee; report of a visit to Coorg. 1899. 23 pp.

Cooke, M.C. Two coffee diseases. Popular Science Review, XV:161.

Delacroix, Georges. Les maladies et les ennemis des caféiers. Paris, 1900. 212 pp.

Ernst, Adolf. Estudios sobre las deformaciones, enfermedades y enemigos del arbol de café en Venezuela. Caracas, 1878. 21 pp.

Goeldi, Emil August. Memoria sobre una enfermedad del cafeto en la provincia Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. México, 1894. 118 pp.

Green, E.E. Observations on the green scale bug in connection with the cultivation of coffee. Colombo, 1886. 4 pp.

Harman, F.E. Report on coffee leaf miner disease. Mysore Government. Bangalore, 1880. 41 pp.

India. Mysore. Department of Agriculture. Short report of a tour made in Coorg during February and March, 1914. (Green bug on coffee.) 1914. 3 pp.

Koningsberger, J.C. De dierlijke vijanden der koffie-cultuur op Java. Batavia, 1897–1901. 2 pts.

Kuyper, J. Een fusicladium-ziekte op hevea. De zilver-draad-ziekte der koffie in Suriname. De gevolgen van keukenzout-houdend water voor begieting en bespuiting. 1913.

Lemarié, Charles. Une maladie du caféier. Hanoi, 1899. 6 pp.

Massee, G.E. Coffee diseases of the New World, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1909: 337–341.

México. Ministerio de Fomento, Colonización é Industria. La fumagina y el pulgón de los cafetos en la República Mexicana. 1897. 11 pp.

Misson, Luis, and Téllez, O. Cultivo y beneficio del café en el Brasil: cómo se hacen en el estado de São Paulo, por Luis Misson; y Plagas del cafeto en México, por O. Téllez. México, 1907. 30 pp. (Mexico, 1867-republic. Comisión de Parasitologia Agricola. Circular 70.)

Neitner, J. The coffee tree and its enemies in Ceylon. Colombo, 1880. 32 pp.

Peelen, H.J.E. Eenige opmerkingen omtrent de koffie bladziekte. 1888.

Prins, H.J. De oeret-plaag in de koffietuinen op Java. 1884.

Sadebeck, R. Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen über die durch Hemileia vastatrix verursachte Blattfleckenkrankheiten der Kaffeebäume. München, 1895. 9 pp.

Smith, Jared G. Two plant diseases in Hawaii. Honolulu, 1904. 6 pp.

Thierry, A.J. Notes sur le greffage du caféier, du cacaoyer et du muscadier et la maladie vermiculaire du caféier. 1899. 77 pp. Reprinted from Bulletin agricole de la Martinique.

Tins, H.J. De veret-plaag in de koffietuinen op Java. Enschede, 1885. 86 pp.

Tonduz, Adolfo. Informe sobre la enfermedad del cafeto. San José (Costa Rica), 1893. 28 pp.

Van Romunde, R. Koffiebladziekte en koffie kultuur. 's Gravenhage, 1892. 92 pp.

Zacher, Friedrich. Die wichtigsten Krankheiten und Schädlinge der tropischen Kulturpflanzen und ihre Bekämpfung. Hamburg, 1914.

Zimmermann, Albrecht. De nematoden der koffiewortels. Batavia, 1898–1900. 2v.


Botanical Magazine, London, 1787–1904. Coffee arabica, XXXII, tab. 1303; CXXII, tab. 7475; coffee benghalensis, LXXXII, tab. 4917; coffee stenophylla, CXXII, tab. 7475; coffee travacarensis, coffee trifiora, CX, tab. 6749.

Cook, Melville Thurston. The coffee leaf miner. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin, 1905, n. s. LII: 97–99.

Cook, M.T. and Horne, W.T. Coffee leaf miner and other coffee pests. Santiago, 1905. 21 pp. (Cuba, 1902-republic. Estación central agronómica. Boletin 3. English and Spanish ed.)

Faber, F.C. von. Die Krankheiten und Schädlinge des Kaffees. Centralblatt für Bakteriologie, Abteilung 2. 1908, XXI: 97–117.

Fawcett, George L. Fungus diseases of coffee in Porto Rico. Porto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 17.

Giard, A. Sur deux cochenilles nouvelles Ortheziola fodiens nov. spec, et Rhizoecus Eloti nov. spec., parasites des racines du caféier a la Guadeloupe. Comptes rendus de la Société de Biologie, 1897.

Göldi, E.A. Relatorio sobre a molestia do caféeiro na provincia do Rio de Janeiro. Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, 1892, VIII: 7–121.

Mann, B.P. Coffee leaf miner. American Naturalist, VI: 332–596.

Marchal, Paul. Sur un nouvel ennemi du caféier; le "Xyleborus coffeæ." Journal d'Agriculture tropicale, 1909, IX:227–228.

Morris, D. Coffee-leaf disease of Ceylon. Nature,

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