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Connecticut. Coomassie. Coptic. Cornwall (Cornish). Cossacks. Cotas. Cracow. Cree. Creeks. Crete. Cronstadt. Cumberland. Czechs. Czernowitz.

Dakotas. Damaras. Damascus. Dardistan. Darfur. Darien. Deeping. Delaware. Delawares. Denmark (Danish). Devonshire. Dieyerie. Ditmarsh. Dnieper. Dodona. Donegal. Doracho. Dravidian. Dutch. Dvina. Dyaks.

East Indies. Egypt (Egyptian). Elberfeld. Elbing. England (English). Ermeland. Erzgebirge. Eskimo (Esquimaux). Essenes. Essex. Esthonia (Esthonian). Eton. Etruscan. Euphrates. Europe. Ewe. Eynsham.

Feddringen. Fernando Po. Fiji. Finland (Finns). Flat Heads. Florence. Florida. Föhr. France (French). Franconia. Franks. Friburg. Frisian. Fuegians. Fulas.

Gaelic. Galibi. Galicia. Ganges. Gauls. Geneva. Genoa. Georgia. Gerbstädt. Germany (German). Gilolo. Glastonhnry. Gloucester. Godstowe. Gothic (Goths). Göttingen. Greece (Greek). Greenland. Grodno. Gualalas. Guarani. Guarayo. Guatemala. Guiana. Guinea. Gujurat. Gypsies.

Hackney. Haddenham. Haidas. Hameln. Hanafi. Hanover. Hare Indians. Harz. Havel. Hawaii (Hawaiian). Hebrews (Jews). Heide. Heliopolis. Hellene. Herefordshire. Hervey Islands. Hesse. Heston. Heton. Hichitis. Hidatsa. High-Coquetdale. Himalayas. Hindus (Hindoos). Holland. Honduras. Hopi. Hottentots. Houghton. Hovas. Hungary (Hungarian). Huns. Huntingdonshire. Hupas. Hurous.

Iceland (Icelandic). India. Indians, American (see also various tribal names). Indo-Iranian. Innspruck. Iowa. Ipurucoto. Ireland (Irish). Iroquois. Ishogo. Isleta. Islington. Italy (Italian).

Jamaica. Japan (Japanese). Jasmund. Java. Jericho. Jews (see Hebrews). Jivaro.

Kabinapek. Kabylia (Kabyles). Kaffirs (Kafirs). Kalispelm. Kallundborg. Kalmucks. Kammin. Kamtschatka. Kansa. Kansas. Karaïbi. Karankawa. Karok. Káto Pomo. Kei Islands. Kent. Kentucky. Kherson. Khonds. Khyens. Kiché (Quiché). Kilkenny. Kingsmill Islands. Kingston. Klamath. Knutsford. Kolosh. Kols (Kolhs). Königsberg. Konow. Kootenays. Korosi. Kwakiutl.

Labrador. Lambeth. Laon. Lapps. Latin (Roman). Latuka. Leipzig. Lewis. Liberia. Libya. Liege. Lille. Lincolnshire. Lithuania. Loango. Loire. London. Louisiana. Lourdes. Low German. Lowland Scotch. Lüneburg. Lusatia. Lycia.

Madagascar. Magyars. Maine. Makusi (Macusi). Malabar. Malay. Malaysia. Mandans. Mandingos. Mangaia. Mansfeld. Maoris. Mark. Marquesas Islands. Marutse. Maryland. Massachusetts. Mataria. Matchlapi. Maya. Mazatec. Mecklenburg. Meesow. Meiderich. Melanesia. Menomoni. Mesopotamia. Messenia. Mexico (Mexican). Miao-tse. Micmacs. Micronesia. Milan. Minahassers. Mincopies. Mingrelia. Mississagas. Mississippi. Miwok. Moabites. Modocs (Modok). Mohaves. Mohammedans (Moslems). Moki (Moqui). Moluccas. Monbuttu (Monboddo). Mongols. Montenegro. Monte Pulciano. Moors. Moravians. Moree. Moslems (Muslim, Mussulmans). Mosquito. Mota. Mpongwe. Mull. Munda Kols. Mundombe. Murs. Muskogees. Mussulmans. Muzo. Nah’ane. Nahuatl (Aztec). Nairs. Namaqua. Naples. Navajos (Navahos). Negritos. Neo-Latin (Romance). Netherlands. Neuchâtel. Neu-Stettin. Newcastle-on-Tyne. New England. New Guinea. New Hampshire. New Hebrides. New Jersey. New Mexico. New York. New Zealand. Nias. Nicaragua. Nile. Nilgiris (Neilgherries). Nipissings. Nishinam. Niskwalli. Nootkas. Normandy. North Carolina. Northumberland. Norway (Norwegian). Norwich. Nova Scotia. Ntlakyapamuq. Nubia. Nürnberg.

Ojibwa (see Chippeway). Okanak-en. Oldenburg. Omagua. Omahas. Oraibi. Oranienburg. Oregon. Oriental. Ossetic. Ostiaks. Otranto. Oude. Ovaherero. Oxfordshire.

Pádam. Padua. Palestine. Pali. Pampas. Panjâb (Punjab). Papuans. Paraguay. Parsees. Patwin. Pawnees. Peake River. Pelew Islands. Pennsylvania. Penobscots. Pentlate. Persia (Persian). Peru (Peruvian). Philadelphia. Philippine Islands. Phoenicia. Phrygia. Piutes. Plattdeutsch. Podolia. Poitou. Poland. Polynesia. Pomerania. Porno. Ponkas. Pontmain. Pontoise. Portugal (Portuguese). Prussia. Pt. Barrow. Pudu-vayal. Pueblos Indians. Puharies. Pyrenees.

Quedlmburg. Queen Charlotte Islands. Queensland. Queres. Quichés (Kichés).

Rackow. Rapstede. Rarotonga. Reddies. Rees. Regenwald. Rhode Island. Rio Grande. Rio Nunez. Ripon. Rome (Roman). Rotherham. Roumania. Rügen. Russia (Russian).

Sahaptin. Sahara. Sakalavas. Salisbury. Salish. Salzburg. Samoa. Samoyeds. Sandeh. Sanskrit. Santals. Sappendelf. Saracens. Sarcees. Saxony. Scandinavian. Sehaffhausen. Schleswig-Holstein. Scotland (Scotch). Seminoles. Semites (Semitic). Semnoues. Senegambia. Servia (Servian). Seville. Shasta. Shawnees. Shekiani. Shropshire. Shushwaps. Sia. Siam. Siberia. Sicily (Sicilian). Sierra Leone. Silesia. Silt. Siouan (Sioux). Slavonian (Slavonic). Snanaimuq. Society Islands. Soissons. Soleure. Sollinger Wald. Solomon Islands. Somali. Songi. Songish. Soudan. South America. South Carolina. Spain (Spanish). Spanish-American. Sparta. Stapelholm. Steiermark. St. Ives. St. Petersburg. Strassburg. Suevi. Sunderland. Suru. Susu. Sumatra. Swabia. Sweden (Swedish). Switzerland (Swiss). Syriac.

Tacana. Tafllet. Tagals. Tahiti. Tamil. Tamanako. Tarahumari. Tartars. Tasmanians. Tedâ. Tehua. Telugu. Teton. Teutonic. Texas. Thames. Thuringia. Tiber. Tibet. Tierra del Fuego. Tigris. Timbuktu (Timbuctoo). Tinné. Tiszla-Eszlar. Tlingit. Todas. Tondern. Tonga. Tongatabu. Tonkawe’. Tonningstedt. Tonquin. Transylvania. Trent. Treves. Tshi (see Ashanti). Tsimshian. Tuareg. Tunguses. Tupende. Tupi. Turko-Tartars. Turks. Tusayan. Tuscany. Twana. Tyre. Tyrol. Tzendals.

Ukrain. Uliase Islands. Ungava. United States. Unyoro. Utes.

Vancouver Island. Vaud. Venezuela. Vermont. Virginia. Visigoths. Vitilevu. Volga.

Wailakki. Wakikuyu. Wales (Welsh). Wallachia. Walla-Walla. Walpi. Wanika. Wasco. Washington. Wazaramo. Wazegua. Wends. Westminster. Westphalia. Whida. Winchester. Wingrove. Winnebagos. Wintun. Wisconsin. Wiyots. Wrek. Wurtemburg. Würzburg. Wyoming.

Yahgans. Yao. Yaqui. Yeddavanad. Yezo (Yesso). Yokaia. York. Yorkshire. Yoruba. Yucatan. Yuchi. Yuke. Yuki. Yukon. Yurok.

Zanzibar. Zend. Zulus. Zuñi. Zürich.





Abandonment. Abba. Abbas. Abbot. Abbreviations. ABC. —rhymes. Abeona. Abortion. Abraham. Abyss-mother. Accouchement. Acolytes. Actions, goddess of. Activities of childhood. Acting (actor). Adam. Adam. Adebar. [Greek: adelphos]. Adeona. Adolescence. Adoption. Adult. Adventures. AEsculapius. Affection. Age of consent. of marriage. Agenona. Agni. Agriculture. Akka. Albinos. Alcohol. All-father. “All-fathers.” “All Fools’Day.” Alliteration. All-mother. Alma mater. Alphahet. —rhymes. Alumna, alumnus. Amicus and Amelias. Amun (Amon). Amusements. Anahita. Ancestor-worship. Angakok (child). Angels. Animal-food. —gods. —language. —nurses. —oracles. —tamer. Animals. and Christ. Ankle-deep. “Annexes.” Answers (parents’). Antelope-boy. Antennaria. Anthropometry. [Greek: anthropos]. Anti-Semitism. Aphrodite. Apple-pips. —temptation. Apples. Ararat, Mt. Arm’s length. Art. Artemis. Artemisia. Ash. Ashes. Ashtaroth. Aspen. Ass. Astarte. Aster. Atta. Attila. Atys. Awakening of soul.

B. A. Babe. Babel. “Babes in wood.” Babies. “Babies in eyes.” “Babies’ breath.” “Babies’ feet.” Babies’ food. “Babies’ slippers.” Babies’ souls. “Babies’ toes.” Baby. —signs for. —words for. —basket. “Baby blue-eyes.” “Baby-bunting.” Baby-carrier. “Baby-talk.” Bacchus. Bachelors. Bairn. Balams. Ballads. Bambino, Santo. Band of Hope. Bands of Mercy. Bandchen. Baptism. —(blood). —(fire). “Bar.” “Barbara Allen.” Barbarossa. Basil. Bastard. Bathing. Batyushka. Baucis. Bayaderes. Bay-tree. B. D. Beans. Bear (to). Bear-boy. —girl. —lick. —stories. Bears. Beast-children. —oracles. Beating. “Beating the Bounds.” Beauty. —bath. Bed. Bees. Begetting. Bel. Belit. Bell. “Bellypaaro.” Berselia. Berusjos. Bhavani. Bible-verses. Bibliography. Bidhata-Purusha. “Billing and cooing.” “Binder.” Bird-language. —messenger. —oracle. —soul. Birds. —of Christ. Birth, birth-myths. —days. —marks. —of Christ. Bitch-nurse. Biting. “Black art.” Blackness of raven. Blason populaire. Blessing. “Blind-man’s buff.” Blindness. Blizzard. Blood. “Blood-clot Boy.” Blood-covenant. “Bloody Tom.” Blossoming. Blow (to). “Bluebirds.” “Blue-eyed babies.” Blue-ribbon Clubs. Body. Bogies. Bojiwassis. Bona dea. —_mater._ Bonaparte. Bones. “Boo.” “Boo Man.” Born (to be). “Borough-English.” Bounds. Bow-and-arrows. Boy. Boy-bards. —bishop. —code. —colonies. —cornstealer. —gangs. —heroes. —husband. —martyrs. —“medicine man.” —moots. —oracle. —pope. —priest. —shaman. —societies. —travellers. —weather-maker. —whale-catcher. —wonder-worker. Boyish excesses. Boys. “Boys and Girls.” Boys’ Clubs. “Boys’ love.” Bread. “Bread and butter.” Breath. “Bremen geese.” “Brew and Bake.” Bridal of earth and sky. Bride. Bridegroom. Bridle (tongue). Brightness of sun. Bright side of child-life. Broom. Brother (bone). (younger). Brotherhoods. Brother-stars. Bruises. “Bub.” Bube. Bud. Buddha. Bulbulhezar. “Bull-roarer.” Buried armies. Buschgroszmutter. Butter. Butterfly. Butz.

Cabbages. Cackling. Calandrina. Calf. Calling. Camoaena. Candy. Cannibals. Canoes. Caprimulgus. Carduus marianus. Carna. Carving. Caste. Casting dice. lots. “Cat-language.” Cato. “Cat’s cradle.” Cattle. “Caught.” Caul. Caves. Cedar. Cereal. Ceres. Chalchihuitlicue. Challenges. Chamaigenes. “Chandelle magique.” Changelings. Changes at school. Chant. Cheers. Chemical terms. Cherry-tree. Chick-peas. Chief. Chilblains. Child. Child-actor. —adventurer. —birth. —bringer. —carrier. —conjurer. —crucifixion. —dancer. —deity. —dice-thrower. —discoverer. —fetich. “Child-finger.” “Child-fount.” Child-god. —healer. —heroes. —historian. —inventor. —judge. “Child-lake.” Child-language. —leader. —linguist. Child lot-caster. —marriage. —mascot. —musician. —names. —nurses. —oracle. —physician. —poet. —priest. —prophet. —sacrifice. —saint. —shaman. —singer. —societies. —sociology. —soul. —spirit. —stealers. “Child-stone.” Child-study. —teacher. —thaumaturgist. “Child-tree.” “Child-trough.” Child-verdicts. —vision-seer. —weather-maker. —wiseacre. —witch. —words. —worship. and father. and fire. and mother. and music. and nature. and race. and rhythm. Child and spirit-world. and woman. in art. in ceremonial. in language. in moon. in proverbs. in religion. in school. Childhood and age. in art and literature. Childhood’s golden age. Childlessness. Children and fools. as stars. “Children of God.” “Children of hand.” “Children of Light.” “Children of Paul’s.” “Children of sun.” Children’s animals and birds. blood. clothing. courts. ditties. flowers and plants. food. games. holidays. justice. lies. minds. names. parties. paradise. questions. reasonings. rights. Children’s souls. thoughts. tree. Child’s kiss. Chin. “Chip of old block.” Chipmunk. “Choose.” Christ. Christ-child. Christening letter. Christianity. Christmas. —herb. —oracle. Chrysostom, St. Church and children. Cinderella. Cinteotl. Circumcision. Clay-birds. Clocks (flower). Clothing. Clytie. Cock. “Cock-a-doodle-doo.” Cock-robin. Code of honour. Coiffe. Cold. Cold water. Collecting. College-fetiches. —societies. —yells. Colleges, primitive. Colonies (boy). Colt. Comparisons with animals. with plants. Confusion of tongues. Conglomerate. Consent, age of. Constantine. Constructing. C-o-n-t-e-n-t-s. Contents of mind. Corn. “Cornfield.” Cornflower. Corn-goddess. —mother. “Corn-stalk fiddle.” Corn-tobacco. Corn-woman. Counsel, god of. Counting, goddess of. Counting-out rhymes. Courtship-games. “Couvade.” Cows. Crab-hunting. —mother. Crabs. Cradle-goddess. Cradles. Cramps. Crawfish. Creation. Creator. Crepundia. Cries of animals. of birds. Criminal-fetiches. —societies. Crocus. Crossbill. Crowing of babies. of cock. Crumbs. Crying. “Crying for Moon.” Crying, god of. Cub. Cuba. Cubit. Cucalkin. Cuchavira. Cuckoo. Culture-hero. —school. Cunina. Cupid. Curses. Cybele. Cyrus.

Dad. Dada. “Daddy darkness.” “Daddy-nuts.” Daisy. Dam. Dame. Dancing. Dandelion. Daphne. Date-palm. Daughter.. “Davie daylicht.” Dawn-maidens. —mother. Day-father. Days of week. Dead child. hand. mother. Dea mens. Statin Death. “Death-baby.” “Death-eome-quickly.” Death-reaper. Deborah. Deceits. Decoctions. Dedication, Deed-angel. Deformation. Deformed children. Degenerate. Delirium. Demeter. Deudanthropology. Der arme Heinrich. Deucalion. Deus. catus pater. conus. Devastation. “Devil-dances.” Devils. Devil’s grandmother. mother. Dewdrops. Dialects. Dialect-Society. Diaua. Dicentra. Dictionaries. Diespiter. Diminutives. Dionysus. Disappearances. Discovery of medicine. Disease-curers. Disinheritance. Dislocation. Diva edusa.. Diva potina.. Divination. Divinity of childhood. “Doctor born.” Doctors. Dodola. Dogs. Doll-clothing. —congress. —houses. —language. —parties. —shows. —spirits. Dolls. Donkey. “Dove dung.” Doves. Dramatics. Drawing lots. Dreams. Dress. Drink, goddess of. Drink of immortality. “Drunkards.” “Ducks.” “Ducks and Drakes.” “Ducks Fly.” “Duke-a-roving.” Dulness cured. Dumbness. Dwarfs. Dyaus-Pitar. “Dying.”

Eagle. Ears of hare. Earth-father. —flower. —god. —goddesses. —mother. —wife. Easter. “Easter-hare.” Eating. “Eating the roll.” Eden. Education, primitive. Eel-mother. Effigies. Efflux of sun. Egg, cosmic. Eggs. “Eggs of earth.” Eileithyia. Elder. Elder brother. Elder-mother. Eldermen. Eldest son. Elidorus. Elixirs of life. Elizabeth Bathori. Elysium. Embryo. Embryology of society. Emperor-father. Enfanter. Engelhart. EntMndung. Eos. Epilepsy. Epworth League. Equivoques. Erd. Erdenmutter. Eros. Etelmutter. Eternal youth. Ethics. Ethnic origins. Ethnology. Eve. Evil. and good. “Everywhere.” Evolution. “Ewigweibliche (das).” Excesses. “Excrement of gods.” Execution. Ex pede Herculem. Eyes. “Eyes, babies in.”

Fables. Fabulinus. Faculty of speech. Fagging. Fairies. Fairy-beer. —tales. Family. “Farming.” Fasting. Fates. Father. Father Amun. Father animal-god. —balam. —earth. —fire. —frost. —giants. —god. —gods. —heart. —heaven. —king. Fatherhood, lore of. Fatherland. Fatherless. Father-light. —moon. —priest. —right. —river. —sea. —sky. —strong-bird. —sun. Thames. —thumb. —thunder. Tiber. —wind. —worship. and child. as masseur. in Heaven. in Proverbs. of country. of history. of inventions. of medicine. of people. Father (to). “Fathers.” “Fathers, Pilgrim.” “Fathers of the Church.” “Fathers (Our).” Father’s dieting. taboos. Fathom. Faust, Dr. Feast of dead. Feature-plays. “Feeding the dead.” Feet. Female. Female animals. colleges. element. societies. Femina. Fetiches. Fever. Fifth son. Fig-tree. Filet. Filia. Filius. Filly. “Fingerbiter.” Finger-games. —names. —plays. —rhymes. Finger’s breadth. Fingers. F-i-n-i-s. Fire. Fire-father. —grandfather. —mother. —place. and marriage. First-born. First-food. First-kiss. Fishes. Fishing. Fits. Flax. Flesh, goddess of. Flight into Egypt. Flogging. Floral Trinity. Florigeny. Flounder. Flourish. Flower-child. —grandfather. —grandmother. —language. —names. —oracles. —stars. Flowers. Foal. Foetus. Folk-lore of Christmas. —medicine. —thought. Food. goddess of. of gods. —taboos. Foot. “Footing.” Foot-races. Forehead. Foreign words. “Foresters, Junior.” Forget-me-not. Formulæ. Fortune. Fortune-telling. Foster-animals. —children. —mother. Fountains. Fountain of youth. Fran Beretha. Holle. Wachholder. Freia. Frein. Frenulum. Frenum. Fresh. Frenzy. Friday-Mother. “Friday-Night Clubs.” Friendships. “Frog-plant.” “Frog Pond.” Frost. Frost-father. —mother. Fruit. Funeral-plays. —rites.

Gabaurths. “Gabble retchet.” Gabriel. Gæa. Galium. Gambling. Game-formulæ. —oracles. —songs. Games. Gangs. Garden of souls. Gates of heaven. Gaultheria. Gavelkind. Ge. Genesis. Genius. Gens. Genteel. Gentile. Gentle. Genuine. Genus. Geoffrey de Mayence. Geography. Geographical rhymes. Geranium. Germ. Germander. Ghost-hunts. Giants. Giants’ playthings. Giglan de Galles. Girl. Girl-angakoks. Girl-carriers. —dancer. —education. —figure. —inventor. —linguist. —poet. —priest. —rain-maker. —sorcerer, witch. —vision-seer. “Girls and Boys.” Girls’ Friendly Society. Girls, wild. Glastonbury Thorn. Glow-worm. Glüskap (Glooskap). Glyceria. Goats. “Go backs.” Goblins. God, idea of. as begetter. as creator. as father. as mother. as potter. “God’s bird.” Gods and goddesses of childhood. Gods, playthings of. Going out. Gold. Golden Age. of childhood. of love. “Golden Darling.” Golden House. Gold-seers. Good and evil. Goose. Götterburg. Graces. Grammar. —school. “Grandfather.”

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