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Book online «All About Coffee, William H. Ukers [short story to read .txt] 📗». Author William H. Ukers

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XXIX: 20.

Woods, C.D. and Merrill, L.H. Coffee substitutes. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin, LXV: 101–116.

Malt Coffee

Doepmann, F. Ueber Malzkaffee. Zeitschrift für Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1914, XXVII: 453–466.

Jonghahn, A. Beiträge sur Chemie und Technologie des Malzkaffees. Verhandlung der Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte, 1906, II, pt. 2, 382–386.

Thellich, H. Welche Mindestforderungen sind an Malz für Malzkaffee zu stellen? Zeitschrift für Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1905, X: 118–121.


Bordeaux. Chambre de Commerce. Rapport fait à la Chambre par la Commission spéciale chargée d'étudier la question de la réduction des droits sur les sucres et les cafés. Bordeaux, 1858. 27 pp.

—— Second rapport fait à la Chambre par la Commission spéciale chargée d'étudier la question de la réduction des droits sur les sucres et les cafés. Bordeaux, 1859. 16 pp.

Corrie, Edgar. Letters on the subject of the duties on coffee. London, 1808. 61 pp.

Great Britain. Statutes. Anno regni Georgii III. Regis Quadragesimo nono. Cap. lxi. An act for making sugar and coffee of Martinique and Mariegalante liable to duty on importation as sugar and coffee not of the British plantations. London, 1809: pp. 437–438.

—— Anno regni Georgii II Regis vicesimo quinto. An act for encouraging the growth of coffee in His Majesty's plantations in America. London, 1752: pp. 723–734.

—— Anno regni Georgii II Regis quinto. An act for encouraging the growth of coffee in His Majesty's plantations in America. London, 1732: pp. 411–415.

Larrinaga, Tulio. Brief of Honorable Tulio Larrinaga, resident commissioner from Porto Rico to the United States of America before the Committee on ways and means. Washington, 1908. 9 pp.

Madras. Statutes. The Madras coffee-stealing prevention act, 1878. Madras, 1908. 9 pp.

Nelson, Knute. Export duty on coffee and tea. List of countries levying an export duty on coffee and tea, with statistics from the annual report on commerce and navigation for 1908. Washington, 1909. 6 pp. U.S. 61st Congress, 1st session. Senate Document, 120.

Ordonnantie, waar naar in de stad Utrecht en Amersfoort, en in de vryheden van dien, by taxatie zal worden geheven de impost op de koffy, cicers en thee. Utrecht, 1767. 6 pp.

Produce Clearing House. Regulations for coffee future delivery. London, 1888. 12 pp.

Van Oosterwijk Bruyn, Pieter Adolf. Beschouwingen over eene belasting op koffij. Utrecht, 1863. 78 pp.


Exchange Tables

Müller, Victor R. Comparative tables showing the parity of prices of Havre good average and New York coffee exchange standard no. 7. New York, 1887. 15 pp.

Seligsberg, Louis. Parity tables for quotations of coffee and sugar on the various exchanges of Europe, converted into American currency. New York, 1891. 23 pp.

Zobel, Paul. Paritäts-Tabellen zum Kaffee-Termin-Markt nebst Schnellrechunungs Tabellen, 1907. Triest.


Belli, B. Il caffè, il suo paese e la sua importanza. Milano, 1910. 395 pp.

Bisio, G. Il caffè. Le ioni date dal Prof. G. Bizio alla Reale Scuola superiore di commercio, Venezia, 1870.

Brougier, A. Der Kaffee, dessen Kultur und Handel, 1897.

Burns, Jabez. The "Spice mill" companion: a collection of valuable information, original and selected, suited to the requirements of the present condition of the coffee and spice mill business. New York, 1879. 102 pp.

Dowler, J.S.O. & Co. Coffee calculator. Saint Louis, 1907. 31 pp.

Ferguson, J. Production of tea and coffee in British dependencies. London, 1896. 1 p.

Fürst, Max. Die Börse, ihre Enstehung und Entwicklung, ihre Einrichtung und ihre Geschäfte. Die Welthandelsgüter Getreide, Kaffee, Zucker. Leipzig, 1913.

International Bureau of the American Republics. Coffee. Extensive information and statistics. Washington, 1901. 108 pp. Also, in Spanish.

—— Coffee. Reprint of an article from the Monthly Bulletin of the International Bureau of American Republics, Nov. 1908. Washington, 1909. 11 pp.

International Institute of Agriculture. Bureau of Statistics. Stocks visibles de froment et farine de froment, de sucre, de café, de coton et de soie; 1903–12. Rome, 1914. 79 pp.

Schmedding, J.H.F. and Zonen. Coffee. Statistics running from 1884–1905. Amsterdam, 1901. 18 pp.

Schöffer, C.H. The coffee trade. New York, 1869. 58 pp.

United States. Bureau of Foreign Commerce. Verslagen betreffende de cultuur en de bereiding van koffie en het keplante en nog beschikbare terrein voor dit product in Mexico, Centraal-& Zuid-America en West-Indië. Amsterdam, 1889. 135 pp. In English, except introduction. Reprinted from Reports from the consuls of the United States, 1888, XXVIII, No. 98.

United States. Statistics Bureau. The world's production and consumption of coffee, tea and cacao in 1905. Washington, 1905. 206 pp. Reprinted from Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, July, 1905.

Van Delden Laerne, C.F. Brazil and Java. Report on coffee-culture in America, Asia and Africa, to H.E. the Minister of the Colonies. London, 1885. 637 pp.


Bache, L.S. How the exchange works. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1921, XLI: 678–682.

Brand, Carl W. Co-operative competition. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1914, XXVII: 534–540.

Calvo, J.B., and Delfino, A.E. Commission for the study of the production, distribution and consumption of coffee. International Bureau of American Republics Monthly Bulletin, 1902, XIII: 1317–1321.

Coffee. Statist, 1915, LXXXIII: 377–378.

Coffee and coffee trade. Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, XXVII: 39; XLI: 165.

Coffee trade. Leisure Hour, XXIX: 357.

Cotton-Coffee quotation record. Monthly. N.Y.

Crawford, J. History of coffee. Journal of the Statistical Society, XV: 50.

Duke, J.S. Coffee trade. De Bow's Commercial Review, II: 303. Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, 1850, XXIII: 59, 172, 451.

El Cafetal, revista oficial mensuel dedicada exclusivamente a la industria cafetera en todos su ramos. New York, 1903.

Federal Reporter, for planters, grocers, confectioners, canners and dealers in coffee, tea and spice. New York. Current monthly.

Gardner, J. Coffee trade. Western Journal and Civilian, VII: 301. Also, Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, XIII: 273; J. Gardner Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, XXV: 690; Living Age, XXVII: 254.

—— Production and consumption of coffee. Hunt's Merchant's Magazine XXIV: 194.

Gill, W.K. Meeting coffee competition. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 238–239.

Graham, Harry Crusen. Coffee. Production, trade, and consumption by countries. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bureau of Statistics. Bulletin, 1912, LXXIX. 134 pp.

Great Britain. Commercial, Labour and Statistical Dept. Tea and coffee. Statement "showing the imports of tea and coffee into the principal countries of Europe and into the United States: together with statistical tables relating thereto for recent years as far as the particulars can be stated." 1884–1900. House of Commons, paper 351, 1900. 27 pp. House of Commons paper 363, 1902. 42 pp.

Hangwitz, Julian. The world's coffee trade in 1898. Consular Reports, 1899, LX: 258–261.

Harris, William B. Coffee and the law. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII; Supplement to No. 6: 41–44.

Heilprin, M. History of coffee. Nation, VI: 275.

Huebner, G.G. Coffee market. Annals of the American Academy, 1911, XXXVIII: 610–620.

International Bureau of the American Republics. Bulletin. Washington, 1893—date. Contains from time to time articles on coffee production in the various Latin-American countries.

Kaffee verbrauch in den haupt sächlichsten Ländern der Welt. Deutsche Handels-Archiv, 1901, 206–207.

Lecomte, H. La culture du café dans le monde. La Géographie, 1901, III: 471–488. Also, in Finnish, Geografiska Föreningens Tidskr., 1901, XIII: 252–272.

Leech, C.J., & Co. Table of coffee statistics. Annual. London.

Lehy, Geoffrey B. Coffee distribution. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXV: 564–566.

Lewis, E. St. Elmo. Promoting coffee sales. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1915, XXIX: 539–544.

Mahin, John Lee. Advertising coffee. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 56–58.

Mathews, Frederick C. Coffee advertising efficiency. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 38–40.

McCreery, R.W. The penny-change system. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1911, XXI: 462–464.

Macfarlane, John J. Coffee and tea statistics. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 329–333.

Merritt, E.A. The world's coffee. U.S. Consul's report on commerce, 1883, No. 31, 125–147.

New York. Coffee Exchange. Report. Annual. New York.

Our coffee industry. Scientific American Supplement, 1902, LIII: 21994.

Price, import, and consumption of coffee. De Bow's Commercial Review, XX: 253.

Simmons' Spice Mill; devoted to the interests of the coffee, tea and spice trades. Monthly. New York.

Tea and coffee consumption. Current Literature, 1901, XXX: 298.

Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, The. For the tea, coffee, spice and fine grocery trades. Monthly. New York.

Ukers, William H. Advertising Brazil coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXII: 34–36.

—— The right coffee propaganda. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII. Supplement to No. 6: 21–28.

Ukers, William H., editor. Tea and coffee buyer's guide. Annual. New York.

United States. State Department. Production and consumption of coffee, etc. Message from the president of the United States, transmitting a report from the secretary of state, with accompanying papers, relative to the proceedings of the International Congress for the Study of the Production and Consumption of Coffee, etc. Dee. 10, 1902. U.S. 57th Congress, 2nd session. Senate document 35. 312 pp.

Vasco, G. Le café. Revue française de l'étranger et des colonies et exploration, 1900, XXV: 598–603.

Weir, Ross W. Coffee hints for grocers. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXV: 566–568.

Westerfeld, Sol. Retailers' coffee problems. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 559–560.

World's coffee trade. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1919, XXXVI: 129–130.



Alves de Lima, J.C. Solugões sobre o commercio de café. São Paulo, 1902. 88 pp.

Bolle, Karl. São Paulo das bedeutendste Kaffeegebeit der Welt. Deutsche Rundschau für Geographie, XXVIII: 66–77.

Brazil. Ministerio de Fazenda. Direitos de ex-portação e sua cobranca. Rio de Janeiro, 1895. 11 pp.

Brazil. Serviço de Estatistica Commercial. Statistics of imports and exports. The movement of shipping, exchange and coffee in the republic of the United States of Brazil. (Yearly.) Rio de Janeiro.

Brazil and coffee; souvenir of the Louisiana purchase exposition. 1904. 28 pp.

Brazil coffee in England. Bulletin of the Pan American Union, 1915, XL: 514–515.

Brazilian coffee propaganda, The. Commercial and Financial Chronicle, 1909, LXXXVIII: 1223–1224.

Brazilian Review, The: a weekly record of trade and finance. Rio de Janeiro, 1907–1914.

Coffee crop of Brazil, The. Economist, 1909, LXVIII: 1030–1031.

Coffee exports from Brazil, 1898–1900. Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, 1900–1901: 2592–2593.

d'Anthouard de Wasservas, A. Le café au Brésil. Journal des Économistes, 1910, ser. 6, XXVII: 16–37.

da Silva Telles, A.E. O café e o estado de S. Paulo. São Paulo, 1900. 60 pp.

Empire of Brazil at the World's industrial and cotton centennial exposition of New Orleans, The. New York, 1885. 71 pp.

Great Britain. Foreign Office. Brazil. Résumé of a report published in the "Journal do Commercio" of Rio de Janeiro on the production of coffee in Brazil, with statistics respecting its consumption in the United States. London, 1899. 7 pp. Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Miscellaneous series, No. 512.

Grossi, Vincenzo. La crisi del caffè e i progetti per la fissazione del cambio al Brasile. Nuova Antologia, CCVIII; (ser. 5, CXXIV): 484–494.

Kaffeefrage in Brasilien, Die. Grenzboten, LXVI: 335–339.

Leroy-Beauilieu, Paul. Les droits sur le café. Le Brésil, la France et nos colonies. L'Économiste français, XXVIII; no. 1: 101–103.

Moreira, Nicolau Joaquim. Brazilian coffee. New York, 1876. 11 pp.

N. Lettres du Brésil. La question du café. L'Économiste français, XXVIII, No. 1: 374–377.

Patterson, W. Morrison. Brazil's coffee trade of today. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 323–324.

Pinto, Adolpho Augusto. The state of São Paulo. Chicago,

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