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The Blood

The Word




As you read this No Weapon Handbook, my wife Joni and our children, Ashton and Austin, and I want you to know that we are standing on God's Word for you and your children and your entire family because we have His promise that...

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord (Isaiah 54:17).

It has been the ploy of Satan from the beginning of time, in the Garden of Eden, to attack the heritage of the family of God.

Why? The devil knows if he can apprehend the children of one generation, he can stop the mighty flow of the revolutionary remnant army of God who is rallying its forces in this end time hour.

He knows that as long as he can keep our children captive to the value system of the god of this world—they will never realize the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that can set them free.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord (Luke 4:18,19).

In every generation there is a yoke ... but also in every generation God, Himself, provides an anointing that will destroy that yoke.

You have this anointing resident within you. In this handbook I'm going to show you just how you can break through Satan's stranglehold on our youth and set them gloriously free through the blood of Jesus, the Word of God and travailing prayer.

Every day I turn on the six o'clock news to witness murder and mayhem in our streets and senseless violence, with children murdering children all across our land.

America is witnessing the assassination of the spiritual power and prowess of the body of Christ. We have sown to the wind, and now we are reaping the whirlwind. We have spent an entire generation raising irreverent children, training them to question authority at every level instead of teaching them that to obey is better than to sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22).

Today, all across America, Satan has unleashed a strategic and calculated plan to annihilate our children. The entire family structure is under attack as never before.

There are only two institutions ever found in the Bible that God sanctioned: first the family and then the church. But nearly half of all children in America are being raised in single parent homes. All over this planet, children are being raised and nurtured by only half of God's intended provision for them.

If our youth do not receive the nurturing they need at home, they will seek it on the Internet, in street gangs, in drugs or in the occult ... and if these demonic alternatives don't give it to them, all too often, suicide or violence become the answer to their dilemma.


The Bible didn't say God blessed Abraham more exceedingly than any other man because he was so full of faith, or because he was so respectable, or because he was such an astute businessman.

The Bible records in Genesis 22:17 that God told Abraham He was going to multiply his seed like the stars in heaven for one reason—because He knew Abraham was a man who would raise his family to revere a holy, sovereign God.

The Lord knew when He blessed Abraham with Isaac, his son, it wouldn't be long before Isaac was walking with the Lord. And if Isaac walked with Him, it wouldn't be long before Isaac's son, Jacob, would be walking with Him as well.

The ultimate responsibility lies within the family. The highest commandment God gave to the human race was to raise a righteous seed. In Genesis 1:28 He states, "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it."

Our children are our spiritual seed. They are our posterity and the heritage of those who belong to the Lord. God is only in covenant with us as we produce the righteous seed to fulfill His purpose in the earth.


We must be alert! We are living in a time when the devil desires to manipulate the impressionable minds of our children and poison them against the things of God.

Matthew 18:6 tells us, "But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."

Who is it that offends our children?

Secular humanists offend our children. Educators who immerse our children in values clarification and sex education, which has little to do with personal hygiene, and everything to do with shaping their morals away from those of their family and their church; these offend our children.

Political correctness offends our children. The unsaved, unregenerate politicians who are not born again offend our children.

Marketing masterminds have packaged the spirit of the world with the doctrine of devils and attempted to embed them into the minds of the righteous seed of God.

Never, in modern history, has the devil attacked our heritage as in this final day and hour. He is doing everything he possibly can to spiritually and physically annihilate one entire generation.

He is trying to send an entire generation to hell using music and lyrics that glorify death, murder, suicide, New Age philosophy and outright Satan worship.

For nearly 50 years, unconventional clothes and hair have been the trademark of the younger generation—from the leather jackets and duck tails of the '50s to the bizarre spiked hair and punk styles of the '80s. But the '90s have brought some subtle changes that encourage a step into the dark side to meet their need for acceptance and identity.

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