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der Litauer, Slaven, Germanen, Griechen und Romer, in ihrem geschichtlichen Ursprunge. Berlin, 1881. xvi, 496 S. 8vo.

493. LIPPERT, J.: Allgemeine Geschichte des Priestertums. 2 Bde. Berlin,



494. LUBBOCK, J.: The Pleasures of Life. Philadelphia, 1894. xiv, 332 pp. 12mo.

495. LUMHOLTZ, C.: Among Cannibals. London, 1889. 395 pp. 8vo.

496. MACCAULEY, C.: The Seminole Indians of Florida. Fifth Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol. (Washington), pp. 469-535.

496 a. MACKAY, CHARLES: Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions. 3 vols. London, 1841.

497. MACKENZIE, A.: Descriptive Notes on Certain Implements, Weapons, etc., from Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C. Trans. Hoy. Soo. Canada, 1891, Sect. II., pp. 45-59.

497a. MALLERY, G.: Sign-Language among North American Indians compared with that among other Peoples and Deaf Mutes. First Ann. Sep. Bur. Ethnol. (1879-80). Washington, 1881. pp. 263-552.

498. MANN, H.: On the Aboriginal Inhabitants of the Andaman Islands. London, 1884. xxviii, 224, and 73 pp. 8vo.

499. MANTEGAZZA, P.: Physiognomy and Expression. London, 1890. x, 327 pp. 8vo.

500. MARTINENGO-CESARESCO, COUNTESS E.: Essays in the Study of Folk-Song. London, 1886. 8vo.

501. MATTHEWS, W.: The Human Bones of the Hemenway Collection in the U. S. Army Medical Museum at Washington. Nat. Acad. of Sci., Vol. VI., Seventh Memoir, pp. 139-286.

502-503. McGEE, W. J.: The Earth the Home of Man (Anthrop. Soc. of Washington, Special Papers, No. 2). Washington, 1894. 28pp. 8vo.

504. MIKHAILOVSKII, V. M.: Shamanism in Siberia and European Russia. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. XXIV. (1894-5), pp. 62-110.

505. MONTEIRO MARIANA: Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People. New York, 1887. vii, 274 pp. 8vo.

506. MOONEY, J.: Myths of the Cherokees. Jour. Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. I. (1888), pp. 97-108.

507. MOONEY, J.: Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees. Seventh Ann. Sep. Bur. of Ethnol. (Washington, 1891.) pp. 306-395.

508. MÜLLENHOFF, K.: Sagen, Märchen und Lieder der Herzogthümer Schleswig-Holstein und Lauenburg. Kiel, 1845. 8vo.

509. MÜLLER, J. G.: Geschichte der amerikanischen Urreligionen. Basel, 1867. viii, 706 S. 8vo.

510. MÜLLER, F. MAX: Natural Religion (Gifford Lectures, 1888). London, 1889. six, 608 pp. 8vo.

511. MÜLLER, F. MAX: Anthropological Religion. London, 1892. 486 pp. 8vo.

512. MÜLLER, F. MAX: Physical Religion. London, 1891.

513. MÜLLER, F. MAX: Theosophical Religion. London, 1892.

514-515. MURDOCH, J.: Ethnological Results of the Point Barrow Expedition. Ninth Ann. Sep. Bur. Ethnol., pp. 3-441.

516. NELSON, W.: The Indians of New Jersey. Paterson, N.J., 1894 168 pp. 8vo.

517. POLLE, F.: Wie denkt das Volk fiber die Sprache? Leipzig, 1889.

518. Popular Science Monthly (The). New York. Vols. I.-XLVI. (1871—



519. POWERS, S.: Tribes of California (_Contrib. to North Amer. Ethnol.,_ Vol. III.). Washington, 1877. 635 pp. 4to.

520. RALSTON, W. R.: Russian FolkTales. New York, 1873. 388 pp. 8vo.

521. RAND, S. T.: Legends of the Micmaos. New York and London, 1894. xlvi, 452 pp. 8vo.

522. RAU, C.: Von Martius on Some Points of South American Ethnology. Journ. Anthrop. Inst. (New York). Vol. I. (1871-72), pp. 43-46.

523. RECLUS, E.: Primitive Folk. Studies in Comparative Ethnology. London, 1890. xiv, 339 pp. 8vo.

524. RIGGS, S. R.: Dakota Grammar, Texts, and Ethnography (Contrib. to North Amer. Ethnol., Vol. IX.). Washington, 1893. 239pp. 4to.

525. RINK, H.: Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo. London, 1874. xiii, 472 pp. 8vo.

526. ROLLAND, E.: Faune Populaire de la France. 6 vols. Paris, 1877—



527. ROSKOFF, G.: Das Religionswesen der rohesten Naturvolker. Leipzig, 1880. xiv, 179 S. 8vo.

528. SARTORI, P.: Sondersprachen. Am Ur-Quell. V. Bd. (1894), S.

72-78, 99-100.


529. SCHULTZE, F.: Fetichism. A Contribution to Anthropology and the History of Religion. Trans. J. Fitzgerald. New York, 1885. 112 pp. 8vo.

530. SCHURTZ, H.: Grundzuge einer Philosophic der Tracht. Stuttgart, 1891, 148 S. 8vo.

531. SESSIONS, F.: Three Epics of Heroes (Folk-Lore Topics, No. 1). Repr. from Gloucester (England) Journal, Jan. 6, 1894. 8 pp.

532. SIMROOK, K.: Deutsche Mythologie. Sechste durchgeseh. Aufl. Bonn, 1887. xii, 643 S. 8vo.

533. SIMSON, A..Notes on the Jivaros and Canelos Indians. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London), 1879, pp. 385-394.

534. SMITH, MRS. E. A.: Myths of the Iroquois. Sec. Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethn. (1880-81), Washington, 1883, pp. 47-116.

535. SMITH, W. R.: Lectures on the Religion of the Semites. First Series. Fundamental Institutions. New York, 1889. xii, 488 pp. 8vo.

536. STEINEN, K. v. DEN: Unter den Naturvolkern Zentral-Brasiliens. Berlin, 1894.

537. STEINMETZ, S. R.: Ethnologische Studien zur ersten Entwickelung der Strafe, nebst einer psychologischen Abhandlung uber Grausamkeit und Rachsucht. 2 Bde. Leiden, 1894. xiv, 486; vii, 425 S. Gr. 8vo.

538. STEVENSON, MATILDA C.: The Sia. Eleventh Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol., pp. 3-157.

539. SWAINSON, C.: The Folk-Lore and Provincial Names of British Birds. London, 1886. viii, 243 pp. 8vo.

540. SYMONDS, J. A.: Popular Songs of Tuscany. Fortn. Rev. (London). Vol. XX. (1873), pp. 596-613.

541. TARDE, G.: Les lois de l’Imitation. Étude Sociologique. Paris, 1890. viii, 431 pp. 8vo.

542. TEMPLE, R. C.: The Legends of the Panjâb. 2 vols. London, n.d. xxvii, 546; xxii, 580 pp. 8vo.

543. THEAL, G. McC.: Kaffir FolkTales. London, 1886. xii, 226 pp. 8vo.

544. TURNER, L. M. Ethnology of the Ungava District, Hudson Bay Territory. Eleventh Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol. (Washington), pp.



545. TYLOR, E. B.: Primitive Culture. Researches into the Development of Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Language, Art, and Custom. Third Amer. ed., 2 vols. New York, 1878.

545 a. VANCE, L. J.: The Meaning of Folk-Dance. Open Court (Chicago). Vol. VIII. (1894), pp. 4069-4070.

546. WALLASCHEK, R.: Primitive Music. London, 1893. xi, 326 + 8 pp. 8vo.

547. WEIL, G.: The Bible, the Koran, and the Talmud; or Biblical Legends of the Mussulmans. New York, 1846. xvi, 264 pp. 8vo.

548. YARROW, H. C.: Introduction to the Study of Mortuary Customs among the North American Indians. Washington, 1880. ix, 114 pp. 4to.

549. YARROW, H. C.: A Further Contribution to the Study of the Mortuary Customs of the North American Indians. First Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol. (1879-1880), Washington, 1881, pp. 87-203.





Aber. Adams. Addy. Aeschylus. Alcibiades. D’Alviella. Amelineau. American Anthropologist. American Notes and Queries. Am Urdhs-Srunnen. Am Ur-Quell. Andersen. Andran. Angas. Anstey. Apocrypha. Apuleius. Arabian Nights. Arena. Aristotle. Arnim (v.). Aston. Auerbach. D’Aunoy.

Bachofen. Bacon. Baegert. Bagehot. Ball. Ballou. Bancroft. Barbosa. Baring-Gould. Barrie. Barrington. Bartels. Bastian. Baumbach. Beauchamp. Beckler. Beecher. Beethoven. Bergen. Berendt. Bible. Black. Blake. Boas. Bodin. Boceder. Boileau. Bolton (H. C.). Bolton (T. L.). Bosman. Bourke. Brainerd. Bramhall. Brand. Brewer (J. C.). Brewer (W. H.). Bridges. Bridgman. Brinton. Brown. Browning (E. B.). Browning (R.). Buddha. Burchard. Burns. Burton. Buschmann. Busk. Byron.

Calderon. Callaway. Carlyle. Carové. Carstens. Carstensen. Castren. Catholic World. Catlin. Cato. Catullus. G. F. P. Celsus. Century Dictionary. Century Magazine. Champlain. Chamberlain (A. F.). Chamberlain (B. H.). Chamisso. Chantimpre (de). Chapman. Chatelain. Chaucer. Cherubina. Cherubini. Chervin. Chrisman. Cicero. Clark. Clemens. Cleveland. Clodd. Clot-Bey. Clouston. Codriugton. Coleridge (H.). Coleridge (S. T.). Collins. Confucius. Connor. Constantine. Cornelia. Cowper. Crashaw. Crawford. Culin. Cuoq. Current Literature. Cushing. Czaky.

Daniels. Danneil. Dante. Dargun. Darmesteter (Mrs.). Darwin (C.). Darwin (E.). David. Dawson. Day. De Gubernatis. De Meung. Deneus. De Quincey. Desaivre. De Vere. Dialect Notes. Dickens. Dio Cassius. Diocletian. Dirksen. Disraeli. Doddridge. Dodge. Donaldson. Dorsey. Douglas. Dreyling. Drummoud. Dryden. Duncan. Du Vair. Dyer.

Earle. Earwaker. Eastman. Ebers. Eells. Eibler. Eichhorn. Ellis (A. B.). Ellis (H.). Ellis (W.). Emerson (Mrs. E. E.). Emerson (R. W.). Engelhus. Engels. Eotvos. Epictetus. Erman. Estienne. Euripides. Eyre.

Falkner. Farrar. Fay. Feilberg. Fenelon. Ferguson. Feuerbach. Fewkes. Fischer, 20. Fletcher (Miss A. C.). Fleteher (R.). Folk-Lore Journal. Folkard. Ford. Franck. Frankel. Franklin. Fraser. Frazer. Friend. Froebel. Fruit. Fuller. Furnivall.

Gaidoz. Garbe. Garnett. Gatsehet. Gerarde. Gibbs. Gill. Girard-Teulon. Gladstone. Goethe. Goltz. Goldsmith. Gomme (Miss A.). Gomme (L.). Gore. Gould. Gray. Gregoire. Gregor. Griffis. Grimm (J.). Grinnell. Groth. Guérin. Guppy.

Haas. Haberlandt. Hale. Haliburton. Hall (Bishop). Hall (G. S.). Halleck. Handel. Hanoteau. Han Wân-Rung. Hare. Harley. Harrison. Hartland. Hartmann von Aue. Haskell. Hawthorne. Hazlitt. Held (v.). Henderson. Henne am Rhyn. Heraclitus. Herbert. Herder. Herodotus. Herrick. Hesso. Heywood. Hiawatha. Higginson. Hitopadesa. Höfler. Hoffman. Holmes. Hölty. Homer. Hopf. Horace. Hose. Howitt. Hübner. Hughes. Hugo. Humphrey. Hun. Hunt.

Immermann. Im Thurn. Irving. Isaiah.

Jean Paul (Richter). Jesus. Job. Joel. Johnson (G. E.). Johnson (J. H.). Johnson (S.). Journal of American. Folk-Lore. Journ. of Anthrop. Inst. Joubert. Justinian. Juvenal.

Kane. Kant. Keble. Klemm. Kluge. Knortz. Koran. Krauss. Kulischer. La Bruyère. Lacretelle. Laflteau. Lallemand. Lander. Landor. Lang. Langdale. La Rochefoucauld. Lebbe. Legge. Leland. Le Play. Lescarbot. Lessing. Letourneau. Lippert. Livy. Locke. Lombroso (C.). Lombroso (P.). Longstaff. Longfellow. Lope de Vega. Loubens. Lowell. Lübben. Lubbock. Luke, (St.). Lumholtz. Lummis. Luther. Lycurgus. Lytton.

Maaler. Macaulay. MacCauley. Macdonald. MacKay. Mackenzie. Maclean. Macmillan’s Magazine. Madden. Mahomet. Mahoudeau. Maikhallovskii. Maine. Mallery. Man. Manouvrier. Mantegazza. Manu. Marco Polo. Martinengo-Cesaresco. Martins (v.). Marvell. Mason. Matthew (St.). Matthews. Maundeville. Maximus. McGee. McLennan. Menander. Mercer. Metastasio. Meung (de). Meyer. Michelet. Miklucho-Maclay. Miles. Miller (J.). Miller (W.). Milman. Milton. Mirabeau. Moisset. Mommsen. Mone. Montaigne. Monteiro. Montesinos. Mooney. Morgan. Morley. Mozart. Müllenhoff. Müller (F. Max). Müller (J. G.). Murdoch.

Napoleon. Nelson. Newell. Niebuhr. Norton. Novalis.

Opitz. Orientalist. Ortwein. Ossian. Ovid.

Paul (St.). Pechuel-Loesche. Peckham. Penn. Percival. Perdrizet. Perrault. Peschel. Petronius Arbiter. Pfeffel. Phaedrus. Philo. Philosophical Magazine. Pindar. Pistorius. Pitré’. Plato. Pliny (Elder). Pliny (Younger). Ploss. Plutarch. Pokrovski. Polle. Polydore Virgil. Pope. Popular Science Monthly. Porter. Post. Pott. Powell. Powers. Praed. Preyer. Procopius. Proctor. Psychological Review. Public Opinion. Puttenham. Pythagoras.

Quarterly Review.

Rabelais. Rademacher. Raghuvansa. Ralston. Rameses. Rand. Rau. Rauber. Reclus. Riccardi. Ricnter (see Jean Paul). Riggs. Rink. Robinson. Rockhill. Romanes. Roscommon. Rousseau. Rückert. Ruskin. Russell.

Sangermano. Sartori. Scaliger. Schallenberger. Schambaeh. Schell. Schiller. Schlagintweit. Schlegel. Schomburgk. Schopenhauer. Schottel. Schultze. Schurtz. Scott (C. N.). Scott (W.). Scudder. Sébillot. Sembrzycki. Sessions. Shakespeare. Shelley. Shenstone. Shirley. Sibree. Sidney. Simons. Simrock. Simson. Skeat. Sleeman. Smith (E.). Smith (J.). Smith (R.). Smith (S. F.). Socrates. Soest (v.). Solomon. Solon. Sophocles. Southey. Spencer. Spenser. Spurgeon. Squier. Stanton. Starr. Stead. Steel. Steineu (v. den). Stevenson. St. Francis. Stoddard. St. Pierre. Strack. Strype. Sully. Sundermann. Svetchin. Swainson. Sweeny. Swinburne (A. C.). Swinburne (Judge). “Sylvanus Urban.” Symonds.

Tacitus. Talmud. Tarde. Tasso. Temple. Tennyson. Terence. Thales. Theal. Theocritus. Thiele. Thom. Thomson. Thoreau. Tillaux. Tilte. Tigri. Tobler. Toldoth Jesu. Tora. Tracy. Treichel. Trumbull (H. C.). Turner. Turner (G.). Turner (L. N.). Tylor.

Uhland. Valentinian. Valerius. Vambéry. Vance. Vaughan. Vedas. Vere (de). Verney. Virgil. Vogelweide. Volliner. Vossius.

Wallace. Wallaschek. Warton. Warren. Watson. Weber. Webster. Wedgwood. Weigand. Weil. West. Westermarck. Whittier. Wiedemann. Wieland. Wiltse. Winternitz. World Almanac. Wordsworth. Wulfila.

Xenophon. Xenophanes.

Yarrow. Young.

Zachariä. Zanetti. Zendrini. Ziller. Zimmermann. Zmigrodzki. Zoroaster.





Abipones. Abu-Zabel. Accadians. Achomâwi. Afghan. Africa. Ainu (Ainos). Alabama. Alarsk. Alaska. Albania. Albany. Alemanian. Alfurus. Algeria. Algonkian (Algonquin). Alleghanies. Alsace. Altai. Altmark. Amazulu. Ambamba. Amboina. America. Anahuac. Andalusia. Andaman Islands. Angola. Angoy. Anjou. Annam (Annamites). Apaches. Arabia (Arabs). Aramæan. Arapahos. Ararat, Mt. Araucanians. Arawak. Arcadia. Ardennes. Arekuna. Argentine. Arizona. Armenia (Armenian). Aryan. Ashanti. Asia. Asia Minor. Assyria. Aston. Athens. Aurora. Australia (Australians). Austria. Aveyron. Aztecs (see Nahuatl, Mexico).

Badagas. Baden. Baffin Land. Bajansi. Bakaïri. Bakulai. Balanta. Bâle. Bamberg. Bambuk. Bampton. Banians. Banks Islands. Basques. Basutos. Battas. Bavaria. Bayreuth. Bechuanas. Bedouins. Beit-Bidel. Belford. Belgium. Bengal (Bengalese). Berg. Bern. Berwickshire. Beverly. Bielefeld. Bilqula (Bella Coola). Blackfoot (Blackfeet). Boeotia. Bohemia. Bologna. Bomba. Bomma. Bonyhad. Borneo. Bornoo (Bornu). Bosnia. Boston. Boxley. Brabant. Brahmans. Brazil. Bremen. Brerton. Breslau. British Columbia. Brittany (Breton). Brooklyn. Buckinghamshire. Buddhists. Bulgaria. Burgundians. Burma (Burmese). Buru. Buryats (Buriats). Byzantium.

Caddos. Cakchiquels. Calabar. Calabria. California. Cambridge. Canada. Canary Islands. Canterbury. Cape Breton. Cape York. Caribs. Carinthia. Camatic. Carthage. Castilian. Çatloltq. Cuyuse. Celebes. Celts (Celtic). Central America. Ceylon. Chalons. Champagne. Cbarlbury. Cherokees. Chester. Chetimachus. Chiapas. Chibchas. Chickasaws. Chilli. China (Chinese). Chinantec. Chinchas. Chinook. Chippeway (Ojibwa). Chiquito. Choctaw. Cholona. Clonmel. Coçonino. Colchester. Colhuacan. Comanches. Colne. Cologne. Congo.

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