» Literary Collections » All About Coffee, William H. Ukers [short story to read .txt] 📗

Book online «All About Coffee, William H. Ukers [short story to read .txt] 📗». Author William H. Ukers

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do consumo na Europa o algodão, a industria da tecelagem do algodão, sua origem, appareicimento e desenvolvimento na America do Sul. Conferencias publicas realissadas na séde la Sociedade nacional de agricultura. Rio de Janeiro, 1900. 53 pp.

Denis, Pierre. La crise du café au Brésil et la valorisation. Revue politique et parlementaire, 1908, LVI: 494–520.

Ferreira Rangel, Sylvio. Valorisação de café. Rio de Janeiro, 1906. 18 pp. Also, A Lavoura, IX: 81–90.

Ferrin, A.W. Brazilian plan of limiting shipments. Moody's Magazine, 1912, XIII: 409–414.

How the coffee trust has held its grip. Current Literature, 1912, LIII: 52–54.

Huebner, G.G. Making green coffee prices. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912. XXI: 442–449.

Hutchinson, Lincoln. Coffee valorization in Brazil. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1909, XXIII: 528–535.

Kurth, Hermann. Die Lage des Kaffeemarktes und die Kaffeevalorisation. Inaugural dissertation, Jena, 1907. 34 pp.

Lalière, A. La valorisation du café. Revue économique internationale, Feb. 15–20, 1910, VII, pt. 1: 316–350.

Lévy, Maurice. La valorisation du café au Brésil. Annales des Sciences politiques, 1908, XXIII: 586–603.

Macfarlane, John J. Coffee valorization analysed. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1910, XIX: 103–110.

McKenna, W.E. Cause of advance in price. Public, 1912, XV: 508.

Olavarria, I.A. Liga de los paises cafeteros. Caracas, 1898. 20 pp.

Payen, Édouard. Au Brésil: la valorisation du café. Questions diplomatique et coloniales, XXIV: 728–740.

Raising prices by destruction. Nation, 1909. LXXXVIII: 520–521.

Ramos, F. Ferreira. La valorisation du café au Brésil. 1907.

Ratzka-Ernst, Clara. Welthandelsartikel und ihre Preise. Eine Studie zur Preisbewegung und Preisbildung. Der Zucker, der Kaffee und die Baumwolle. München, 1912. 244 pp.

Schmidt, Fritz. Die Kaffeevalorisation. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 1909, ser. 3, XXXVIII: 662–670.

Sielcken, Hermann. Coffee valorization explained. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1911, XXI: 471–481.

—— A defense of valorization. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII, Supplement to no. 6: 17–21.

Sloss, R. Why coffee costs twice as much. World's Work, 1912, XXIV: 194–205.

Suit against the coffee trust. Nation, 1912, XCIV: 508–509.

Syndicat général de défense du café et des produits coloniaux. Bulletin, Paris, 1911, II: No. 6.

Theiss, Lewis Edwin. Why the price of coffee increases. Showing how a few rich men, who want to be richer, are pushing up the price of coffee. Pearson's Magazine, 1911, XXVI: 456–463.

Turmann, Max. Un état qui fait du commerce. Le Brésil et la valorisation du café. La Revue hebdomadaire, 1909, VIII: 450–470.

Ukers, William H. The great coffee corner. Saturday Evening Post, 1909, CLXXXI: 5–7.

Valorizing coffee. Review of Reviews, 1912, XLVI: 21–22.

Value of coffee. Current Literature, 1903, XXXV: 746–747.

Wessels, L. De opheffing van het monopolie en de vervanging van de gedwongen koffie-cultuur op Java door een staatscultuur in vrijen arbeid. 's Gravenhage, 1890. 72 pp.

Wileman, J.P. Unparalleled valorization. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1911, XX: 444–445.

Zur Frage der Kaffee-Valorisation. Deutsche Wirtschafts-Zeitung, 1913, IX: 237–243.

Coffee Pot


Note. As this is a book about coffee, the entries in the Index refer—unless otherwise specified—to that general subject, and more particularly to Coffea arabica; other varieties are distinguished by their scientific or trade names. Thus, "Adulteration" refers to the adulteration of coffee; and "Adulterants," to the substances used for that purpose.

Abbreviations Used bev. signifies beverage biog. " biography C. or c. " coffee C. " Coffea chk. " coffee-house keeper d. " died hyb. " hybrid ill. " illustration inv. " invention newsp. " newspaper pamph. " pamphlet pat. " patent, patentee per. " periodical pseud. " pseudonym q. " quoted v. " vessel, ship

Italicized words are either scientific terms or titles of publications. Titles of books are followed by the name of the author, if known; other publications are distinguished as broadsides, newspapers, pamphlets, or periodicals.

Geographical names are distributed under various topics, such as "Acreage," "Coffee houses," "Consumption," "Cultivation," "Exports," "Imports," "Production," and the like.

A Mon Café, Ducis, 548

Abbas, wife of, 21

Abbey, Charlotte, q., 177

Abbey, Roswell, pat., 245

Abbey, Freeman & Co., 482

Abd-al-Kâdir, 14, 431

Abd-al-Kâdir ms., 31, 431, 542, 543
Description, 541

Abele, Chris, pat., 630, 638, 644, 645;
d. (1910), 641

Abeokutæ, C., 142
Java, 216

Abeokutæ × liberica, hyb., 146

Abigail, 13

Aborn, A.C., q.,
Cost card for roasters, 392

Aborn, Edward, 439, 514, 651, 701, 713, 714, 716, q., 715

Aborn, W.H., 715

About, Edmund F.V., q., 685

Abraham, 18

Abyssinian c., 353, 376, 377

Account of his Journeys, An, Olearius, q., 22

Ach (chemist), 186

Ach, F.J., 488, 509, 511, 513, q., 408

Acidity, percentages in c., 719

Acid c.'s, 397

Acids, 159, 168

Acker, Finley, pat., 472, 645, 649, 701

Acker, Merrall & Condit Co., 478, 494, 498

Ackland, James, chk., 118

Africa, British East, 230, 285
Argentina, 236
Australia, 238, 284
Brazil (sq. miles), 277
Ceylon, 236, 283
Ecuador, 236, 278
Federated Malay States, 238, 284
Guadeloupe, 233
Guatemala, 219
Guiana, British, 279
Haiti, 220, 281
Hawaii, 241
India, 226, 227, 282
Jamaica, 232, 281
Java, 215
Leeward Islands, 282
Mauritius, 285
Nyasaland, 230, 285
Philippines, 284
Porto Rico, 223
Salvador, 219, 280
Uganda, 230, 285
Venezuela, 212
Yemen, 230

Adams, chk., 559

Adams, Abigail, q., 467, 468

Adams, Isaac, pat., 245

Adams, John, 110, 113, 593

Adams, Pygan, 609

Adams & Son, 710

Addison, Joseph, 75, 80, 84, 557, 558, 560, 572, 575, 576, 577, 578, 593

Addison, Life of, Johnson, q., 561

Adjudication (N.Y. Exch.), 334

Adulterant Act, British, 404

Adulterants, 153, 169, 170, 404

Adulteration, 404
Italy, 686
Reasons for, 170
U.S. law affecting, 410
rulings against, 337

Arbuckle's (1861), 496
Boston (1748), 467
Cauchois's Private Estate, 498
Boston, 112
New York (1781), 119, 120
Coffee mills (1665), 617
Divination by coffee grounds, 558
First (Abd-al-Kâdir's, 1587), 431
First American-newspaper, 468
First newspaper (1657), 56, 432
Of coffee only, ill., 434
First printed (1652), q., 54, 432, 459, 461
London coffee-house, q., 582
Newspaper and periodical, 432–434
Piazza coffee room, q., 581
Song by Zecchini, 549
Turks Head coffee house, 582

Advertising, 431–465
Booklets (J.C.T.P.C.), 455
Brands, 455, 462–465
Early history, 431–434
Evolution of, 434, 435
France, 680
Government propaganda, 444–459
Injudicious, 435, 537, 438, 461
Joint coffee trade, 439, 445–459, 514, 515
Lantern slides, 443
Motion pictures, 443, 445
Package-coffee, 440–443
Retail, 443, 444
Trade, 442
Trade journalists as experts, 431
United States, 434–465

Advertising charts, 440, 441

Advice against the plague, Harvey, 58

Advisory Board, C. (see Gov't control)

Affinis, C., hyb., 146

Aga, Soliman, 33, 92

Artificial, 157, 158, 471, 474
Natural, 156, 157, 167, 342, 345, 353

Agriculture, U.S. Dept., 722

Aigentliche Beschreibung der Raisis, etc., Rauwolf, q., 12

Aiken, G., 612

Akers, Frederick, 498, 499

Alameda (brand), 441

Albanese, 185

Albertenghi, 558

Alcoholic beverages
Coffee replaces in Am. colonies, 696
Sold in London c. houses, 61, 78, 81

Alcholism, effect of c. on, 182

Aldhabani (see Gemaleddin)

Ale wives' complaint against c. houses (pamph.), 72

Alexander, S.R., 485

Alexander & Baldwin, 488

Alhadrami, Muhammed, 16

Al-Haiwi (The Continent), Rhazes, 11

Alison, Archibald, 102

Alkaloids in c., 159, 160, 161

All Souls' college, Oxford, 41

Allain, F.V., 487

Allanston, q., 179

Allen, q., 159

Allen, Ida C. Bailey, q., 723

Allen, James Lane, q., 564

Allom, Thomas, 663

Alpini (Alpinus), Prospero 43, 431, 541, 543;
q., 2, 12, 26, 41

Alt und neu Wien, Bermann, q., 51

Altenberg, Peter, q., 549

Best, 198, 200
Bolivia, 236
Brazil, 205
Colombia, 208
Costa Rica, 225
Guatemala, 219
Hawaii, 239
Honduras, 234
Indo-China, French, 237
Jamaica, 233
Java, 216
Mexico, 222
Nicaragua, 227
Peru, 236
Salvador, 217
Venezuela, 212, 263
Yemen, 231

Alumini Etonenses, Harwood, q., 581

Amarella, C., hyb.,

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