the playground, isaiah turner [reading books for 6 year olds .TXT] 📗

- Author: isaiah turner
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RING,RING,RING haha, the sound of laughter fills the hallways as all the little kids run out for recess. Hey Jimmy, are you coming out to recess with me today. No, I have to leave for the doctor. Your going to miss the football game said harry, jimmys best friend. I know, but i will be here friday. Ok bye. Hey harry i bet you wont go across the street and touch that pole said the school bully. Bet i will. ok lets make a bet if you touch the pole you can sit at the cool kid table at lunch, but if you dont you have to do my homework all week. Deal said harry. Ooooooo hes is about to do it screamed the bully. Harry thought he was brave to even get on the sidewalk, he stoped took a deep breath and started walking when he got across the street the bell rang for recess to be over. He touched it and ran back to the school but the bully and his friends ran faster and shut the door before he could get to it. He was locked out.@@@@@@@@ Harry didnt have a clue about what to do. So after what seemed like forever he walked over to a curb right in front of the school. Harry had never felt so lost he started crying until a red pickup truck stoped in front of him. Hey wheres your parents said the man in truck. At work. Well why are you out here alone? Some boys locked me out of the school. Well do you need a ride to your parents job? My mom said not to talk to strangers. Its ok kid im just going to take you somewhere safer. Well ok but my names not kid its Harry. Ok Harry hop in. Ok so where does your mom work at? Well shes out of town so you have to take me to my dads job. Ok wheres that? He works at the lumber yard. The man laughed a little bit. Whats so funny about that said Harry? Noting, Noting at all. Whats your name, Harry asked the man? Call me Ben. Then Ben slid his hand through Harrys hair. Alright Ben you can stop here my dad works in the office on mondays, and dont do that. Hey hes right there screamed Harry with excitment. He jumped out the truck before it stoped. Daddy!!!!! Hey, said his dad, your suppose to be in school. Yea, I saw him on the curb in front of the school crying so I thought I whould help him out said Ben. And you are, Harrys dad said in almost a growl. Oh im sorry for my mannors im Ben. Im John said Harrys dad. Nice to meet you john. Well i should be going now, i have a meeting said Ben. Thanks said John. Any time, John had a wierd feeling about this guy.@@@@@@@ Later that night when the boy was in the shower he heard a loud scream he turned the shower off and then all the lights went off. Harry started screming as loud as he could and the lights came back on. So when he steped out of the shower he saw in blood on the mirror, "Ben" Harry ran down the steps and went to his parent room and they both woke up. Mommy, Daddy, Whats wrong they said at the same time? Ben he was in the bathroom! What the hell said John. Baby whos Ben? said Harrys mom Tina. The guy who picked up Harry, John said while puting on his house shoes and grabing an ax. He ran up the steps and went in the bathroom and saw the mirror with "BEN" on it. John called the police and they said that they were going to put there best men on it and keep a patrol car by the house. Is that the best you can do asked john? Well theres really no proof that this guy "Ben" was here or if he did this.@@@@@@ Honey its time to wake up said tina. Do i have to go to school today harry begged? Yes i know your scared but everythings going to be alright. Ok said Harry.
When he got to school all he could think about was the night before, and why was this guy after him. Out of all the kids in the world "Ben" was after him. Hey Harry do you want to come to my house asked Harry's friend from camp, Tristan? No im sorry but my mom said i have to go stright home. As he was saying that a squad car pulled up and a heavy set man got out and opened the door for harry. Hey how was your day? asked the officer. Ok, all i could think about was "Ben". Oh dont be worryed about him im sure that hes just messing around. Well this is not the way to do it said harry. Harry got in the car and shut his eyes, when he opened them again they were at a red light. Harry looked around and saw a lady walking across the street the lady looked at them and smiled but that went away when gun shots filled the air like a war was going on right next to them. The officer put harry's head down and pulled out his gun. Harry saw the heavy set man get out the car and shoot. He had to do something, so harry pushed the button on the computer that said S.O.S. Before he knew it squad cars were everywhere. Harry looked all around for the heavy set man but he couldnt find him.@@@@@@@@ Two days later. Harry was at his cubby in his class room and saw some folded up paper, he opened it up and was frightened by what he saw in there. It was a picture of a fat police man, and on the back was "BEN". Harry ran to show his teacher and she called his parents. They got there at about the same time the police did. Ok this is really starting to piss me off said john. Ok I still dont get the whole story, so can some one tell me? asked tina. Well about a week ago when Harry was at school on the playground some boys locked him out of the school, so Harry went and sat on the curb in front of the school. Then a man in a red pick up truck saw him on the curb,picked him up and brought him to the yard. What the hell said tina, why did you get in the car with this man? Im sorry mom, but he said that he was just going to take me somewhere safer said Harry while he was crying. Honey i told you never to talk to strangers. I know im sorry. Its ok as long as your safe.@@@@@@@@. BOOM,BOOM,BOOM, What was that asked tina in a scared voice? before she could even get the whole sentence out John was running to Harrys room. He grabbed Harry and ran back to their room. John set Harry down and got his ax. Tina was sitting on the bed holding Harry in her arms. Is anybody there? screamed john holding the ax out in front of him. Then before he knew it, he felt a sharp pain in his back. John fell to the ground and looked around but didnt see anyone. So he got back up and put his back to the wall in the hallway. John was scared, more than he had ever been in his life. Then he heard a scream from the bedroom Tina and Harry were in. He ran as fast as he could. when he got there Harry was on the ground rolling and shakeing. Blood started coming out of his mouth. John almost pissed on himself. Then he could here Harry saying something in a really low voice. it sounded lik, "BEN" "BEN" Harry kept saying it in the same voice over and over again. When John tryed to call the police the phone line was down. He knew something was wrong now. He looked out the window and saw the squad car that stays by the house. John grabbed a flash light and waved it at the car but when he pointed it at the car, Ben was in it. What the hell is wrong with this guy screamed john while he was getting his gun? Bzzz, Bzzz, Bzzz wake up honey said tina. Where am I asked Harry? You were in a coma for 13 months said John you got hit pretty hard when you were playing football, but that was the past im just glad your better now.
Publication Date: 10-15-2010
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