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by an army of observers, but the observations have to a large extent remained without satisfactory interpretation, and little is known of the structure or physical condition of the bodies concerned.
Fig. 94.—The Apennines and adjoining regions of the moon. From a photograph taken at the Paris Observatory.

[To face p. 383.

Astronomers are naturally most familiar with the surface of our nearest neighbour, the moon. The visible half has been elaborately mapped, and the heights of the chief mountain ranges measured by means of their shadows. Modern knowledge has done much to dispel the view, held by the earlier telescopists and shared to some extent even by Herschel, that the moon closely resembles the earth and is suitable for inhabitants like ourselves. The dark spaces which were once taken to be seas and still bear that name are evidently covered with dry rock; and the craters with which the moon is covered are all—with one or two doubtful exceptions—extinct; the long dark lines known as rills and formerly taken for river-beds have clearly no water in them. The question of a lunar atmosphere is more difficult: if there is air its density must be very small, some hundredfold less than that of our atmosphere at the surface of the earth; but with this restriction there seems to be no bar to the existence of a lunar atmosphere of considerable extent, and it is difficult to explain certain observations without assuming the existence of some atmosphere.

297. Mars, being the nearest of the superior planets, is the most favourably situated for observation. The chief markings on its surface—provisionally interpreted as being land and water—are fairly permanent and therefore recognisable; several tolerably consistent maps of the surface have been constructed; and by observation of certain striking features the rotation period has been determined to a fraction of a second. Signor Schiaparelli of Milan detected at the opposition of 1877 a number of intersecting dark lines generally known as canals, and as the result of observations made during the opposition of 1881-82 announced that certain of them appeared doubled, two nearly parallel lines being then seen instead of one. These remarkable observations have been to a great extent confirmed by other observers, but remain unexplained.

The visible surfaces of Jupiter and Saturn appear to be layers of clouds; the low density of each planet (1·3 and ·7 respectively, that of water being 1 and of the earth 5·5), the rapid changes on the surface, and other facts indicate that these planets are to a great extent in a fluid condition, and have a high temperature at a very moderate distance below the visible surface. The surface markings are in each case definite enough for the rotation periods to be fixed with some accuracy; though it is clear in the case of Jupiter, and probably also in that of Saturn, that—as with the sun (§ 298)—different parts of the surface move at different rates.

Laplace had shewn that Saturn’s ring (or rings) could not be, as it appeared, a uniform solid body; he rashly inferred—without any complete investigation—that it might be an irregularly weighted solid body. The first important advance was made by James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), best known as a writer on electricity and other branches of physics. Maxwell shewed (1857) that the rings could neither be continuous solid bodies nor liquid, but that all the important dynamical conditions would be satisfied if they were made up of a very large number of small solid bodies revolving independently round the sun.167 The theory thus suggested on mathematical grounds has received a good deal of support from telescopic evidence. The rings thus bear to Saturn a relation having some analogy to that which the minor planets bear to the sun; and Kirkwood pointed out in 1867 that Cassini’s division between the two main rings can be explained by the perturbations due to certain of the satellites, just as the corresponding gaps in the minor planets can be explained by the action of Jupiter (§ 294).

The great distance of Uranus and Neptune naturally makes the study of them difficult, and next to nothing is known of the appearance or constitution of either; their rotation periods are wholly uncertain.

Fig. 95.—Saturn and its rings. From a drawing by Professor Barnard.

[To face p. 384.

Mercury and Venus, being inferior planets, are never very far from the sun in the sky, and therefore also extremely difficult to observe satisfactorily. Various bright and dark markings on their surfaces have been recorded, but different observers give very different accounts of them. The rotation periods are also very uncertain, though a good many astronomers support the view put forward by Sig. Schiaparelli, in 1882 and 1890 for Mercury and Venus respectively, that each rotates in a time equal to its period of revolution round the sun, and thus always turns the same face towards the sun. Such a motion—which is analogous to that of the moon round the earth and of Japetus round Saturn (chapter XII., § 267)—could be easily explained as the result of tidal action at some past time when the planets were to a great extent fluid.

Fig. 96.—A group of sun-spots. From a photograph taken by M. Janssen at Meudon on April 1st, 1894.

[To face p. 385.

298. Telescopic study of the surface of the sun during the century has resulted in an immense accumulation of detailed knowledge of peculiarities of the various markings on the surface. The most interesting results of a general nature are connected with the distribution and periodicity of sun-spots. The earliest telescopists had noticed that the number of spots visible on the sun varied from time to time, but no law of variation was established till 1851, when Heinrich Schwabe of Dessau (1789-1875) published in Humboldt’s Cosmos the results of observations of sun-spots carried out during the preceding quarter of a century, shewing that the number of spots visible increased and decreased in a tolerably regular way in a period of about ten years.

Earlier records and later observations have confirmed the general result, the period being now estimated as slightly over 11 years on the average, though subject to considerable fluctuations. A year later (1852) three independent investigators, Sir Edward Sabine (1788-1883) in England, Rudolf Wolf (1816-1893) and Alfred Gautier (1793-1881) in Switzerland, called attention to the remarkable similarity between the periodic variations of sun-spots and of various magnetic disturbances on the earth. Not only is the period the same, but it almost invariably happens that when spots are most numerous on the sun magnetic disturbances are most noticeable on the earth, and that similarly the times of scarcity of the two sets of phenomena coincide. This wholly unexpected and hitherto quite unexplained relationship has been confirmed by the occurrence on several occasions of decided magnetic disturbances simultaneously with rapid changes on the surface of the sun.

A long series of observations of the position of spots on the sun undertaken by Richard Christopher Carrington (1826-1875) led to the first clear recognition of the difference in the rate of rotation of the different parts of the surface of the sun, the period of rotation being fixed (1859) at about 25 days at the equator, and two and a half days longer half-way between the equator and the poles; while in addition spots were seen to have also independent “proper motions.” Carrington also established (1858) the scarcity of spots in the immediate neighbourhood of the equator, and confirmed statistically their prevalence in the adjacent regions, and their great scarcity more than about 35° from the equator; and noticed further certain regular changes in the distribution of spots on the sun in the course of the 11-year cycle.

Wilson’s theory (chapter XII., § 268) that spots are depressions was confirmed by an extensive series of photographs taken at Kew in 1858-72, shewing a large preponderance of cases of the perspective effect noticed by him; but, on the other hand, Mr. F. Howlett, who has watched the sun for some 35 years and made several thousand drawings of spots, considers (1894) that his observations are decidedly against Wilson’s theory. Other observers are divided in opinion.

299. Spectrum analysis, which has played such an important part in recent astronomical work, is essentially a method of ascertaining the nature of a body by a process of sifting or analysing into different components the light received from it.

It was first clearly established by Newton, in 1665-66 (chapter IX., § 168), that ordinary white light, such as sunlight, is composite, and that by passing a beam of sunlight—with proper precautions—through a glass prism it can be decomposed into light of different colours; if the beam so decomposed is received on a screen, it produces a band of colours known as a spectrum, red being at one end and violet at the other.

Fig. 97.—Fraunhofer’s map of the solar spectrum. (The red end of the spectrum is on the left, the violet on the right.)

[To face p. 387.

Now according to modern theories light consists essentially of a series of disturbances or waves transmitted at extremely short but regular intervals from the luminous object to the eye, the medium through which the disturbances travel being called ether. The most important characteristic distinguishing different kinds of light is the interval of time or space between one wave and the next, which is generally expressed by means of wave-length, or the distance between any point of one wave and the corresponding point of the next. Differences in wave-length shew themselves most readily as differences of colour; so that light of a particular colour found at a particular part of the spectrum has a definite wave-length. At the extreme violet end of the spectrum, for example, the wave-length is about fifteen millionths of an inch, at the red end it is about twice as great; from which it follows (§ 283), from the known velocity of light, that when we look at the red end of a spectrum about 400 billion waves of light enter the eye per second, and twice that number when we look at the other end. Newton’s experiment thus shews that a prism sorts out light of a composite nature according to the wave-length of the different kinds of light present. The same thing can be done by substituting for the prism a so-called diffraction-grating, and this is for many purposes superseding the prism. In general it is necessary, to ensure purity in the spectrum and to make it large enough, to admit light through a narrow slit, and to use certain lenses in combination with one or more prisms or a grating; and the arrangement is such that the spectrum is not thrown on to a screen, but either viewed directly by the eye or photographed. The whole apparatus is known as a spectroscope.

The solar spectrum appeared to Newton as a continuous band of colours; but in 1802 William Hyde Wollaston (1766-1828) observed certain dark lines running across the spectrum, which he took to be the boundaries of the natural colours. A few years later (1814-15) the great Munich optician Joseph Fraunhofer (1787-1826) examined the sun’s spectrum much more carefully, and discovered about 600 such dark lines, the positions of 324 of which he mapped (see fig. 97). These dark lines are accordingly known as Fraunhofer lines: for purposes of identification Fraunhofer attached certain letters of the alphabet to a few of the most conspicuous; the rest are now generally known by the wave-length of the corresponding kind of light.

It was also gradually discovered that dark bands could be produced artificially in spectra by passing light through various coloured substances; and that, on

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