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connection with geological inquiries into the nature of the interior of the earth.

Some speculations connected with tidal friction are referred to elsewhere (§ 320).

293. The series of propositions as to the stability of the solar system established by Lagrange and Laplace (chapter XI., §§ 244, 245), regarded as abstract propositions mathematically deducible from certain definite assumptions, have been confirmed and extended by later mathematicians such as Poisson and Leverrier; but their claim to give information as to the condition of the actual solar system at an indefinitely distant future time receives much less assent now than formerly. The general trend of scientific thought has been towards the fuller recognition of the merely approximate and probable character of even the best ascertained portions of our knowledge; “exact,” “always,” and “certain” are words which are disappearing from the scientific vocabulary, except as convenient abbreviations. Propositions which profess to be—or are commonly interpreted as being—“exact” and valid throughout all future time are consequently regarded with considerable distrust, unless they are clearly mere abstractions.

In the case of the particular propositions in question the progress of astronomy and physics has thrown a good deal of emphasis on some of the points in which the assumptions required by Lagrange and Laplace are not satisfied by the actual solar system.

It was assumed for the purposes of the stability theorems that the bodies of the solar system are perfectly rigid; in other words, the motions relative to one another of the parts of any one body were ignored. Both the ordinary tides of the ocean and the bodily tides to which modern research has called attention were therefore left out of account. Tidal friction, though at present very minute in amount (§ 287), differs essentially from the perturbations which form the main subject-matter of gravitational astronomy, inasmuch as its action is irreversible. The stability theorems shewed in effect that the ordinary perturbations produced effects which sooner or later compensated one another, so that if a particular motion was accelerated at one time it would be retarded at another; but this is not the case with tidal friction. Tidal action between the earth and the moon, for example, gradually lengthens both the day and the month, and increases the distance between the earth and the moon. Solar tidal action has a similar though smaller effect on the sun and earth. The effect in each case—as far as we can measure it at all—seems to be minute almost beyond imagination, but there is no compensating action tending at any time to reverse the process. And on the whole the energy of the bodies concerned is thereby lessened. Again, modern theories of light and electricity require space to be filled with an “ether” capable of transmitting certain waves; and although there is no direct evidence that it in any way affects the motions of earth or planets, it is difficult to imagine a medium so different from all known forms of ordinary matter as to offer no resistance to a body moving through it. Such resistance would have the effect of slowly bringing the members of the solar system nearer to the sun, and gradually diminishing their times of revolution round it. This is again an irreversible tendency for which we know of no compensation.

In fact, from the point of view which Lagrange and Laplace occupied, the solar system appeared like a clock which, though not going quite regularly, but occasionally gaining and occasionally losing, nevertheless required no winding up; whereas modern research emphasises the analogy to a clock which after all is running down, though at an excessively slow rate. Modern study of the sun’s heat (§ 319) also indicates an irreversible tendency towards the “running down” of the solar system in another way.

294. Our account of modern descriptive astronomy may conveniently begin with planetary discoveries.

The first day of the 19th century was marked by the discovery of a new planet, known as Ceres. It was seen by Giuseppe Piazzi (1746-1826) as a strange star in a region of the sky which he was engaged in mapping, and soon recognised by its motion as a planet. Its orbit—first calculated by Gauss (§ 276)—shewed it to belong to the space between Mars and Jupiter, which had been noted since the time of Kepler as abnormally large. That a planet should be found in this region was therefore no great surprise; but the discovery by Heinrich Olbers (1758-1840), scarcely a year later (March 1802), of a second body (Pallas), revolving at nearly the same distance from the sun, was wholly unexpected, and revealed an entirely new planetary arrangement. It was an obvious conjecture that if there was room for two planets there was room for more, and two fresh discoveries (Juno in 1804, Vesta in 1807) soon followed.

Fig. 88.—Photographic trail of a minor planet.

[To face p. 377.

The new bodies were very much smaller than any of the other planets, and, so far from readily shewing a planetary disc like their neighbours Mars and Jupiter, were barely distinguishable in appearance from fixed stars, except in the most powerful telescopes of the time; hence the name asteroid (suggested by William Herschel) or minor planet has been generally employed to distinguish them from the other planets. Herschel attempted to measure their size, and estimated the diameter of the largest at under 200 miles (that of Mercury, the smallest of the ordinary planets, being 3000), but the problem was in reality too difficult even for his unrivalled powers of observation. The minor planets were also found to be remarkable for the great inclination and eccentricity of some of the orbits; the path of Pallas, for example, makes an angle of 35° with the ecliptic, and its eccentricity is 1∕4, so that its least distance from the sun is not much more than half its greatest distance. These characteristics suggested to Olbers that the minor planets were in reality fragments of a primeval planet of moderate dimensions which had been blown to pieces, and the theory, which fitted most of the facts then known, was received with great favour in an age when “catastrophes” were still in fashion as scientific explanations.

The four minor planets named were for nearly 40 years the only ones known; then a fifth was discovered in 1845 by Karl Ludwig Hencke (1793-1866) after 15 years, of search. Two more were found in 1847, another in 1848, and the number has gone on steadily increasing ever since. The process of discovery has been very much facilitated by improvements in star maps, and latterly by the introduction of photography. In this last method, first used by Dr. Max Wolf of Heidelberg in 1891, a photographic plate is exposed for some hours; any planet present in the region of the sky photographed, having moved sensibly relatively to the stars in this period, is thus detected by the trail which its image leaves on the plate. The annexed figure shews (near the centre) the trail of the minor planet Svea, discovered by Dr. Wolf on March 21st, 1892.

At the end of 1897 no less than 432 minor planets were known, of which 92 had been discovered by a single observer, M. Charlois of Nice, and only nine less by Professor Palisa of Vienna.

The paths of the minor planets practically occupy the whole region between the paths of Mars and Jupiter, though few are near the boundaries; no orbit is more inclined to the ecliptic than that of Pallas, and the eccentricities range from almost zero up to about 1∕3.

Fig. 89 shews the orbits of the first two minor planets discovered, as well as of No. 323 (Brucia), which comes nearest to the sun, and of No. 361 (not yet named), which goes farthest from it. All the orbits are described in the standard, or west to east, direction. The most interesting characteristic in the distribution of the minor planets, first noted in 1866 by Daniel Kirkwood (1815-1895) is the existence of comparatively clear spaces in the regions where the disturbing action of Jupiter would by Lagrange’s principle (chapter XI., § 243) be most effective: for instance, at a distance from the sun about five-eighths that of Jupiter, a planet would by Kepler’s law revolve exactly twice as fast as Jupiter; and accordingly there is a gap among the minor planets at about this distance.

Fig. 89.—Paths of minor planets.

Estimates of the sizes and masses of the minor planets are still very uncertain. The first direct measurement of any of the discs which seem reliable are those of Professor E. E. Barnard, made at the Lick Observatory in 1894 and 1895; according to these the three largest minor planets, Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta, have diameters of nearly 500 miles, about 300 and about 250 miles respectively. Their sizes compared with the moon are shewn on the diagram (fig. 90). An alternative method—the only one available except for a few of the very largest of the minor planets—is to measure the amount of light received, and hence to deduce the size, on the assumption that the reflective power is the same as that of some known planet. This method gives diameters of about 300 miles for the brightest and of about a dozen miles for the faintest known.

Fig. 90.—Comparative sizes of three minor planets and the moon.

Leverrier calculated from the perturbations of Mars that the total mass of all known or unknown bodies between Mars and Jupiter could not exceed a fourth that of the earth; but such knowledge of the sizes as we can derive from light-observations seems to indicate that the total mass of those at present known is many hundred times less than this limit.

295. Neptune and the minor planets are the only planets which have been discovered during this century, but several satellites have been added to our system.

Fig. 91.—Saturn and its system.

Barely a fortnight after the discovery of Neptune (1846) a satellite was detected by William Lassell (1799-1880) at Liverpool. Like the satellites of Uranus, this revolves round its primary from east to west—that is, in the direction contrary to that of all the other known motions of the solar system (certain long-period comets not being counted).

Fig. 92.—Mars and its satellites.

Two years later (September 16th, 1848) William Cranch Bond (1789-1859) discovered, at the Harvard College Observatory, an, eighth satellite of Saturn, called Hyperion, which was detected independently by Lassell two days afterwards. In the following year Bond discovered that Saturn was accompanied by a third comparatively dark ring-now commonly known as the crape ring—lying immediately inside the bright rings (see fig. 95); and the discovery was made independently a fortnight later by William Rutter Dawes (1799-1868) in England. Lassell discovered in 1851 two new satellites of Uranus, making a total of four belonging to that planet. The next discoveries were those of two satellites of Mars, known as Deimos and Phobos, by Professor Asaph Hall of Washington on August 11th and 17th, 1877. These are remarkable chiefly for their close proximity to Mars and their extremely rapid motion, the nearer one revolving more rapidly than Mars rotates, so that to the Martians it must rise in the west and set in the east. Lastly, Jupiter’s system received an addition after nearly three centuries by Professor Barnard’s discovery at the Lick Observatory (September 9th, 1892) of an extremely faint fifth satellite, a good deal nearer to Jupiter than the nearest of Galilei’s satellites (chapter VI., § 121).

Fig. 93.—Jupiter and its satellites.

296. The surfaces of the various planets and satellites have been watched with the utmost care

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