» Mystery & Crime » Red Ops, Ranz Ulanday, Jhercy Paye, Edison Datu, Piyong Dela cruz [the first e reader .TXT] 📗

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Chapter 1 First War

In the middle of the night Ajax,logan,Hesh, Keegan, Elias and troops were resting.When suddenly They heard a gun fire.They awakend and the soldiers.keegan alarmed the others.keggan said incoming!!!. Every one grabed their guns,equipments and armors. They heard the shriek of the mortars."every one get their cover"!! Logan said."Everyone

stay low and move out at the hill!!" Then, Someone got hit. "Meddic" someone got hit said Ajax.One soldier was down.They were in combat surviving the fires of the rebels. They move out and one soldier step at a mine.Boom! "Medic" screamed Hesh. He is losing a lot of blood.There hearts are pounding.They were struggling, they don't know if they will survive.Logan saw an outpost "move at the outpost take cover and stay low.Logan commanded. They saw an old outpost based after the name of Sgt.Dickens. Elias the leader said "let us stay here for a while".The firefight

Stopped and they rest." We will make this rebels pay for what they have done.sir.!!" Said logan.Sir we have 2 K.I.A.

(Killed in action)Private Miller and Corporal Anderson."Logan when we finish this mission we will get their dog tags,"said Hesh".They Rested.They continue resting in the outpost Dickens.The next morning ,they load all their guns with ammos,they wear their armors and kelvars.They are ready for war.They left the outpost Dickens for a while.They are advancing at the hill until Hesh heard a shriek of a mortar. "Incoming said hesh"! Get to cover said hesh.Then hesh

Got hit in the foot and screamed like a Bird. Get hesh to cover said Logan.I will just get him cover me.Covering fire said keggan. Logan grabbed hesh like the grip of a lion.They get to cover and retreat. They were running like a cheetah back to the outpost.hesh was wounded and he cannot run however, Logan was always there for him that's why they are brothers.he carried hesh to the outpost. When they get to the outpost they healed hesh.He  was bleeding to cant walk anymore so he can't go to war." Damn rebels,I'm gonna kill them said hesh."I'm sorry hesh but

You need to go home"Elias said.they sent the chopper back to the base with hesh.



Chapter 2 back to base

After a few day.Hesh was healing.He came back home and now he is fine.Although,he can't run like a cheetah any more but he can still walk normally. He rested in his room he took a nice shower already.He missed all his friends. His friends gave him a letter in the computer profile.He clicked the log in button.(Logans message)Hey bro mixed you at work,(Ajax message)Dude missed you wish your still here. (Elias message)I'm sorry hesh,but you're not here. (Keggans message) Glad you're still alive bro Riley said he Miss you.Hesh was so happy that his buddies miss him.He went to the SGT.Office.He ask the Master SGT."Sir can i go back to the outpost Dickens. Okay said the Master SGT.After your wounds heal

Chapter 3 Healing wounds

 Hesh wounds are already Healing.He should be very careful next time.He needs to go in the hospital

For tests.They tested hesh if he can still run fast.He can still run fast.Now he is now already on tests so that he can go to work like a war dog.



Chapter 4 Back to work

 Hesh is now fine he can walk he passed the test.Now he is back to work.Hesh is no in the outpost Dickens again.

He's friend shouted with glee.They are so happy he is now back to job.He is now fine.


Chapter 5 War time

Now they saw a rebel going to their outpost. They attacked it.gun fires has been shot they pulled there guns.They killed the passing rebels. Meanwhile the reinforcements came(bad guys).They killed all the reinforcements. There read. 

Chapter 6 K.I.A.

They got ambushed by the rebels. They killed many soldiers.They fight for their loses,private Uy died in the battle field he did not choose to die. but still fought for there loses until the rebels got little dead.

Chapter 7 Dead Officers

All the dead guys they sent it back to the base but that's the memorable thing.In that day they had 42 dead 3 injures.The injured still got speard.

Chapter 8 sadest day.

 THEY din't wanna right any more but they still have to figth. The only have 2 days left.they are so fraustrated what happen they won't forget that.

Chapter 9 last war

 They are matching until the last ambush .shrick of the mortar like roaring like a lion they caught for there dead and they killed all the rebels until they survive .They search every houses killed every one   so that no more rebels there deathes are is dead no injures .They faught for their brothers.



Publication Date: 12-07-2015

All Rights Reserved

They just wanna kill them all

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