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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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meeting was called to discuss what to do.”

Erling shook his head. “I neverliked Zanton, but I didn’t think he’d go that far. Doesn’t hewant Borko to remain a free planet?”

“Maybe he thinks by joiningforces with Samrat Condor, he’ll become the ruler of the wholeplanet.”

“You might be right.”

Toemeka wiped Erling’s sweatyforehead with a washcloth. “Sometimes I wish I wasn’t pregnant soI could be more involved with the effort to defend Jaipar.”

“Why didn’t you tell me youwere pregnant when you first came to the palace?”

“I was afraid if you knew you’dtreat me as Michio does. He seems to think I’m a fragile lily, butbeing pregnant doesn’t change my capabilities.”

“It’s against Coalitionpolicy for a pregnant woman to be on active duty.”

“Since when do you worry aboutrules and regulations?”

“There’s a reason for it. OnFlo Shah, you didn’t have your normal stamina.”

Her eyes flashed. “Watch it,Erling, I did better than you on that mission, so don’t get allmasculine and superior.”

“Point made.”

The door opened and Zacharyentered, still dressed in a flight suit. Erling grinned withpleasure. The slender youth’s bright orange-red hair was cut short,which only made his stuck-out ears more noticeable.

“Zac!” exclaimed Toemeka,embracing him.

“It’s good to see you again.”Zac hugged her with enthusiasm, then put his hand on Erling’sshoulder. “How are you doing, old scoundrel?”

“Been better. When did youarrive?”

“Just flew in.” Zac pulled upa chair and settled in. “Koriann told me what happened so I hurriedright over. Hendora and Onolyn will stop by later. I heard you foughta duel over Koriann. That’s pretty unusual these days. It’ll adda little more color to your already scandalous reputation.”

“Just what I need.”

“I’m glad to see you lookingso robust. After talking to Koriann, I thought you might be on yourdeathbed. King Zanton is a powerful man to cross.”

“He was trying to steal mywoman.”

Toemeka chuckled and Zac’sfreckled face lit up with a wide grin. Erling could see that hewasn’t going to let the duel slide.

“I don’t think King Zantonwould see it that way,” Zac said. “He was the one engaged toKoriann.” Zac gave an exaggerated sigh. “Here I was, aiming to bea ladies’ man, just like you. Now who am I going to emulate?”

“Try Jake,” Erling said,referring to his best friend back on Alandra. “He fits yourdescription perfectly. I’m afraid I never was the man you describe.I was just looking for the right woman.” Erling decided he’d beenteased enough; it was time to dish back. “Onolyn won’t like it ifyou become a womanizer.”

“Onolyn doesn’t much carewhat I do.”

“I’m sure that’s not true.She’s sweet on you.” Erling winked at Toemeka.

Zac flushed scarlet, even hisears burned red. “Well, I guess I’d better be shoving off. I’dlike to stay and chat, but I’ve got my orders. I’ll stop bybefore I leave.”

“What orders?” Erling startedto sit up, but the movement caused sharp pain. He gritted his teeth,wondering why the pain pills weren’t working yet.

“Are you all right?” Toemekaasked.

“I’m fine. Zac, where are yougoing?”

“Erling, you need to rest,”Toemeka injected. “We’d better go and let you sleep.”

“What are you two keeping fromme?” Erling asked. “What’s going on?”

Toemeka glanced at Zac, aresigned look coming over her face. “Go ahead and tell him, Zac.”

“Koriann is sending Onolyn andme to Haklute to spy on King Zanton. Hendora can’t go because she’sdelivering the information you and Toemeka stole to the nearestCoalition space station.”

“I’m in charge of the team.You and Onolyn can’t go anywhere unless I authorize it and I don’t.You two don’t have the experience to go undercover.”

Zac coughed uncomfortably.“Actually, Hendora is in charge until you recover and she agreeswith the Queen’s decision.”

Erling suppressed his annoyance.Zac respected him and Erling knew he had nothing to do with thedecision. “Thanks for telling me. I’ll talk to Kori.”

“Good idea. See you two later.”Zac hurried from the infirmary.

Erling steeled himself againstthe pain as he got out of bed. “Would you get my clothes, Toemeka?They’re in the closet.”

“What are you doing? Youshouldn’t be out of bed!”

“I’m capable of deciding whatI can and can’t do,” he snapped.

Toemeka’s face fell and heimmediately regretted being so cranky, but it was hard to be pleasantwhen he felt like hell. She brought his clothes and left the room.

Erling removed his hospital gownand glanced at the bandage stretched across his left side. Itprobably wastoosoon to be up, but Jaipar was on the brink of war. Every moment wasprecious. He dressed gingerly, then stuffed the bottle of pain pillsin his pants pocket and left the room.

As he passed the nursing station,Nurse Jetty said, “What are you doing out of bed?”

“I’m leaving.”

“You can’t leave! You justhad surgery.”

“I don’t have time to liearound the infirmary.”

“Dr. Tenzing’s orders are foryou to stay in bed and be monitored.”

“I’ll be back.”

He left her there, stillprotesting and walked to the council room. Inside he found Koriannand Michio with several military personnel, studying galactic maps.

“Kori, may I speak to you aminute?” Erling asked. He wiped the sweat off his forehead with hissleeve.

“Of course.” She turned backto Michio and her men. “Excuse me for a moment. Michio, take over.”

She followed Erling to the sideof the room for some privacy. “What are you doing out of theinfirmary?” she scolded softly. “You look terrible.”

Erling ignored her remark. “Ihear you’re sending Zac and Onolyn to Haklute to spy on Zanton. Whywasn’tIin on the decision?”

“You were in surgery.”

“You should have consulted meafter I got out of surgery.” He realized he’d raised his voicewhen General Dursky turned and looked at them.

“Keep your voice down,”Koriann said.

In a more controlled tone ofvoice, he continued, “You can’t send them there. They’re tooinexperienced.”

“Aren’t they trained as fieldagents?”

“They’re rookies. Zac onlyjoined the Coalition a couple of months ago and the only missionOnolyn’s been on is when we came here to overthrow General Bhandar.On that mission, you might recall, she panicked and blew her cover.Look, you can run your country any way you like, but Zac and Onolynare under my command. I’m responsible for them.”

She clasped his hand. “Calmdown, Erling, you’re overreacting. I’m not trying to take over.Toemeka didn’t think we should tell you because she was afraid youmight want to go.”

“And what’s wrong with that?”

She rolled her eyes to theceiling.

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