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as illustrated by Anthropology and History. (Hibbert Lectures, 1891.) London, 1892. xvi, 296 pp. 8vo.

389. American Anthropologist (Washington): Vols. I.-VIII. (1888-1895).

390. American Notes and Queries (Phila.) Vols. I.-VI. (1888-1891).

391. Am Urdhs-Brunnen (Dahrenwurth bei Lunden, Holstein). I.-VII. Bde.



392. Am Ur-Quell (Lunden). I.-VI. Bde. (1890-1895). Continuation of No.



393. ANDERSEN, HANS C.: Fairy Tales and Stories. (Transl. Dr. H. W. Dulcken). N.Y., n.d. iv, 377 pp. 8vo.

394. ASTON, W. G.: Japanese Onomatopes and the Origin of Language. Jour. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. XXIII. (1894), pp. 332-362.

395. BAGEHOT, W.: Physics and Politics. New York, 1887.

396. BANCROFT, H. H.: The Native Races of the Pacific Coast. 5 vols. New York, 1874-1876. 8vo.

397. BARTELS, M.: Die Medicin der Naturvolker: Ethnologische Beitrage zur Urgeschichte der Medicin. Leipzig, 1893. 361 S. 8vo.

398. BASTIAN, A.: Zur naturwissenschaftlichen Behandlungsweise der Psychologie durch und filr die Volkerkunde. Berlin, 1883. xxxviii, 230 S. 8vo.

399. BASTIAN, A.: Die Seele indischer und hellenischer Philosophie in den Gespenstern moderner Geisterscherei. Berlin, 1886. xlviii, 223 S. 8vo.

400. BEKGEN, FANNY D.: Popular American Plant-Names. Jour. Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. V. (1872), pp. 88-106; VI. (1893), pp. 135-142; VII. (1894), pp. 89-104.

401. BLACK, W. G.: Folk-Medicine: A Chapter in the History of Culture. London, 1883. iii, 228 pp. 8vo.

402. BOAS, F.: The Central Eskimo. Sixth Ann. Hep. Bur. Ethnol. (Washington), pp. 399-669.

403. BOAS, F.: British Association for the Advancement of Science. Neweastle-upon-Tyne Meeting, 1889. Fifth Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating and publishing Reports on the Physical Characters, Languages, and Industrial and Social Condition of the NorthWestern Tribes of the Dominion of Canada. First General Report on the Indians of British Columbia. By Dr. Franz Boas. London, 1889. 104 pp. 8vo.

404. BOAS, F.: Sixth Report, etc. Second General Report on the Indians of British Columbia. By Dr. Franz Boas. London, 1890. 163 pp. 8vo.

405. BOAS, F.: Seventh Report, etc. London, 1891. 43 pp. 8vo.

405 a. BOLTON, T. L.: Rhythm. Amer. Jour. Psychol. Vol. VI., pp.



406. BOURKE, J. G.: The Medicine-Men of the Apaches. Ninth, Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol. (1887-88). Washington, 1892 [1893]. pp. 443-603.

407. BOURKE, J. G.: Popular Medicine, Customs and Superstitions of the Rio Grande. Jour. Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. VII. (1894), pp. 119-146.

408. BRAND, J.: Observations on the Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. Ed. Sir H. Ellis. 3 vols. London, 1882-1888.

409. BRINTON, D. G.: The Myths of the New World. A Treatise on the Symbolism and Mythology of the Red Race of America. 2d ed. New York, 1876. 331 pp. 8vo.

410. BRINTON, D. G.: American Hero-Myths. A Study in the Native Religions of the Western Continent. Philadelphia, 1882. 261 pp. 8vo.

411. BRINTON, D. G.: Essays of an Americanist. Philadelphia, 1890. 489 pp. 8vo.

412. BRINTON, D. G.: The American Race. A Linguistic Classification and Description of the Native Tribes of North and South America. New York, 1891. 392 pp. 8vo.

413. BRINTON, D. G.: Nagualism. A Study in Native American Folk-Lore and History. Philadelphia, 1894. 65 pp. 8vo.

414. BKINTON, D. G.: Ancient Nahuatl Poetry. Philadelphia, 1887. viii, 9-177 pp. 8vo.

415. BUSK, R. H.: The Folk-Lore of Rome. London, 1874.

416. BUSK, R. H.: The Valleys of Tirol, Their Traditions, etc. London,



417. CALLAWAY, Rev. Canon: Religious System of the Amazulu. London, 1870. viii, 448 pp. 8vo.

418. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: The Prehistoric Naturalist. University Quarterly Rev. (Toronto). Vol. I. (1890), pp. 179-197.

419. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: Nanibozhu among the Otchipwe, Mississagas, and other Algonkian Tribes. Journ. Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. IV. (1891), pp. 193-213.

420. CLARK, W. P.: The Indian Sign-Language, etc. Philadelphia, 1885. 443 pp. 8vo.

421. CLODD, E.: The Childhood of Religions. New York, 1883. 5lpp. 8vo.

422. CLOUSTON, W. A.: Popular Tales and Fictions; Their Migrations and Transformations. 2 vols. London, 1887. xvii, 485; vii, 515 pp. 8vo.

423. CRAWFORD, J. M.: The Kalevala. New York, 1888. 2 vols. 8vo.

423 a. CULIN, S.: Notes of Palmistry in China and Japan. Overl. Mo., 1894. pp. 476-480.

424. CUSHING, F. H.: Zuni Fetiches. Sec. Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol. (1880-81), Washington, 1883, pp. 3-45.

425. DAWSON, G. M.: Notes on the Shushwap People of British Columbia. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 1891, Sect. II., pp. 3-44.

426. DAY, LAL BEHARI: FolkTales of Bengal. London, 1889. VII., 284 pp. 8vo.

427. DE GUBERNATIS, A.: Zoological Mythology, or the Legends of Animals. 2 vols. London, 1872. xxvii, 432; viii, 442 pp. 8vo.

428. DE GUBERNATIS, A.: La Mythologie des Plantes, ou Legendes du Regne Vegetal. Paris. Tome I., 1878; Tome II., 1882.

429. DAVIDS, W. R.: Buddhist Birth-Stories (Ed. Fausboll). London, 18—.

430. Dialect Notes (Amer. Dialect Soc.). Cambridge, Mass., 1890-1894. Parts I.-VII., pp. 1-355.

431. DIRKSEN, C.: Ostfriesische Sprichworter und sprichwortliche Redensarten mit historischen und sprachlichen Amnerkungen. I. Heft (Zweite Aufl). Ruhrort, 1889. 109 S. 8vo.; II. Heft. Ruhrort, 1891. 95 S. 8vo.

432. DODGE, R. I.: Our Wild Indians. Hartford, Conn., 1890. xxxix, 653 pp. 8vo.

433. DORSET, J. O.: A Study of Siouan Cults. Eleventh Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol. (1889-90). Washington, 1894. pp. 351-544.

434. DOUGLAS, R. K.: Confucianism and Taouism. London (S. P. C. K.), n.d. 287 pp. 12mo.

435. DYER, T. F. T.: The Folk-Lore of Plants. New York, 1889. 328 pp. 8vo.

436. DYER, T. F. T.: Church-Lore Gleanings. London, 1891. vi, 352pp. 8vo.

437. EELLS, REV. M.: The Twana Indians of the Skokomish Reservation in Washington Territory. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Surv, of Territ. III. (1877), pp. 57-114.

438. ELLIS, A. B.: The Tshi-speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa. Their Religion, Manners, Customs, Laws, Language, etc. London, 1887. vii, 343 pp. 8vo.

439. ELLIS, HAVELOCK: The Criminal. London, 1890. viii, 337 pp. 8vo.

440. EMERSON, ELLEN R.: Indian Myths, or Legends, Traditions, and Symbols of the Aborigines of America, compared with those of other Countries. Boston, 1884. xviii, 667 pp. 8vo.

441. ERMAN, A.: Aegypten und aegyptisches Leben im Altertum. 2 Bde. Tübingen, 1885. xvi, 350 S.; viii, 351-742 S. Kl. 4to.

442. FARRAR, F. W.: The Life of Christ as Represented in Art. New York,



443. FEWKES, J. W.: A Summer Ceremonial at the Tusayan Pueblos. Journ. Amer. Arch, and Ethnol. I. (1891), pp. 1-62; II. (1892), pp. 1-160.

444. FEWKES, J. W.: The Na-ác-nai-ya: A Tusayan Initiation Ceremony. Journ. Amer. folk-Lore. Vol. V. (1892), pp. 189-221.

445. FLETCHEE, ALICE C.: Indian Songs. Personal Studies of Indian Life. Century (New York). Vol. XLVII. (1893-4), pp. 421-431.

446. FLETCHER, ALICE C.: A Study of Omaha Music, etc. Archoeol. and Ethnol. Papers of Peab. Mus. (Cambridge, Mass.). Vol. L, No. 5, 1893, pp. vi, 152. 8vo.

447. FLETCHEE, R.: Myths of the Robin Redbreast in Early English Poetry. Amer. Anthrop. Vol. II. (1889), pp. 97-118.

448. FOLKARD, RICHARD, JR.: Plant Lore, Legends, and Lyrics, embracing the Myths, Traditions, Superstitions, and Folk-Lore of the Plantkingdom. London, 1884. xxiv, 610 pp. 8vo.

449. Folk-Lore Journal (London). Vol. VII. (1889).

450. FRAZER, J. G.: The Golden Bough. A Study in Comparative Religion. 2 vols. London and New York, 1890.

451. FRAZER, J. G.: Totemism. Edinburgh, 1887. viii, 96 pp.

451 a. FRAZER, J. G.: Primitive Theories of the Soul. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. XV. pp. 64-104.

452. FREYTAG, L.: Pflanzen-Aberglauben in den Alpen. Am Urdhs-Brunnen, 1888-9. S. 33-41, 49-52.

453. FRIEND, H.: Flowers and Flower-Lore. 2 vols. London, 1884. xvi, 352, 353-704 pp. 8vo.

454. FRISCHBIER, H.: Volksglauben aus Preussen. I. Kindheit. Am Urquell. I. Bd. (1890), S. 132-134, 151-152, 164-165.

455. GATSCHET, A. S.: The Klamath Indians of SouthWestern Oregon (Dept. of Int. U. S. Geogr. and Geol. Surv., etc.). (Contrib. to North Amer. Ethnol. Vol. II., Washington, 1890.) Pt. I., cvi, 711 pp.; Pt. II., 711 pp. 4to.

456. GATSCHET, A. S.: The Karankawa Indians. (_Arch, and Ethnol. Papers, Peab. Mus._, Vol. I., No. 2). Cambridge, Mass., 1891. viii, 9-103 pp. 8vo.

456 a. GERBER, A.: Great Russian Animal Tales. Public Mod. Lang. Assoc. Amer. Vol. VI. (1891), No. 2.

457. GIBBS, G.: Tribes of Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon. Contrib. to North Amer. Ethnol. (U. S. Geogr. and Geol. Surv., etc.). Vol. I. (1877), pp. 157-361.

458. GILL, W. W.: Myths and Songs of the South Pacific. London, 1876. xxiv, 328 pp. 8vo.

459. GILL, W. W.: The South Pacific and New Guinea, Past and Present. Sydney (N. S. W. Govt.), 1892. 38 pp. 8vo.

460. GOMME, G. L.: Ethnology in Folk-Lore. New York, 1892. vii, 203 pp.

461. GOMME, G. L.: The Village Community. London, 1890. xi, 299 pp.

462. GRIMM, J.: Teutonic Mythology. Transl. J. S. Stallybrass. 4 vols. London, 1880-1888.

463. GRIMM, GEBR.: Kinder-und Haus-Märchen gesammelt durch die Gebr. Grimm, Stuttgart-Wien. 189-. v, 466. S. 4to.

464. GRINNELL, G. B.: Blackfoot Lodge Tales. The Story of a Prairie People. New York, 1892. xv, 310 pp. 8vo.

465. GRINNELL, G. B.: Pawnee Hero-Stories and FolkTales, with Notes on the Origin, Customs, and Character of the Pawnee People. New York, 1889. Cr. 8vo.

466. GUPPY, H. B.: The Solomon Islands and their Natives. London, 1887. xvi, 384 pp. 8vo.

466 a. HAAS, A.: Rügensche Sagen und Märchen. Greifswald, 1891.

467. HALE, HORATIO: The Aryans in Science and History. Pop. Sci. Mo. (New York), March, 1889, pp. 677-686.

468. HARLEY, T.: Moon-Lore. London, 1885. xvi, 296 pp. 8vo.

469. HENDERSON, W.: Notes on the Folk-Lore of the Northern Counties of England and the Borders. New ed. London, 1879. xviii, 391 pp. 8vo.

470. HENNE AM RHYN, O.: Die Kultur der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft in vergleichender Darstellung. 2 Bde. Danzig-Leipzig-Wien, 1890.

471. HITCHCOCK, E.: The Ainos of Yesso, Japan. Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus. (Washington), 1890. pp. 429-502.

472. HOFLEH, M.: Wald—und Baumkultus in Beziehung zur Volksmedizin. Munohen, 1892. viii, 170 S. 8vo.

473. HOFFMAN, W. J.: The Mide’wiwin, or “Grand Medicine Society” of the Ojibwa. Seventh Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol. (1885-86), Washington, 1891, pp. 143-300.

474. HOPF, L.: Thierorakel und Orakelthiere in alter und neuer Zeit. Eine ethnol.-zool. Studie. Stuttgart, 1888. xi, 271 S. 8vo.

475. HOSE, C. A.: Journey up the Baranu River to Mount Dulit and the Highlands of Borneo. Geogr. Journ. (London), Vol. I. (1893), pp.



476. IHERING, J. VON: Die kunstliche Deformirung der Zahne. Ztschr. f. Ethnol. XIV. Bd. (1882), S. 213-262.

477. IM THURN, E. F.: Among the Indians of Guiana. London, 1883. xvi, 445 pp. 8vo.

478. IRVING, J. T.: Indian Sketches. New York and London, 1888.

479. JOEST, W.: Tatowiren, Narbenzeichnen und Korperbemalung. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Ethnologic. Berlin, 1890. x, 112 S.

480. Journal of American Folk-Lore (Cambridge, Mass.). Vols. I.-VIII.



481. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (London). Vols. I.-XXIV. (1872-1895).

482. KLEMM, G.: Allgemeine Culturgeschichte der Menschheit. 10 Bde. Leipzig, 1843-52.

483. KOHLER, C. S.: Das Thierleben im Sprichwort der Griechen und Romer. Nach Quellen und Stellen in Parallele mit den deutschen Sprichwortern. Leipzig, 1881.

484. LANG, A.: Custom and Myth. 2d ed. London, 1885. 312 pp. 8vo.

485. LANG, A.: Myth, Ritual, and Religion. 2 vols. London, 1887. xvi, 340; vii, 370 pp. 8vo.

486. LEFEVRE, A.: Mythologie du monde mineral; lecon professee a I’ecole d’anthropologie. Rev. de Trad. Pop. Nov. 1889.

487. LEGGE, J.: The Life and Works of Mencius. Philadelphia, 1875. vii, 402 pp. 8vo.

488. LELAND, C. G.: The Algonquin Legends of New England. 2d ed. Boston, 1885. xviii, 379 pp. 8vo.

489. LETOURNEAU, CH.: The Origin of Literary Form. Pop. Sci. Mo. (New York). Vol. XLIII. (1893), pp. 673-682.

490. LETOURNEAU, CH.: L’Evolution Litteraire dans les diverses Races humaines. Paris, 1894. 582 pp. 8vo.

491. LETOURNEAU, CH.: L’Evolution Religieuse dans les diverses Races humaines. Paris, 1892.

492. LIPPERT, J.: Die Religionen der europaischen Kulturvolker,

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