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Have you ever met someone who remembers everything they see, in extreme detail? A person who can also analyze everything? Eye color, type of nose, mouth shape, and just everything? Meet Kristy Stewart. She was born with memphobia. She has an incredible memory, which sometimes brings back happiness, but mostly sorrow and pain. She is also able to help with crimes with that amazing mind. Super smart and unstoppable.

One day a certain man by the name Palash Datta lures a passerby into a graveyard with the promise that he will see a ghost. Does the passerby, Nirmal Sen, manage to see the ghost? What are his immediate reactions?

mystic flower follows the trials and tribulations surrounding emma our main character while she searches for her kidnapped daughter. JK Irving

A 13 year old boy named Charlie was home alone in 153 Elm ave.Charlie was in his room watching T.V when he heard a big BOOM. He went downstairs to see what the heck was going on and he noticed that the door was busted down. He heard something in the living room and checked what was there and he seen two burglars. Charlie ran upstairs to his room and the burglars followed him and they ended up finding him and took Charlie to there hideout.

A familyman is pitted against an international CEO of mayhem as the fate of the world hangs in the balance.

Zara Hurst is a detective, the hottest, the cleverest and most adventurous. When she gets a chance to hunt down the dangerous, notourious terroist Blaise Tyler, she's ready for anything, except Love. As the mystery unravels it turns out her passionate, charming and inrigueing Blaise is innocent! But then who is the Terroist mastermind behind the scences? Find out in this gripping, blood spurting, novel of Criminal love.

Seven cheerleaders, seven life-changing secrets, and the bodies keep dropping... What reason would seven girls who have all their lives ahead of them, want to murder Angel Rose?

A new murder arose in the not-so-peaceful town of St. Mysteri. It's up to the obscure detective, Sherry, and her emotionless apprentice, Watsin. The new murder is called the " Dear Diary Killer". It seems as though she only kills students around the ages 14-18. High School age. And after she kills her victims, she leaves a note about her day at school, using blood as ink. The killer's name left unknown. Who is this strange killer? Why is she doing this? And are Sherry and Watsin going