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Sparrow holds a powerful entity inside of her when she excepts the Arc, however Sparrow doesnt know this and Brandon (Sparrows second best friend who also holds an Arc) and both of them have to defend themselves.The God of Dustruction wants the power inside the entity. He sends two of his warriors to kidnap Sparrow. However the Godess of Life counters by sending two of her warriors to recruit Sparrow. The two sides battle it out in Sparrows world causing chaos to irrupt everywhere.

It is a period following severe political strife in the United States. Questionable tactics used during an election and the open border policy of the new unaccepted president, leave the right side of the poiltical spectrum angry and tense. The accusations of the right regarding the legitimacy of the election and their newly elected president leaves the left side of the political field insulted and ready to defend their leader.

„My people listen to My voice! I am the Word of God. Amen, amen, amen. I speak from heavens again and I protect My speaking upon the earth and I spread the news of the return of the Son of God to all the margins of the heaven and the earth. I am coming the second time to the people from near My Father.”