Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews, Peter Longerich [essential books to read TXT] 📗

- Author: Peter Longerich
Book online «Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews, Peter Longerich [essential books to read TXT] 📗». Author Peter Longerich
201. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 701.
202. Ibid. 702.
203. Ibid. 702–3; ZSt, AR-Z 16/67, Vermerk Staatsanwaltschaft Oldenburg, 19 Dec. 1969.
204. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 704; Tätigkeitsbericht Gruppe Arlt, in Unsere Ehre, 252–3.
205. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 705.
206. ND 3428-PS, IMT xxxii. 279 ff., Report of Kube to RK Ostland, 31 July 1942.
207. Pohl, ‘Ukraine’, 158; ZSt, AR-Z 122/68, Staatsanwaltschaft München I, Einstellungsver-fügung v. 11 Oct. 1972 and volume of documents with copies of correspondence of the
Reich Security Service from Kiev City Archive; ZSt, 04 a AR 1632/68, Verdict of the
Superior Penal Division of the Land court in Duisburg, 6 Sept. 1968.
208. Pohl, ‘Ukraine’, 158; there is an account of this massacre in Grossmann et al., eds, Das Schwarzbuch, 81.
209. CDJC, CXLIV-474, Situation Report for April 1942, quoted in Pohl, ‘Ukraine’, 158–9.
210. Zst, II 204 AR-Z 437/67 Final Report, 15 Apr. 1970
211. BAB, R 6/69.
212. Schmuel Spector, The Holocaust of the Volhynian Jews: 1941–1944 (Jerusalem, 1990),
213. Ibid.
214. ZSt, II 204 AR-Z 139/67, Instruction Leiter Zentralstelle NRW v. 5 Apr. 1977.
215. ZSt, AR-Z 26/61, Judgement LG Oldenburg v. 28 Sept. 1966.
Notes to pages 349–352
216. Pohl, ‘Ukraine’, 159.
217. ZSt, AR-Z 76/70, 160 ff., Instruction Zentralstelle Staatsanwaltschaft Dortmund, 20
Dec. 1977.
218. ZSt, AR-Z 76/70, 1f, Instruction Zentralestelle v. 27 July 1970, Lagebericht des
Aufsichtsoffiziers des SchumaBtl. 117 v. 15 June 1942 (78d-f) and Activity Report of
the Schuma Btl. 117 an KdG Kiew v. 27 July 1942 (78s-u); ferner II AR-Z 131/67,
Investigations of the District Commissar of Tschudnow Final Report, 29 Aug. 1975,
2, 360 ff.
219. Dean, Collaboration, 83.
220. ZSt, AR-Z 67/67.
221. Judgement LG Berlin v. 9 Mar. 1960, in Justiz und NS-Verbrechen 16, no. 490; Pohl,
‘Ukraine’, 160.
222. Dean, Collaboration, 93. The minutes of the session are to be found in in BAB R 6/243; Report of the KdS on the result of the meeting, 31 Aug. 1942, quoted in Gerlach,
Kalkulierte Morde, 714.
223. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 711 ff.
224. ZSt, 204 AR-Z 393/59, Indictment Frankfurt a. M., 28 Mar. 1966; Judgement LG
Frankfurt a. M. 6 Feb. 1973 (SA 447).
225. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 719 ff.; Himmler’s order on 27 Oct. 1942 was recorded in writing and is quoted in Helmut Heiber, Reichsführer! Briefe an und von Himmler
(Stuttgart, 1968), 165.
226. These are the ghettos of David Gorodok, Gorodiscze, Wysock, and Stolin.
227. Quoted in the Frankfurt indictment of 27 Mar. 1966.
228. ZSt, 204 AR-Z 442/67, Zentralestelle, Final Report, 18 Mar. 1971.
229. Dean, Collaboration, 93, based on Case ZSt, AR-Z 393/59. This also includes further
information about the murders in Kremenec and Schumsk.
230. ZSt, II 204 AR-Z 163/67, Instruction Zentralstelle Staatsanwaltschaft Dortmund, 22
Nov. 1976; Instruction Zentralestelle, 31 Mar. 1970.
231. See also the interim report by the Israeli police, 22 Sept. 1968, in the files of the same trial.
232. ZSt, AR-Z 113/67, Final Report, 18 Mar. 1970 and Instruction Zentralstelle Staatsan-
waltschaft Dortmund, 10 June 1976.
233. Gerlach, Kalkultierte Morde, 710 and 718.
234. ZSt, II 204 AR-Z 111/67, 159 ff., Interim Report, Zentrale Stelle 23 May 1967 and 182 ff., Final Report of the Zentrale Stelle, 10 Apr. 1968.
235. Pohl, Ukraine, 161.
236. ZSt, AR 225/60, Final Report, 29 Aug. 1962.
237. ZSt, 204 AR-Z 334/59, 1134 ff., Instruction Leiter Zentralstelle v. 8 Dec. 1965. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 717, gives the figure of 16,000–19,000 dead.
238. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 716–17. This includes, among other things, the towns of
Domatschewo (Domatshchevo) und Tmaaschowka (Tmashchovka).
239. ZSt, Landgericht Nürnberg-Fürth, Judgement (SA 368), 27 May 1963; on Sdolbunow
also II 204 AR 251/59 G Judgement, Landgericht Stade, 3 Feb. 1960.
240. ZSt, II 204 AR-Z 437/67, Final Report, 15 Apr. 1970.
241. Pohl, ‘Ukraine’, 161, refers to civilian officials carrying out murders on their own account.
Notes to pages 352–359
242. Pohl, ‘Ukraine’, 162; Spector, Holocaust, 186. On the murders of the Generalkommis-
sariat of Zhitomir see Wendy Lower, Nazi Empire Building and the Holocaust in
Ukraine (Chapel Hill, NC, 2005), 132 ff., who examines them in the context of German
occupation and settlement policy.
243. Arad, Belzec, 131 ff., 396–7; Sara Bender, The Jews of Bialystok during World War II and the Holocaust (Waltham, 2008), 185 ff. 1967 (Bielefeld, 2003), 186–208; Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 723 ff.
244. NO 3392, printed as a facsimile in the illustrations to Gerald Fleming, Hitler and the Final Solution (London, 1984).
245. On the Jewish resistance in the Soviet Union in 1942 and the conditions under which it began, see Spector, Holocaust, 188 ff.; Shalom Cholawsky, The Jews of Bielorussia during
World War II (Amsterdam, 1998). Shmuel Spector provides an overview in ‘Jewish
Resistance in Small Towns of Eastern Poland’, in Norman Davies and Antony Polonsky,
eds, Jews in Eastern Poland and the USSR 1939–46 (New York, 1991), 138–44; Isaiah
Trunk, Judenrat: The Jewish Councils in Eastern Europe under Nazi Occupation (New
York, 1972), 451, contains a typology of the attitude of the Jewish councils towards the
resistance, which covers the whole period of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe.
246. Examples in Spector, Holocaust, 206 ff. and Cholawsky, Jews, 203.
247. Spector, Holocaust, 189 ff.; see esp. tables and figures, pp. 198–9.
248. Cholawsky, Jews, 185 ff.
249. Ibid. 192.
250. Ibid. 193.
251. Ibid. 159 ff. There is further literature on some of these locations. See Yehuda Bauer,
‘Jewish Baranowicze in the Holocaust’, YVS 31 (2003), 95–151; Hans Heinrich Nolte,
‘Destruction and Resistance: The Jewish Shtetl of Slonim 1941–44’, in Robert
W. Thurston and Bernd Bonwetsch, eds, The People’s War: Responses to World
War II in the Soviet Union (Urbana and Chicago, 2000), 19–53; Nachum Alpert, The
Destruction of Slonim Jewry: The Story of the Jews of Slonim during the Holocaust
(New York, 1989); Jakow Suchowolskij, ‘Es gab weder Schutz noch Erlösung, weder
Sicherheit noch Rettung. Jüdischer Widerstand und die Untergang des Ghettos
Glubokoje’, Dachauer Hefte (2004), 11–38; on Glebokie also Gerlach, Kalkulierte
Morde, 739.
252. Cholowasky, Jews, 209 ff.
253. Nolte, ‘Destruction’.
254. Bauer, ‘Jewish Baranowicze’.
255. Reuben Ainsztein, Jüdischer Widerstand im deutschbesetzten Osteuropa während des
zweiten Weltkrieges (Oldenburg, 1993), 221 ff. This account is largely based on the
memoirs of one of the leaders of the resistance in the Minsk Ghetto: Hersch Smoliar,
Resistance in Minsk (Oakland, Calif., 1966).
256. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 744.
257. Himmler’s diary does not reveal what was discussed at these meetings. The only
exception is his presentation to Hitler on 3 May: Himmler’s surviving diary
reveals that issues of the Waffen-SS were discussed; but further, non-military
themes were
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