» Mystery & Crime » Mystic Flower, JK irving [the little red hen read aloud .txt] 📗

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I was sitting at my chair in the kitchen watching my daughter play outside. She was only three bubbly. And in my eyes very angelic, she was playing on her slide, up and down she went, laughing and giggling as she played. My mind wandered back before she was born, I met her dad whose name was David at my karate class, he was doing his moves and I remember thinking he was hopeless at it, he looked over to me and smiled I thought how nice he looked, he walked over to me and said “hello my names David and I saw you looking over were you admiring my moves”, I smiled at him and said “ you have a lot to learn”. We started to chat about the class and he said that he had not been going for long. I smiled at him and asked him if he would like a coffee, he agreed and we went into the cafe. I remember thinking how handsome he was and very soft spoken, he seemed very gentle and kind I liked him already and did not know much about him. I intended to find out a lot more about him.

We sat and talked for hours, I found out he had just started the class and had not learnt very much I told him I had been going for y ear and was a black belt as far as I could go in this class, I would have to go to advanced class to learn more. He looked at me and seemed very impressed. We said our goodbyes and arranged to see each other at a later date, he was going to phone me and plan a date. I went home thinking how nice he was and I was looking forward to him ringing.The next day I was all on edge waiting for him to ring. Eventually he rang and we arranged a day and time to meet,,we were meeting at the local pub, it was not far from were I lived it was about two roads over. I did not know how far it was for David to go I had totally forgot to ask where he lived, I thought I would find out everything about him . I arrived at the pub first and sat in a corner of the pub not wanting to seem really keen,I got my drink and waited for David.

I glanced around the pub and thought how dark and dingy it was it had been a long time since I was there , it seemed years ago since I was there, I was looking at the decor and it was all nicotine stained walls and the bar, the varnish was peeling off. The barmaid looked fed up and overworked, she was sat at the end of the bar wating to serve someone. I could not help but feel sorry for her. Just then in walked David I was pleased to see him I felt a bit awkard sitting there on my own David walked in with a big smile on his face, he sat down beside me and planted a kiss on my cheek, he seemed ever so pleased to see me. He asked me if I would like a drink and I said yes, he brought over the drinks and we sat and talked for ages and had a great night. I could not believe how late it was,David said "I will take you home, it is late for you to be walking home yourself".He walked me home and we stood talking what seemed like hours.

I never thought about inviting him inside my flat I thought it was a bit soon,we eventually said our goodbyes with a long lingering kiss. We arranged to meet the following weekend and I was quite looking forward to it. I worked in a office selling insurance, it was pretty boring but I had lots of friends there, Nancy and Betty sat opposite me in the office I could not wait to tell her about David they were both amazed when I began to tell them about him they wanted to know everthing about him. We had to be careful as our boss often walked around the office and if she caught you messing around you would be in deep ,her name was Ann and she was a force to be reckoned with if you got in her bad books you stopped there, we were having a good natter when low and behold there she was standing right next to us , we jumped back on the computer and dropped our heads down and got on with our work.

We decided we would meet after work for a quick drink and knowing them the topic of the conversation would be me and David, Nancy said "where did you meet him I need to know everything about him " You know when I thought about him Italked to him alot but did not know much about him, I had to find out

We walked backhome hand in hand, I just knew we were destined to be together.We got to my home and we kissed for what seemed like hours but he had to go to work the next day , so we said our goodbyes and he left , I felt a great ache in my stomach as he left, we had not discussed meeting again so I was quite worried that he would not ring. My doubts were unfounded, he rang the next day,We arranged to meet the following weekend, he had booked us into a hotel. I thought that was a bit presumptious but I was excited anyway.Friday night I was running around getting things ready my mum was laughimg at me and said "you would think you had not been on a date before".I said mam he is special"she got stuck in and helped me pack. David picked me up the following morning and we had the most beautiful weekend.

We had been going out for a few months when David popped the question and asked me to marry him , both sets of parents were thrilled whem we told them. We planned our wedding it was to be a small affair but very tasteful, the day came and everything went smooth, we went to Benidorm for a week after the wedding and had a fabulous time, it was pretty cold but that did not stop us enjoying every minute.We arrived back home and immediately started looking for a home of our own.We found a lovely little house with a small back garden Ihad always loved gardens, I got it all decorated from top to bottom and I could not wait for David to come home and see it He arrived home from work and was amazed at the changes,I had made a lovely meal for the both of us and we sat down at the table in my newly decorated dining room, David could see I was dead chuffed at my work. He said "you should be very pleased with yourself you have done a fabulous job I can see there is going to be nothing for me to do".

Davids job took him away a lot he was a buyer for a large pharmacy company it was a great job but I missed him a lot,we made the most of the weekend and went out most of the weekend and spent the rest of it in bed . My mother often said "I see you most of the week but you disapear at the weekend, but I understand you want to be by yourselves.David went away the Monday morning I was missing him already, I went to work and arranged a night out with my friends, we went to the local night club and my mates were a in a boisteres mood The guy who owned the nightclub was hanging around us alnight and my mates thought he was quite fancying me , I must admit he was a good laugh, he had me in stitches all night.I t was a great night I had not enjoyed myself like that for a long time, I said goodbye to my mates and went for the taxi, I was waiting my turn to be picked up when I heard this voice say"come on I will give you a lift home, I am finished now".

I was a bit wary but he was going my way and he had been great fun all night, I got in the car feeling guilty but excited after all I was doing nothing wrong, so why did I have those butterfly feelings in my stomach, it felt weird like your first sexual encounter.We talked all the way home and he was still exciting me god I hated thinking those thoughts in my head, I wanted him to touch me, place his lips on mine. I had to stop thinking like this I loved David. just in time we arrived at my home I said goodnight and thanked him for the lift, He looked up at me and let out a beautiful smile and said it was his pleasure, my legs went like jelly it took all my strengh to stand up ,I could not believe what I said "come in for a coffee if you like"." that would be great"

We walked inside and I put the kettle on I told him to sit down I would not be long ,i brought him coffee all the time thinking this was wrong but I could not stop myself. I sat down opposite him and we started talking about this and that I felt it was all trevia, I that it would be gracious to ask his name ,"I never asked your name mines Emma,"mines Tony and i have had a fabulous night you have been great fun" "thanks I feel the same way", I had to tell him I was married but the words would not come out . Why was I feeling this way I hardly knew this man but I was very attracted to him ,nothing could happen I could not betray David I loved him to much. Where was my friends when I needed them, Tony came over and sat beside me and we carried on talking for what seemed like hours he was great to talk to I felt as if I could tell him anything, before we knew it was getting light and I had to be up for work ,fat chance off me going to bed the thoughts running through my mind about Tony. He said goodbye and "I hope to see you anthother time maybe when you pop in the club.

I went to work the next day and could not wait to tell my mates what happened , when I finished telling them Betty said "Emma your playing with fire be careful what you do this Tony does not seem the type to take no for an answer someone is going to get hurt here I can just feel it". I just shook my head and said "nothing is going to happen I wont see him again" I went to bed that night thinking about David ,

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