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Book online «How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You, Leil Lowndes [romantic story to read .txt] 📗». Author Leil Lowndes

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propinquity show that Cupid's arrow does not travel far. In fact, one study tells us the median distance traveled by an unskilled worker to find his Page 24

spouse is just five blocks9. Unless you've pitched your tent in the middle of the Sahara, you don't have to venture far for your hunting expedition. You'll outfit yourself with some new knowledge and, armed with the techniques in this book, you can start tracking Quarry very close at hand.

You've heard the wail of unsuccessful lovers: "I'm looking for love in all the wrong places, looking for love in all the wrong faces." That's not the real problem. Most have been looking for love in all the wrongways.

Theatrical performers know they need a different set of skills to get cast from an audition than they need to sustain a role on stage. They must immediately knock producers out with their talent, sometimes in one minute or less. Likewise, you need different skills to make someone fall in love with you than you need to keep a relationship warm for a lifetime. You must knock your Quarry out—sometimes in the first minute or less. Without that strong first kick, he or she might never get to know you, let alone fall in love with you.

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Let's say you get lucky tomorrow and spot a Potential Love Partner. He or she is sitting on the steps reading a book. Or standing in a museum studying a painting.

Or getting on the bus. Or waiting in line at the bank cash machine.

You sneak a second peek. Something about the stranger revs up your internal factory, and a PEA little dollop goes squirting through your veins.

Maybe it's her looks, the way he moves, something she's wearing. Her aura? Is this love at first sight?

Does love at first sight even exist?

Well, that's a semantics question. Instant desire, or lust at first sight, definitely exists. However, the scientific world pretty well agrees that love at first sight is merely Monday-morning quarterbacking.

A successful love affair, perhaps one leading to marriage, is retrospectively declared to be true love; whereas if one is rebuffed, it is classified . . . as infatuation.'


Semantics aside, one fact remains. Any small stimulus can kick-start love. Your first moves when you spot a Potential

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Love Partner are crucial. If, from that powerful stimulus, love grows, you have every right to call it love at first sight. Nobody will argue with you.

Love at first sight has survived because it is an integral part of the many popular beliefs about romantic love. Romantic love is an important cultural value to America1n1sI.n the same way that a Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality

voodoo curse causes death only in persons who believe in its power to kill them, love at first sight truly exists for those who believe in it.





First Impressions Last Forever

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The first moment your Quarry lays eyes on you has awesome potency. The picture burns its way into his or her eyes and can stay emblazoned in your Quarry's memory forever.

I have a dear friend, an older gentleman named Gerald, who is very sought after in the social scene of his hometown. He is a charming escort for several elderly ladies who long ago lost their husbands.

Gerald met these women when they were all in high school together back in the late 1940OS. His women friends are inwardly beautiful; however, physically, several have gained weight and have long since lost their youthful attractiveness.

Once, at a party, I overheard a rude man tease Gerald about his taste in women. My friend was genuinely confused at the tactless remark.

"But they are allbeautifull!" Gerald exclaimed. He reached into his wallet and pulled out an old, dog-eared black-and-white photograph of his high school homecoming queen and her court.

"See?" Gerald said to the man. Two of the three ladies he was currently escorting were in the photo.

One of them was

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the homecoming queen. To this day, Gerald sees his lady friends as beautiful as they were back in 1948.

Such is the power of first impressions.

Image consultants are paid thousands of dollars to pontificate in boardrooms across America, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression." The adage has been given the exalted status

of a proverb: "First impressions are most lasting." So what else is new?

What's new is this: Even as we enter the 21st century, we don't really comprehend the unbelievable compass and consequence of first impressions. Or on what lilliputian details they are sometimes based.

Gentlemen, one backward baseball cap or gold chain flashing through the hair on your chest can make or break a budding relationship with the lady before you even say "hi." Ladies, one quarter of a turn away when he ventures "hello," can turn the handsome prince back into a frightened frog.

Be Ready for Love—Always!

If first impressions are so crucial and a Potential Love Partner makes the "go/no go" decision within seconds of spotting you, here's the big question: Why do people looking for love spend so much time making themselves attractive when they go out on a date but so little when they take the dog to the vet?

By the time you have the date, your Quarry's first impression of you has already been set. How you look on the date is, of course, important. But it's not nearly as decisive as his or her first glimpse of you.

You don't realize it, but here's the sad truth: You have probably let dozens of get away in PLPS

recent months just because your trap wasn't set—you weren't fixed up for the kill. Hunters, that means you weren't dressed for the part. Huntresses, that means you weren't groomed properly.

Research shows that for men, clothes are more crucial to first impressions. For women, it's her body and face.

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Huntresses, you may well ask, "Is makeup all that important?" Let's go to the studies. Researchers asked men to talk with six different women who sometimes wore makeup, sometimes didn't. Their

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