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Sandkühler, ‘Endlösung’, 181 ff.

154. IfZ, MA 679/9, 9 May 1942; see also MA 679/8, KTB Oberquartiermeister, 8 May 1942,

discussion at armaments inspection.

155. Diensttagebuch, ed. Präg and Jacobmayer, 11 May 1942, p. 495.

156. Ibid. Hauptabteilungsleitersitzung, 22 June 1942, pp. 516–17.

157. Sandkühler, ‘Endlösung’, 182.

158. Pohl, Ostgalizien, 15.

159. BAB, NS 19/1765, Minute of the chief of staff of the SSPF Cracow, 27 July 1942, printed in Longerich, Ermordung, 202 ff. This concerns a ‘new order’ by Krüger. On Himmler’s

order of 18 May 1942.

160. Pohl, Ostgalizien, 235.

161. BAB, NS 19/2462.

162. BAB, NS 19/352, Letter from Gienanth to OKW, 18 Sept. 1942; letter from Himmler to

head of WVHA etc., 9 Oct. 1942 (ibid.); cf. Naasner, Machtzentren, 362.

163. Boelcke, ed., Deutschlands Rüstung, 189.

164. See Dienstkalender, ed. Präg and Jacobmayer, 22 Sept. 1942, p. 566. Presentation to

Führer: ‘Jewish emigration—what is to be done next?’ Himmler’s next point for

discussion, as noted in his presentation draft, is: ‘Settlement of Lublin—Lorrainers,

Germans from Bosnia, Bessarabia etc’ and ‘conditions Gen. Gouv.—Globus’ (Globoc-

nik’s nickname). The fact that the ‘emigration’, i.e. murder of the Jews from the district of Lublin could not be implemented at the rate notified by Himmler clearly had

repercussions on Globocnik’s settlement projects.

165. ND NO 1611, printed as a facsimile in Helge Grabitz and Wolfgang Scheffler, Letzte

Spuren: Ghetto Warschau, SS-Arbeitslager Trawniki, Aktion ‘Erntefest’: Fotos und

Dokumente über Opfer des Endlösungswahns im Spiegel der historischen Ereignisse,

2nd edn (Berlin, 1993), 179.

166. VOGG 665–6, 1 Nov. 1942, Polizei VO 28 Oct. 1942 and 683 ff., 14 Nov. 1942, Polizei VO

10 Nov. 1942.

167. This was how the SSPF for Galicia, Katzmann, put it in his report to HSSPF Krüger on 30 June 1943 See Berenstein et al., Faschismus, 358 ff., 361. In this context Katzmann

mentioned another ‘instruction’ issued in autumn 1942 by the Higher SS and Police

Commander to implement ‘the accelerated total resettlement of the Jews’.

168. Mlynarczyk, ‘Organisation’, 191–2, based on BAM, RH-53-23/700.

169. It is generally accepted by scholars even today that the deportations from Upper Silesia had already begun on 15 February 1942 (see Czech, Kalendarium, or Steinbacher,


Notes to pages 343–347

‘Musterstadt’ Auschwitz,’ 277). This mistaken view is based on information from Martin

Broszat, who referred to a letter to him from the International Tracing Service in

Arolsen dated 27 Mar. 1958. A glance at the original of this letter shows, however, that

in Arolsen at the time ‘deportations of Jews from Beuthen could only be established

from 15.5.1942 [sic!]’. I should like to thank Klaus Lankheit of the Archive of the Institut für Zeitgeschichte in Munich for letting me have a copy of the original of this letter.

170. Steinbacher, ‘Musterstadt’ Auschwitz, 278 ff.

171. See p. 291.

172. Lucjan Dobroszycki, ed., The Chronicle of the Lodz Ghetto 1941–1944 (New Haven and

London, 1984), 128, 131–2, 136 ff., 140 ff., 145, 157.

173. Dobroszycki, ibid. (p. 139) states that there had already been around 3,000 fatalities by the end of March.

174. Ibid. 153–4, 156–7, 159 ff., and 194.

175. Ibid. 248 ff.

176. Ibid. 261.

177. Ibid. 266 and 127.

178. Longerich, Politik, 492.

179. Individual evidence can be found in Czech, Kalendarium.

180. Steinbacher, ‘Musterstadt’ Auschwitz, 285–6.

181. Czech, Kalendarium, 20 March; for 12 May 1942 Czech shows that in Bunker I 1,500

Jewish men, women, and children from Sosnowitz were murdered.

182. According to Christian Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde. Die deutsche Wirtschafts und

Vernichtungspolitik in Weissrussland 1941 bis 1944 (Hamburg, 1999), 683 ff., the

number of 2,200 murdered Jews is quoted from the activity report for the

month of February of Abwehrkommando III (B), 12 Mar. 1942, BADH FW

490, A. 28.

183. Dieter Pohl, ‘Schauplatz Ukraine: Der Massenmord an den Juden im Militärver-

waltungsgebiet und im Reichskommissariat 1941–1943’, in Frei et al., eds, Ausbeutung,

Vernichtung, Öffentlichkeit. Neue Studien zur nationalsozialistschen Lagerpolitik

(Munich, 2000), 148 ff.

184. Helmut Krausnick and Hans-Heinrich Wilhelm, Die Truppe des Weltanschauungs-

krieges. Die Einsatzgruppen der Sicherheitspolizei und SD, 1938–1942 (Stuttgart, 1981),


185. StA Minsk, 370-1-53; Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 689. The explanation for the drop in executions given here is also found in IfZ, Fb 101/35, Lagebericht der EG A für den

Zeitraum 16 Oct. 1941–31 Jan. 1942 and in Fb 104/2, Aufzeichnung der Abt. II des KdS,

early 1942.

186. IfZ Fb 101/35, EG A report for the period 16 Oct. 1941–31 Jan. 1942.

187. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 690; ZSt, II 202 AR-Z 184/67; Final Report of 28 July 1967.

188. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 690–1, 700 (Slutsk); ZSt, II 202 AR 629/73, Instruction of 14 Jan. 1982.

189. Andrej Angrick and Peter Klein, Die ‘Endlösung’ in Riga: Ausbeutung und Vernichtung

1941–1944 (Berlin, 2006), 338 ff. Scheffler and Schulle, eds, Buch der Erinnerung, 11 ff.

and 26–7.

190. IfZ Fb 104/2.

Notes to pages 347–349


191. ZSt, II 202 AR 629/73, Instruction of 14 Jan. 1982; cf. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 695

and 700; according to Gerlach, Djatlowo (district of Slonim) may possibly be added to

this, with 400 victims

192. Wassili Grossmann et al., eds, Das Schwarzbuch. Der Genozid an den sowjetischen

Juden (Reinbek, 1995), 251–2. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 690.

193. ZSt, UdSSR 401, 412, Reports from the occupied Eastern territories, no. 10, 3 July 1942, Annex 10.

194. The court reconstructed this visit in the course of the Heuser trial: Irene Sagel-Grande et al., Justiz und NS-Verbrechen. Sammlung deutscher Strafurteile wegen nationalsozialistischer Tötungsverbrechen 1945–1966 (Amsterdam, 1968–81), xix, no. 552, Judge-

ment of 21 May 1963, 192.

195. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 695–6; ZSt, II 202 AR 629/73, Instruction 14 Jan. 1982; II 202 AR-Z 94d/59, Indictment of 15 May 1966. See also Judgement Landgericht of 17 July

1969 in Sagel-Grande et. al., eds, Justiz und NS-Verbrechen, xxxii, no. 712, and IfZ, Fb

85/I, Gebietskommissar Lida, 8 Apr. 1943: ‘The district of Lida had a figure of 20,000

Jews. In a single action of five days in May last year they were finished off [erledigt]

down to 4,500.’

196. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 697; Martin Dean, Collaboration in the Holocaust: Crimes of the Local Police in Belorussia and Ukraine, 1941–1944 (New York, 2000), 84–5.

197. Activities Report of the outstation, 27 May 1942, in Unsere Ehre, 247–8, Gerlach,

Kalkulierte Morde, 698–9; ZSt, 202 AR-Z 5/60, Judgement LG Bochum v. 11 Apr. 1979.

198. ZSt, 202 AR-Z 37/60, 5, 1850 ff., Gebietskommissar Haase at the conference of Gebiets-kommissare, 8 Apr. 1943.

199. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 700.

200. Ibid. 700–1, 202; ZSt, SA 477, Judgement LG HH v. 25 June 1974; Dean,

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