» Mystery & Crime » Unknown Stranger, Nathan Knox [new reading txt] 📗

Book online «Unknown Stranger, Nathan Knox [new reading txt] 📗». Author Nathan Knox

An unknown stranger walked into town. But he didn't know where he was. He asked a person. they said he was in Killer Lane. The police can catch you when you are up to 5 miles. They are too fast. The police men are faster than a rocket. They can strangle you if you do something really really bad. Lots of people died here because they have stolen 100 loaves of bread just in one day. The police Has strangled over 400 people. That is why you call our town Killer Lane. Nobody has survied in this town. Look at this place it looks like a haunted town. only 14 people live here now because all the people kept stealing 4 loaves each day and the Stone Running police caught them all and strangled all them. I hate the police. They are all so fast runners. I just don't like them. They keep killing people. they killed my friend Ferb. He was a nice friend. I can't believe how they killed him. He was just walking down the street when the police saw him going into a bar and He didn't do anything wrong. The Stone Running police killed with a dead ray gun. It is a deadly weapon. If you are 5 miles it can kill you in 25 seconds. It is used a lot by the police. Everybody hates the Stone running police. They keep expanding their police station every month. We are running out of money. Killer Lane is the worst city i have ever been to. "was that your story about the town?". "Yes it was". "Bye bye friend hope you survive in your town". "Let me go with you I totally hate this town"."Ok friend you can come with me and live in my city and live in my the friends leave Killer Lane and go live in Springfield. "Are you homer simpson"? "Yes I am". "Oh boy". "This shall be fun". "here is your bed" "Thank you".
"Homer who is stranger in our in our house" "Marge listen He is from a horrible town called Killer Lane and his police men are too fast. they have a deadly weapon and kills you in 25 seconds if you are 5 miles. and if anybody steal loves of bread they strangle you. it is a horible town. there is only 14 people living their". "Okay he stay in our house for ever until he dies". "It is awful what they do in that town. "Marge have you heard about that town aswell" "Yes I have Homer" "One of my friends visited it".And got killed in it" "So do not go near it again it is mighty dangerous villiage". "OK Marge" Where is Bart? "Up in his room" "ok" Springfield blew up the whole part of Killer Lane And killed all the police. So Springfield is happy. You will never see Killer Lane again. Springfield hated Killer lane forever caue the town kept killing people out of springfield. you will see another storie of springfield.

The end.


Publication Date: 06-27-2011

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