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tag="{}a">318. because thou art, 75. deeds, blessings wait on, 294. deeds, matter for, 36. if a man be, withal, 4. liberty, hour of, 298. life, walk of, 307. man, slumbers of the, 299. Marcia towers above her sex, 298. outrageously, 297. soul, only a sweet and, 204. who that is most, 4. woman's counsel, 36. world to hide, 74. Virtuousest discreetest best, 238. Virtuously, many daughters have done, 829. Visage, devotion's, 135. in his mind, saw Othello's, 151. lean body and, 222. on his bold, 491. Visages do cream and mantle, 60. Visible for the uncertain, 766. no light but darkness, 223. Vision, a more delightful, 409. and the faculty divine, 479. baseless fabric of this, 43. beatific, enjoyed in, 225. clear dream and solemn, 245. feminine, dazzles the, 594. I took it for a faery, 244. never dazzle the feminine, 594. of unfilled desire, 768. sensible to feeling, 119. where there is no, 829. write the, make it plain, 836. young men's, 268. Visions, I have multiplied, 835. of glory, 383. young men shall see, 836. Visit her face too roughly, 128. my sad heart, 112. o'er the globe, our annual, 438. Visits like those of angels, 281, 355, 514. Visitations daze the world, 594. Visiting acquaintance, 440. Visitings, compunctious, 117. [1136]Visual nerve, 240. Vital in every part, 236. spark of heavenly flame, 334. Vixerunt fortes ante Agamemnona, 555. Vocal spark instinct with music, 485. voices, singers with, 285.
Vocation, 't is my, 83. to labour in his, 83. Vociferation, in sweet, 285. Vociferous, vocal voices most, 285. Voice and utterance, give them, 420. ascending high, my, 302. big manly, 69. bird shall carry the, 831. but a wandering, 474. cry sleep no more, I heard a, 119. each a mighty, 478. give few thy, 130. I sing with mortal, 236. in every wind, 381. in my dreaming ear, 515. in the street, uttereth her, 824. is Jacob's voice, 813. is still for war, my, 298. joy is the sweet, 502. like a prophet's word, 562. living, sways the soul, 748. lost with singing of anthems, 88. love's familiar, 566. methought I heard a, 119. monstrous little, 57. more safe I sing with mortal, 236. my spirit can cheer, 586. of all the gods, 56. of charmers, 821. of God, daughter of the, 475. of gratitude, still small, 383. of nature cries, 385. of sea and mountains, 478. of sweetest tone, 583. of that wild horn, 490. of the hyena, 38. of the past, audible, 580. of the sluggard, 302. of the turtle is heard, 832. or hideous hum, 251. pleasing on their ear, his, 345. seasoned with a gracious, 63. so charming left his, 237. sole daughter of his, 239. sounds like a prophet's, 562. still small, 815. sweeter thy, 630. that is still, sound of a, 627. that wakens the slumbering ages, 594. the harmony of the world, 31. thrill of a happy, 655. was ever soft gentle and low, 149. watch-dog's, 396. without reply, 600. you cannot hear, I hear a, 314. Voices, ancestral, 500. earth with her thousand, 501. keep tune and oars keep time, 518. lead, where airy, 574. most vociferous, 285. music when soft, die, 567. thank you for your, 103. two, are there, 478. your most sweet, 103. Voiceful sea, swelling of the, 503. Void, left an aching, 422. rapture to the dreary, 549. yawning, of the future, 753. Volcano, dancing on a, 811. Volscians in Corioli, I fluttered your, 103. Volscians' ears, unmusical to, 103. Voltiger a painted vest had on, 685. Voluble is his discourse, sweet and, 55. Volume of my brain, book and, 132. small rare, 456. within that awful, 494. Volumes from mine own library, 42. history with all her, 546. in folio, I am for whole, 55. Voluptuous swell, music with its, 542. Voluptuously surfeit out, 102. Vomit, dog is turned to his, 849. Votaress, imperial, passed on, 58. Votaries, how the world rewards its, 802. Votarist, like a sad, 243. Vote, hand and heart to this, 530. that shakes the turrets of the land, 636. Vow and not pay, 830. better thou shouldst not, 830. me no vows, 862. Vows, lovers', seem sweet, 551. our, are heard betimes, 269. soul lends the tongue, 130. with so much passion, 281. Vowels, open, tire the ear, 324. Voyage, dry as the biscuit after a, 68. of their life, 115. Voyaging through strange seas, 475. Vulcan's stithy, foul as, 138. Vulgar boil an egg, the, 330. deaths unknown to fame, 339. familiar but by no means, 129. flight of common souls, 393. the great, and the small, 262. Vulgarity, the Jacksonian, 668. Vulgarize the day of judgment, 597. Vulture, rage of the, 549. Vultures, protection of, to lambs, 442.
Wad some power, Oh, 448. Wade through slaughter, 385. Wades or creeps or flies, 230. Waft a feather or to drown a fly, 306. me from distraction, 543. thy name beyond the sky, 539. Wafted by thy gentle gale, 455. Wafture of your hand, angry, 112. Wag all, in hall where beards, 21. let the world, 11. Wags, see how the world, 68. Wager, opinions backed by a, 554. Wagers, fools use arguments for, 213. lay no, 398. Wages of sin is death, 844. Wagon, hitch your, to a star, 603. Wail, nothing to, 242. with old woes, new, 161. Wailing winds and naked woods, 573. Wain, wheels of Phœbus', 243. Waist, lover's arm around her, 627. round the slight, 548. [1137]Wait a century for a reader, 670. to him who will but, 617. who only stand and, 252. Waited for the train, 626. Wake and call me early, 624. and sleep, still did, 163. and weep, here must I, 450. dream of those who, 721. if I should die before I, 687. thee, till angels, 367. to perish never, 478. tremble when I, 418. Wakes, at country, 274. the bitter memory, 231. Waked by the circling hours, 235. me too soon, you have, 302. she fled, I, 252. Wakeful nightingale, 233. Wakefulness, fail with, 590. Wakens the slumbering ages, 594. Waking bliss, certainty of, 244. man, dream of a, 761. morn of toil nor night of, 491. Wales a portion, 447. Walk about, foolery does, 76. beneath it steadfastly, 641. beyond the common, 307. by faith not by sight, 846. by moon or glittering starlight, 234. in fear and dread, 499. in silk attire, 673. into my parlour, 605. milky way or solar, 315. none durst, but he, 275. of art, every, 457. of virtuous life, 307. on wings, seem to, 339. the earth unseen, 234. under his huge legs, 110. while ye have the light, 843. with, pretty to, 256. with stretched-forth necks, 833. with you talk with you, 61. Walks abroad, take my, 301. and shades, these happy, 239. benighted under midday sun, 244. echoing, between, 239. eye nature's, 315. happy, and shades, 239. in beauty like the night, 551. in King's Bench, 297. o'er the dew, 127. the waters like a thing of life, 550. to-morrow, already, 504. unavenged amongst us, 298. up and down with me, 19. Walked in glory, him who, 470. in paradise, 639. in Thebes's streets, 517. straight out of the ark, 460. Walketh in darkness, 822. Walking and mincing as they go, 833. in an air of glory, 263. shadow, life 's but a, 125. Wall, bores through his castle, 82. close the, up with our English dead, 91. feather bed betwixt a, 211. in the office of a, 81. of partition, middle, 847. weakest goes to the, 104. whitewashed, 397. Walls, banners on the outward, 125. have ears, 2. peace be within thy, 824. stone, do not a prison make, 260. theatres porches, 438. wooden, of England, 861. Wallace bled, Scots wha hae wi', 450. Waller was smooth, 329. Wallets for our vices, 716. Walnuts and the wine, 623. Walton's heavenly memory, 484. Wand, bright gold ring on her, 520. he walked with, 224. Wander through eternity, 227. with me, come, 611. Wandered by the brookside, 634. east I 've wandered west, 580. long in fancy's maze, 328. Wanderers o'er eternity, 543. Wandering, as the bird by, 828. mazes lost, in, 228. moon riding near, 250. on a foreign strand, 488. on as loth to die, 484. passenger, forlorn and, 243. steps and slow, 240. voice, but a, 474. Wanderings of thy thought, 497. Wanders heaven-directed, 321. Want as an armed man, 825. exasperated into crime, 639. lonely, retired to die, 366. not what we wish but what we, 390. of a horse the rider was lost, 360. of a nail the shoe was lost, 360. of a shoe the horse was lost,
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