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href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@27889@27889-h@27889-h-72.htm.html#Pg_813" tag="{}a">813. to be honest and true, 689. to be merry and wise, 689. to be off with the old love, 689. to know her own, 238. worth doing, 352. Wells, buckets into empty, 419. Well-attired woodbine, 248. Well-born boys, necessary for, 760. Well-bred man, sensible and, 415. whisper close the scene, 419. Well experienced archer, 161. Well-favoured man, to be a, 51. Well-graced actor, after a, 82. Wellington minister of immortal fame, 609. Well-languaged Daniel, 201. Well-ordered mind, 751. Well-spring of pleasure, 640. Well-taught mind, 343. Well-trod stage, then to the, 249. Weltering in his blood, 271. Wench's black eye, white, 106. Wept away in transient tears, 679. Cæsar hath, 113. each other's tears, 611. o'er his wounds, 396. we grieved we sighed we, 262. with delight at your smile, 680. Werken wel and hastily, 3. Werkman, ther n' is no, 3. Werling, young man's, 19. Wert thou all that I wish, 522. West, blue eyes sought the, 487. no South no North no East no, 517. topples round the dreary, 631. Western dome, him of the, 268. flower, a little, 58. star, lovers love the, 487. Westminster Abbey or victory, 446. we thrive at, 334, 800. Westward the course of empire, 312. the star of empire, 312. West-wind purr contented, 660. Wet damnation, 34. guess what I should perform in the, 787. sheet and flowing sea, 537. with unseen tears, 497. Wether, tainted, of the flock, 64. Wethers, return to our, 771. Whale, bobbed for, 217. throw a tub to the, 291. very like a, 139. Wharf, fat weed on Lethe, 131. What a fall was there, 114. a falling-off was there, 132. a monstrous tail our cat has, 285. a piece of work is a man, 134. a taking was he in, 46. and where they be, 631. are the wild waves saying, 680. are these so withered, 116. boots it at one gate, 242. can an old man do but die, 584. can ennoble sots, 319. care I how chaste she be, 26. care I how fair she be, 26. constitutes a State, 438. dire effects from civil discord, 299. do you read my lord, 133. God hath joined together, 840. has been has been, 274. has posterity done for us, 439. he has he gives, 102. he knew what 's, 8, 210, 786. is a lie, after all, 560. is a man profited, 840. is and what must be, 231. is done is done, 121. is done we may compute, 448. is gone and what 's past help, 77. is Hecuba to him, 134. is her history, 75. is impossible can't be, 454. is in a name, 105. is one man's poison, 199. is the night, 123. is worth in anything, 213. is writ is writ, 548. is yours is mine, 50, 700. makes all doctrines plain, 215. man dare I dare, 122. may man within him hide, 49. men daily do not knowing, 52. men dare do what men may do, 52. mighty contests rise, 325. more felicitie can fall, 30. ne'er was nor is, 323. news on the Rialto, 61. none hath dared thou hast done, 26. oft was thought, 323. seest thou else, 42. so rare as a day in June, 658. sought they thus afar, 569. the dickens, 46. thou liv'st live well, 240. thou wouldst highly, 117. though the field be lost, 223. was good shall be good, 649. was shall live as before, 649. we gave we have, 802. we have we prize not, 53. we left we lost, 802. we spent we had, 802. will Mrs. Grundy say, 457. Whatever is best administered, 318. is is in its causes just, 276. is is not, 284. is is right, 316. [1143]is worth doing at all, 352. was great seemed to him little, 591. was or is or will be, 740. Whatsoever a man soweth, 847. state I am, in, 847. thing is lost, 424. things are honest, 847. things are just, 847. things are lovely, 847. things are of good report, 847. things are pure, 847. things are true, 847. thy hand findeth to do, 831. ye would that men should do, 839. Wheat, as two grains of, 60. for this planting, 616. Wheedling arts, the, 348. Wheel, as she turns the giddy, 393. broken at the cistern, 831. butterfly upon a, 328. in the midst of a wheel, 835. noisy, was still, 634. shoulder to the, 189. the sofa round, 420. the world is a, 610. Wheels of brazen chariots, 236. of Phœbus' wain, 243. of weary life stood still, 276. Wheel-work, was man made a, 649. Wheeson week, Wednesday in, 89. Whelp and hound, mongrel, 400. When found make a note of, 652. he would he shall have nay, 9. I ope my lips, 60. in doubt win the trick, 861. Israel of the Lord, 493. Israel was from bondage led, 261. love speaks, 56. lovely woman stoops to folly, 403. shall we three meet again, 115. taken to be well shaken, 454. the age is in the wit is out, 52. the sea was roaring, 't was, 347. we two parted, 539. Whence and what art thou, 229. can comfort spring, 479. is thy learning, 348. Where dwellest thou, 103. go the poet's lines, 636. go we know not, 48. I would ever be, I am, 538. ignorance is bliss, 382. is my child, an echo answers, 550. law ends tyranny begins, 364. lives the man that has not tried, 492. Macgregor sits, 790. my Julia's lips do smile, 201. none admire, useless to excel, 377. the bee sucks there suck I, 43. the Lord knows, 318. the shoe pinches, 724. the tree falleth, 831. thou lodgest I will lodge, 814. was Roderick then, 492. your treasure is, 838. Whereabout, prate of my, 119. Where'er I roam, 394. Wherefore are these things hid, 74. art thou Romeo, 105. for every why a, 50, 210. in all things, why and, 93. Wheresoever whensoever, 436. Whether in sea or fire, 126. Whetstone, the blunt, 32. While I was musing, 819. stands the Coliseum, 546. thee I seek protecting Power, 674. there is life there 's hope, 349. Whining school-boy, 69. Whip, a hangman's, 448. in every honest hand a, 155. me such honest knaves, 149. Whips and scorns of time, 135. Whipped for o'erdoing termagant, 137. the offending Adam, 90. Whipping, who should 'scape, 134. Whipster, every puny, 156. Whirligig of time, 77. Whirlwind of passion, 137. reap the, 835. rides in the, 299, 331. Whirlwind's roar, 394. sway, sweeping, 383. Whisper, full well the busy, 397. hark they, 334. of the throne, shape the, 633. softness in chambers, 254. well-bred, close the scene, 419. with far-heard, 498. Whispers low, when duty, 600. of each other's watch, 91. of fancy, 367. the o'er-fraught heart, 124. Whispered in heaven, 't was, 674. it to the woods, 238. word, sweet in every, 551. Whispering humbleness, 61. I will ne'er consent, 556. lovers made, for, 395. tongues can poison truth, 500. wind, bayed the, 396. with white lips, 543. Whist, the wild waves, 42. Whistle and she will come to you, 198, 449. and sing, still he'd, 436. clear as a, 351. free, the shrill winds, 653. her off and let her down, 153. paid dear for his, 361. them back, when he pleased, 399. wel ywette, 3. Whistles in his sound, pipes and, 69. Whistled for want of thought, 273. Whistling aloud to bear his courage up, 354. of a name, 262, 319. to keep from being afraid, 277. White, a moment, then melts, 451. as heaven, soul as, 197. as snow, beard was as, 142. black and gray, 231. or a black stone, 789. pure celestial, 574. radiance of eternity, 565. shall not neutralize the black, 651. [1144]so very white, nor, 464. wench's black eye, 106. will have its black, 404. wonder of Juliet's hand, 108. Whited sepulchres, 841. White-handed hope, 243. Whiteness, angel, 52. of his soul, he had kept the, 543. Whitens in the sun, web that, 526. Whiter than driven snow, 380. Whitewashed wall, 397. White-winged reapers, 264. Whither thou goest I will go, 814. Who ran to help me when I fell, 535. that hath ever been, 497. think not God at all, 242. think too little, 268. thinks must mourn, 289. would fardels bear, 136. would not be a boy, 541. would not weep, 327. Whole duty of man, 832. half was more than the, 758. head is sick, 832. heart is faint, 832. of it, let me taste the, 650. of life to live, 't is not the, 496. one stupendous,
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