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556. Unpleasantest words, 64. Unpleasing sharps, 108. Unpolluted flesh, fair and, 144. Unpractised unschooled, 64. Unpremeditated verse, 238. Unpresumptuous eye, 421. Unprofitable, fretful stir, 467. stale flat and, 128. Unprofitably burns, our oil, 415. Unpurchased hand, with, 636. Unreal mockery hence, 122. Unreclaimed blood, 133. Unredressed, wrongs, 480. Unreflected light, 594. Unrelenting foe to love, 358. hate, Juno's, 274. Unremembered acts, 467. Unrespited unpitied unreprieved, 227. Unrest or noyance, 357. Unresting sea, life's, 636. Unreturning brave, 543. Unrighteous man his thoughts, 834. Unripened beauties, 298. Unruly evil, tongue is an, 849. member, 849. Unschooled unpractised, 64. Unseasonable, the insupportable is, 742. Unseen, born to blush, 385. walk the earth, 234. Unsighed for past, 482. Unskilful laugh, make the, 137. Unsought be won, 237. is better, love given, 76. Unspoken, what to leave, 168. Unspotted life is old age, 836. lily, a most, 101. Unstable as water, 813. fortune is, 766. Unsuccessful or successful war, 418. Unsung, unwept unhonoured, 488. Unsunned heaps of treasure, 244. snow, chaste as, 159. Unsuspected isle in the far seas, 644. Untainted, heart, 94. Untaught knaves, he called them, 83. Unthinking idle wild, 676. time, quaffing and, 272. Untimely death, 335. frost, death's, 450. grave, 200, 851. graves, emblems of, 420. Unto dying eyes, 630. the pure all things are pure, 848. Untravelled, my heart, 394. Untrewe, tellen his tale, 2. Untrodden ways, among the, 469. Untune that string, 102. Untutored mind, 315. Untwined me from the mass of deeds, 644. Untwisting all the chains, 249. Unused, fust in us, 142. to the melting mood, 157. Unutterable things, looked, 356. Unutterably bright stars, 568. Unvalued jewels, 96. Unvarnished tale, a round, 150. Unveiled her peerless light, 233. Unvexed with cares of gain, 348. Unwashed artificer, another lean, 80. Unwearied spirit, 64. Unwelcome news, bringer of, 88. Unwept unhonoured and unsung, 488. Unwhipped of justice, 147. Unwilling ploughshare, 486. Unwillingly to school, creeping, 69. Unwomanly rags, woman in, 585. Unworthy a religious man, 578. spurns of the, 135. Unwritten and written law, 760. Unwrung, our withers are, 138. Up and doing, let us be, 612. game is, 160. in my bed now, 584. my friend and quit your books, 466. rose Emilie, 2. rose the sonne, 2. stairs into the world, 294. with you, it is, 702. Upbraiding shore, buried by the, 545. Upland lawn, sun upon the, 386. Upmost round, attains the, 111. Upon the platform, 129. this hint I spake, 151. Upper ten thousand, 655. Upper-crust, they are all, 580. Upright, God hath made man, 831. keel, she steadies with, 498. man, behold the, 819. Uproar, sand and wild, 598. the universal peace, 124. Upstairs and downstairs, 679. Upturned faces, sea of, 493, 531. [1132]Urania govern thou my song, 236. Urge him with truth, 342. no healths, 398. Urges sweet return, retirement, 239. Urn, bubbling and loud-hissing, 420. can storied, 384. day fills his blue, 600. fancy's pictured, 382. life from its mysterious, 577. mouldering, 428. of poverty, penny in the, 588. Urns, fire in antique Roman, 213. in their golden, draw light, 236. lamps in old sepulchral, 415. rule our spirits from their, 554. Urs, those dreadful, 636. Use almost can change the stamp of nature, 141. both thanks and, 46. doth breed a habit in a man, 44. him as though you loved him, 208. of nature, against the, 116. of speech, the true, 403. remote from common, 556. soiled with all ignoble, 633. strained from that fair, 106. them kindly they rebel, 313. things beyond all, 112. Uses of adversity, sweet are the, 67. of this world, 128. to what base, we may return, 144. Used to a thing, 441. Useless if it goes as if it stands, 415. to excel where none admire, 377. Ushers in the even, full star that, 163. Utica, no pent-up, 439. Utility, laws of beauty and, 644. Utmost need, deserted at his, 271. Utterance, give them voice and, 420. of the early gods, 575. Uttered knowledge, 34. or unexpressed, 497. Uttermost parts of the sea, 824.
Vacancies by death are few, 435. by resignation none, 435. Vacancy, bend your eye on, 141. gloomy calm of idle, 376. Vacant chair, one, 615. garments, stuffs out his, 79. interlunar cave, 241. mind a mind distressed, 415. mind and body filled, 92. mind quite, 415. mind, that spoke the, 396. Vacation, conscience have, 213. Vacuity of thought, 420. Vagrom men, comprehend all, 52. Vain as the leaf upon the stream, 491. beauty is, 829. call it not, 488. did she conjure me, in, 407. fantasy, nothing but, 105. I only know we loved in, 539. is the help of man, 821. my weary search, 395. pomp and glory of this world, 99. seals of love but sealed in, 49. splendour dazzles in, 568. time toiled after him in, 366. to love in, 261. to tell thee all I feel, 594. was the chief's pride, 330. wisdom all, 228. wishes stilled, be my, 674. Vale, meanest floweret of the, 386. of life, sequestered, 385, 425. of pain, pleasures in the, 492. of tears, beyond this, 497. of years, declined into the, 153. where bright waters meet, 520. yon taper cheers the, 402. Vales, pyramids in, 309. the Delphian, 562. Valentine's day, to-morrow is, 142. Valet, no one a hero to his, 740. Valet-de-chambre, my, is not aware, 740. Valiant, all the brothers were, 852. and cunning in fence, 76. but not too venturous, 32. man and free, 633. taste death but once, 112. the reproof, 72. thou little, great in villany, 79. trencher-man, a very, 50. Valley, lord of the, 520. of death, all in the, 628. of decision, 836. so sweet, 520. Valleys and rocks never heard, 416. hills and, dales and fields, 40. Vallombrosa, brooks in, 224. Valour formed, for contemplation and, 232. given, angel hands to, 574. is certainly going, my, 441. is oozing out, my, 441. is sneaking off, my, 441. the better part of, 87. Valuable, what is, is not new, 532. Value, being lost we rack the, 53. learning has its, 797. Van, in the battle's, 680. Vandunck, Mynheer, 454. Vanilla of society, 460. Vanish like lightning, 594. Vanished hand, touch of a, 627. Vanishings blank misgivings, 478. Vanities of earth, fuming, 483. of life forego, 492. Vanity, all is, 829, 830. all others are but, 508. and vexation of spirit, 830. Fair, beareth the name of, 265. in years, 85. lighter than, 265, 821. man is altogether, 820. men of low degree are, 821. of this wicked world, 850. of vanities, 829. Vanquished, e'en though, 397. Vantage best have took, 47. coign of, 117. Vantage-ground of truth, 164. Vapour melting in a tear, 346. of a dungeon, 154. [1133]sometime like a bear, 158. Vapours, congregation of, 134. Variable as the shade, 490. lest thy love prove, 106. Varied God, are but the, 357. year, to rule the, 356. Variety is the spice of life, 419. men pleased with, 729. nor custom stale her infinite, 157. order in, 333. pleasure unseasoned by, 710. Various, a man so, 268. are the tastes of men, 391. bustle of resort, 244. earth was made so, 417. his employments, 420. Varying verse, to join the, 329. Vase, you may shatter the, 522. Vassal tides, 634. Vast and middle of the night, 128. antres, and deserts idle, 150. expense, maintained at, 273. is art, so, 323. Vasty deep, spirits from the, 85. Vault, deep damp, 308. fretted, the long-drawn aisle, 384. heaven's ebon, 568. makes this, a feasting presence, 109. mere lees is left this, 120. of all the Capulets, 412. Vaulted with such ease, 86. Vaulting ambition, 118. Vaward of our youth, 88. Veering gait, when his, 485. Vehemence of youth, fiery, 491. Veil is unremoved, whose, 485. no mortal ever took up my, 740. Veils her sacred fires, 332. spirits clad in, 653. Vein, Cambyses', 85. I am not in the, 97. it checks no, 357. this is Ercles', 57. when the heart is in a, 525. Venerable men from a former generation, 530. trees, brotherhood of, 474. Veneration but no rest, 166. Vengeance, big with, 363. waits on wrong, 344. Vengeful blade, 459. Veni vidi vici, 735. Venice, I stood in, 544. once was dear, 544. sate in state, where, 544. Venom, bubbling, 540. himself, all, 400. Venomous, toad ugly and, 67. Ventered life an' love an' youth, 660. Ventricle of memory, begot in the, 55. Vents in mangled forms, 68. Venture, nought, nought have, 15, 21. Ventures in one bottom, 59. or lose our, 115. Venturous, not too, 32. Venus sets ere Mercury can rise,
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