» Mystery & Crime » Accomplice:, Nick Venom [free children's ebooks pdf txt] 📗

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mentioned in this episode), Troy: The Demon Knight, Demon Hunter, and Black Hood]. The inclusion of a title I’ve written is to serve as an easter egg, nothing more than that. A similar easter egg was used in Troy: The Demon Knight - Season One. Episode Ten "War"

The last day of August’s break was a Sunday, the same day the movie trip was scheduled. Elize, who thought of the idea, planned it out. August dressed up in a white tee instead of a black one with the same sneakers and jeans. He didn’t wear a sweater, his tanned skin exposed by the short-sleeve tee. All of his clothes were washed thoroughly the night before by Wendy, who was ecstatic to see him venture on his own. She didn’t like that Jax would make his own friend circle while August struggled to do the same.

August arrived at the movie theatre, a small building housing a few rooms named Brickhaven Theatre. The building was a two-story building that was one football field in length and half of one in width. The outside walls were an ugly shade of blue, the paint visibly fading.

“I hope we didn’t make you wait too long,” Sarah remarked behind August. He turned around to face her. She was dressed in a pair of light blue jeans, black boots, and a pink tee shirt. She was followed by Elize, Mandy, and Victoria.

“No, I just got here. Nothing to worry about.” He reassured her.

She nodded, smiling at him. “Okay,” She stared at him, taking his appearance in. August looked away, blushing. He was embarrassed.

Elize rolled her eyes, walking past Sarah and August, heading towards the entrance. “Come on lovebirds, let’s go in before we miss the movie.” She said, opening the door. The inside of the building was well-furnished with several comfy red and gold-colored chairs lining the first corridor of the building. At the end of the corridor was the ticket booth and snack bar, combined into one large table. The cashier and snack bar worker picked their heads up at the sound of the door opening - a chime of a bell.

Mandy and Victoria pushed into the building first, headed towards the ticket booth. Sarah and August followed behind them with Elize after them. They reached the ticket booth, purchasing five tickets for the movie ‘The New Guard’. After that, they moved to the snack bar, purchasing as much as twenty dollars could allow them to - and it wasn’t much thanks to the somewhat weak economy.

They raced to the room showing the movie, down a long corridor on the right of the ticket booth/snack bar. They went through the only door to the room, entering the dimly lit room. They found their seats quickly, squishing in between two other groups. They were positioned in the middle of the row. 

August tried to sit down at the farthest left seat, sitting next to one of the other groups, but Elize grabbed his arm and positioned him into the fourth of the five seats. Sarah sat in the middle while Elize sat in the fifth seat. Victoria and Mandy sat next to each other in the last two seats.

August stared at the screen as the movie played out. The movie was about to start, hence the dim lighting. The beginning scene showed the main characters---a trio of friends---standing under a lone tree. The dialogue quickly followed the initial seconds, seeing the friends arguing about their futures.

August glanced at Sara, noticing how intrigued she was by the movie. He smiled, watching her expressions as the movie switched from the lone tree to a large four-story building. 

“You sure look like a creep.” He heard Elize say. He turned his head to face her. 

“W-What?” he whispered.

Elize had on a grin. “You do realize that you’re gawking at her. I’m surprised that you aren’t drooling gallons by now.”

August grew red, looking away from her. “S-Sorry.”

Elize shook her head. “Strange lovebirds, for sure.”


The movie ended and all of the watchers were pushed out of the room. Sarah left the room first, her eyes tearing up. “That was so sad!” 

Elize nodded, walking behind her. “I can’t believe that’s how it ended.” She said, glancing behind her at August. “How was it?”

“A lot better than I expected. I am confused why there were open spots in the Royal Guard? And why are teens with little experience allowed to join?” He asked.

“Yeah, that’s strange for sure. However, they did explain why they didn’t take people from the armies.” Elize said. 

Sarah nodded. “I loved the ending, it was so full of emotion. I almost cried.” She wiped the bubbling tears in the corner of her eyes away, trying to hide them.

Elize raised an eyebrow. “Almost? Why are your eyes red and why is your shirt wet?” She asked.

Sarah shook her head, looking away from them. “I’m not crying!” She took a few steps away, being joined by Mandy and Victoria.

Elize smiled, glancing at August. He was watching her walk away, his head tilted. “As you can see, she’s a very strange person.”

August nodded without thinking. His head snapped to Elize, who raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you really agreeing with me?” She asked. “That means you think she’s weird, right?”

August shook her head. “That’s not what I meant. It’s…”

Elize shook her head playfully. “I’m kidding. Sarah is a very emotional person, so don’t be surprised that she cries as something we see as simple. She’s a good person though.” Elize looked away from him, staring at somebody behind her. She turned back to face him. “Anyway, remember what I told you last time at the cafe?”

He nodded his head. “You’ll kill me if I break her heart. Don’t worry, I remember.”

Elize nodded, smiling. “Good. Also, by chance, do you know-” She was interrupted by a person grabbing August’s shoulder, applying strength. The person forcefully turned August around.

August reacted by trying to elbow the person but stopped halfway. The person he now faced was Jax, who had a large grin on. A girl he had never seen before stood next to him. She looked away from August sheepishly. She had dark-gray hair, darker than August’s hair. 

“Hey August, it’s been a while.”

“J-J-Jax…?” He muttered, his eyes widened and his mouth wide open. “W-Why are you here?”

“I got to talk to you. You see… I’ve been given a mission. I need your help, follow me.” Jax said. August glanced at Elize, telling her that he’ll catch up. He followed Jax out of the building, passing by Sarah, Mandy, and Victoria who shot him surprised and confused looks. He looked away from them sheepishly. 

“I’m sorry,” he muttered.


“Nice to meet you face-to-face, Ms. Flower.” Stephen Wright remarked, sitting at his desk. Behind him were large panes of glass - his office was on the twenty-seventh floor of his headquarters. “Do you have Minny?”

Angelica glared at him. “I wouldn’t say the same.” She answered, ignoring his question. By her side was Gem, the young guard looking around the lavish office nervously.

Stephen, a pale-skinned man dressed in a fitted suit, grinned. “I would say it is… as long as Minny is returned to me - in one piece of course.”

Angelica smiled. “I tried my best.”

Stephen’s smile disappeared, glaring at her. He shot up from his desk. “You? You tried your best? So help me God if I find a single hair torn off her pretty hair, I will kill you and your entire bloodline. Don’t you play with me! I’m good at snipping flowers.”

Angelica stared at him, shifting her weight from one leg to the other. “Lev! Bring her in!” She ordered. Lev entered the building with Minny, carting her in a wheelchair. Her body was nowhere near being healthy or in one functional piece - bandaged and strapped to the wheelchair.

Stephen’s eyes widened. “Why is she like that!” He screamed. 

Angelica grinned from eye to eye. “You said one piece, there she is. You never said if she had to be in one functional piece.” 

Stephen walked around his desk and towards Angelica, being intercepted by Gem who stood in his way. Gem trembled slightly under Stephen’s glare, but he didn’t buckle under it.

“I returned your daughter as ordered. I believe this is where our cooperation ends, doesn’t it?” She mocked him.

Stephen gritted his teeth. He glanced at the CTV implanted in a corner of his office. “Fine,” He barked, glancing at Gem and Lev, both armed. In a fight, he would have to defeat both guards before reaching the boss. He was armed, but his weapon was under his desk. In his fit of anger, he forgot to grab it. “Get out! Don’t come back.” 

Angelica nodded, motioning for Gem and Lev to follow her. Once they were out of the room, he dove towards Minny, undoing her restraints. He picked her broken body up in his arms, embracing her. “I’m sorry, honey. I should never have let you go out on your own. I shouldn’t have sent you to take on the targets.” He cried into her shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

Minny remained emotionless, staring at the glass and the reflection of her. She took in her broken appearance and her crying father, looking around her reflection. She squinted her eyes slightly, staring at a red light. For the first time, she had an expression, that of confusion and curiosity. 

The light turned on then turned off. It continued this process, flashing the red light like a police car. 

“Red light.” She muttered.

Stephen held her at arm's length, staring at her with his head tilted. “Red light? What do you mean…?” His eyes widened as he realized what she meant. He threw her to the side before turning the wheelchair on its head. Strapped to the belly of the wheelchair was a C-4, primed and ready.

“God damned Flower!” He threw the wheelchair at the window, but it bounced off and landed near him. He scooted away, but Minny got closer to it. “No, Minny! Don’t get close to it, it’s gonna explode!” His words fell on deaf ears as she was attracted to the red light. She got closer to it as the C-4 went off. Her body was too close to the blast to remain in one piece. Stephen, on the other hand, was far enough that he suffered only superficial wounds and a ringing in his ear.

He stared at the body of Minny on the other side of his office. The upper part of her body was gone while the lower part was charred. She was killed in the explosion. The window that the explosion collided with, shattered like Minny’s soul. 

His mouth was open, taking in the horrific sights. “Flower… Damn you Flower! I’ll kill you and everybody in your bloodline. Everybody that knows you or is even slightly acquainted will be dead. Flower! THIS IS WAR!”

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