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is, I never drink no sperit,

Nor I haint never signed no pledge.

The Biglow Papers. First Series. No. vii.

Ez to my princerples, I glory

In hevin' nothin' o' the sort.

The Biglow Papers. First Series. No. vii.

Zekle crep' up quite unbeknown

An' peeked in thru' the winder,

An' there sot Huldy all alone,

'Ith no one nigh to hender.

The Biglow Papers. Second Series. The Courtin'.

The very room, coz she was in,

Seemed warm from floor to ceilin'.

The Biglow Papers. Second Series. The Courtin'.

'T was kin' o' kingdom-come to look

On sech a blessed cretur.

The Biglow Papers. Second Series. The Courtin'.

His heart kep' goin' pity-pat,

But hern went pity-Zekle.

The Biglow Papers. Second Series. The Courtin'.

All kin' o' smily round the lips,

An' teary round the lashes.

The Biglow Papers. Second Series. The Courtin'.


Like streams that keep a summer mind

Snow-hid in Jenooary.

The Biglow Papers. Second Series. The Courtin'.

Our Pilgrim stock wuz pithed with hardihood.

The Biglow Papers. Second Series. No. vi.

Soft-heartedness, in times like these,

Shows sof'ness in the upper story.

The Biglow Papers. Second Series. No. vii.

Earth's biggest country 's gut her soul,

An' risen up earth's greatest nation.

The Biglow Papers. Second Series. No. vii.

Under the yaller pines I house,

When sunshine makes 'em all sweet-scented,

An' hear among their furry boughs

The baskin' west-wind purr contented.

The Biglow Papers. Second Series. No. x.

Wut 's words to them whose faith an' truth

On war's red techstone rang true metal;

Who ventered life an' love an' youth

For the gret prize o' death in battle?

The Biglow Papers. Second Series. No. x.

From lower to the higher next,

Not to the top, is Nature's text;

And embryo Good, to reach full stature,

Absorbs the Evil in its nature.

Festina Lente. Moral.

Though old the thought and oft exprest,

'T is his at last who says it best.[660:1]

For an Autograph.

Nature, they say, doth dote,

And cannot make a man

Save on some worn-out plan,

Repeating us by rote.

Ode at the Harvard Commemoration, July 21, 1865.

Here was a type of the true elder race,

And one of Plutarch's men talked with us face to face.

Ode at the Harvard Commemoration, July 21, 1865.


Safe in the hallowed quiets of the past.

The Cathedral.

The one thing finished in this hasty world.

The Cathedral.

These pearls of thought in Persian gulfs were bred,

Each softly lucent as a rounded moon;

The diver Omar plucked them from their bed,

Fitzgerald strung them on an English thread.

In a copy of Omar Khayyám.

The clear, sweet singer with the crown of snow

Not whiter than the thoughts that housed below.

To George William Curtis.

But life is sweet, though all that makes it sweet

Lessen like sound of friends' departing feet;

And Death is beautiful as feet of friend

Coming with welcome at our journey's end.

For me Fate gave, whate'er she else denied,

A nature sloping to the southern side;

I thank her for it, though when clouds arise

Such natures double-darken gloomy skies.

To George William Curtis.

In life's small things be resolute and great

To keep thy muscle trained: know'st thou when Fate

Thy measure takes, or when she 'll say to thee,

"I find thee worthy; do this deed for me"?


In vain we call old notions fudge,

And bend our conscience to our dealing;

The Ten Commandments will not budge,

And stealing will continue stealing.

Motto of the American Copyright League (written Nov. 20, 1885).

  Solitude is as needful to the imagination as society is wholesome for the character.

Among my Books. First Series. Dryden.

  A wise scepticism is the first attribute of a good critic.

Among my Books. First Series. Shakespeare Once More.

  One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning.

Among my Books. First Series. Shakespeare Once More.


  Aspiration sees only one side of every question; possession many.

Among my Books. First Series. New England Two Centuries ago.

  Truly there is a tide in the affairs of men; but there is no gulf-stream setting forever in one direction.

Among my Books. First Series. New England Two Centuries ago.

  There is no better ballast for keeping the mind steady on its keel, and saving it from all risk of crankiness, than business.

Among my Books. First Series. New England Two Centuries ago.

  Puritanism, believing itself quick with the seed of religious liberty, laid, without knowing it, the egg of democracy.

Among my Books. First Series. New England Two Centuries ago.

  It was in making education not only common to all, but in some sense compulsory on all, that the destiny of the free republics of America was practically settled.

Among my Books. First Series. New England Two Centuries ago.

  Talent is that which is in a man's power; genius is that in whose power a man is.

Among my Books. First Series. Rousseau and the Sentimentalists.

  There is no work of genius which has not been the delight of mankind, no word of genius to which the human heart and soul have not sooner or later responded.

Among my Books. First Series. Rousseau and the Sentimentalists.

  Every man feels instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action.

Among my Books. First Series. Rousseau and the Sentimentalists.

  Sentiment is intellectualized emotion,—emotion precipitated, as it were, in pretty crystals by the fancy.

Among my Books. First Series. Rousseau and the Sentimentalists.

  No man can produce great things who is not thoroughly sincere in dealing with himself.

Among my Books. First Series. Rousseau and the Sentimentalists.

  In all literary history there is no such figure as Dante, no such homogeneousness of life and works, such loyalty to ideas, such sublime irrecognition of the unessential.

Among my Books. Second Series. Dante.

  Whoever can endure unmixed delight, whoever can tolerate music and painting and poetry all in one, who[663]ever wishes to be rid of thought and to let the busy anvils of the brain be silent for a time, let him read in the "Faery Queen."

Among my Books. Second Series. Spenser.

  The only faith that wears well and holds its color in all weathers, is that which is woven of conviction and set with the sharp mordant of experience.

My Study Windows. Abraham Lincoln, 1864.

  It is by presence of mind in untried emergencies that the native metal of a man is tested.

My Study Windows. Abraham Lincoln, 1864.

  What a sense of security in an old book which Time has criticised for us!

Library of Old Authors.

  There is no good in arguing with the inevitable. The only argument available with an east wind is to put on your overcoat.

Democracy and Addresses.

  Let us be of good cheer, however, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never come.

Democracy and Addresses.

  The soil out of which such men as he are made is good to be born on, good to live on, good to die for and to be buried in.


  A great man is made up of qualities that meet or make great occasions.


  It ["The Ancient Mariner"] is marvellous in its mastery over that delightfully fortuitous inconsequence that is the adamantine logic of dreamland.


  He gives us the very quintessence of perception,—the clearly crystalized precipitation of all that is most precious in the ferment of impression after the impertinent and obtrusive particulars have evaporated from the memory.


  If I were asked what book is better than a cheap book, I should answer that there is one book better than a cheap book,—and that is a book honestly come by.

Before the U. S. Senate Committee on Patents, Jan. 29, 1886.


[659:1] See Moore, page 519.

[660:1] See Emerson, page 604.



O Mary, go and call the cattle home,

And call the cattle home,

And call the cattle home,

Across the sands o' Dee!

The Sands of Dee.

Men must work, and women must weep.

The Three Fishers.

Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever;

Do noble things, not dream them, all day long:

And so make life, death, and that vast forever

One grand sweet song.

A Farewell.

The world goes up and the world goes down,

And the sunshine follows the rain;

And yesterday's sneer and yesterday's frown

Can never come over again.

Dolcino to Margaret.

ULYSSES S. GRANT.  1822-1885.

  No other terms than unconditional and immediate surrender. I propose to move immediately upon your works.

To Gen. S. B. Buckner, Fort Donelson, Feb. 16, 1862.

  I propose to fight it out on this line, if it takes all summer.

Despatch to Washington. Before Spottsylvania Court House, May 11, 1864.

  Let us have peace.

Accepting a Nomination for the Presidency, May 29, 1868.

  I know no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effectual as their strict construction.

From the Inaugural Address, March 4, 1869.

  Let no guilty man escape, if it can be avoided. No personal considerations should stand in the way of performing a duty.

Indorsement of a Letter relating to the Whiskey Ring, July 29, 1875.


MATTHEW ARNOLD.  1822-1888.

Others abide our question. Thou art free.

We ask and ask. Thou smilest and art still,

Out-topping knowledge.


Strew on her roses, roses,

And never a spray of yew!

In quiet she reposes;

Ah, would that I did too!


To hear the world applaud the hollow ghost

Which blamed the living man.

Growing Old.

Time may restore us in his course

Goethe's sage mind and Byron's force;

But where will Europe's latter hour

Again find Wordsworth's healing power?

Memorial Verses.

Wandering between two worlds,—one dead,

The other powerless to be born.

Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse.

The kings of modern thought are dumb.

Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse.

  Philistine must have originally meant, in the mind of those who invented the nickname, a strong, dogged, unenlightened opponent of the children of the light.

Essays in Criticism. Heinrich Heine.

  There is no better motto which it [culture] can have than these words of Bishop Wilson, "To make reason and the will of God prevail."

Culture and Anarchy. P. 8.


  He serves his party best who serves the country best.[665:1]

Inaugural Address, March 5, 1877.


[665:1] See Pope, page 339.



On a lone barren isle, where the wild roaring billows

Assail the stern rock, and the loud tempests rave,

The hero lies still, while the dew-drooping willows,

Like fond weeping mourners, lean over his grave.

The lightnings may flash and the loud thunders rattle;

He heeds not, he hears not, he 's free from all pain;

He sleeps his last sleep, he has fought his last battle;

No sound can awake him to glory again![666:1]

The Grave of Bonaparte.

Yet spirit immortal, the tomb cannot bind thee,

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