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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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dear.” He thrust his sword toward Erling and continuedto fight.

In another room in the palace,Michio’s communicator beeped, announcing that it was time to getup. He groggily reached over and turned it off. The mattress shiftedas Toemeka climbed out of bed and crossed to her dresser. She swayed,unsteady on her feet.

Michio sprang from the bed,concerned she might faint again, and put an arm around her. “Areyou okay?”

“Just lightheaded.”

He scooped her up. “Youshouldn’t be out of bed yet.”

“I’m going to the duel!”she replied, scowling.

“Dr. Tenzing said you’re torest for a few days.” He carried her back and placed her on themattress.

“Erling can’t fight thisbattle. I had a vision where King Zanton gravely wounded Erling in afight.”

“I’ll stop the duel.”Michio grabbed his pants off the bedpost.

“Do you really think you canconvince him not to fight?”

He quickly dressed, then kissedher. “Yes, now stay in bed.”

“All right, just stop thatfight.”

Erling countered another swordthrust just as Michio walked into the sitting room. “What’s goingon?” Michio exclaimed. Erling and Zanton drew away from each otherand looked at him. “You’re King Zanton, I presume.” Zantonnodded curtly. “I thought you challenged Erling to a formal duel.Instead you’ve attack him in his bedchamber with four guards atyour heels. Surely duels are fought with more honor in your country.”

“Fenian lost his right to aformal duel when he slept with my fiancée,” Zanton hissed.

Michio glanced at Koriann whostood across the room wearing a man’s undershirt.

“Who are you?” demandedZanton.

“He’s Michio Kimes, mysecond,” Erling said.

“Toemeka’s husband,” Zantonsneered. “Too bad the sniper didn’t succeed in killing her.”

Michio’s face flushed withanger and he sent a stream of light off his hand. As it hit Zanton’ssword, extinguishing its light, Tyrin fired his laser at Michio. Hecollapsed to the floor and lay still. Koriann screamed and startedtoward him, but a guard quickly restrained her.

“You’ll pay for that!”Erling yelled, fearing Michio might be dead. He thrust his sword atZanton.

The king reactivated his swordand blocked the blow. “No one interferes with my plans!”

“Erling, watch out!” Korianncried as Zanton’s blade whistled past Erling’s cheek.

Erling counterattacked and Zantonblocked him, then his sword sliced through the air grazing Erling’ssleeve. Erling was forced to back up as more of Zanton’s blowscontinued to rain upon him. Zanton lunged, feinted, then lunged againhis face red with rage.

As Erling defended himself, herealized he was letting Zanton’s negative emotions affect him. Hefocused on his love for Master Bakka and felt his anger dissolved.With fury no longer clouding his mind, he saw with inward claritythat his only chance of winning this battle was by tuning in to hishigher self.

The two blades hit one anotheronce more, throwing sparks in the air. Erling threw his weight intothe weapon and sprang away. Zanton’s sword hit the dresser and thewood sizzled. Unnerved, Erling wondered what toxic substance was onthe blade.

Moving in total harmony with hisbody and weapon, Erling swept up his sword to deflect Zanton’sblade. When his weapon struck Zanton’s, the king’s sword bladesplit apart, like a pair of scissors, becoming two blades joined atthe hilt at an angle from each other.

The second blade caught Erlingunprepared and the blade cut and seared into his side. He staggeredbackward, trying to stay on his feet. His vision blurred and painengulfed him. He couldn’t concentrate on the fight. Zanton pressedhis advantage, lunging with his double blades again and again. Erlingbarely fended off his advances. With dazed perceptions, he heardKoriann scream at Zanton to stop.

Zanton paused in his assault.“What is my reward if I let this worthless cur live?”

“I’ll marry you,” Koriannsaid.

His eyes met Koriann’s and helaughed harshly. “You’re mine regardless.”

Erling glanced at the weaponcontrols and pushed a button on the handle. The weapon whined.Hearing the sound, Zanton attacked with his double blades. Erling’sblades sprang opened and he countered the blow.

As the fight continued, Erlingstruggled to master the technique of fighting with a double-bladesword. Blood seeped from his wound and throbbing pain made it hard tofocus. His blades locked with Zanton’s. The king made a quick,forceful shove with his blades, knocking Erling to the floor.

Koriann broke away from the guardand ran to Zanton, grabbing his sword arm.

“Please let him live!” shebegged. Erling staggered back to his feet as Tyrin pulled Koriannaway.

“No man offends me and lives!”Zanton roared. “I’m through playing with you, Fenian; now youdie!”

Erling thrust his sword bladesbetween Zanton’s, holding the swords immobile, then swung his footinto Zanton’s sword arm. Zanton lost his hold and both swordsclanged to the ground. Erling slammed his fist into Zanton’s chin.He followed through with another punch that sent Zanton to the groundand Erling leapt on top of him. Zanton slugged Erling in the jaw,knocking him off. They continued to wrestle, fighting to get theupper hand.

Weakened from his wound, Erlingknew if he didn’t overpower Zanton quickly, he never would. He puthis attention on the Master once more. The universal life forceflowed through him, giving him strength and courage. Erling brokeaway from Zanton, grabbed his sword and leapt to his feet. He stoodabove Zanton, one of his sword blades ready to thrust into the King’sheart. “To avoid a war, I’ll spare your life if you agree toleave Jaipar and never return.”

Zanton’s sweat-slicked facecontorted and fear shone in his eyes. “I agree to your terms.”

“See that you keep yourpromise.” Erling removed the sword and Zanton rose to his feet.

“Look out!” Koriann screamedas guards grabbed Erling from behind. Erling fought to free himself.The guards held him fast and took his weapon.

Zanton snatched up his sword andmoved toward Erling with steely resolve and the threat of death inhis eyes.

“Erling won a fair fight! Helet you live. Where is your sense of honor?” Koriann yelled,struggling against the guard who restrained her.

Zanton swung his sword at Erling.A flash of light hit the sword and it froze in midair. The fierylight continued to travel down the sword and when it reached thehilt, Zanton gasped and dropped the weapon.

Michio stood with his handsraised, ready to hurl another beam of light.

“Kimes!” Zanton hissed. “Myguard should have killed you!” He shot a blast of negative energyat Michio.

Michio blocked it and the airbecame highly charged with the clash

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