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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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from Onolyn and her team?” she asked, suppressing anotheryawn.

“They arrived on Haklute. It’searly afternoon, in that time zone so they hope to find the antidotetoday.”

In the royal city of Haklute,Onolyn stood in a weapon store, looking at many different swords,blasters, Juggernauts and laser rifles on the rack. She’d neverseen so many different kinds. Haklute was obviously a warriorculture.

“Can I help you?” thestorekeeper asked, absentmindedly scratching a purple scar on hissquare chin.

“Yes, I’m looking for aBorithon sword.”

A flash of recognition crossedhis dull eyes. “I’ve never heard of a Borithon sword.”

Onolyn wondered if she’d onlyimagined the flash of recognition. She started toward the door, notknowing what to do next. IfBorithon swords were commonly used in formal duels, why hadn’tanyone in the royal city heard of it?They checked every weapon store and she was beginning to lose hope offinding the antidote. A gut feeling that the storekeeper had liedmade her turn and cross back over to him. “I’ll pay you well forinformation concerning the Borithon sword.”

“How much?”

“I have international credits.”

“I might know something forfive hundred dockras.”

“Five hundred! That’soutrageous.”

He sneered. “Giving outinformation about the Borithon sword is dangerous, curious one.”

“I can get a hold of fourhundred dockras, but your information better be good.”

He studied her a moment beforesaying, “Agreed. Four hundred dockras.”

“I’ll be back in less than anhour.”

Onolyn hurried to a nearby caféwhere her team was meeting. When she entered the crowded dining area,she quickly spotted Zac by his bright red hair. He sat in a cornerbooth with Hendora. They made an incongruous pair. Zac wasyoung-looking with a cheerful expression, while Hendora looked like aseasoned Feniod warrior with her grim expression, olive skin, broadface, and almond-shaped eyes. Onolyn squeezed her way through thecenter tables to get to their booth.

“Did either of you find outanything?” Onolyn asked, sitting on the bench beside Zac.

“No,” Zac replied with hismouth full. He finished chewing. “You?”

“Keep your voices down,”Hendora said, glancing around to be sure no one was listening.

Onolyn leaned closer andwhispered, “The shopkeeper knew something about Borithon swords inthe last store I was in, but he wants four hundred dockras forinformation.”

Zac whistled. “That’s prettysteep.”

A serving android came to thetable and asked if Onolyn wanted anything. She waved him away, notwanting to take time to eat.

“Do you trust the shopkeeper?”Zac asked.

“We can’t afford to trustanyone,but we have to find out what he knows. He’s our only lead,”Hendora said. She pulled out her purse and her straight black hairswung across her flat face. “I have some money we could trade fordockras.”

“So do I,” Onolyn said.

Zac glanced around, then saidsoftly, “I have enough dockras. Koriann foresaw that we might needit and gave me a sizeable sum.” He grabbed his meat-and-vegetablewrap off the plate and they left the restaurant.

“Zac, don’t give theshopkeeper any money unless he tells us how to get the antidote,”Onolyn said.

“We might have to use force,”Hendora added.

“I hope not,” Onolyn said.“He’s tough-looking.” She glanced down at Hendora, who alwaysmade her feel like a giant because she was a head taller than theFeniod woman. Though Hendora would probably win in a wrestling matchfor she was muscular with a compact build.

When they entered the shop, theshopkeeper looked suspiciously at Zac and Hendora. “Who are they?”he asked Onolyn. “You didn’t say anything about bringing anyoneelse.”

“These are my friends. Theybrought the money.”

“The price just went back up tofive hundred dockras.”

Hendora glowered. “We won’tpay you anything unless you tell us what we want to know.”

The shopkeeper folded his armsacross his chest. “What do you want to know?”

“What do you know aboutBorithon swords?” Hendora demanded, moving closer to the counter.

“Only the upper class has them.They’re made on commission by specially trained artisans.”

“What kind of poison is put onthe blades?” Hendora asked.

“It’s a special poison madehere in the royal city.”

Onolyn moved forward eagerly. “Isthere an antidote to the poison?”

The shopkeeper cocked an eyebrow.“Someone you know has been in a fight, huh.”

“Yes, my brother,” Onolynsaid. “Do you know how we can get some?”

“Your brother, I doubt; alover, more likely. Yes, I know where you can get the antidote. Showme the money.”

Zac set out four hundred dockras.

“Five hundred is the price.”

Zac laid out another hundred andthe man put his hand on it. Zac put his hand over the other man’s.“Not until we get the information.”

“There is a wit-” he stoppedand corrected himself, “a womannamed Seetva who makes the antidote. She lives outside the citywalls.” He looked up her address and gave it to Zac.

“You better be right, or we’llbe back,” Zac said.

They walked to the autonomousaircar they’d rented. Hendora slid into the driver’s seat and Zactook the remaining front seat. Onolyn climbed in the small rear seat,glad they didn’t have to drive in an unfamiliar city. After puttingthe address into the navigational system, the aircar flew upward tothe fourth grid and joined the flow of vehicles flying between thetall city buildings.

Gradually the traffic becamelighter and a dense forest appeared. At sunset, the aircar parkeditself in front of a small house built into the side of a hill.

When Onolyn got out of the car,an uneasy feeling came over her. “This place is so isolated,” shesaid as she reluctantly followed Hendora and Zac to the house.

Zac knocked on the door. When noone came, Onolyn wondered if the man at the shop had lied. Finally,she heard shuffling footsteps.

The door opened and an old,white-haired woman peered out. She was bent nearly double with ageand her haggard face was etched with wrinkles. “What do you want?”she snarled in a cracked voice.

“We’ve come to talk toSeetva,” Zac said.

“She’s not here.” As thewoman tried to slam the door shut, Zac shoved his booted foot intothe opening and forced the door back open.

“Where is she?” he demanded.

“None of your business.” Thewoman’s eyes flashed like poison spears of light and Onolynshuddered.

“Look, old woman, we’re in ahurry,” Zac said. “Tell us where she is!”

“You dare raise your voice tome! I’ll tell you nothing!”

“Seetva will want to see us,”Zac said. “We’re prepared to pay well for something she has.”

The woman narrowed her eyes andlooked at Zac with greedy suspicion. “What is it you want?”

“We’ll only speak to

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