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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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“You’d be recognized.”

“I’ll wear a disguise.”

“Erling, you just had surgery.You’re not going anywhere. Besides, you’re needed here.” Shetightened her hold on his hand. “A ruler doesn’t go onreconnaissance missions or take unnecessary risks. He’s toovaluable.”

He knew she was right. He was inno shape to go on missions and had important duties in Jaipar; yet hewas still annoyed. “I’m not a ruler yet and I don’t like beingmanipulated or having decisions made for me.”

“You’ll soon be a ruler.”

A heavy weight settled overErling. He wasn’t sure he was ready to be a ruler.

“I’m glad you’re herebecause there are more important concerns than spying on King Zanton.Come, we’re going over the results from the analysis done on thestrategic plans you and Toemeka stole.” She led him over to thetable.

Michio looked up. “Glad youcould join us, Erling.”

Erling slid weakly into a chair,torn between going back to the infirmary or participating in thediscussion. The discussion won out.



After the emergency meeting,Michio returned to his bedroom and found Toemeka on the balcony,drawing in her sketchbook. He was suspicious of her willingness to beuninvolved in Jaipar’s defense plans. He sat across from her andlooked at the waves crashing into the rocky shoreline. “Are youdrawing the ocean?” he asked.

“No, I’m drawing a portraitof my brother, Baymond. I’m afraid I’ll forget what he lookedlike since I don’t have any photos of him or my parents. Everythingwas destroyed when Samrat Condor’s soldiers burned down our home.”

Toemeka looked so sad that Michiofelt his heart grow heavy. “Have you ever gone back to yourvillage?”

She shook her head. “It wouldbe too hard to see the village completely destroyed. I’d ratherkeep happy memories of it. I knew everyone; we were all followers ofthe Secret Teachings. All the children were taught to develop theirintuitive abilities. I often think about Baymond and my parents nowthat you and I are having a baby. It means so much to me to have afamily again.”

“Having a child will bring alot of changes. Can I see your drawing?”

She turned the sketchbook so itfaced him and pushed it across the table. Michio was surprised by thefine quality of her work. The face seemed alive and Baymond’s alerteyes appeared to look right at him. Yet what struck him most aboutthe drawing was how young Baymond was and the love that shone fromhis eyes.

“I didn’t know you’re sucha good artist. Are there drawings of your parents as well?”

She took back the sketchbook andflipped to a different page. “Here’s one.”

He studied the portrait of amiddle-aged couple. “Your mother’s beautiful. You look a lot likeher.”

“The drawing doesn’t do herjustice. It doesn’t convey her loving heart. Michio, I’m sorry Iput the baby’s life at risk by going on the mission. I was afraidErling would die if he went to Flo Shah alone. He’s been likefamily to me since mine was killed.”

She put her hand on her belly.“Dr. Tenzing says it will probably be another month or two before Ifeel the baby move, yet I already feel his energy.”

Michio’s eyes lit withpleasure. “His energy? Do you think it’s going to be a boy?”

“Yes, I think it’s a boy. AndI’m sure he’ll be as handsome as his father.”

“A son would be nice, but I’dbe happy with a girl, too.”

She flipped the sketch book pageback to the portrait of Baymond. “I worry that he’ll be born in aworld where people have lost their freedom. What was on the matrixcrystal Erling and I brought back from Flo Shah? Anything that willsave Jaipar?”

Michio leaned back in his chair,unsure of what to say. “You’re still recovering from the mission.Dr. Tenzing said to avoid discussing anything that might upset you.Can we nottalkabout the war for a few days?”

She stared off at the ocean for amoment before turning back to face him. “I risked my life to stealthat information. I’ve got a right to know if it will help us insome way. I might be less worried if I knew Erling and I helped thewar effort in some way.”

He nodded, realizing how shemight feel more hopeful if he told her. “Erling succeeded indownloading the Raptor’s military codes.”

“I knew he was going afterthem. Anything about Alandra?”

“He found strategic plans forthe complete takeover of Planet Alandra.”

She clenched her fists. “Sowe’re going to lose Alandra. What about Jaipar?”

“There’s information about aplanned invasion, but not a date as to when and where it will takeplace.”

“So Condor’s attack on Jaiparis definite.”

“Afraid so.” He wished hecould shelter her from the dangers facing Jaipar and its people, buthe’d come to accept that he couldn’t.

“What’s the next step?”

“Hendora will deliver thematrix crystal to the nearest Coalition base. We can’t risktransmitting information electronically because it could beintercepted. We don’t want Samrat Condor to know we can break hiscode.”

“Hendora better leave as soonas possible.”

“Arrangements are made. She’llhave a full military escort.”

That evening Erling awoke in asweat, his side throbbing. He took a couple pain pills, then tried toget back to sleep, but his thoughts kept returning to Zac and Onolynleaving the next day for Haklute. Shouldn’t he have been consultedabout decisions regarding Coalition agents?

Was this how Koriann planned torule Jaipar? She would make decisions and he would just be afigurehead? He and Kori hadn’t discussed expectations for theirmarriage. He needed to talk to her before things went further. Hewinced in pain as he sat up, then slid on his slacks and a shirt, notbothering with shoes. Kori’s bedroom was just down the hall. Heknocked on her door, wishing he didn’t feel so thickheaded from allthe medication he’d been taking.

Chandra opened the door. She heldan intricately designed hairbrush in one hand. “It’s MajorFenian, Your Highness,” she called to Koriann.

“Let him in,” Koriann said.

Erling followed Chandra throughthe expensively furnished sitting room. The carpet was thick beneathhis bare feet and each piece of furniture appeared to be handcraftedby an artisan, a luxury in these times when almost everything wasrobot-built in a factory. It accentuated the class difference betweenhim and Koriann. She was Queen and he wasn’t much more than acommon soldier.

He stopped at the doorway leadingto Koriann’s adjoining bedchamber. She sat

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