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While Thee I seek, protecting Power,

Be my vain wishes stilled;

And may this consecrated hour

With better hopes be filled.

Helen Maria Williams (1762-1827): Trust in Providence.

The glory dies not, and the grief is past.

Samuel Egerton Brydges (1762-1837): Sonnet on the Death of Sir Walter Scott.

Oh swiftly glides the bonnie boat,

Just parted from the shore,

And to the fisher's chorus-note

Soft moves the dipping oar.

Joanna Baillie (1762-1857): Oh swiftly glides the Bonnie Boat.

'T was whisper'd in heaven, 't was mutter'd in hell,

And echo caught faintly the sound as it fell;

On the confines of earth 't was permitted to rest,

And the depths of the ocean its presence confess'd.

Catherine M. Fanshawe (1764-1834): Enigma. The letter H.


Oh, it 's a snug little island!

A right little, tight little island.

Thomas Dibdin (1771-1841): The snug little Island.

And ne'er shall the sons of Columbia be slaves,

While the earth bears a plant or the sea rolls its waves.

Robert Treat Paine (1772-1811): Adams and Liberty.

  They [the blacks] had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.

Roger B. Taney (1777-1864): The Dred Scott Case (Howard, Rep. 19, p. 407).

  To make a mountain of a mole-hill.

Henry Ellis (1777-1869): Original Letters. Second Series, p. 312.

March to the battle-field,

The foe is now before us;

Each heart is Freedom's shield,

And heaven is shining o'er us.

B. E. O'Meara (1778-1836): March to the Battle-Field.

  Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong.

Stephen Decatur (1779-1820): Toast given at Norfolk, April, 1816.

Here shall the Press the People's right maintain,

Unaw'd by influence and unbrib'd by gain;

Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw,

Pledg'd to Religion, Liberty, and Law.

Joseph Story (1779-1845): Motto of the "Salem Register." (Life of Story, Vol. i. p. 127.)

  Let there be no inscription upon my tomb; let no man write my epitaph: no man can write my epitaph.

Robert Emmet (1780-1803): Speech on his Trial and Conviction for High Treason, September, 1803.

  Imitation is the sincerest flattery.

C. C. Colton (1780-1832): The Lacon.


Behold how brightly breaks the morning!

Though bleak our lot, our hearts are warm.

James Kenney (1780-1849): Behold how brightly breaks.

Unthinking, idle, wild, and young,

I laugh'd and danc'd and talk'd and sung.

Princess Amelia (1783-1810).

A sound so fine, there 's nothing lives

'Twixt it and silence.

James Sheridan Knowles (1784-1862): Virginius, Act v. Sc. 2.

We have met the enemy, and they are ours.

Oliver H. Perry (1785-1820): Letter to General Harrison (dated "United States Brig Niagara. Off the Western Sisters. Sept. 10, 1813, 4 p. m.").

Not she with trait'rous kiss her Saviour stung,

Not she denied him with unholy tongue;

She, while apostles shrank, could danger brave,

Last at his cross and earliest at his grave.

Eaton S. Barrett (1785-1820): Woman, Part i. (ed. 1822).

  They see nothing wrong in the rule that to the victors belong the spoils of the enemy.

William L. Marcy (1786-1857): Speech in the United States Senate, January, 1832.

  Say to the seceded States, "Wayward sisters, depart in peace."

Winfield Scott (1786-1861): Letter to W. H. Seward, March 3, 1861.

Rock'd in the cradle of the deep,

I lay me down in peace to sleep.

Emma Willard (1787-1870): The Cradle of the Deep.

Right as a trivet.

R. H. Barham (1788-1845): The Ingoldsby Legends. Auto-da-fe.


My life is like the summer rose

That opens to the morning sky,

But ere the shades of evening close

Is scattered on the ground—to die.

Richard Henry Wilde (1789-1847): My Life is like the Summer Rose.

  Grand, gloomy, and peculiar, he sat upon the throne a sceptred hermit, wrapped in the solitude of his own originality.

Charles Phillips (1789-1859): The Character of Napoleon.

Rise up, rise up, Xarifa! lay your golden cushion down;

Rise up! come to the window, and gaze with all the town.

John G. Lockhart (1794-1854): The Bridal of Andalla.

By the margin of fair Zurich's waters

Dwelt a youth, whose fond heart, night and day,

For the fairest of fair Zurich's daughters

In a dream of love melted away.

Charles Dance (1794-1863): Fair Zurich's Waters.

I saw two clouds at morning

Tinged by the rising sun,

And in the dawn they floated on

And mingled into one.

John G. C. Brainard (1795-1828): I saw Two Clouds at Morning.

On thy fair bosom, silver lake,

The wild swan spreads his snowy sail,

And round his breast the ripples break

As down he bears before the gale.

James G. Percival (1795-1856): To Seneca Lake.

What fairy-like music steals over the sea,

Entrancing our senses with charmed melody?

Mrs. C. B. Wilson (—— -1846): What Fairy-like Music.

Her very frowns are fairer far

Than smiles of other maidens are.

Hartley Coleridge (1796-1849): She is not Fair.


I would not live alway: I ask not to stay

Where storm after storm rises dark o'er the way.

William A. Muhlenberg (1796-1877): I would not live alway.

Oh, leave the gay and festive scenes,

The halls of dazzling light.

H. S. Vandyk (1798-1828): The Light Guitar.

  If any one attempts to haul down the American flag, shoot him on the spot.

John A. Dix (1798-1879): An Official Despatch, Jan. 29, 1861.

I envy them, those monks of old;

Their books they read, and their beads they told.

G. P. R. James (1801-1860): The Monks of Old.

A place in thy memory, dearest,

Is all that I claim;

To pause and look back when thou hearest

The sound of my name.

Gerald Griffin (1803-1840): A Place in thy Memory.

Sparkling and bright in liquid light

Does the wine our goblets gleam in;

With hue as red as the rosy bed

Which a bee would choose to dream in.

Charles Fenno Hoffman (1806-1884): Sparkling and Bright.

  The very mudsills of society. . . . We call them slaves. . . .  But I will not characterize that class at the North with that term; but you have it. It is there, it is everywhere; it is eternal.

James H. Hammond (1807-1864): Speech in the U. S. Senate, March, 1858.

  It would be superfluous in me to point out to your Lordship that this is war.

Charles Francis Adams (1807-1886): Despatch to Earl Russell, Sept. 5, 1863.

  We are swinging round the circle.

Andrew Johnson (1808-1875): On the Presidential Reconstruction Tour, August, 1866.


We have been friends together

In sunshine and in shade.

Caroline E. S. Norton (1808-1877): We have been Friends.

  All we ask is to be let alone.

Jefferson Davis (1808-1889): First Message to the Confederate Congress, March, 1861.

'T is said that absence conquers love;

But oh believe it not!

I 've tried, alas! its power to prove,

But thou art not forgot.

Frederick W. Thomas (1808- ——): Absence conquers Love.

Oh would I were a boy again,

When life seemed formed of sunny years,

And all the heart then knew of pain

Was wept away in transient tears!

Mark Lemon (1809-1870): Oh would I were a Boy again.

Wee Willie Winkie rins through the toun,

Upstairs and dounstairs, in his nicht-goun,

Tirlin' at the window, cryin' at the lock,

"Are the weans in their bed? for it 's nou ten o'clock."

William Miller (1810-1872): Willie Winkie.

  We are Republicans, and don't propose to leave our party and identify ourselves with the party whose antecedents have been Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion.

Samuel D. Burchard (1812- ——),—one of the deputation visiting Mr. Blaine, Oct. 29, 1884.

A life on the ocean wave!

A home on the rolling deep,

Where the scattered waters rave,

And the winds their revels keep!

Epes Sargent (1813-1881): Life on the Ocean Wave.


What are the wild waves saying,

Sister, the whole day long,

That ever amid our playing

I hear but their low, lone song?

Joseph E. Carpenter (1813- ——): What are the wild Waves saying?

  Well, General, we have not had many dead cavalrymen lying about lately.

Joseph Hooker (1813-1879): A remark to General Averill, November, 1862.

Come in the evening, or come in the morning;

Come when you 're looked for, or come without warning.

Thomas O. Davis (1814-1845): The Welcome.

But whether on the scaffold high

Or in the battle's van,

The fittest place where man can die

Is where he dies for man!

Michael J. Barry (Circa 1815): The Dublin Nation, Sept. 28, 1844, Vol. ii. p. 809.

Oh the heart is a free and a fetterless thing,—

A wave of the ocean, a bird on the wing!

Julia Pardoe (1816-1862): The Captive Greek Girl.

Let wealth and commerce, laws and learning die,

But leave us still our old nobility.

Lord John Manners (1818- ——): England's Trust. Part iii. Line 227.

Why thus longing, thus forever sighing

For the far-off, unattain'd, and dim,

While the beautiful all round thee lying

Offers up its low, perpetual hymn?

Harriet W. Sewall (1819-1889): Why thus longing?

Don't you remember sweet Alice, Ben Bolt?

Sweet Alice, whose hair was so brown;

Who wept with delight when you gave her a smile,

And trembl'd with fear at your frown!

Thomas Dunn English (1819- ——): Ben Bolt.


  The Survival of the Fittest.

Herbert Spencer (1820- ——): Principles of Biology, Vol. i. Chap. xii. (American edition, 1867.)

Who fears to speak of Ninety-eight?

Who blushes at the name?

When cowards mock the patriot's fate,

Who hangs his head for shame?

John K. Ingram (1820- ——): The Dublin Nation, April 1, 1843, Vol. ii. p. 339.

On Fame's eternal camping-ground

Their silent tents are spread,

And Glory guards with solemn round

The bivouac of the dead.

Theodore O'Hara (1820-1867): The Bivouac of the Dead. (August, 1847.)

  Hold the fort! I am coming!

William T. Sherman (1820-1891),—signalled to General Corse in Allatoona from the top of Kenesaw, Oct. 5, 1864.

For every wave with dimpled face

That leap'd upon the air,

Had caught a star in its embrace

And held it trembling there.

Amelia B. Welby (1821-1852): Musings. Stanza 4.

To look up and not down,

To look forward and not back,

To look out and not in, and

To lend a hand.

Edward Everett Hale (1822- ——): Rule of the "Harry Wadsworth Club" (from "Ten Times One is Ten," 1870).

  Listen! John A. Logan is the Head Centre, the Hub, the King Pin, the Main Spring, Mogul, and Mugwump of the final plot by which partisanship was installed in the Commission.

Isaac H. Bromley (1833- ——): Editorial in the "New York Tribune," Feb. 16, 1877.


  A mugwump is a person educated beyond his intellect.

Horace Porter (1837- ——), —a bon-mot in the Cleveland-Blaine campaign of 1884.

  I never could believe that Providence had sent a few men into the world, ready booted and spurred to ride, and millions ready saddled and bridled to be ridden.

Richard Rumbold, on the scaffold, 1685. History of England (Macaulay), Chap. v.

The last link is broken

That bound me to thee,

And the words

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