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of this kind, set on foot by the German Astronomical Society in 1867, aims at the construction, by the co-operation of a number of observatories, of catalogues of about 130,000 of the stars contained in the “approximate” catalogues of Argelander and Schönfeld; nearly half of the work has now been published.

The greatest scheme for a survey of the sky yet attempted is the photographic chart, together with a less extensive catalogue to be based on it, the construction of which was decided on at an international congress held at Paris in 1887. The whole sky has been divided between 18 observatories in all parts of the world, from Helsingfors in the north to Melbourne in the south, and each of these is now taking photographs with virtually identical instruments. It is estimated that the complete chart, which is intended to include stars of the 14th magnitude,162 will contain about 20,000,000 stars, 2,000,000 of which will be catalogued also.

281. One other great problem—that of the distance of the sun—may conveniently be discussed under the head of observational astronomy.

The transits of Venus (chapter X., §§ 202, 227) which occurred in 1874 and 1882 were both extensively observed, the old methods of time-observation being supplemented by photography and by direct micrometric measurements of the positions of Venus while transiting.

The method of finding the distance of the sun by means of observation of Mars in opposition (chapter VIII., § 161) has been employed on several occasions with considerable success, notably by Dr. Gill at Ascension in 1877. A method originally used by Flamsteed, but revived in 1857 by Sir George Biddell Airy (1801-1892), the late Astronomer Royal, was adopted on this occasion. For the determination of the parallax of a planet observations have to be made from two different positions at a known distance apart; commonly these are taken to be at two different observatories, as far as possible removed from one another in latitude. Airy pointed out that the same object could be attained if only one observatory were used, but observations taken at an interval of some hours, as the rotation of the earth on its axis would in that time produce a known displacement of the observer’s position and so provide the necessary base line. The apparent shift of the planet’s position could be most easily ascertained by measuring (with the micrometer) its distances from neighbouring fixed stars. This method (known as the diurnal method) has the great advantage, among others, of being simple in application, a single observer and instrument being all that is needed.

The diurnal method has also been applied with great success to certain of the minor planets (§ 294). Revolving as they do between Mars and Jupiter, they are all farther off from us than the former; but there is the compensating advantage that as a minor planet, unlike Mars, is, as a rule, too small to shew any appreciable disc, its angular distance from a neighbouring star is more easily measured. The employment of the minor planets in this way was first suggested by Professor Galle of Berlin in 1872, and recent observations of the minor planets Victoria, Sappho, and Iris in 1888-89, made at a number of observatories under the general direction of Dr. Gill, have led to some of the most satisfactory determinations of the sun’s distance.

282. It was known to the mathematical astronomers of the 18th century that the distance of the sun could be obtained from a knowledge of various perturbations of members of the solar system; and Laplace had deduced a value of the solar parallax from lunar theory. Improvements in gravitational astronomy and in observation of the planets and moon during the present century have added considerably to the value of these methods. A certain irregularity in the moon’s motion known as the parallactic inequality, and another in the motion of the sun, called the lunar equation, due to the displacement of the earth by the attraction of the moon, alike depend on the ratio of the distances of the sun and moon from the earth; if the amount of either of these inequalities can be observed, the distance of the sun can therefore be deduced, that of the moon being known with great accuracy. It was by a virtual application of the first of these methods that Hansen (§ 286) in 1854, in the course of an elaborate investigation of the lunar theory, ascertained that the current value of the sun’s distance was decidedly too large, and Leverrier (§ 288) confirmed the correction by the second method in 1858.

Again, certain changes in the orbits of our two neighbours, Venus and Mars, are known to depend upon the ratio of the masses of the sun and earth, and can hence be connected, by gravitational principles, with the quantity sought. Leverrier pointed out in 1861 that the motions of Venus and of Mars, like that of the moon, were inconsistent with the received estimate of the sun’s distance, and he subsequently worked out the method more completely and deduced (1872) values of the parallax. The displacements to be observed are very minute, and their accurate determination is by no means easy, but they are both secular (chapter XI., § 242), so that in the course of time they will be capable of very exact measurement. Leverrier’s method, which is even now a valuable one, must therefore almost inevitably outstrip all the others which are at present known; it is difficult to imagine, for example, that the transits of Venus due in 2004 and 2012 will have any value for the purpose of the determination of the sun’s distance.

283. One other method, in two slightly different forms, has become available during this century. The displacement of a star by aberration (chapter X., § 210) depends upon the ratio of the velocity of light to that of the earth in its orbit round the sun; and observations of Jupiter’s satellites after the manner of Roemer (chapter VIII., § 162) give the light-equation, or time occupied by light in travelling from the sun to the earth. Either of these astronomical quantities—of which aberration is the more accurately known—can be used to determine the velocity of light when the dimensions of the solar system are known, or vice versa. No independent method of determining the velocity of light was known until 1849, when Hippolyte Fizeau (1819-1896) invented and successfully carried out a laboratory method.

New methods have been devised since, and three comparatively recent series of experiments, by M. Cornu in France (1874 and 1876) and by Dr. Michelson (1879) and Professor Newcomb (1880-82) in the United States, agreeing closely with one another, combine to fix the velocity of light at very nearly 186,300 miles (299,800 kilometres) per second; the solar parallax resulting from this by means of aberration is very nearly 8″·8.163

284. Encke’s value of the sun’s parallax, 8″·571, deduced from the transits of Venus (chapter X., § 227) in 1761 and 1769, and published in 1835, corresponding to a distance of about 95,000,000 miles, was generally accepted till past the middle of the century. Then the gravitational methods of Hansen and Leverrier, the earlier determinations of the velocity of light, and the observations made at the opposition of Mars in 1862, all pointed to a considerably larger value of the parallax; a fresh examination of the 18th century observations shewed that larger values than Encke’s could easily be deduced from them; and for some time—from about 1860 onwards—a parallax of nearly 8″·95, corresponding to a distance of rather more than 91,000,000 miles, was in common use. Various small errors in the new methods were, however, detected, and the most probable value of the parallax has again increased. Three of the most reliable methods, the diurnal method as applied to Mars in 1877, the same applied to the minor planets in 1888-89, and aberration, unite in giving values not differing from 8″·80 by more than two or three hundredths of a second. The results of the last transits of Venus, the publication and discussion of which have been spread over a good many years, point to a somewhat larger value of the parallax. Most astronomers appear to agree that a parallax of 8″·8, corresponding to a distance of rather less than 93,000,000 miles, represents fairly the available data.

285. The minute accuracy of modern observations is well illustrated by the recent discovery of a variation in the latitude of several observatories. Observations taken at Berlin in 1884-85 indicated a minute variation in the latitude; special series of observations to verify this were set on foot in several European observatories, and subsequently at Honolulu and at Cordoba. A periodic alteration in latitude amounting to about 1∕2″ emerged as the result. Latitude being defined (chapter X., § 221) as the angle which the vertical at any place makes with the equator, which is the same as the elevation of the pole above the horizon, is consequently altered by any change in the equator, and therefore by an alteration in the position of the earth’s poles or the ends of the axis about which it rotates.

Dr. S. C. Chandler succeeded (1891 and subsequently) in shewing that the observations in question could be in great part explained by supposing the earth’s axis to undergo a minute change of position in such a way that either pole of the earth describes a circuit round its mean position in about 427 days, never deviating more than some 30 feet from it. It is well known from dynamical theory that a rotating body such as the earth can be displaced in this manner, but that if the earth were perfectly rigid the period should be 306 days instead of 427. The discrepancy between the two numbers has been ingeniously used as a test of the extent to which the earth is capable of yielding—like an elastic solid—to the various forces which tend to strain it.

286. All the great problems of gravitational astronomy have been rediscussed since Laplace’s time, and further steps taken towards their solution.

Laplace’s treatment of the lunar theory was first developed by Marie Charles Theodore Damoiseau (1768-1846), whose Tables de la Lune (1824 and 1828) were for some time in general use.

Some special problems of both lunar and planetary theory were dealt with by Siméon Denis Poisson (1781-1840), who is, however, better known as a writer on other branches of mathematical physics than as an astronomer. A very elaborate and detailed theory of the moon, investigated by the general methods of Laplace, was published by Giovanni Antonio Amadeo Plana (1781-1869) in 1832, but unaccompanied by tables. A general treatment of both lunar and planetary theories, the most complete that had appeared up to that time, by Philippe Gustave Doulcet de Pontécoulant (1795-1874), appeared in 1846, with the title Théorie Analytique du Système du Monde; and an incomplete lunar theory similar to his was published by John William Lubbock (1803-1865) in 1830-34.

A great advance in lunar theory was made by Peter Andreas Hansen (1795-1874) of Gotha, who published in 1838 and 1862-64 the treatises commonly known respectively as the Fundamenta164 and the Darlegung,165 and produced in 1857 tables of the moon’s motion of such accuracy that the discrepancies between the tables and observations in the century 1750-1850 were never greater than 1″ or 2″. These tables were at once used for the calculation of the Nautical Almanac and other periodicals of the same kind, and with some modifications have remained in use up to the present day.

A completely new lunar theory—of great mathematical interest and of equal

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