» Mystery & Crime » Who is Mr. code?, Terrex Corbin [best new books to read .TXT] 📗

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Who is Mr.code?

well the all out question is What is he?

is he a Mass murder?

A hero seeking justice?

a vilgalantie?

a sociopath?

all these questions seeks alot of answers but to get to the bottom of it we must first figure out how the story goes.



Chapter 1

Macy Watched The Eleven o Clock news at night before she goes to bed. She was finally happy in capturing Anna and can finally put the case to Rest,only by three in the morning she was rudely awaken by her phone going off.

She answerws her phone as detective Mason was on the other end of the line "I need your help on the next case and alot of people want their questions answered" He said. She groaned in fustration "Can't this wait till morning?" she answered back.

Mason answered her back "I'm afraid it can't wait till morning turn on the tv." Macy turns on the tv as she saw what appeared to be a live streaming security camera with a family in a cell then ana appeared as she showed the most sickening evil smile ever from a serial killer. "You got forty eight hours to let me go and put the actual criminal behind bars or watch you and your partner's family suffer by me and you known me macy since i was five years old that i don't play. So go right ahead tell your partner cause if you don't" she walks towards the teen boy as she punched his tummy as he bends over." I will slowly kill him and let you watch him suffer." Macy turned off the tv and got back on the phone with detective mason "Give me the details to the next case."

chapter 2

Kim walked into the police headquarters's with a tray of four different sizes of coffee. He grabbed his medium light and sweet hot coffee and sips slowly. The last time he sipped on coffee he burned his mouth. Kim notice how his eyes were glued to the TV not moving an inch. Kim couldn't help but grab his attention "MR.Candleston sir i um... wanted to say..." she was nervous then she focused on the sky "it's a wonderful day out for football don't you agree?" Kim said with a nervous smile.

" Your always nervous around me why?" he asked. "Because of that sir" Kim pointed at the black bear looking creature. Detective Candleston picked up the cage as the black bearlike creature growled. "It's a Tasmanian Devil i went on a cruise to Australia and it was awesome" he said.

"I'm sure it was so what are you going to name your furry friend there?" Kim asked. he looked at the Tasmanian devil as he smiled. "Rex is what his name will be".

Then detective mason walked  towards us as he looked at both of us "This Shadow Person is Really getting people upset cause they don't know what it is and it gets better it's saving people like some sort of superhero" He said.

"Well that's great i suppose" Detective Candleston said. Kim walked towards him as she smiled " So what's on the agenda today?" she asked.

So as he was ready to open up his mouth Macy walked into the headquarters's pacing back and forth her hands were shaking tears fall from her eyes as she looks away." Can someone tell me why we haven't Captured this Mystery man or woman." macy asked.

"Because we have no background information on who it is" Candleston said. "So work on it get confessions get whatever it is to send this thing to justice". Macy said.


Chapter 3

Meanwhile in prison Ana grabbed the little boy and  covered his mouth with a chloroform rag as she puts him to sleep.

Then back at the crime scene detective sapphire AKA Kim and candleston drove to the crime scene under the Brooklyn bridge as they get a good look at the victim.

"Something tells me this thing is not working alone" Sapphire said.

"Well if it's not working alone then it must have cronies working for this thing" candleston said.

Then Macy saw a young woman grabbing something "Hey" she yelled. Then the young woman ran off candleston and Macy chased her down she was a very fast runner as she climbed fences with ease but she saw the cop car as she ran down a dead end alleyway which made it easier to catch her then she pulled out a nine inch hunting knife. She swung wildly at the detectives then Kim came from behind and tackled the woman to the floor.

Then in the afternoon they sat across from her. Her eyes showed a mean stare she stayed silent not saying a word.

Then her lawyer came in as she wore a red hat a red jacket with a black blazer vest her hair was black and curly and long just above her waist with some red highlights. she was no other then Sophia Santiago she won millions of cases and gives you the best deal possible

"So you detectives think you can attack my client and get away with it huh?" she said as she pulls up a chair next to her client.

"We didn't say anything to her but now your here we can talk about a plea deal" Macy said.

"She won't go to prison but she can do two months of community service for a small crime". she said.

"She stole a pieces of evidence from the crime scene she deserves more" Macy said.

"My client refuses to go to prison she has a clean record she didn't know it was part of the crime scene" Sophia said.

Macy turned away and walked out of the interrogation room upset as detective mason looked at her.

"You okay" Mason asked.

"We got a confession but it's in a form of a clue" Candleston said.

"I'm fine" she said.

Chapter 4

The interrgation room got very intense as Ashley confessed

"I took the hunting knife from the crime scene cause it reminns me of my mother who was addicted to knives" she cried.

"Who is your mother?" kim asked

"Samantha" she replied.

"Great! now what are we to do?" Macy asked.

"We get her down here to the headquaters so she can confess to us why is her daughter around knives" mason said.

So macy and kim got in the poice car and drove down a few blocks to sam's house they got out of the car and walked towards her appartment and knocked on her door. Sam opens the door

"Can i help you detectives?" she asked.

"Can you come with us down to the headquarters?" kim asked.

"Come in detectives" Sam said.

The detectives walked into her house as they looked around before looking back at sam.

"What did i do wrong now detectives?" she asked crossing her arms in front of her.

"Your daughter Ashley confessed that she took the knife from the crime scene and linked it to you" Macy said.

"Come on detectives i'm a good mother i told you i use knives to hunt animals not people" Sam said.

"Why was you playing with knives around her anyway?" kim asked.

"ME! playing with knives" Sam chuckled. "My brother collects knives i borrow them just in case i have to kill a deer" she said.


Text: Terrex
Publication Date: 10-15-2012

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