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goodness, why, trust it, and know the man by it, I say,—not by his performance; which is half the world's work, interfere as the world needs must with its accidents and circumstances: the profession was purely the man's own. I judge people by what they might be,—not are, nor will be.

A Soul's Tragedy. Act ii.

There 's a woman like a dewdrop, she 's so purer than the purest.

A Blot in the 'Scutcheon. Act i. Sc. iii.


When is man strong until he feels alone?

Colombe's Birthday. Act iii.

When the fight begins within himself,

A man 's worth something.

Men and Women. Bishop Blougram's Apology.

The sprinkled isles,

Lily on lily, that o'erlace the sea.


And I have written three books on the soul,

Proving absurd all written hitherto,

And putting us to ignorance again.


Sappho survives, because we sing her songs;

And Æschylus, because we read his plays!


Rafael made a century of sonnets.

One Word More. ii.

Other heights in other lives, God willing.

One Word More. xii.

God be thanked, the meanest of his creatures

Boasts two soul-sides,—one to face the world with,

One to show a woman when he loves her!

One Word More. xvii.

Oh their Rafael of the dear Madonnas,

Oh their Dante of the dread Inferno,

Wrote one song—and in my brain I sing it;

Drew one angel—borne, see, on my bosom!

One Word More. xix.

The lie was dead

And damned, and truth stood up instead.

Count Gismond. xiii.

Over my head his arm he flung

Against the world.

Count Gismond. xix.

Just my vengeance complete,

The man sprang to his feet,

Stood erect, caught at God's skirts, and prayed!

So, I was afraid!

Instans Tyrannus. vii.

Oh never star

Was lost here but it rose afar.

Waring. ii.


Sing, riding 's a joy! For me I ride.

The last Ride together. vii.

When the liquor 's out, why clink the cannikin?

The Flight of the Duchess. xvi.

That low man seeks a little thing to do,

Sees it and does it;

This high man, with a great thing to pursue,

Dies ere he knows it.

That low man goes on adding one to one,—

His hundred 's soon hit;

This high man, aiming at a million,

Misses an unit.

That has the world here—should he need the next,

Let the world mind him!

This throws himself on God, and unperplexed

Seeking shall find him.

A Grammarian's Funeral.

Lofty designs must close in like effects.

A Grammarian's Funeral.

I hear you reproach, "But delay was best,

For their end was a crime." Oh, a crime will do

As well, I reply, to serve for a test

As a virtue golden through and through,

Sufficient to vindicate itself

And prove its worth at a moment's view!

 .   .   .   .   .

Let a man contend to the uttermost

For his life's set prize, be it what it will!

The counter our lovers staked was lost

As surely as if it were lawful coin;

And the sin I impute to each frustrate ghost

Is—the unlit lamp and the ungirt loin,

Though the end in sight was a vice, I say.

The Statue and the Bust.

Lost, lost! one moment knelled the woe of years.

Childe Roland to the Dark Tower came. xxxiii.

Just for a handful of silver he left us,

Just for a riband to stick in his coat.

The Lost Leader. i.


We shall march prospering,—not thro' his presence;

Songs may inspirit us,—not from his lyre;

Deeds will be done,—while he boasts his quiescence,

Still bidding crouch whom the rest bade aspire.

The Lost Leader. ii.

They are perfect; how else?—they shall never change:

We are faulty; why not?—we have time in store.

Old Pictures in Florence. xvi.

What 's come to perfection perishes.

Things learned on earth we shall practise in heaven;

Works done least rapidly Art most cherishes.

Old Pictures in Florence. xvii.

Italy, my Italy!

Queen Mary's saying serves for me

(When fortune's malice

Lost her Calais):

"Open my heart, and you will see

Graved inside of it 'Italy.'"

De Gustibus. ii.

That 's the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over,

Lest you should think he never could recapture

The first fine careless rapture.

Home-Thoughts from Abroad. ii.

God made all the creatures, and gave them our love and our fear,

To give sign we and they are his children, one family here.

Saul. vi.

How good is man's life, the mere living! how fit to employ

All the heart and the soul and the senses forever in joy!

Saul. ix.

'T is not what man does which exalts him, but what man would do.

Saul. xvii.

O woman-country![647:1] wooed not wed,

Loved all the more by earth's male-lands,

Laid to their hearts instead.

By the Fireside. vi.


That great brow

And the spirit-small hand propping it.

By the Fireside. xxiii.

If two lives join, there is oft a scar.

They are one and one, with a shadowy third;

One near one is too far.

By the Fireside. xlvi.

Only I discern

Infinite passion, and the pain

Of finite hearts that yearn.

Two in the Campagna. xii.

Round and round, like a dance of snow

In a dazzling drift, as its guardians, go

Floating the women faded for ages,

Sculptured in stone on the poet's pages.

Women and Roses.

How he lies in his rights of a man!

Death has done all death can.

And absorbed in the new life he leads,

He recks not, he heeds

Nor his wrong nor my vengeance; both strike

On his senses alike,

And are lost in the solemn and strange

Surprise of the change.


Ah, did you once see Shelley plain,

And did he stop and speak to you,

And did you speak to him again?

How strange it seems, and new!

Memorabilia. i.

He who did well in war just earns the right

To begin doing well in peace.

Luria. Act ii.

And inasmuch as feeling, the East's gift,

Is quick and transient,—comes, and lo! is gone,

While Northern thought is slow and durable.

Luria. Act v.

A people is but the attempt of many

To rise to the completer life of one;

And those who live as models for the mass

Are singly of more value than they all.

Luria. Act v.


I count life just a stuff

To try the soul's strength on.

In a Balcony.

Was there nought better than to enjoy?

No feat which, done, would make time break,

And let us pent-up creatures through

Into eternity, our due?

No forcing earth teach heaven's employ?

Dîs Aliter Visum; or, Le Byron de nos Jours.

There shall never be one lost good! What was, shall live as before;

The evil is null, is nought, is silence implying sound;

What was good shall be good, with for evil so much good more;

On the earth the broken arcs; in the heaven, a perfect round.

Abt Vogler. ix.

Then welcome each rebuff

That turns earth's smoothness rough,

Each sting that bids nor sit nor stand, but go!

Be our joys three-parts pain!

Strive, and hold cheap the strain;

Learn, nor account the pang; dare, never grudge the throe!

Rabbi Ben Ezra.

What I aspired to be,

And was not, comforts me.

Rabbi Ben Ezra.

Earth changes, but thy soul and God stand sure.

Rabbi Ben Ezra.

For life, with all it yields of joy and woe,

And hope and fear (believe the aged friend),

Is just our chance o' the prize of learning love,—

How love might be, hath been indeed, and is.

A Death in the Desert.

The body sprang

At once to the height, and stayed; but the soul,—no!

A Death in the Desert.

What? Was man made a wheel-work to wind up,

And be discharged, and straight wound up anew?

No! grown, his growth lasts; taught, he ne'er forgets:

May learn a thousand things, not twice the same.

A Death in the Desert.


For I say this is death and the sole death,—

When a man's loss comes to him from his gain,

Darkness from light, from knowledge ignorance,

And lack of love from love made manifest.

A Death in the Desert.

Progress, man's distinctive mark alone,

Not God's, and not the beasts: God is, they are;

Man partly is, and wholly hopes to be.

A Death in the Desert.

The ultimate, angels' law,

Indulging every instinct of the soul

There where law, life, joy, impulse are one thing!

A Death in the Desert.

How sad and bad and mad it was!

But then, how it was sweet!

Confessions. ix.

So may a glory from defect arise.

Deaf and Dumb.

This could but have happened once,—

And we missed it, lost it forever.

Youth and Art. xvii.

Fear death?—to feel the fog in my throat,

The mist in my face.

.   .   .   .   .   .   .

No! let me taste the whole of it, fare like my peers,

The heroes of old;

Bear the brunt, in a minute pay glad life's arrears

Of pain, darkness, and cold.


It 's wiser being good than bad;

It 's safer being meek than fierce;

It 's fitter being sane than mad.

My own hope is, a sun will pierce

The thickest cloud earth ever stretched;

That after Last returns the First,

Though a wide compass round be fetched;

That what began best can't end worst,

Nor what God blessed once prove accurst.

Apparent Failure. vii.

In the great right of an excessive wrong.

The Ring and the Book. The other Half-Rome. Line 1055.


Was never evening yet

But seemed far beautifuller than its day.

The Ring and the Book. Pompilia. Line 357.

The curious crime, the fine

Felicity and flower of wickedness.

The Ring and the Book. The Pope. Line 590.

Of what I call God,

And fools call Nature.

The Ring and the Book. The Pope. Line 1073.

Why comes temptation, but for man to meet

And master and make crouch beneath his foot,

And so be pedestaled in triumph?

The Ring and the Book. The Pope. Line 1185.

White shall not neutralize the black, nor good

Compensate bad in man, absolve him so:

Life's business being just the terrible choice.

The Ring and the Book. The Pope. Line 1236.

It is the glory and good of Art

That Art remains the one way possible

Of speaking truth,—to mouths like mine, at least.

The Book and the Ring. The Pope. Line 842.

Thy[651:1] rare gold ring of verse (the poet praised)

Linking our England to his Italy.

The Ring and the Book. The Pope. Line 873.

But how carve way i' the life that lies before,

If bent on groaning ever for the past?

Balaustion's Adventure.

Better have failed in the high aim, as I,

Than vulgarly in the low aim succeed,—

As, God be thanked! I do not.

The Inn Album. iv.

Have you found your life distasteful?

My life did, and does, smack sweet.

Was your youth of pleasure wasteful?

Mine I saved and hold complete.

Do your joys with age diminish?

When mine fail me, I 'll complain.

Must in death your daylight finish?

My sun sets to rise again.

At the "Mermaid." Stanza 10.


"With this same key

Shakespeare unlocked his heart"[652:1] once more!

Did Shakespeare? If so, the less Shakespeare he!

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