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Book online «All About Coffee, William H. Ukers [short story to read .txt] 📗». Author William H. Ukers

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Amber (essence of) in c., 695

Ambergris in c., 709

Ambrosia Arabica, Caffè Discorso, Rambaldi, 558, q., 696

American Can Co., 472, 473

Am. Chem. Journal, q., 165

American Coffee Co., 521

American Grocer, per., 526

American Hist'l Register, q., 126

Am. Journ. Ophthalmology, q., 182

American Legion, v., 316

American Mills, 502

American Sugar Refining Co., 689

Ames, Allan P., 448

Amman & Co., C., 477

Amsinck, Gustave, 479

Amsinck & Co., G., 479, 484, 485, 534

Amurath III, 20, 664

Amurath IV, 20, 38

Analyst, per, q., 165

Anatomy of Melancholy, The, Burton, q., 543, 38

Ancilloto, Marco, 27

"——" and Other Poets, Untermeyer, q., 553

Anderson, pat., 247

Anderson, Adam, q., 72, 73, 74

Anderson, E.D., 472

Anderson, Mrs. chk., 86

Andreas, A.T., q., 106

Andrews, William Ward, pat., 627, 700

Andrews & Co., C.E., 506

Andry, Doctor, 694

Anecdotes, 565–585
Addison, Joseph, 576
Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 570
Bismarck, 565, 570
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 94, 593
Brillat-Savarin, 565
Champmeslé, 91
Cibber, Colley, 579
Compton, Bishop of London, 570
de Sévigné, Mme., 91, 565
Dryden, John, 574, 575
Fontenelle, 565
Foote, Samuel, 580, 581
Garrick, David 569, 579, 580
Goldsmith, Oliver, 573, 574
Grévy, Jules, 566
Hannes, Dr., 572
Hogarth, William, 580
Inchbald, Mrs., 576
Jeffreys, Judge, 570
Johnson, Samuel, 567, 568, 569
Kant, Immanuel, 562
Kemble, John, 581
London coffee-house, 567–585
Louis XIV and DuBarry, 566
Lowther, Sir James, 584
Macklin, Charles, 580, 581
Milton, John, 584
Napier, Robert, 700
Page, Judge, 570
Phipps, Sir William, 111
Pope, Alexander, 575, 576, 577, 578
Racine, 91
Radcliff, Dr., 572
Roach, Tiger, 579, 580
Roubiliac, 583
Saint-Foix, 566, 567
Savage, Richard, 570
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 581
Sloane, Sir Hans, 582
Steele, Sir Richard, 570
Swift, Jonathan, 570, 578, 579
Talleyrand, Prince, 565
Thurlow, Lord, 572
Voltaire, 178, 565
Ware (Brit. architect), 584

Anezi c., 351, 368

Angel & Co., A., 340

Angustifolia, C. hyb., 140

Ankola c., 355, 371

Annales, Liebig, q., 711

Annales Politiques et Littéraires, per., q., 175

Annals (of Phila.), q., 120

Annals on Applied Biology, q., 155

Anne, Queen, 82

Année Littéraire, q., 6

Anstead, R.D., q., 155

Anthony, Frank M., 479

Antiquarian Rambles in the Streets of London, Smith, q., 569, 570

Antiseptic, C. as an, 180, 182

Apel, Paul E, 506

Apparatus (see Machinery)

Appenzeller, John C., 503

Applegate, John, 492

Apples in c. (Russia), 686

Apreece, 581

Araba (driver), 658

Arabia, Description of, Niebuhr, q., 22

Arabian Chrestomathy, de Sacy q., 2

Arabian c. (see Mocha)

Arabian Nights, The, 31

Arabica, C. (see note, p. 769)

Arbitration (N.Y. Exch.), 333

Arbor yemensis fructum cofè ferens, etc., The, Douglas, 42, 543

Arbuckle advertising, 462–465

Arbuckle, Charles, 521, 522

Arbuckle, Christina, 524

Arbuckle, John, 440, 469, 470, 496, 523, 524;
biog., 517, 521;
d., (1912) 524;
pat., 647

Arbuckle, John (Mrs.), 523

Arbuckle Brothers, 443, 470, 480, 482, 499, 502, 522, 523
Coating coffee, 396
Plant, 524–526
Business, 521–526

Arbuckle Farm, 524

Arbuckles, The, 519

Arbuckles & Co., 507, 522, 524, 635

Arbuthnot, Dr., 81, 84, 578, 579

Arcade Manufacturing Co., 645, 653

Archives of Psychology, q., 186

Arcularius, James L., 499

Arding, Dr. Charles, 118

Arduino, Pier Teresio, pat., 651

Arias, 220

Ariosa (brand), 440, 441, 469, 470, 524
Origin of name, 522

Ariza & Lombard, 488

Arkell, Bartlett, 538

Arkell, W.J., 538

Arlington, Earl of, 582

Arliss, George, 130;
q., 556

Armstrong, Dr., 578, 580 479, 491, 518, 527;
biog. 517

Arnold, Francis B., 477, 479, 491, 518

Arnold & Co., B.G., 479, 480 491, 528

Arnold, Dorr & Co., 479, 482, 518

Arnold, Hines & Co., 482

Arnold, Mackey & Co., 477, 479

Arnold, Sturgess & Co., 479

Arnoldiana, C., 142
Java, 216

Advertising value, retail, 423
Best grinds to preserve, 719, 720
Cause of, 163, 165
Chaff rich in, 708
Cup-testing for, 356
Preservation of, 170, 712, 717

Aroma Coffee & Spice Co., 502

Aron & Co., J., 340

Arroba (weight), 268

Art collections
Berlin museums, 46
Boston Mus. of Fine Arts, 612
Bostonian Society, 613
Beaufoy (Guildhall Mus.), 62, 582, 602
British Museum, 604
Guildhall Museum, 602, 603

Armstrong & Barnewall, 476

Arne, Dr., 579

Arnold, q., 136

Arnold, Benjamin Green, 469,
Victoria and Albert Museum, 601, 603
New York
Clearwater (Met. Mus.), 609
Halsey (Met. Mus.), 609
Metropolitan Museum
Pictures, 591
Service, artistic and historical, 599, 600, 607, 608, 612
Paris: Clunny Museum, 600
Portland: Maine Hist. Soc., 614
Potsdam museums, 46
Salem (Mass.): Essex Inst., 614
Sam Ireland's, 593
Vienna: Austrian Art Soc., 590
Peter (U.S. Nat'l Mus.), 599

Arthur, chk., 588

Arthur's, Lyons, q., 563

Aruwimensis, C., 144
Java, 216

Ashcroft, John, pat., 157
Trade mark, 470

Ashland, James, 477

Ashley, James, chk., 582

Astbury, 604, 612

Astor Library, 124

Atha, F.P., 509;
q., 422

Athenae Oxiensis à Wood, q., 41

Atlas Mills, 498

Attal (Arabian bale), 266

Atwood & Co., 509

Atwood & Holstad, 509

Aubrey, John, 557;
q., 40, 53, 56, 59, 60

Amsterdam, 44
First (1711), 213
London, 327
Netherlands E. Indies, 312

Augagneuri, C., 147

Auger & Co., B.E., 487

Austin, Nichols & Co., 494, 499

Australian c., 355, 376

Autobiography, Haydon, q., 583

Autocrat (brand), 441

Automatic Weighing Machine Co., 470

Avicenna (Ibn Sina), 11, 17, 431;
q., 12

à Wood, Anthony, q., 41

Ayduis, 14

Ayer Bangies c., 355, 371

Ayer & Son, N.W., 448

Aymar & Co., 476

Babillard, q., 559

Bach, Johann Sebastian. 46;
q., 595–599

Bache, Theophylact, 475

Bacon, Francis, 543, 557;
q., 38

Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 570

Bacon, Raymond F., q., 714

Bacon, Williamson, 480

Bacon & Co., Williamson, 480

Bacon, Stickney & Co., 508

Bacteria, Effect of c. on, 180, 181

"Bad" coffee, 22

Bagnell, 579

Bags, paper (see Containers)

Bahias (c.), 341, 343, 367

Baillon, 558

Baiz, Jacob, 485

Baiz & Wakeman, 478

Baker (chemist), q., 165

Baker, John Gulick, pat., 469, 639

Baker, Roger, 117

Baker, T.K., pat., 647

Baker, William E., pat., 649

Baker & Co., 649

Baker & Sons, Joseph, 640

Baker & Young, 485

Baker Importing Co., 539

Baker vs. Duncombe (pat. suit), 649

Baldi, q., 184

Baldwin, Captain, 538

Baldy & Co., J.B., 506

Bales, Arabian, 266, 268

Balis (c.), 355, 374

Balliol college, Oxford, 40, 41

Ballot-box, origin of, 60

Ballou & Cosgrove, 488

Baltagi, 22

Balzac, Honoré de, 102, 556;
q., 557

Balzac, Lawton, q., 557

Ban, 26, 35

Bananas and c. (bev.), 694

Banesius (see Nairon)

Bangs, John Kendrick, q., 564


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