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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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The woman stuck her scrawny neckout the door and looked past Zac at Hendora and Onolyn. Onolynrecoiled backwards, feeling the hag’s power. “Just those twowomen with you?”

“Yes,” Hendora said.

“You have money?”

“I told you already we do,”Zac said, sounding impatient.

“Seetva’s down by the swamp.”She pointed a gnarled finger toward the woods in back of the house.

Zac withdrew his foot as the doorbanged shut. “Friendly, isn’t she?” He jumped off the stoop.“Let’s go.”

They walked down a stone paththat ran alongside the house. A heavy fog rose up from the swampyland as they entered the woods. Onolyn nervously clutched Zac’sarm, not wanting to go further. “I’m frightened.”

“There’s nothing to be afraidof,” Zac said.

“There’s something wrong . .. I can feel it.”

“What would Seetva be doing ina swamp?” Hendora asked. “I hope that old woman wasn’t settingus up. Everyone keep on guard.”

“Who is this Seetva anyway?”Onolyn tightened her grip on Zac’s arm.

“Probably another ugly oldhag,” Zac said.

“Did you see the way that womanlooked at you?” Onolyn said. “Her eyes were so . . . so cold anddemon-like.”

“Would you be quiet? You’remaking me nervous.” He drew his blaster out of its shoulderholster.

“Quiet, both of you,” Hendorasaid, also taking out her blaster. “Keep alert.”

The ground was boggy and Onolynsank into it with each step. A swarm of insects started buzzingaround her head and she began brushing the biting creatures off herface and bare arms.

The fog had grown so thick shecouldn’t see more than a short distance in front of her.

At last, Onolyn spotted a faintglow to her left. “Look! There’s a light.” She pointed in itsdirection.

“Seetva!” Zac yelled. Thelight disappeared. “Seetva, we need to talk to you.” There was noreply just the sound of frogs croaking and some kind of creaturehowling off in the distance. Onolyn waited with Zac and Hendora,uncertain what to do.

Suddenly a woman appeared beforethem like a mirage. A mist rose up around her so only her head andupper torso were visible. She held up a lantern to get a better lookat them.

The lantern lit up her faceeerily. Onolyn stared at her in surprise. She’d expected anotherold hag, but this woman was exquisite. She had flawless white skin,luminous dark eyes, a refined nose, high cheek bones, and long bronzehair that fell in a thick mass around her shoulders.

“I’m Seetva,” she said in afluid, silvery-smooth voice.

Silence followed. Onolyn lookedat Zac, expecting him to take charge as he had with the old hag, buthe was staring at Seetva totally mesmerized. Alarmed by his reaction,her dread increased.

Hendora broke the silence. “Wewere told you have an antidote for the poison put on Borithonswords.”

Seetva gave her a haunting coldsmile. “So, you’ve come. I knew you would.”

“Do you have it?” Hendoraasked.

“Yes, I have it, but why shouldI help you? King Zanton Duborginact wants your friend dead. He’llbe angry if I help you.”

“We’ll pay you well,”Hendora said.

“With what?”

“International currency ordockras,” Hendora replied.

“I want gold.”

“We don’t have any gold!”Onolyn exclaimed.

“Then you have nothing thatinterests me—he must die.”

“No!” Onolyn wailed. Shelooked desperately at Zac and Hendora. Seeing no help from either ofthem, she twisted off her ring with clumsy, nervous movements. Thenshe unclasped her necklace and pulled off her earrings. “Here takethese. They’re made of gold.” She extended the jewelry with atrembling hand.

Seetva set down the cage shecarried and held the lantern over the jewelry. Onolyn glanced down atthe cage where she could just make out some small animals. She wasn’tsure, but they looked like frogs, lizards, snakes and other reptilesshe didn’t recognize. She felt a wave of nausea and leaned againstZac.

Seetva took the jewelry and saidin a seductive purr, “These are valuable, but they’re notenough,”

Hendora slid off her heavy goldupper armbands and handed them to Seetva. “These are valuable. Theyare handmade on my home planet of Alonquil. You won’t find bettercraftsmanship anywhere. The jeweler was a master of an art form nowlost in this technological age.”

The woman held them up to thelight. “They are indeed beautiful, but still not enough.” Shelooked at Zac. “What do you have to offer?”

“I don’t wear jewelry, but mywatch is an expensive aviator’s watch.” He held out his wrist soshe could see it, squirming uncomfortably under her hypnotic gaze.

Seetva glanced at the watch, thenher gaze returned to Zac. “I’ll accept the jewelry in exchangefor the antidote.” She continued to hold Zac’s gaze with hereyes. Onolyn felt a tremor go through him, sweat formed on his browand his hand slipped from hers. In a bewitching voice, Seetvacontinued, “I have no use for your watch. I will get something elsefrom you.”

“Whatever you desire,” Zacsaid. “No price is too high to pay for our friend’s life.”

A silvery laugh erupted fromSeetva’s lips. “Well-spoken.” She reached into the folds of hercloak, brought out a vial and held it up. It gave off a reddish-brownradiance.

“I can’t promise this willsave him; it might be too late already. Without it, he doesn’t havea chance. It must be injected into the muscle.”

“Thank you.” Hendora took thevial and slipped it into her pocket, then started back toward theroad. Onolyn began to follow when she realized Zac hadn’t moved.His eyes were glued to Seetva.

“Come on, Zac.” Eager to beaway from Seetva and the swamp, Onolyn grabbed his hand. Startled, hejumped, then followed her like a child being led. He hardly seemedaware of where they were going.

Upon reaching the road, Zacseemed to recover and he put his arm around Onolyn. “You’reshaking, Onolyn.” She felt the tension running through his leanbody and realized he needed her strength as much as she needed his.“You okay?” he asked gently.

“I . . . I don’t know why theencounter with Seetva was so upsetting.”

Zac shrugged. “You’re justworried about Erling and that swamp was creepy.”

“No, it’s more than that!”Onolyn exclaimed. “Seetva said she knew we would come. She mustknow King Zanton Duborginact. How can we trust her? The vial couldcontain poison, not an antidote.”

“We’ll test it before givingit to Erling,” Hendora said.

They started back to town. Afterawhile Zac said in a strange voice, “She wasn’t what I expected.”

“Not exactly an old hag,”Onolyn replied.

“No, she’s the most perfectwoman I’ve ever seen.”

“She wasn’t thatgreat!” Onolyn snapped,

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