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leave peacefully andyour guards may have to fight to regain control of the palace.”

“Is there another way? I don’twant to start a war between Jaipar and Haklute. We need to be unitedto stand against Samrat Condor’s air fleet.”

“I don’t see how to avoidsevering relations between your countries.”

She signed. “Neither do I. I’vemade a terrible mess of things. I’m sorry I agreed to marry KingZanton.”

Erling drew her into his arms.“You didn’t know how dangerous he was. You were thinking ofwhat’s best for your country. Don’t be discouraged; everything isgoing to be all right.”

She slid her arms around hischest, doubting everything was going to be all right. Zanton wantedcontrol of Jaipar and wouldn’t give up without bloodshed.

Erling leaned down and kissedher. “I love you, Koriann.” He tucked a strand of hair behind herear. “Will you marry me? I know I don’t have anything to offeryou. Jelmur is under military occupation and everything I own isthere. I don’t have any political power or royal blood. You coulddo a lot better. I only have my love to offer and my dedication toyou and your country.”

“If I’ve learned anythingfrom this experience it’s that political power and royal bloodaren’t what’s important. It’s having someone you love besideyou. You’re a man of integrity and have done an incredible jobuniting Borko. I love you, Erling. I’d be honored to marry you.”

Erling smiled as he drew herclose and kissed her. The kiss deepened and lit a fire within her.Thisis how it’s supposed to be between a man and a woman,notthe uneasiness I always felt with Zanton, Koriannthought as she kissed him back hungrily, wondering what it would belike to make love with him.

Erling released her and steppedback. “We’d better get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be achallenging day.” He glanced at his watch. “I have to be up intwo hours. You take the bed. I can sleep in the outer sitting room.”

“That’s not necessary. We canshare the bed.”

“It’s not appropriate. You’rea Queen and we’re not even formally engaged.”

“Erling, we just slepttogether. Come back to bed. You won’t sleep well on the couch.”

“That was different. I’d justbeen beaten up and needed to lay down for awhile.”

“I’m still frightened from myencounter with Zanton. I don’t want to be alone right now.”

He drew her close again. “Ididn’t understand. Of course I’ll stay with you.”

“I thought Zanton was someone Icould rely on to protect Jaipar. How could I have been so wrong in myjudgment of what kind of man he was?”

“You never really knew him. Youweren’t thinking of yourself, but were frightened into acceptingZanton’s offer by Samrat Condor’s threat of invasion.” He tookher hand and led her to the bed. They lay down together and Erlingturned off the light before drawing her close. “Try to get somesleep.” He kissed her forehead.

She lifted her face to his and hekissed her on the mouth, then said, “Good night, Kori.”

“Good night, Erling. I’m notusually so nervous.”

“You’ve been through andordeal. You’re a brave woman to have escaped Zanton.”


The Duel

Erling awoke when Zanton burstinto his bedroom followed by Tyrin. In the predawn light, he sawZanton’s eyes fill with rage when he saw Koriann.

Koriann, startled awake, gasped,“Zanton!” She sat up in bed, looking vulnerable in nothing but aknit undershirt.

The King crossed the room in afew strides and pressed his sword point against Erling’s throat. “Iwas going to kill you in a duel, but now I think I’ll just slityour throat for touching my woman.”

Erling broke into a sweat. “She’snot your woman anymore.”

“She is, by God, and she’llstill marry me!”

“Put down the sword!” Korianndemanded. “You have no right to barge in here.”

“You’re a filthy whore.”

“You forget you’re talking tothe Queen of Jaipar,” Erling said, not daring move with the swordat his throat.

Zanton glared at him. “I’llcall her what I like. She’s played the virgin with me while whoringwith you.”

“Get out, Zanton,” Koriannsaid. “Return to Haklute. It’s over between us.”

“Fulfill your promise and marryme!”

“Never!” Koriann threwherself at Zanton’s sword arm, knocking the weapon from Erling’sthroat.

Erling sprang off the bed,grabbed his blaster from the dresser and aimed it at the king. “Getout of here, Zanton.”

All four guards drew their gunson Erling.

Zanton’s sword blade moved toKoriann’s throat. “Drop the blaster or she dies.”

“Don’t be stupid!” Erlinggrowled. “She’s Queen of Jaipar. You’ll never get away withmurdering her.”

“I’ll say you murdered her,so I killed you.”

Erling’s stomach twisted infear for her.

“No one will believe you,”Koriann said, her face drained of color.

“Put down the blaster, Fenian,”Zanton said. “We have a duel to fight.”

“Remove your sword and stepback. Then I’ll fight you.”

Zanton lowered his sword. Erlingset down the blaster and Tyrin handed him an unusually thick sword.Erling glanced at the unfamiliar weapon, wondering what caused it tovibrate in his hand.

“We’ll fight in the sittingroom where there’s more room,” King Zanton said. “You first.”He gestured to the open doorway.

Erling glanced at Koriann. “Youshould stay here.”

“No, I’m coming with you.”They went into the sitting room and found three more of Zanton’sbodyguards there. King Zanton and Tyrin followed them into the room.

“Stand near the wall whereyou’re out of harms way,” Erling said to Koriann. Her eyes werefilled with fear as she moved away from him.

Tyrin gave the signal and KingZanton charged. Erling instinctively parried and countered. As theydueled, Erling found himself at a disadvantage; he couldn’t comeinto harmony with the Borithon sword the way he could with a regularsword. It seemed to have a life and will of its own. When he swung itthrough the air, it moved unpredictably, sometimes faster and atother time slower. Moreover, the vibrations it gave off changed whenit got near the other weapon, sometimes repelling it, at other timesattracting it. In contrast, Zanton had perfect control. He knewexactly how the blade would respond and his movements were fluid andrhythmic.

“Zanton, I never meant todishonor you,” Koriann said. “Please leave us in peace.”

Zanton paused for a moment andlooked at her. “You still don’t get it. I need you in order tocontrol Jaipar. Your major has to die because he’s in the way.”

“You can’t force me to marryyou.”

Zanton smiled maliciously. “Thereare ways, my

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