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you never sleep, and you never slumber. If there is anything that comes to my mind, it must be filtered through the Holy Ghost and your Word."

"I reject all bad dreams. I reject all nightmares. Right now, I raise a prayer covering over my mind. You will keep me in perfect peace because my mind is stayed on you" (Psalm 121:3, Philippians 4:7, Isaiah 26:3).

Do the same for the young people in your life. If you are a parent, lay your hands on your child every night and say,

"This child will sleep in the safety and the peace of the covering ofprayer that surrounds my precious little one. No force from the supernatural sphere, no principality, no power, no strategy, no design, no desire of the enemy can penetrate the covering of prayer I raise over this child" (Matthew 16:19).

We are all called to pray for these precious lives, so be strong in the spirit. Remember, we are all that is standing between the devil and this final generation.

Before you send your children off to school each morning, lay your hands on them. Raise a prayer covering over them that day so no crack dealer can give your thirteen-year-old free crack.

Pray a hedge of protection around them so the evil in the world will in no way touch or influence them.

. . . I will hedge up thy way with thorns, and make a wall, that she shall not find her paths (Hosea 2:6).

Pray for God to place His hand upon this generation so they will begin to flow in the gifts of the Holy Ghost.

The devil's forces cannot penetrate your prayers. Get down on your knees in prayer, and wet the carpet with your tears.

Spend time in travailing prayer. Intercede for the souls of the children in this nation that have NO ONE standing in the gap for them. They don't need a humanistic, self-help program. They need Jesus, and they need your prayers. Get on your face and begin to pray.

Let me guide you to victory through intercessory prayer. Are you armed with the blood? Do you have the sword of the Spirit? Are you girded about with truth? Are you wearing the breastplate of righteousness?

Shod your feet with the preparation of the Gospel of peace, take up your shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, and let's go to battle. Let's not allow another child go to hell!

Devil, we're drawing a line in the sand. No weapon formed against our young people shall prosper.

Father, in the name of Jesus, teach us to pray. Give us your heart—a heart for the lost, the weakest, the frailest and the smallest. Fill us with the same compassion Jesus had to reach out and loose our youth from the icy tentacles of Satan's grasp.


Thank you for your infinite grace and mercy. Thank you that you loved us so much you gave your Son, as the spotless Lamb, so we would not perish but have eternal life. Thank you that when Jesus shed His precious blood, it was for healing, preservation, protection, deliverance and soundness.

Thank you for your Word that tells us when the Lamb was slain, it was "a lamb for my house and for my neighbor's house," and that blood covers my family, my friends and my loved ones. Thank you that we have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus, the sacrificial Lamb of God, and can come boldly before you to plead His blood.


Thank you for giving us all authority in the name of Jesus (Luke 10:19). We bind every sexual perversion, every spirit of suicide, and every spirit of the occult. We bind every spirit of depression and oppression that would attack these young minds. Satan, we bind you from coming against their bodies. We rebuke every tormenting spirit.

Father, we loose the Holy Spirit in their lives, and pray that, by your Spirit, you will draw this last generation to you. Set them on fire and birth revival in their hearts. Give them a hunger and thirst to know you in all your fullness.

Thank you that the demonic hordes of hell must stand at attention and hear the words of the Living God. I bind them now and render them inoperative in these young lives. I thank you that your Word is life to our bodies and health to all our flesh.


I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over these children and confess total deliverance and healing in the name of Jesus. No weapon formed against them can prosper. They are washed in the blood and no demon hordes from hell can cross that bloodline.

Satan is defeated through the word of our testimony and the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 12:11). I plead the blood over these children and bind Satan from operating in their lives (Matthew 16:19).

May the resurrection life of God dwell in their homes and lives today and forever. May victory be the total domain of their lives. May they trample hell under their feet. May they bring souls into the kingdom of God for Christ's sake.


Pray in the Spirit, and let the Holy Ghost pray through you.

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered (Romans 8:26).

You don't know what you're praying about when you pray in the Spirit. You may be stopping a bus that the devil has planned to run some children down. You may be running interference to keep the drug pushers out of some young person's path. You may be stopping a sexual deviate from snatching a child from the playground.

Pray for salvation of all children who don't know Jesus as Savior and Lord. Pray for them as if you were the only one holding their hand as they slipped toward eternity in hell. Loose yourself to pray in the Holy

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