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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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at her dressing table,wearing a soft, flowing negligee with embroidered flowers and birds.Chandra crossed over to Koriann and began brushing her long,light-brown hair.

“I’m surprised to see youup,” Koriann said, turning to face him. Her eyes swept carefullyover him, registering concern. “You don’t look well. I checked onyou a short time ago and thought you’d sleep through the night. Youshould have sent for me rather than coming here.”

“Can we talk privately?”

“Of course.” Korianndismissed Chandra and invited Erling to sit down.

“I’d rather stand. I’msorry to intrude on you in your bedroom. I won’t stay long.”

“Erling!” Koriann got up andcrossed over to him. “Why are you acting like this?”

The dressing gown clungalluringly to her body and Erling knew he’d better get to the pointor he’d lose his resolve to share his concerns. “I think ourrelationship’s a mistake.” He grimaced. Thatcame out wrong.Not what he meant to say.

“What!” Koriann gasped.

“It won’t work with you beingQueen and making all the decisions.”

“We’ll make decisionstogether.”

“You didn’t include me inyour decision to send Onolyn and Zac to spy on King Zanton.”

“We already discussed that. Youwere in surgery.”

He leaned against the wall,feeling unsteady on his feet. “You could have waited until I wasout of surgery.”

“There was no need to. With youinjured, Hendora was in charge of the Coalition team and she was inon the plan.”

“It was disrespectful to bypassme. You just didn’t want me to be the one to spy on King Zanton.”

“No, I didn’t. You’reneeded here as head of Jaipar’s military.”

“I’m not the head of themilitary. I’m just working with your generals to build up Jaipar’sdefenses.”

“You’ve done more than that.You’ve taken charge of the military and organized the wholeplanet’s defense. And I backed you even when I was engaged to KingZanton.”

“Speaking of Zanton, you weresure quick to get engaged to him. I’d barely left Jaipar when youaccepted his offer of marriage. Are you sure you don’t really wantto marry royalty instead of a commoner?”

She flinched. “Are you sure youwant to marry at all? It seems like you’ve changed your mind andare backing out.”

“I’m not backing out. I justthought we should discuss our expectations before we leap intomarriage. “

Bright red spots appeared on hercheeks and fire glowed in her eyes. “Leap into marriage? Youproposed to me. I thought you wanted to get married.”

“I did. I do.”

“Get out! I don’t need a manwho isn’t ready to settle down. I knewyouwere a lady’s man and not to be trusted.”

“Kori, be reasonable.” Hishead pounded and he wished he hadn’t started this. He wasn’t upfor an argument. “Can we discuss this without making accusations?”

She shook with anger. “What’sto discuss? You decided you didn’t want any commitments orresponsibilities.” She strode to the door and yanked it open. “Getout!”

He closed it. “We’re not donetalking.”

“Yes we are. I want you toleave!” When Koriann turned the doorknob, he leaned against thedoor so it wouldn’t open.

“This is the whole problem.You’re used to being Queen and ordering people around.”

“That’s right. I’m Queenand I’m ordering you to leave.” She abruptly walked away and satback down at her dressing table. She picked up her brush and beganbrushing her hair with hard, aggressive strokes. “Get out or I’llcall my guards and have your head cut off!”

Erling smiled at the absurdity ofher remark. He walked over to her and stood behind her chair. Theireyes met in the mirror. “You’re going to cut off my head, huh?”

“Seems like a good idea.”

“I do want to marry you. It’sbeen torture watching you with Zanton. I couldn’t stand knowing youwere going to marry another man. I’m crazy in love with you.”

“So crazy in love with me youwant to break off our engagement?”

“I don’t want to break offthe engagement. I just want to clarify some things. We neverdiscussed what my role would be once we married or how the kingdomwould be run. I don’t want to be one of your servants or have myhead cut off if I don’t please you.”

Koriann stood up and faced him.“I already told you we would rule together. I’m sorry you feltdisrespected by not being included during the consultation about Zacand Onolyn’s mission. But try to see it from my viewpoint. I’vebeen Queen for two months and I’m already faced with the threat ofSamrat Condor’s air fleet attacking. Now King Zanton could turnagainst Jaipar as well. I’m doing the best I can to save mycountry.”

“By manipulating me? Not givingme a choice of whether to stay or go spy on Zanton’s militaryactivities? Making decisions about the Coalition team while I’mconveniently in surgery?”

“Conveniently in surgery? Youwere stabbed for God’s sake! I don’t consider that convenient.It’s upsetting. Maybe I’m selfish. Maybe I don’t want you tospy on Zanton because I don’t want you killed. I just spent thelast few days terrified that you’d be killed on your mission—andrightfully so. You were just about beaten to death and almostexecuted.”

“I hadn’t thought of it thatway.” He sat down on the bed. “I suppose you wereworried when I left.”

She squatted in front of him andtook his hands in hers. “I was terrified. You have to understandyou’re too important to go on missions now that you’re myintended and the head of the military.”

“I’m not used to being theguy in charge.” He pulled her up and she sat on the bed beside him.

“I’m not accustomed in beingin charge either. I’m used to being part of the Resistance underEmbrosa’s command and now I’m suddenly Queen. I want your helpruling Jaipar. Ruling’s hard and I’m young and inexperienced. Thegenerals don’t think I’m capable of being head of the military,but they respect you and will follow your command.”

“You think we can make thiswork, despite our class differences, our different backgrounds, andmy lack of training to be a ruler?”

“You’re a natural leader.”She held his eyes with hers. “We love each other. We can work outthe rest.”

He hoped she was right. “Areyou sure? I don’t want you to ever regret your decision.”

“I’m sure.” She moved intohis arms and he drew her close. Their mouths met in a deep kiss.

“I’m glad we straightenedthings out,” he said when they moved apart. He realized how closehe’d come to ruining

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