» Mystery & Crime » Hating Miss Popular, Kenzhie A. [books for 20 year olds txt] 📗

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Chapter seven: Mr. Pesky is on patrol 24/7




“Do you really have to do this?” I muttered as I got in his black Porsche.


“Yep.” He replied coolly and fired the car to full speed.




“Cause you're not yet capable of driving since you're still injured?” He glanced at my right wrist which is still encased in a cast.


“Hello! I only have one injured hand. I can still drive, dumb ass.” I gnarled, infuriated at his over-protectiveness which I don't understand. He's not my boyfriend and he's not even my friend to poke his nose in my business and acts like he is concerned of my wellness.


“Just lemme drive you to school for now, OK? I'm bored anyway so just think that you're doing me a favor.” He winked at me.


“What? So, you're telling me, you're doing this shit out of boredom and you just find me entertaining?!” I asked, quite annoyed.


“C'mon, Sydney, you know it's more than that.” He gave me a serious look which puzzled me.


“What are you talking about?” I glared at him with my face full of confusion.


“For a smart girl, you can be so dumb, clueless.” He muttered and pinched my cheek which I slapped instinctively. He chuckled and focused his attention on his driving. When we arrived at the school premises, I jumped off the passenger seat without looking back at Cole and almost ran toward the school building, afraid that someone might see us come together. “Thanks!” He shouted sarcastically behind me which I just ignored and continued walking fast toward my first period. The students stared at me while I walked into the school's hallway to my locker with pity, for the unfortunate turn of events at the HS which led me to the accident that caused me a fractured wrist that would probably last for 6-8 weeks before it'll completely heal according to Dr. Anderson and thanked God, just a minor concussion. Some stared at me with concern and curiosity, probably about the article and the caption about me and Cole and some looked like they're glad it happened to me since to them I'm a mean bitch. I say, to hell with them. Who cares what they think, anyway. I opened my locker to get my book in History when something white, fell on the floor from my locker. I picked it up and curiously opened it, my heart thumping as I was guessing what it is but was surprised yet relieved to see it's just a mere stupid love letter from one of my pathetic secret admirers I have in school. I gasped when from behind me someone grabbed the paper from my grasp.


“Cole! Don't just take something which is not yours! I hissed softly and looked around. I don't want us to be seen together and add up more gossip.


“Dear my lovely Sydney, I am your most loyal and faithful secret admirer. I always look up to you and I worship you in your pedestal. You are so beautiful---” I grabbed the paper back and threw it in the trash bin beside the locker area. Cole chuckled. “Wow! It looks like you have a die hard psycho for an admirer.” Cole commented amused.


“Like you're any better.” I mumbled mainly to myself.


“What did you say?”


“I said, don't just read other people's letters. It's just rude!” I snapped at him, then walked off, leaving Cole laughing. That moron is absolutely finding it amusing to pester me. I wouldn't for a second believe that he cares for me and that he wants to be around me to protect me as he stated. I wonder why that kind of thought pierces my heart. History class ended quite boring and so is my second period class. I went to meet my friends in the school's cafeteria during lunch time. Lucy waved immediately as soon as she saw me. As usual, the incident yesterday had been forgotten. They knew me too well not to linger with something they're used to witness from time to time when my tantrums surfaces. My ass just hit the bench when Harry with his varsity buddies joined the table. I'm actually against it, but the girls just would love to have a chat with some of the hot guys in school and I'm not really a party pooper to kill their little happiness.


“So, what's up with you and that Harrison guy?” Harry charged as soon as he sat beside me and draped his arm around my shoulders. I casually removed his arm and inched away from him.


“No touching.” I warned and gave him a cold glare. He stared back, looking a bit annoyed and affronted.


“No touching huh...” Harry breathed harshly. “ You say that to me yet you allow that bastard to touch you?” He accused with a dark glare and I got irritated by his attitude. These morons really wouldn't leave me alone.


“Harry, you know I don't like it when someone with the male specie talks to me in that way and for your senseless grouching I don't see why I need to explain myself. You're a nice friend and all but I don't think you have the right to question me.” I quietly said in a calm but mocking tone. He angrily grabbed my arm. I calmly looked around and see that the girls are still busy chatting with the boys and are oblivious to their surroundings particularly at our little skirmish.


“You listen carefully, Sydney. I've made it clear from the start that I don't want you just as a friend and if I don't get to have you, so are the other guys.” He whispered gravely and clutched my arm more firmly. I winced, but remained calm.


“Can't you see the lady is injured and you're inflicting more pain in her unfortunate situation?” I can't help but gasp when I heard Cole's calm yet intimidating voice. I don't know if it's because of just plain surprise or relief that he came to my rescue. No freaking way! I don't need his help in this kind of situation. It's nothing like I can't handle and probably he'll just worsen the situation. My mind strongly disagreed.


“Don't poke your fucking nose in someone's business, asshole!” Harry hissed and stood up. The two of them glowered at each other menacingly trying to appraise and intimidate each other. They have similar height, but Cole is a few centimeters taller than Harry. However, Harry has a more bulkier physique. The girls gasped in a mixture of surprise and fear for a possible collision when they finally realized what's happening. They stared at me with a questioning look, but I ignored them. I don't have time to answer their stupid questions right now. Harry's friends also came behind him to back him up. I narrowed my eyes at them as they're acting even more like morons. As a student representative of this school, I can't be associated with their impending rumble, but I also can't let them kill each other. I sighed and stood up between them.


“Boys, stop glaring at each other like idiots, will you? You're both grown ups and you---I pointed my fingers at Harry's friends who are looking at me like retards---grab your friend here before all of you get a suspension or worst expulsion.” I said calmly and thanked goodness the morons have brains after all and pulled Harry out of the Cafeteria.


“We're not over yet, Harrison!” Harry yelled furiously.


“Looking forward to that, Henderson.” Cole the ultimate moron scoffed like the idiot he is, trying to provoke bloodshed in his wake. Thankfully Harry's friends dragged him away already.


“Continue with your boring life and stop staring losers!” Lisa yelled at the curious students who are still eyeing us.


“What was that?” Lucy asked right away.


“Nothing. Just some stupid males brawling at each other, I guess.” I said with a shrugged.


“Seems like a cat fight to me.” Audrey exclaimed and the girls giggled.


“That hurts ladies. No thank you for saving your friend's ass from that asshole?” Cole acted hurt but the girls just laughed.


“Saved my ass? You could have worsened the situation!” I complained.


“The way I see it, you were in a difficult situation and I just saved the day.” He said smugly.


“Aye to that!” Lucy raised her diet cola and the girls, including Cole did the same. I glowered at them, but they just ignored me.


“Welcome back, by the way. We should have put up a welcome banner.” Carol said animatedly and Cole chuckled to that.


“Well, sorry for the... You know..” Patty muttered shyly. I gave her a dark stare, but the wench is busy flirting with Cole and didn't notice my grim gaze. The bitch is even batting her lashes at Cole. Does she wanna die in my hands?


“Nah. I should thank you ladies for getting me suspended. I kinda enjoyed it.” He said and gave me a meaningful wink.


“Gotta go to my next class girls.” I said and headed toward the door without waiting for their reply. I'm irritated again, not only to Cole but with the girls. They're beginning to like him and it's just making me more infuriated.


“Hey. Wait up.” Cole called me from behind, but I just walked continuously fast, but Cole with his long legs is pretty much faster than me and is now striding beside me.

“Stop following me.” I said without glancing at him.


“I'm not.” He replied innocently.


“So, why are still here with me?” I accused and shot him an annoyed glance.


“My class is in this direction too.” I eyed him suspiciously and when he also went into my Art class, I was awed.


“Don't tell me you're in this class too?” I asked wide eyed and went to my usual seat while Cole casually grabbed a seat beside me. I should have not forced my classmates to sit far from me. Now, Cole took that opportunity to sit on the empty chair since my classmates are afraid to sit beside me. Karma seemed to have found its way to me. I thought bitterly to myself.


“Yeah. Is that big of a deal?” I nodded, disbelief is still written all over my face. “Why do you think so?” He arched his thick eyebrow at me.


“Cause you look like someone who's only interested and good at pestering people and---I glared at his tattered jeans and black shirt with a black leather jacket---you look like some bad-ass kid who just wanna kick some ass or get your ass kicked and never did it ever cross my mind that you'll be interested in art.”


“Ha! Where did you get that lame idea?” He scoffed.


“Just by looking at you.” I said mockingly.


“Well, you definitely have a poor judgment, Sydney.” The art teacher came in and announced today's activity so I shut my mouth and placed my sketchpad on the stand. Today's activity is Contour drawing which is probably easy if my right wrist isn't acting strange. It isn't fractured but it still feel a bit sore from the fall. Dr. Anderson said it's just a muscle strain and will heal as early as one week.


“Hey.” Cole nudged my elbow and I shot him a cold stare.




“I'm just wondering... How can you draw with your condition right now? He asked innocently while habitually scratching his jaw.


“None of your business.” I hissed.


“Ms. Wood, is there a problem?” Ms. Watson asked me warily.


“She's injured, ma'am.” Cole replied like he's my spokesperson or something. Ms. Watson arched her dark penciled eyebrow at him.


“You must be Mr. Harrison, the student who got suspended on his second day of class?” Ms. Watson looked at him disapprovingly.


“That's definitely me.” He said coolly.

“Well then, start doing your activity and try not to get suspended again, Mr. Harrison.” She said and Cole just shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. Ms. Watson

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