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336. the Grecian, 378. Ver, primrose first-born child of, 199. Veracity increases with old age, 796. Verbosity, thread of his, 56. Verdure, spreads the fresh, 414. Vere de Vere, caste of, 623. Verge enough, ample room and, 383. enough for more, 277. of heaven, quite in the, 307. of her confine, 146. of the churchyard mould, 585. Vermeil-tinctured lip, 246. Vernal bloom or summer's rose, 230. morn, suns that gild the, 424. seasons of the year, 254. wood, one impulse from a, 466. Versailles, dauphiness at, 409. Verse, accomplishment of, 479. cheered with ends of, 212. cursed be the, 327. happy who in his, 799. herself inspires, decorate the, 540. hitches in a rhyme slides into, 328. hoarse rough, 324. married to immortal, 249, 481. may find him, a, 204. my gentle, 162. octosyllabic, 550. one, for sense, 213. one, for the other's sake, 213. or two, to write a, 204. sweetens toil, 393. the subject of all, 179. the varying, 329. thy rare gold song of, 651. unpremeditated, 238. who says in, 329. will seem prose, 280. Verses, false gallop of, 70. quire of bad, 593. rhyme the rudder is of, 211. Versed in books, deep, 241. Very like a whale, 139. Vessel, one, unto honour, 844. the gilded, goes, 383. wife the weaker, 849. Vessels large may venture more, 360. Vestal modesty, pure and, 108. Vestal's lot, blameless, 333. Vesture of decay, this muddy, 65. Veteran, superfluous lags the, 365. Veterans rewards, the world its, 321. Vex not his ghost, 149. the brain, researches, 443. Vexation of spirit, 830. Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man, 79. Viaticum of old age, 762. Vibrates in the memory, music, 567. Vibrations, to deaden its, 617. Vicar of the Almightie Lord, 6. Vice, amusements prevent, 371. by action dignified, 106. distinction between virtue and, 370. encourage no, 398. end in sight was a, 646. gathered every, 332. good old-gentlemanly, 556. is a monster, 317. is sold, almost every, 178. itself lost half its evil, 410. [1134]of fools, never-failing, 323. of old age, a common, 705. pays to virtue, the homage, 795. prevails, when, 298. some tincture of, in the best virtue, 777. that reverend, 85. virtue itself turns, 106. Vices disguised, virtues are, 794. Hannibal had many, 186. ladder of our, 616. our pleasant, 149. small, do appear, 148. wallets for our, 716. Vicious and virtuous, 318. Vicissitudes in all things, 703. man used to, 368. of fortune, 430. of sects and religions, 168. of things, the sad, 379, 393. Victims play, the little, 381. priests altars, 323. Victor exult, shall, 514. Victors, to the, belong the spoils, 676. Victories, after a thousand, 161. peace hath her, 252. Victorious, o'er a' the ills o' life, 451. wreaths, bound with, 95. Victory, a Cadmean, 807. follows in its train, 460. grave where is thy, 335, 846. if not, is yet revenge, 226. it was a famous, 507. of endurance born, 573. or death, resolved on, 804. or Westminster Abbey, 446. undone by another, 171. Vienna, congress of, dances, 803. looker-on here in, 49. View, keep probability in, 349. landscape tire the, 358. me with a critic's eye, 459. order gave each thing, 98. that mocks me with the, 394. with extensive, 365. Views of happiness, distant, 181. of themselves, interested, 304. Viewless winds, imprisoned in, 48. Vigil long, patient search and, 555. on the green, keep their, 635. Vigils keep, poets painful, 331. Vigilance, eternal, 855. Vigilant, be sober be, 849. Vigour, dies in youth and, 341. from the limb, 542. is in our immortal soul, 707. press on with, 359. relents, my, 408. Vile, durance, 450. guns, but for these, 83. hold to stay him up, 79. ill-favoured faults, 46. man that mourns, 316. nought so, that on the earth doth live, 106. only man is, 536. squeaking of the fife, 62. Vilest sinner may return, 303. Village bells, music of those, 422. cock, early, 97. Hampden, some, 385. less than Islington, 261. maiden sings, 393. sweet Auburn loveliest, 395. Villain and he be miles asunder, 108. condemns me for a, 97. hungry lean-faced, 50. ne'er a, in all Denmark, 132. one murder made a, 425. smile and be a, 132. smiling damned, 132. Villains by necessity, 146. march wide, the, 87. Villanies, sum of all, 358. Villanous company, 86. low, foreheads, 43. saltpetre, 83. smell, rankest compound of, 46. Villany, clothe my naked, 96. great in, thou little valiant, 79. you teach me I will execute, 63. Villatic fowl, tame, 242. Vindicate the ways of God, 315. Vine, the gadding, 247. thou monarch of the, 158. under his, and fig-tree, 836. Vines, bosomed deep in, 332. foxes that spoil the, 832. Vinegar saltness and oil agree, 399. Vinegar-cruet, neck of a, 376. Vintage of Abi-ezer, 814. Violence, blown with restless, 48. perseverance more prevailing than, 726. Violent delights have violent ends, 107. over civil or over, 268. Violently if they must, 505. Violet by a mossy stone, 469. glowing, 248. here and there a, 428. in the youth of primy nature, 129. of his native land, 632. oxlips and the nodding, 58. throw a perfume on the, 79. Violets blew, roses red and, 28. blue, daisies pied and, 56. breathes upon a bank of, 74. dim but sweeter than the lids of Juno's eyes, 77. Europe's, faintly sweet, 570. I would give you some, 142. plucked, 183, 405. roses lilies and, 581. sicken, when sweet, 567. spring from her fair flesh, 144. Virgil, Rome can claim, 271. Virgin me no virgins, 862. sword, flesh his, 346. thorn, withering on the, 57. Virgins are soft as the roses, 549. Virgin's sidelong looks, bashful, 396. Virginian, I am not a, 429. Virginity, power o'er true, 245. Virtue, admiration of, 254. all that are lovers of, 208. alone is happiness, 319. [1135]ambition the soldier's, 158. as wax to flaming youth, 140. assume a, if you have it not, 141. blushing is the colour of, 283. blushing is the complexion of, 764. could see to do what virtue would, 244. crime called, 715. distinction between vice and, 370. feeble were, if, 246. for which all, now is sold, 178. forbearance ceases to be a, 407. fugitive and cloistered, 254. God gives to every man the, 421. golden through and through, 646. grace and, are within, 215. has difficulties to wrestle with, 775. has its degrees, 197. heaven but tries our, 380. homage vice pays to, 795. humility is a, 195. in exchange for wealth, 736. in her shape how lovely, 234. is bold goodness never fearful, 49. is its own reward, 207. is like a rich stone, 167. is like precious odours, 165. is sufficient for happiness, 760. is the chief good in life, 762. itself 'scapes not, 129. itself turns vice, 106. linked with one, 551. lovers of, all that are, 208. makes the bliss, 320. men of most renowned, 255. more, than doth live, 178. most in request is conformity, 601. much, in If, 72. must go through, brake that, 98. nobility is the only, 721. no man's, nor sufficiency, 53. now is sold, 178. of a sacrament, 767. of humility, 207. of necessity, to make a, 3, 192, 773. of the soul, justice a, 762. only makes our bliss below, 320. outbuilds the pyramids, 309. passes current over the world, 699. progressive, approving heaven, 355. requires a rough and stormy passage, 775. royalty of, 668. seek, for its own sake, 764. she finds too painful, 321. some fall by, 47. some mark of, 63. successful crime called, 34. that possession would not show, 53. the first, if thou wilt lere, 5. then we find the, 53. though in rags, 274. thousand crimes and one, 551. tincture of vice in the best, 777. under heaven, every, 329. wars that make ambition, 154. with whom revenge is, 311. Virtues, all heavenly, shoot, 527. be to her, very kind, 287. but vices disguised, 794. curse all his, 298. did not go forth of us, if our, 46. friend to her, 377. Hannibal had mighty, 186. is it a world to hide, in, 74. nothing could surpass her in, 555. pearl chain of all, 182. powers dominations, 235. spring of, 35. to sustain good fortune, 794. waste thyself upon thy, 46. we write in water, 100. will plead like angels, 118. Virtue's ferme land, 267. guide, this maxim be my, 350. manly cheek, 424. side, his failings leaned to, 396. Virtuous actions, 670. all the sisters, 852. and noble education, 253. and vicious every man,
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