» Mystery & Crime » Hating Miss Popular, Kenzhie A. [books for 20 year olds txt] 📗

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went back to look at me again. “So, Ms. Wood, I almost forgot about your accident. So sorry to hear that, but can you draw with your current state?” She stared pityingly at me.


“Yes, ma'am. My right wrist doesn't hurt that much, just a bit sore.” I smiled at her reassuringly and waved my right hand. Ms. Watson looked at me doubtfully and I don't blame her since I'm not quite sure of myself either. I should rest both of my hands, but I'm bored and I love this class.


“Alright then, if you insist. Good luck with your work.” She said and sat on her chair, but from time to time she goes around and check our work. So far, I have outlined some simple sketches and I'm glad it wasn't that awful yet not so good either. I let out a sigh. Honestly, it is pretty bad. I could say, my artwork looks like a preschooler can do better. I curiously take a peek at Cole's work when I noticed he's been quiet and seems pretty engrossed on his art. I was utterly stunned to see his artwork. It's really good, like a pro. Then my eyes widen when I realized what or should I say who is he drawing, it's ME in a side view angle. I'm not sure, but the girl has a striking resemblance to me. The hair, the prominent nose, and the body built. I went behind him and when he didn't seem to notice me, I poked his rib but he just ignored me still.


“Hey.” I poked him again, this time much harder.


“What?” He asked, still not looking at me and continued with his work. I've never thought getting ignored can be annoying and insulting. I childishly covered his sketchpad so he'll look at me. “Sydney, do you need my attention that much? I'm kinda busy here you know...” Cole eyed me like I'm some kind of a nuisance brat. Well, I do act like one.


“Who is this?” I asked, ignoring the annoyance in his voice.


“Who? What?” He stared down at me with confusion.


“This.” I pointed my forefinger on his drawing.


“Nobody.” He smiled at me finally when he realized what I'm fussing about.


“That's obviously not a NOBODY.” I protested with a pout and Cole chuckled softly.


“Don't act cute on me. I'll be distracted you know.” He teased and flicked the tip of my nose with his finger lightly.


“I'm not!” I want to hit him back, but Ms. Watson is heading toward our direction. I hurriedly went back to my seat and continued on my artwork which I can't' say is an art.


“Ms. Wood, I'll be considerate with you since you're injured but I'd hope that you can make a better artwork next time.” She said and went to look at Cole's work.


“Mr. Harrison, you have a beautiful artwork here. I can forget about my bad impression on you as people who can create a good art aren't bad, I believe. Well done. Please continue.” Ms. Watson said with a smile and went back to her seat after checking the other student's work. I glared at him, but he became engrossed with his work again, ignoring me. Today, I found out two things about Cole. He's an artist and when he's engrossed with his artwork, he seemed to create a world of his own, forgetting the people around him. I hate to admit it, but I find it kinda alluring.





“Are you really gonna stick your ass around me the whole day?” I asked incredulously when Cole is still following me after my last period and it seems like it's also his last class. The girls planned to go to a hair salon on Madison Avenue and now I'm heading to the school's parking area where I'll meet Lucy. I plan to hitch on Lucy's car, but Cole is acting like a real bodyguard. I wonder if he's willing to catch a bullet for me. I rolled my eyes unconsciously at the silly thought. Of course he wouldn't. He's not that stupid.


“Yeah. I'm like that gum on your pretty shoe, sticking on you annoyingly.” He smirked and pointed at my gray Prada suede lace-up ankle boot.


“Holy shit!”I wiggled my left booted leg, but the annoying gum keep on sticking like hell-crazy. “Who's the frigging scumbag who spewed this damn gum on the frigging goddamn floor?!” I shouted and scanned the area, but the students scrammed away from the hallway the moment they heard my angry scream. My nostrils flared even more when Cole burst into laughter. I aimed to kick him, but the asshole must really have a spider-man instinct as he easily dodged my leg.


“Hey! You're such a violent fox, you know that?”


“And you're an asshole!” I spat out and turned to walk again, but Cole grabbed my arm to stop me.


“What?!” I hissed and shoved his hand off me. To my astonishment, he knelt down in front of me. I thought he's gonna beg for forgiveness, but instead, he took out his hanky out of his jeans, hold my left ankle up and wiped the gum off my boot sole with his hanky. I gaped at him while he stood up and threw his dirty hanky in a trash bin.




“Very.” I replied with a smug though I was quite taken aback.


“Are you now...” He smiled and pinched my chin. I hate to admit, but I find his simple gestures cute. With that thought I turned again and walked toward the parking area where Lucy is waiting while sitting on the hood of her red Corvette.


“Hey Harrison! Are you Sydney's dog or something? I can see you following her around like a lovesick puppy. I can even see your tail wagging with happiness tailing her.” Lucy teased with a giggle.


“You could say that. Though, I'd like the word, Her “Shadow 24/7” much better.” Cole joked back which Lucy found funny, so it seems since she laughed.


“New buddies?” I interjected sarcastically while glaring at the both of them. They just both smiled like some annoying kids asking for more candies in Halloween. “The girls went on ahead?” I confirmed and Lucy nodded.



I ended up getting a hitch in Cole's car instead of Lucy's. He really knows how to pull his string on me. He just mentioned about our little secret and I jumped in his car instantly. Lucy must probably believe that we're really dating now.


“Are you really that bored?” I asked out of the blue.


“What do you mean?” He gave me a curious look.


“Well, you're hanging around me like a bee. Don't you have a male friend that you can pester instead of me?”


“I like hanging around you like a bee.” He repeated my sentence with a smile. “Do you want me to hang out with the likes of that Henderson guy?”


“If you have a death wish, it's up to you.”


“So you think, I'll get beat up by him?” He asked, amused.


“No doubt.” I muttered remembering Harry's bulky and muscular physique. He's Manhattan High's quarterback after all. Cole just laughed at it. After some time, we arrived in front of Kate Spade. Carol's new found fave style; retro, neon-preppy style and luckily they are all here in Kate Spade. We're supposed to go to a hair salon to get a new haircut, but Carol sent a group message saying to drop in here for a quick shopping. I've heard they have some cool accessories here so I might buy some for myself. Cole and I just came in when a tall blonde approached him and wrapped her arms around him. My brow creased as Cole smiled down at her fondly. So, the bastard has a pretty girlfriend, but hangs out with me like a possessive freak. As shitty as it is, I felt something sharp plunged into my heart.


“Sarah.” Cole ruffled the blonde's hair same way he does to me a few times already and strangely, I didn't like it that he does the same thing to other girls. “Doing some shopping, kiddo? I thought you went home already?”


“I was about to but I was guessing you're not home yet so, I went for a lil shopping. Good thing, I did.” Blonde said smiling. It seems like they're living together and I was at their place twice but didn't see her. Great. Now, I would look like a slut who tries to still others unfaithful boyfriend. I winced at the thought and decided to leave them when Cole finally remembered my existence and called my name.


“Where are you going?” He asked with a serious look. The guts! He's caught already, but still no shame.


“To my friends, of course. I'll leave you with your girlfriend---I spoke the latter with emphasis—so you'll spend more quality time, I guess.” I glared at him when he laughed.


“Sydney, meet my lil sis, Sarah.” Cole laughed harder when he saw my face turned beet red. “Sis, this is Sydney.” Cole continued, stifling a laugh.


“Nice to meet you. My brother can't shut his mouth talking about you.” Sarah squeaked with excitement. I've never thought that Cole has a little sister. Well, I guess, I wasn't that interested to know. Then I remembered I've been to their place twice already and I didn't get to see her. Well, guess I was preoccupied most of the time I was there. I wonder if she knew I slept in their place and in Cole's bedroom at most. I certainly hope not. I wouldn't want to be the center of gossip in the whole Campus. That would be extremely troublesome.


“Did he now...” I arched my eyebrow at him, but he just gave me a shrug. We met the girls at the VIP salon on the top floor, lounging on a pink satin vintage sofa and they seem not to care at all that Cole is with me and his sister came along as well.





Hi guys!



What do you think of the story so far? Please tell me what you think in the comment box. :) 


PS-So, who do you think is sending threatening emails and stalking Sydney? Feel free to tell me who your guess is. Just comment or PM me. XD




Kenzhie A.

Chapter eight: Nightmare from the past




After the shopping spree which I bought some colorful retro bangles and dangling earrings, I also even bought some fancy multicolored wraps, we decided to drop in at Godiva just beside Kate Spade for some exquisite and yummy chocolate treats. I'm totally into chocolate truffles and Godiva is the best. I bought two boxes of dark chocolate truffles and milk and dark Belgian chocolate-dipped strawberries. Not only that, before we head out for our next destination, we had a soft swirl of chocolate and vanilla on a chocolate almond waffle. It's really to die for. My mood even got better.


“So, chocolate is your weakness huh...” Cole smiled and leaned down to lick the smudge of chocolate on the side of my mouth. I gasped in shock and looked around, but thanked God the girls are busy licking their own ice cream to notice us. My eyes turned to Sarah and caught her smiling at me. Shit! This is just embarrassing! This bastard... In front of his sister.. He.. He... Ugh! I jabbed him in the rib

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