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Die Geschlechtsverhältnisse der Urzeit und die Entstehung der Ehe. Oldenburg, 1875.

129. POST, A. H.: Studien zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Familienrechtes. Bin Beitrag zu einer allgemeinen vergleichenden Rechtswissenschaft auf ethnologischer Basis. Oldenburg u. Leipzig, 1890.

130. POST, A. H.: Grundriss der ethnologischen Jurisprudenz. Oldenburg, 1894-1895. 2 Bde. Gr. 8vo. I. Bd., 1894, xii, 473 S.; II. Bd., 1895, xv, 744 S.

130 a. RADEMACHER, C.: Ueber die Bedeutung des Herdes. Am Ur-Quell, 1893. S. 57-60.

131. RAPHAEL, A.: Die Sprache der Proverbia qui dicuntur super naturam feminarum. Berlin, 1887. 8vo.

132. REINSBERG-DURINGSFELD, O. FREIH. r.: Die Frau im Sprichwort. Leipzig, 1862.

133. ROCCO, G.: La filosofia del matrimonio ed i mali individuali c sociali del divorzio. Napoli, 1892. 121 pp. 8vo.

134. ROGER, C.: Social Life in Scotland from Early to Recent Times. 3 Vols. Edinburgh, 1884-1886.

135. ROSENBAUM, J.: Geschichte der Lustseuche im Alterthume. 3 Abdr. Halle, 1882.

136. SABELLJIN, J.: History of Russian Life from the Oldest Times. [In Russian.] Moscow, 1876-1879. 1167 pp.

137. SAVAGE, M. J.: Man, Woman, and Child. Boston, 1884. 211 pp. 8vo.

138. SAYCE, A. H.: Social Life among the Assyrians and Babylonians. London, 1893. 126 pp.

139. SCHELLONG, O.: Ueber Familien-Leben und Gebrauche der Papuas der Umgebung von Finschhafen. Ztschr. f. Ethnol. (Berlin). XXL, Bd. (1889), S. 10-25.

140. SCHERER, O.: Bilder aus dem serbischen Volks-und Familienleben. Neusatz, 1882.

141. SCHEURL, O. v.: Das gemeine deutsche Eherecht. Erlangen, 1882.

142. SCHLAGINTWEIT, E.: Die Hindu-Wittwe in Indien. Globus. XLIII. Bd. (1883).

143. SCHMIDT, K.: Jus primae noctis. Freiburg im B., 1881.

144. SCHMIDT, K.: Der Streit uber das jus primae noctis. Ztschr. f. Ethnol. (Berlin). XVI. Bd. (1884), S. 18-59.

145. SCHROEDER, L. v.: Die Hochzeitsgebrauche der Esten und einiger anderer finnisch-ugrischen Volkerschaften in Vergleichung mit denen der indogermanischen Volker. Berlin, 1888.

146. SCHWIERIGER-LERCHENFELD, A. FREIH. v.: Das Frauenleben der Erde. Wien-Pest-Leipzig, 1881.

147. SIBREE, J.: Relationships and the Names used for them among the Peoples of Madagascar, etc. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. IX. (1879).

148. SIGHELE, L.: La foule criminelle. Paris, 1892. 185 pp. 8vo.

149. SMITH, E. M.: Woman in Sacred Song. A Library of Hymns, Religious Poems, and Sacred Music by Women. Compiled and edited by E. M. Smith (Mrs. G. C. S.). Boston, 1885. xl, 883 pp. 4to.

150. SMITH, MRS. BURTON: The Mother in Woman’s Advancement. Pop. Sci. Mo. (New York). Vol. XLVL. (1895), pp. 622-626.

151. SMITH, W. R.: Marriage and Kinship in Early Arabia. Cambridge, (Engl.), 1885.

152. STARCKE, C. N.: The Primitive Family in its Origin and Development. New York, 1889. 315 pp. 8vo.

153. STEIN, L. v.: Die Frau auf dem Gebiete der Nationalökonomie. 4. Aufl. Stuttgart, 1876.

154. STRICKER, W.: Ethnographisehe Untersuohungen über die kriegerischen Weiber (Amazonen) der alten and neuen Welt. Arch. f. Anthr. (Braunschweig). V. Bd. (1872), S. 220 ff, S. 451.

155. THULIÉ, H.: La Femme. Essai de sociologie, physiologie. Ce qu’elle a été, ce qu’elle est. Les théories: ce qu’elle doit être. Paris, 1885. 8vo.

156. TRASK, K.: Motherhood and Citizenship. Forum (New York). Vol. XVIII. (1895), pp. 607-618.

157. TREICHEL, A.: Lactation beim männlichen Geschlechte. Am Ur-Quell. IV. Bd. (1893), S. 70-71.

158. TRUMBULL, J. H.: On Algonkin Names for Man. Amer. Philol. Assoc. Trans. (1871), Hartford (Conn.), 1872, pp. 138-159.

159. TRUMBULL, H. C.: Studies in Oriental Social Life. Philadelphia,



160. UZANNE, O.: La femme à Paris. Nos Contemporaines. Paris, 1894. Gr. 8vo.

161. VILLEMONT, M.: Dictionnaire historique et scientifique de l’amour et du mariage. Paris, 1886. 489 pp. 12mo.

162. VOLKOV, T.: Rites et usages nuptiaux en Ukraine. Anthropologie (Paris). Vol. II. (1891), pp. 537-587; Vol. III. (1892), pp. 541-588.

163. WAKE, C. S.: The Development of Marriage and Kinship. London, 1889.

164. WASSEKZIEHER, DK.: Das Weib in der Sprache. Am Ur-Quell, III. Bd., S. 214-215.

165. WEINHOLD, K.: Die deutschen Frauen in dem Mittelalter. 2 Bde. 2. Aufl. Wien, 1882.

166. WESTERMARCK, C.: The History of Human Marriage. 2d ed. London and New York, 1894. xx, 644 pp. 8vo.

167. WIEDEMANN, A.: Die Milchverwandschaft im alten Aegypten. Am. Ur-Quell. III. Bd. (1892), S. 260-267.

168. WILKEN, G. A.: Das Matriarchat bei den alten Arabern. (Germ. Trans.) Leipzig, 1884.

169. WINTERNITZ, M.: On a Comparative Study of Indo-European Customs with Special Reference to the Marriage Customs. Trans. Intern. Folk-Lore, Congr. London, 1891.

170. WLISLOCKI, H. v.: Aus dem Volksleben der Magyaren. Ethnologische Mittheilungen. München, 1893.

171. WLISLOCKI, H. v.: Volksglaube und Volksbrauch der Siebenbürger Sachsen. Berlin, 1893.

172. WLISLOCKI, H. v.: Die Stamm-und Familienverhältnisse der transsilvanischen Zeltzigeuner. Globus. L. Bd. (1888), S. 183 fl.

173. ZANETTI, Z.: La medicina delle nostre donne. Studio folklorico. Castello, 1892. xviii, 271 pp. 8vo.

174. ZMIGRODZKI, M. v.: Die Mutter bei den Völkern des arisehen Stammes. Eine anthropologisch-historische Skizze als Beitrag zur Lösung der Frauenfrage. München, 1886. 444 S. 8vo.

175. ZUCCARELLI, A.: Divorzio e scienza antropologica. Napoli, 1893. 46 pp.


Following is a subject-index to the titles of Section A:—

Abnormal and delinquent, 49, 86, 104, 110, 116, 185, 148, 144, 148, l57. Africa, 14, 48. Amazons, 154. American Indians, 13, 27, 51, 52, 63, 69, 72, 73. Arabia, 80a, 151, 168. Assyria, 138. Australia, 54, 55-57.

Babylonia, 74, 138.

Celibacy, 71, 94. Ceylon, 10. Childbirth, l6a, 43, 48, 83. China, 81, 123. Chirography, 65, 66.

Divorce, 15, 25a, 47, 106, 183, 175.

Egypt, 19, 88. Epigram, 17, 45, 122, 126. Esthonian, 145. Evolution, 36, 37.

Family, 26, 32, 44, 68, 76, 89, 92, 99, 103, 119, 123, 128, 139, 140,

151, 152, 163, 166, 169.

Father, 114, 130a, 151. Father-right, 9, 82, 80, 114. Fiji, l6a. France, 85, 160.

Gender, 3, 68. Germany, 29, 81, 54, 98, 141, 165. Girls, 7, 54, 116. Gypsies, 172.

India, 5, 16, 85. Italy, 33, 173.

Japan, 7, 78, 105. Jews, 12, 41, 102.

Language, 19, 74, 158, 164. Literature, 78, 126.

Magyars, 170. Man, names for, 158. Marriage, 1, 10, 12, 13, 25a, 30, 31, 33, 41, 55-57, 68, 69, 72, 73, 88,

91, 98, 99, 102, 106, 109, 115, 141, 145, 151, 161-163, 166, 169.

Medicine, 173. Mexico, 8. Morals, 96. Mordwins, 109. Mother, 4, 39, 67, 150, 156, 174. Matriarchate and mother-right, 6, 9, 31, 32, 80, 168. Mother and child, 27. Mother-in-law, 17, 58. Mourning, 16. Mummy, 19.

New Britain, 30.

Old maids, 71. Oriental, 159.

Papua, 139. Poetry of motherhood, 39. Poets, 22, 149. Polyandry, 5, 40. Proverbs, 45, 132, 133.

Relationship, 13, 41, 108, 118, 147, 167. Religion, 73, 124. Rome, 92, 159. Royalty, 75. Russia, 84, 136.

Samoa, 89. Satire, 17, 45. Scotland, 134. Servia, 140. Sex-relations, 20, 28, 42, 46, 53, 54, 59, 60, 62, 64, 86, 90, 110, 120,

125, 128, 135, 137, 143, 144, 157, 161.

Siberia, 11. Slavonic, 87, 88. Sociology, 8, 25, 85, 51, 52, 81, 82, 84, 95, 100, 101, 107, 117, 127,

130, 184, 136, 138, 170, 172.


Tibet, 5. Transylvania, 171, 172. Turkey, 61, 80a.

Ukraine, 167. United States, 25a.

Woman, names for, 164. Woman’s position and labours, 2, 11, 21-24, 29, 34, 88, 46, 50, 61, 69, 77, 78, 80a, 85, 97, 104, 105, 111-118, 121, 122, 125, 132, 146, 158,

155, 160, 165.



176. “A.,” and MENELLA SMEDLEY: Poems Written for a Child.

177. “A.,” and MENELLA SMEDLEY: The Child’s World.

178. ADAMS, J. D.: Child-Life and Girlhood of Remarkable Women. New York, 1894.

179. AMÉLINEAU, E.: La Morale Égyptienne quinze siècles avant notre ère. Paris, 1892. lxxxviii, 261 pp. 8vo.

180. America’s Shame: Symposium on the Age of Consent Laws in the United States. Arena (Boston). Vol. XI. (1895), pp. 192-215.

180 a. AYRTON, M. C.: Child-Life in Japan. London, 1879. xx, 125 pp.

181. BABCOCK, W. H.: Games of Washington Children. Amer. Anthrop. (Washington). Vol. I. (1888), pp. 243-284.

182. BALDWIN, J. M.: Mental Development in the Child and the Race. Vol. I. Methods and Processes. New York, 1895. xvi, 496 pp. 8vo.

183. BALL, V.: Wolf-Reared Children in India. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. IX. (1879), pp. 465-474.

184. BAMFORD, MARY E.: Child-Life among the California Foot-Hills. Overl. Mo. (San Francisco). 2d ser. Vol. II. (1883), pp. 56-59.

184 a. BARNES, EARLE.: Theological Life of a California Child. Pedag. Sem. (Worcester, Mass.). Vol. II., 442-448.

185. BÄRNSTEIN, A. P. v.: Beiträge zur Geschichte mid Literatur des deutschen Studententhumes. Würzburg, 1882. xiii, 156 S. 8vo.

186. BOAS, F.: The Game of Cat’s Cradle. Intern. Arch. f. Ethnogr. I. Bd. (1888), S. 229.

187. BOLTON, H. C.: The Counting-Out Rhymes of Children, their Antiquity, Origin, and Wide Distribution. A Study in Folk-Lore. New York, 1888. ix, 123 pp. Gr. 8vo.

188. BONFIGLI, C.: Dei fattori sociali della pazzia in rapporto con l’educazione infantile. Roma, 1894.

189. BRAMHALL, MAE ST. JOHN: The Wee Ones of Japan. New York, 1894. 137pp. 12mo.

190. BRAMLEY, H. R., and JOHN STAINER: Christmas Carols New and Old. London, n.d. 94 pp.

191. BREWER, E. C.: A Dictionary of Miracles. London, 1884. xliv, 582 pp. 8vo.

192. BREWER, W. H.: The Instinctive Interest of Children in Bear and Wolf Stories. Proc. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sci. Vol. XLII. (1893), Salem, 1894, pp. 309-311.

193. BRINTON, D. G.: On the Physiological Correlations of Certain Linguistic Radicals. Amer. Orient. Soc. Proc., March, 1894, pp. cxxxiii-iv.

194. BROWN, H. W.: Some Records of the Thoughts and Reasonings of Children. From the Collection of Observations at the State Normal School at Worcester, Mass. Pedag. Sem. Vol. II. (1893), pp. 358-396.

195. BULWER-LYTTON, E. R.: Fables in Song. London, 1874.

196. BYJRNHAM, W. H.: The Study of Adolescence. Pedag. Sem. Vol. I. (1891), pp. 174-198.

197. CAMPBELL HELEN: Child-Life in the Slums of New York. Demorest’s Fam. Mag. (New York), 1892.

198. CARSTENS, H.: Die Schwalbe im Volksmunde und im Kinderlied. Am. Urdhs-Brunnen. II. Bd., S. 240-242.

198 a. CARSTENS, H.: Der Storch als heiliger Vogel im Volksmund und im Kinderlied. Am Urdhs-Srunnen. Heft 1, 1881, S. 12-14.

199. CARSTENSEN, H. H.: A B C Spiel. Am Ur-Quell. IV. Bd. (1893), S. 55, 150, 260; V. Bd. (1894), S. 114, 192, 290; VI. Bd. (1895), 42-3.

200. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: Notes on Indian Child-Language. Amer. Anthr. Vol. III. (1890), pp. 237-241.

201. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: Further Notes on Indian Child-Language. Ibid. Vol. VI. (1893), pp. 321-322.

202. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: The Use of Diminutives in -_ing_ by Some Writers in Low German Dialects. Public. Mod. Lung. Asso. Amer. Vol. VII. (1892), pp. 212-247.

203. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: The Coyote and the Owl (Tales of the Kootenay Indians). Mem. Intern. Congr. Anthr. (1893), Chicago, 1894, pp.



204. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: Human Physiognomy and Physical Characteristics in Folk-Lore and Folk-Speech. Journ. Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. VI. (1893), pp. 13-24.

205. CHERVIN, A.: Faut-il conper le frein de la Langue (Extr. de La Voix Parlée et Chantée, frévrier, 1894). Paris, 1894. 16 pp.

206. CHRISMAN, O.: Secret Language of Children. Science (New York). Vol. XXII. (1893), pp. 303-305.

207. Christmas with the Poets. London, n.d. x, 202 pp.

208. CLEVELAND, DUCHESS OF: The True Story of Kaspar Hauser. From Official Documents. London and New York, 1893. 122pp. Sm. 8vo.

209. COFFIGNON, A.: L’Enfant à Paris. Paris, 1890. xxii, 440 pp.

210. CORIVEAU, A.: La Santé de nos Enfants. Paris, 1890. 288 pp. 8vo.

211. CUIR, A. F.: Les Petits Écoliers. Lectures morales sur les Défauts et les Qualités des Enfants. Paris, 1893. 12mo.

212. CULIN, S.: Street Games of Brooklyn. Journ. Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. IV. (1891), pp. 221-236.

213. CULIN, S.: Exhibit of Games in the Columbian Exposition. Ibid. Vol. VI. (1893), pp. 205-227.

214. DANIELS, A. H.: The New Life: A Study of Regeneration (Repr. from Amer. Journ. Psych., Vol. VI., 1893, pp. 61-106). Worcester, Mass., 1893. 48 pp. 8vo.

215. DENEUS, CLÉMENT.: De la Réserve

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