» Mystery & Crime » Accomplice:, Nick Venom [free children's ebooks pdf txt] 📗

Book online «Accomplice:, Nick Venom [free children's ebooks pdf txt] 📗». Author Nick Venom

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sirens blaring, whizzing past him and pulling up to the school’s entrance. Two officers stepped outside, pushing students and staff away from the entrance. The officers helped with securing the main gate and back gate.

Rick recently died. August concluded in his mind. There’s no way the officers would be securing the school if it happened this late or… did Jax get to him after school.

“N-No, what happened?” He asked, his breathing becoming erratic.

“A student was killed in one of the classrooms. I think the student’s name is… was Rick or something.” She nonchalantly said. August nodded, his breathing unstabilizing. His mind was everywhere, not noticing that the news of Rick’s death wasn’t posted until later and that she had just arrived. She didn’t have enough time to peek in the murder classroom at the scene or to confirm it was Rick. 

"D-Do… Do they know who did it?”

“Apparently, he was tortured in a classroom to the point of insanity. The kids that found his body said that there was writing covering the walls, but they couldn’t make most of it out. Only a couple of fragments.” She said. August nodded, a single bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. He didn’t pick up on her wrong intel---as later reports would confirm---that a staff member found the bodies and not students.

“Those were?” He asked, his heart pumping more blood than it ever had.

“Twisted grin, one eye, and malicious laughing,” Bailey said. August nodded his head softly, turning away from her.

“Thanks,” He said, walking away from her. He now had a few days to think about what happened, since the murder closed the school for a few days.

Bailey, meanwhile, watched him leave, not paying a shred of attention at the crime scene. Her eyes were focused on August.

He didn’t notice her lingering stare, talking to himself as he returned home. Twisted grin, one eye, malicious laughing? It has to be Jax, I’ve heard him laughing like they described when he was killing that guy. He has also told me that he likes to watch them, peeing on them with one eye. The “twisted grin” part? He makes that type of grin a lot, especially when he’s delighted with a kill or when he crushes somebody’s spirit. Jax, why did you do it? Why?






“I did as you ordered. I made contact with him.” Bailey told a figure masked by the darkness. “I told him about the murder and he looked to have recognized the clues. There’s no way he didn’t. He was breathing heavily and he began to panic as I told him more about it.”

“Perfect,” the figure said. “Keep in contact with him. Don’t let him out of your sight”

“If you don’t mind me asking… Why am I investigating him instead of Jax? If August is the accomplice and Jax is the murderer, then getting evidence on Jax would be better.” Bailey asked.

“No!” The figure shouted. “Jax is dangerous, a real criminal. August, on the other hand, is safer to deal with. We could get pieces of evidence from August and use them against Jax. However, do not make any contact with Jax, and don’t drink anything he gives you or follow him anywhere, even if he says it’s just to the park or to a gas station.”

“Okay,” Bailey whispered, bowing her head.

“Continue with your orders, but remember to never let them corner you. If they do, then, inform me and I’ll send all the dirt I have to the FBI and get them the death penalty.” The figure spat. Bailey nodded. “They’re both dangerous. Even August. He may be the accomplice, but he has seen more than any normal person has.”

“I understand,” Bailey said.

“Don’t forget to heed this warning. Your entire life and future are resting on your actions for this case. Don’t betray my trust.” Bailey nodded.

“I won’t forget your warning… mother.”



Episode Four "Confrontation"

August walked home, not meeting with anybody. He headed straight home, arriving faster than usual. He grabbed ahold of the door handle, heaving the door open. 

He walked inside, looking around the living room. To his surprise, there was nobody in the house. He was the first one home. Jax’s parents were still at work and Jax’s siblings were at their middle school. Only the high school was affected by Rick’s murder.

However, one thing irked August. Why wasn’t Jax home? He had left before August, so he expected him to arrive before him. 

Something’s wrong… Where did Jax go? Maybe he decided to go and have fun with his new friends or…? That makes the most sense. He would have fun with his friends and not return home. Wait, if he isn’t here then…

August’s gaze lingered on Jax’s bedroom door. The door was always restricted from being entered, even though Jax entered every other room without worry. It was something unfair that his parents allowed. They seemed partially afraid of him at times.

August staggered towards the door, feeling somebody staring at him. He turned his head to look at the door, seeing if Jax or somebody else had arrived. However, the door remained closed and there was nobody in sight.

He looked around the room again but didn’t see Jax lurking in any corner masked by darkness. There was nobody, except for him, inside the house. He was alone. And he was getting curious.

He approached the door, his hand hovering over the doorknob. What is he hiding behind the door? It wouldn’t be a victim that he hasn’t killed yet, right? No, I'm overthinking it. Why would he have a victim here and not in the cabin, right? Right? Right? I don’t know anymore!

He heard the doorknob of the front door turn. Somebody was opening the door, someone with a key. August jumped, darting to his room. He stopped at his door, peering through the living room at the front door. It was Jax, wearing a black tank-top. He had a towel draped over one shoulder.

“What’s wrong with you, August?” Jax asked, noticing him instantly. His vision was instantly snapped to him. 

“U-Uh… nothing Jax. I was about-” Jax cut him off.

“It was Rick right?”

“W-What?” August blurted out.

“He was the one who was bothering you, right?” He asked. August shook his head, opening his mouth to spit out an excuse. However, Jax stopped him. “You’re lying to me. I saw you with Rick yesterday and many people saw him beating you up!” He shouted. He quickly closed the distance between them, now in August’s face. 

“You do remember that I was the one who taught you how to lie right?” Jax asked, playing the past card. August bit his lip, knowing that Jax had him where he wanted. No matter what he said, he would see through him.

Jax walked past him and towards his room, grabbing the doorknob but not turning it. He glanced over his shoulder at August. “They’re all gone, even the goons. You won’t have to worry about them anymore. But why didn’t you tell me about them? I could’ve helped you. I am your best friend, right?” He asked, his words filled with malicious intent. He was smiling at August, a non-verbal, try this again and see what happens.

August nodded his head. “I’m sorry,”

“No worries,” Jax said, his smile disappearing. “Don’t worry, I won’t try to influence your life, but I would be careful of her. She’ll bring you to your demise.” He said with a wink. He opened the door and headed inside, locking it after he entered. August thought he heard another voice inside his room, but he couldn’t tell. The voice disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

Although something seemed sketchy about Jax’s room, August ignored it. He turned around and headed into his room, locking it. Her? I don’t know any other females except for Alice or Hailey. What other females have I met? As he thought about the short list of females he had encountered, from the cashier at the nearby gas station to the middle-aged woman who lived down the block, something hit him. Is he talking about… Bailey? She’ll bring my demise? How and why? Isn’t she a normal girl… she isn’t connected to anything dangerous, right? She’s just a normal girl, nothing else? Or does she know something that she isn’t telling me…? 


Several minutes before Jax arrived at his home, he received a notification from his phone. He took out his phone and unlocked it, going to his messages. An unread message was waiting for him. He read the messages in his mind, not speaking them out loud, but not before glancing around his immediate surroundings. He was some distance away from his front door. 

He’s inside. I think he’s headed my way! The message read. 

He frowned upon the message, looking up at his house. He typed in his response, reading it over in his head. Has he found you?

The response came immediately. “He hasn’t yet, but… it does sound like he knows I’m here. He’s creeping up to the door.

He typed in an I’m right outside, don’t dare make a peep into his phone. A few seconds after sending it, he got the response.

Okay… I will. Get inside fast.

Jax nodded to himself, looking around. He moved forward, headed for the front door. He typed his response while walking. I’m at the door, do NOT move! He put a large emphasis on the word “not”. 

The response was, I know.

Jax finished the conversation by typing in, Good. Now stay put and shut up.



Episode Five "The Mystery of Her"

August headed to school three days later, the sun’s warmth conflicting with his feelings. It was warm and bright outside, but he felt heavy and cold. He felt like something was going to happen to Bailey. Ever since Jax mentioned a “her”, August had been thinking about Bailey. He hoped that nothing happened to her like what happened to Rick. He didn’t want a repeat of that incident, especially so soon.

He reached the entrance, the police tape gone and the cruisers non-existent. The case was wrapped up quickly as if the police wanted to cover up the incident. School was reopened faster than anybody expected. Even the teachers were bewildered at how quickly had been case ended. 

Even so, nobody could challenge the decision. Teachers returned to work while students were forced to head back into the building that held a person who had died recently. It wasn’t the best situation for most.

As August made it to the gate, he noticed a familiar face. It was Bailey, dressed in her uniform, waiting for him. He didn’t expect to

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